The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Chapter 159: Abrolle's Spider

This is because spiders have an image of being cunning and cowardly, preying on their enemies through dirty means.

If you compare someone to a spider, it is safe to say that you are trying to humiliate them.

Galiana Milord, the current head of the noble house of Levios, the Viscount Galiana. Although he now goes by the family name of Galiana, he was born a commoner.

Under normal circumstances, a child born to a commoner, or a slave ancestor, would only become a slave ancestor. However, in extremely rare cases, a child would be born that would be classified as the main ancestor.

People believe that these children were born with the blessings of the spirits.

Milord was a perfect example of this, born in the continent of Eruo as a rare commoner of the main ancestor.

A child born with the blessing of the spirits is a threat to the nobility.

The ancestor is born with immense magical power and can defeat a knight alone even at a young age.

This is why nobles hunt for the Patriarch. If the child they find is a boy, they kill him, and if it is a girl, they take her for breeding.

In a world governed by nobility, Milord\'s short life would have been over.

Milord was born in the western part of the continent, struggling in the turbulent waters of the age.

Although the empire had been established by the western hegemon, Emperor Jinkaen, the heat of the turbulent times that had lasted for more than a century was yet to cool down.

The noble families in the western part of the continent were struggling to keep up with the new era of the Jinkaen Empire, and had little resources to devote to hunting for the ancestors in their territories.

Not only were nobles and knights actively involved in the hunt for the ancestors, but snitching was also encouraged. This meant that any village that harbored a blessed child would be destroyed by the nobles.

Milord was raised in secret by his parents, but one day, when he was five years old, a series of unfortunate events led to him being spotted by the villagers.

Regardless of the circumstances, the fact that the village had kept the blessed child a secret for five years was a serious matter, and there was no guarantee that the lord\'s condemnation would stop at the parents\' heads.

Thus, Milord was banished from the village along with his parents, and began his journey of wandering around.

Unlike Milord, who had the strong body of his ancestor, his parents, who had the body of their slave ancestor, could not endure the harsh journey and died within a year.

The young Milord, who was left behind, stood on the edge of despair, but continued his efforts to learn about the world. It was all for the sake of survival.

One day, Milord, who was living like a beggar, came up with the idea of working as a peddler\'s guard.

At that time, the western part of the continent was a hodgepodge of bandits, brigands, and everything in between, making it extremely unsafe. There was always a demand for skilled mercenaries.

Knowing that no peddler would hire a blessed child as an escort, and that commoners could not understand the difference in the amount of magic power between the main ancestor and the sub-ancestor, Milord posed as the sub-ancestor\'s child and ransacked the peddlers.

The employer he was looking for was not a well paid peddler, but a smart peddler.

Milord, who had been wandering around with little knowledge of the world, believed that knowledge was necessary for survival, and he wanted to get close to a peddler who could read, write, and calculate.

Milord\'s teacher had always been a merchant.

One day, a few years later, Milord, who had become accustomed to working as an escort, had the idea to become a peddler himself.

He could now read, write, and do math, and he had learned that he needed money to survive.

By this time, he was able to use the magic to strengthen the strength of his horse, and he had a plan to use the power of his ancestor to peddle goods at high speed.

This idea proved to be correct, and Milord made a name for himself as a merchant.

As he traveled from place to place, Milord learned about the aristocratic society and began to think of ways to get into their pockets rather than running away.

For the aristocracy, who had a great need for goods, Milord\'s fast-moving peddling party was dangerous, but also very useful.

The more the Jinkaen Empire consolidated its system, the more the hunt for the ancestors resurged, but Milord succeeded in surviving under the protection of the noble families he was close to.

Eventually, Milord poured the money he earned into the border city of Nambonan and solidified his position as a member of the council.

Milord did not stop. Because there was hope for him.

When he was a beggar, when he was a peddler\'s guard, when he was a merchant making money, and even after he became a member of the Nambonan Council, he still wanted the same thing.

"I\'d like to be a lord," he\'d always murmured.

If you are born a slave, you can never hope to be one, but if you are a lord, you can .......

Was it inevitable that the money-strapped head of the Galiana family would ask for assistance, or was it a matter of Eruo history?

Milord approached her with a smile, tied her hands together, and then succeeded in squeezing her hand.

The spider of Abrawl.

The nobles called him that because he had risen from a humble background to a man of talent alone in a single generation.

"It seems that Lord Wilk has very good taste."

In a room of the castle that stands on a small hill overlooking the city of Abrawl, the home of the Galiana family, the man known as the spider smiles a wry smile.

He and his old friend are the only ones in the large room, and there are no guards or servants. The sound of empty goblets on the desk echoed well.

"You were right, he was an unusual man."

As if in response to Milord\'s voice, he too drank the goblet in one gulp and placed it on the desk.

He, Doran, the head of the Gandolan Trading Company, had been Milord\'s merchant companion and friend since their commoner days. Even now that he is an aristocrat, he is still Milord\'s confidant.

"I\'m sure it\'s a lot of work for Oras to put on a play with the legitimate son of the Quardenze family. I would have liked to have participated in it anyway."

The other day, Dolan had just returned to Abrawl City, where the company\'s head office is located, after finishing a business meeting in Nambonan City.

In the past, Milord has set up private venues without the Galiana family\'s guards or servants to invite acquaintances from his days as a merchant and gather information.

As usual, Doran was summoned to the castle this time, and as soon as he heard about the business meeting, Milord became very interested.

He thought it was just a story about selling elf sex slaves to the city of Nambonan, but somehow it turned into a play where the legitimate son of a marquis and a commoner performed together. It was such an unexpected turn of events that Milord could not catch up for a moment.

"I don\'t want to do another play that makes me so nervous."

"Hahaha! I bet you do!"

The name of the great noble family, the Quardenze, is too heavy for a commoner to bear, and if they were displeased, he may be reduced to ashes the next moment.

For Doran, the business meeting was literally a life-threatening one.

As an ex-commoner and ex-merchant, Milord understood that feeling to the point of belly laughing.

After listening to the whole episode of Wilk\'s slave purchase, Milord opens his mouth while pouring himself a drink by hand.

"...... So, what\'s next?"

"It\'s gonna work."

Dolan talks about the feeling of the business meeting, and tells us that Wilk seemed to be interested in a slave who specializes in sexual skills.

From the way Wilk was acting, Dolan read that there was a good chance that a purchase call would come.

"I\'m glad to see you\'re not just another nobleman." Milord said as he put his fist on his crotch and made his thumb stand up straight. While many aristocratic men are timid about their sexuality, Wilk\'s strong sexual desire is very rare.

Even when it comes to selling sex slaves, there are only two at most that can be sold to one nobleman. Doran was happy to have caught a big customer, but he felt that he would have a lot of heartache if he had to do the same play every time.

"It had been a while since he\'d been to New Nelly City, but it had been even worse. It was like you were possessed by your libido."

This was the story of a visit to New Nellie City with Eve and several sex slaves.

What Dolan didn\'t know was that Wilk\'s sexual appetite was at an all-time high due to his masturbation abstinence, so he had a lot of energy.

"...... And you\'ve put a lot into that, haven\'t you?"

"I\'m just a merchant in noble clothes. I have to keep investing to survive." Milord replies with a mouthful of snack nuts and a popping sound.

"But is it safe? I\'m too biased towards the Quardenze family. ......"

House Galiana\'s Foreign Policy......No, Galiana Milord\'s foreign policy is to focus on the Quardenze family.

However, there are many members of the Galiana family who disagree with this.

"The Aterahans?"

"Well, you know what I mean.

The Galiana territory is sandwiched between the Aterahan family, who is the first in the north of the kingdom, and the Quardenze family, who is the first in the west.

This is why the Galiana family was divided on which side should be given priority in diplomacy.

In addition, the opinion that the Aterahan family should be given priority is overwhelmingly more common. This is because the Aterahan family is closer to the Galiana family than the Aterahan family.

"The Aterahans are closer to us than we are to them. The closer I get to House Aterahan, the more my position is compromised."

Even though he was the current head of the Galiana family, Milord\'s position was a delicate one.

There are a lot of people who don\'t like the idea of Milord hiding in the house of Galiana as an adopted son at the instigation of the previous head of the family who was in financial trouble.

As soon as he became the head of the family, he made full use of his ability and connections from his days as a commoner to rebuild the family\'s finances, and no one could blame him.

But that was only until the reconstruction was completed.

Once the finances are sound, the only things that will remain are the surplus territories and the commoner-born heads of the families. It was obvious that they would want to get rid of the latter.

Milord has been cooperating with the Quardenze family in various ways. For example, he advised them to take control of Nambonan City.

He fully supported the invasion of Nambonan City, and has been helping them even after the occupation. Gaining the confidence of the Marquis of Quardenze was necessary for his own safety.

For the Galiana family members to pull down Milord, who is committed to the Quardenze family, would lead to hostility.

Milord has established a formula that if he were to be eliminated, he would be viewed as an enemy by the Quardenze family.

"I guess they don\'t like commoners."

"So I\'m just a hired nobleman. I can\'t use magic as well as a real noble, and I\'m not as strong."

"Is that how it is?"

"That\'s the way it is. You can\'t allow yourself to get down with a diminutive spider that is weak and can only make money."

Having risked his life to survive in the aristocratic society, Milord knew very well how giving in to the weak is an act that hurts the dignity of the nobility.

"Huh, the Aterahans, the most powerful family in the kingdom. ...... Very silly. A noble family bound by old ideas."

Milord understood, but had no sympathy for the idea that force is the proof of a ruler.

When he said that the merchants were just wearing the clothes of the nobility, he meant it.

"It\'s the same for all nobles, isn\'t it? The reason why the Galiana\'s are so close to the Aterahan\'s is because they are attracted to warriors."

Doran said this, but in reality, he was more frightened than attracted to her.

The Galiana family is not strong enough to make an enemy of the Aterahan family, which is regarded as the strongest force in the kingdom, not only among the nobility but also among the commoners.

The nobles are not all the same. You know better than anyone that there are some unusual nobles who put on a show to buy slaves.

"Yes, well..."

"Lord Wilk is an interesting nobleman, yes ....... Interesting."

Feeling Milord\'s voice become serious, Dolan remained silent and waited for the next words.

Milord slowly continued, his face tilted upward and his eyes narrowed as if he was tracing a memory.

"I\'m not sure how many years ago ...... it was when I first spoke with Wilk-dono, and he said at the time. He told me that the time of the aristocracy would eventually end."

Dolan rolled his eyes at the fact that the heir to the Quardenze family, the noblest of the noble families, had spoken words of self-denial.

Milord confirmed the situation and asked Dolan what he thought.

"I hadn\'t thought of that. But I didn\'t think that the legitimate son of the Quardenze family would be anticipating the restoration of the Holy High Society. ......"

When Dolan mistakenly thought that the age of priests would return, Milord waved his hand in denial.

"The Lord Wilk said that a new era is coming."

"A new era?"

"Yes. The age of faith and priests is over, and the age of military might and nobility has arrived. Just like that, he said, new values and new rulers will make the present a thing of the past."

For a nobleman who was tied to the land and tended to be inward-looking and conservative, Wilk\'s words seemed very fresh to Milord.

By the way, Wilk had been thinking about the content of his advanced talk since the night before, in order not to be underestimated as a member of the Quardenze family by the "Abrolle\'s spider" whom he was meeting for the first time.

Wilk, who was not obsessed with the supremacy of the aristocracy\'s military might, honestly appreciated and was wary of Milord\'s capitalistic rise to power.

"That\'s an interesting thought. So, what comes after the age of nobility?"

"The age of authority and kings is coming. The age of kings with absolute power. From a decentralized system that ruled each region, comes the age of centralized power with an authoritative and absolute king at the top."

Wilk, who had memorized the world history of Earth, spoke of the coming of absolute monarchy as if it were his own idea.

"Authority and Kings ....... A form like the Kingdom of Voistra?"

"The Kingdom of Voistra, the kingdom destroyed by Emperor Zinkhaen, was a ruling system similar to an absolute monarchy."

It is a rare country where the main ancestor kneeled to the main ancestor, the king, and was completely subordinate to him.

"That\'s right. I\'ve heard that it\'s more like the state that Emperor Jin Kahen was aiming for."

The goal of the Zinkhaen Empire was to centralize power and strengthen the royal authority.

They are trying to learn from the lack of cohesion of the noble families in the Kingdom of Levios, their predecessor state. However, the current situation is a setback.

"I see."

"Doran, we have more to talk about."

Milord continued to talk to Dolan, who was about to conclude that Wilk was a fan of Emperor Zinkhaen.

He was about to conclude that Wilk was a fan of the emperor.

"The age of authority and kings is coming. Then, what will come after that? Lord Wilk answered without hesitation."

"Oh, what?"

But Milord didn\'t answer right away. It wasn\'t that he was pushy. He couldn\'t speak because he remembered the excitement that had arisen when he heard it.

"...... is the age of freedom and the people. They say it will bring down the age of kings."

Doran spat with a gulp.

"By the people, you mean the common people?"

"That\'s right. ...... Isn\'t Lord Wilk interesting? What nobleman would dare to say that the time of the common people is coming?"

Doran\'s smile deepened when he saw Milord speaking in a good mood.

It was because he understood the real reason for his recent devotion to the Quardenze family.

"There is one more person. You, Milord."

Milord disliked the way of thinking of the nobles, who uniformly looked down on the commoners as powerless people.

It is true that without the power of the nobility, the earth would not be able to be protected. However, without the commoners, they would not be able to provide even a single grain of wheat or a single weapon.

Milord, who had dealt in many goods as a peddler, believed that the day would come when the power of the commoners would surpass the power of the nobles.

His desire to become a lord and nobleman was rooted in his wish to develop the power of the commoners to the fullest without the interference of the nobles.

Milord laughed at Dolan\'s point and stirred his drink.

"The ...... Quardenze family is going to turn."

In a voice so low it melted in the darkness, Milord spoke.

"What would happen if we destroyed all of the old Voistra factions in the Empire and annexed them as fiefdoms? If you only look at the potential of the territories, they would surpass the Levios royal family."

Like a snake devouring its prey, the former Voistra Kingdom would be swallowed whole by the Quardenze family.

If you simply think about it, there is no doubt that they will surpass the Levios in terms of food production and population.

"Will it be that easy?"

"No, it won\'t. The old Voistra is exhausted from the prolonged war and the centipede\'s legs will be entangled."

The most troublesome problem with invading another territory is the remnants of the knightly family.

The relationship between nobles and knights is similar to that between parents and children. Knights are unlikely to betray their masters, the nobles.

Therefore, when the noble family, which is the boss of the knight family, is destroyed, the people of the knight family, who have nowhere else to go, are prepared to die a martyr\'s death in order to avenge their master\'s enemies.

Since the members of the knightly family have many followers and are familiar with the land, it is very difficult to suppress them.

These problems were described as centipede legs getting entangled.

A centipede with a crushed head has no choice but to die, but if you try to stop it, it can get entangled in your still moving legs.

Clearing a new territory takes a lot of work, and the power of a territory does not increase overnight.

Even more so when it comes to feeding off the great power of the old Voistra.

The potential of the territory may surpass that of the Leviathans, but it will take many years for the real power to return.

Isn\'t the question whether we can defeat them before they\'re leveled?"

"Castle Raishleaf. ...... Voistra\'s Great Shield?"

In the past, the Kingdom of Voistra was invaded by Emperor Zinkhaen.

This is a war against a large army directly led by the Emperor Jin Kahen, who is known as the Dragon of the West Sea, the son of turbulent times, the Sun Emperor, the High King, the King of Heroes ......, and many other names.

The battle began at Raishleaf Castle, a key defensive position and a cover for the entrance to the Voistra Plains, and ended in victory for the defenders, the Kingdom of Voistra.

However, when the King of Voistra learned of Emperor Zinkhaen\'s strength in this battle, he chose to surrender and join the Empire soon after.

Whatever the case, the achievement of preventing the invasion of the Jinkaen Emperor was widely known throughout the continent.

It was a common understanding throughout the continent that it would not be easy to defeat the hardest shield protecting the Voistra Plains, the castle of Raishleaf.

"The military commander said it would take ten years for the current Quardenze army to defeat Castle Raishleaf."

"Ten years. ...... That\'s a bit of a stretch. General Galfis is old, can he still be on the battlefield in ten years? ......"

Galfis, Wilk\'s grandfather, was already in his eighties. Although the main ancestor was strong, it would be hard for him to stand on the battlefield in his nineties.

"I\'d like to see you stand there, Wilk-dono. He may be an important son, but the Marquis of Quardenze is a bit overprotective."

"But there\'s only one boy in the family, right? I can understand why you don\'t want him to be on the battlefield, where he could be in danger."

Milord snickered at Dolan\'s opinion.

"Ha, what danger is there? There are not many nobles who can harm Lord Wilk. The first time he showed that magic power ...... in his first battle, it was terrifying."

Milord participated in the battle for the city of Nambonan, where he learned of Wilk\'s magical power.

Just remembering it made his arms milky and his voice quiet.

"Was it that great?"

Milord did not reply to Dolan\'s question.

It was as if he was being told that he could not express himself in words.

"...... Well, okay. If it takes ten years for the castle to be built, and then five years for the invasion of Othelloria City, that\'s fifteen years. By that time, Wilk-dono might be sitting at the head of the Quardenze family."

"That\'s quite possible."

In fifteen years, the seeds Wilk-dono sowed will have grown into splendid squires. There will be no shortage of human resources in the Knight family. There will be no shortage of knightly talent, which will make things much easier after the annexation.

To start a new reign, you need knights, and that means you need squires.

If you look at Wilk, who has already done so much, it is easy to imagine the rush of talent in 15 years.

"It\'s that Wilk-dono who will rule over New Nelly City and Othelloria City, the Quardenze territory that has annexed these two major cities. Doesn\'t that excite your heart?"

"Indeed, ......."

Although still almost unknown among the nobility, the name of Quardenze Wilk is spreading among the merchants.

As a nobleman who not only thinks up and implements innovative products and systems, but also has a flexible mind that understands the civil government of Nambonan City. What would happen if that Wilk ruled two major cities in the middle of the continent? ......

Doran felt his own heart pounding.

"I am." Milord said.

I\'ve always wanted to see what Lord Wilk meant by a time of commoners. A new era.

It was as if he was spilling it out.

"I want dream a new dream."

The man who had dreamed of being a lord was now about to dream a new dream.

"I\'m a commoner. I don\'t think I\'ll live to see that age."

His eyes were bright and shining. They are the same eyes that I saw when I decided to escort the peddler.

"If so, at least let me see the time of the king."

If the age of kings would eventually lead to the age of commoners, ending the age of nobles would be the path to his dream.

The spider, who had longed to be a nobleman, was now about to move beyond that.

"It\'s a good thing I\'m a merchant because I can invest in the future. That\'s right, the target is ......."

It was no longer Viscount Galiana who was there. It was the merchant Milord.

"Quardenze Wilk, King of the Unified Continent."

"A commoner could become a nobleman, there is no way that a nobleman could become a king of nobles."

Doran\'s eyes widened at these words, and Milord laughed out loud.

The men who talked about their dreams were always pure and innocent.

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