The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 170 Ch 168: A Break Out [Pt1]

The first day inside the prison passed relatively easily. Yohan felt like he blinked and the day was over for him. Time seemed to hold no importance when you had no one else to talk to.

It was the second day that turned out to be interesting. And it all started with the most unlikely visit to the police station possible. Yohan had to even wonder whether he was dreaming about what was happening.

After all, to see Khole standing in front of him was not something Yohan expected to see.

"So, do you want help breaking out of here? I think I have a few connections that can help you out."

Yohan looked around, only to see the other officers ignoring the talking pair in front of them. They seemed not to care that someone was talking about breaking out of prison in front of them.

Since these officers had not decided to put Khole behind bars, it likely meant that he had enough clearance to not even come here, but also to talk openly about crime.

"Hey, are you sure it is a topic we should talk about openly? We cannot afford for you to be caught up right now."

Khole was the basis for their thrift. His stealing would allow the rebels to gain victory and take control of the central cord. Yohan was also counting on him to provide the needed backup.

"Huh? Oh, that\'s fine. My old man is rather high up on the ladder so he\'ll make sure to cover up for me. He still needs me to further his agenda."

Khole seemed relatively certain of this fact so Yohan decided to believe him just this once. Not that it mattered to him what happened to Khole as long as he gave the rebels thier weapons.

"So, do you want to get out of here? I can help you out."

Khole offered once again and Yohan had to think about it. In the end, he decided to decline because it was a good way to keep Shizue in check. Who knew what else she would do to keep Yohan away from Bernetta?

"Nah, it\'s alright. You all should focus on what I asked of you. I will be let out on the \'final\' day itself so make sure you follow the plan."

"Ok, alright. Then, have fun there. I know those cells can be rather comfortable but don\'t let yourself relax too much."

Khole spoke from experience as he left. Shizue entered the second he was gone, and his eyes asked Yohan what they both talked about.

Yohan just kept his mouth shut as a result of the probing. He did not want to or need to tell Shizue what was happening.

It ticked Shizue off even more and she huffed as she left the scene. But not before she gave Yohan an acidic glare.

"Ouch, man. What did you do to her to make Officer Shizue behave like this?"

Yohan had a list of things that he could consider. But for the sake of keeping face, he was not going to admit to it. So, when the guard asked him this question, Yohan just pulled an innocent face and spoke.

\'I don\'t know. Maybe it\'s because I\'m too popular or something. I should tone down my charms."

The guard turned his face away from Yohan with a disgusted expression and that was the end of that conversation.


Nothing much interesting happened after that visit from Khole. But the frequent updates Yohan got from Diantha and Sid let him know that things were running on track for him by now.

Yohan decided only to move once the central cord had been moved as well. It was the signal they all had agreed on to make their move.

\'It\'s about time for Khole to visit me. Ah, right on time.\'

Yohan could hear the sound of footsteps heading his way and he recognized them as Khole\'s. They had agreed on loud footsteps to alert Yohan about this plan. Yohan needed to hold his breath for the next minute or two.

The door opened and in came the sleeping gas Khole had been experimenting for some time with. It was the first time it would be used on any living specimen and they happened to be local officers.

"Looks like the doze was too strong. I will need to readjust the mixture to make it less potent."

This was the first thing Khole said when he entered the back of the building where Yohan was being kept.

The door opened with relative ease once Khole put his hands on it. The door was designed by him in the first place a long time ago after all. Yohan also stepped out once it was safe to exit.

The gas levels were finally receding and the pair could go out. Somehow, the unconscious people looked like they were almost dead.

"So, was this experiment a success?"

Yohan asked as a way to divert attention from his aching body. Resting for a week had been too much for him it seemed.

"Success? Far from it. I think half the specimen died in the experimental stage but I wanted to see how it would affect human bodies. It seems like this gas still needs more work."

Yohan knew that Khole had no humanity when it came to his experiments. Even human life was not sacred to him and he was ready to sacrifice whatever he could ot achieve his goals.

But to even sacrifice a whole police station filled with people to test out his new gas, now that was a first for him.

"Anyway, our team is on standby for the first part of the plan and they are waiting for your orders. I thought I should tell this to you before those fools went ahead and got themselves in trouble."

Most people when they hear Khole would think that he cared about the people on his side and that was why he was saying these things. But they could not be further away from the truth.

In reality, Khole was worried about the safety of this man-made conductor which was being used by the rebellion. He wanted to monitor them safely and the users needed to live for that to happen.

"Unfortunately, this is not something I can help you with. The rebellion has its role to play, just as I do for myself. Ah, I should also take my leave now. I need to be at the extraction location of the central cord."

Yohan knew that this was the time to make a run for it. If he stood here then he would be forced to participate in Khole\'s experiences.

And he did not have enough time to become a part of that arrangement. Not when the central cord was calling for him this urgently.

"Fine. hurry up and run then. But remember, the authorities will be on your tail soon. After all, I did not break you out in a \'legal\' manner."

Khole did not wait around after he was finished speaking. He needed to be the last person to have a say before leaving.

Usually, it would have irked Yohan for sure but he decided to let Khole be for now. Especially since the man had been such a big help to him.

"Now then, since I am free, I should contact Diantha and ask her to lead the next part of our plan. Then, I should start heading toward the central cord."

With a plan in mind, Yohan quickly used his system to confirm things. He even got the location from Bernetta and quickly headed toward it. He would meet Liza halfway there to gain further access.

Somehow, things were going according to plan but Yohan could not help but feel like he was on a timer. And Bernetta\'s silence also worried Yohan a little bit.

But somehow, he was sure that things would work out for the better. He had a lot of capable people on his side.


"Shizue, what are you doing here? I asked you to stay out of my way if you are not going to help out, right? So, have you finally decided to help us out?"

Bernetta looked toward her lover, knowing that it was her fault things were getting more and more complicated. She needed her lover to finally stop and understand her.

And it finally seemed like Shizue was coming around. It was the first time in a week that Shizue had sought Bernetta out. But still, something about it all seemed as \'off-putting\' to Bernetta and she could not put her hands on what.

"Ah, I am here to help you out. I did some thinking on my own and I had something to say to you, Bern. I am sorry."

Bernetta stopped whatever she was doing to look at her lover. The apology had come out of nowhere so Bernetta wanted to talk with Shizue. If the other girl wanted to help them out, now was the best time to join.

"Sure, I forgive you Shizue. Now, come here and help me out."

There was a sharp pain on Bernetta\'s side and she looked back at Shizue with horror-filled wild eyes as she was injected with something. It hurt a little but the emotional pain was more than the physical one she felt.

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