Villainess Is Changing Her Role To A BroCon

Chapter 170

Alexei smiled and pulled his sister’s hand.

“Then let’s go home to our castle.”

“Big Brother, Big Brother, is the Lord and Master of the Castle.”

“I told you I am your servant.”

Ekaterina pondered as her brother led her by the hand to the carriage.

Big Brother, I still feel that the word “servant” was wrong, so please don’t say it in public too often.

But Big Brother was a siscon, so I guess Alexei couldn’t help it.


The convoy of carriages, protected by many knights, became as spectacular and prominent as a parade, partly because the two standard-bearers, one at the front and the other at the back, were carrying the duke’s coat-of-arms the knighthood’s flag side by side.

The carriage followed the cobblestone street leading to Yurinova Castle, the main residence of the duke. The roads, built in the days of the ancient Astra Empire, continued to be used by the countries that were once part of the empire even after a thousand years had passed.

In this way, the Astra Empire closely resembled the Roman Empire of Earth, which was also from a previous era.

As we passed through the villages along the road, villagers came out of their homes to wave and cheer the siblings, and Ekaterina was happy to see the commonfolk’s show of adoration and support for Alexei.

The children, especially the boys, seemed to be looking up at the knights on horseback, their eyes sparkling with admiration. Some children followed them at a trot for a while; surely, the knights were their heroes.

Ekaterina smiled and waved as her eyes met those of the villagers and children. In her previous life, she would have thought that she was a celebrity, which would have been unbecoming of her. But she knew that if she wanted to increase her brother’s popularity among the villagers, she would dig a hole in the ground and bury it.

Alexei just smiled and said he wasn’t good at such things, so he didn’t look outside the carriage.

If that were the case, I would do my best to make up for Big Brother! said

Ekaterina, who was trying her best to be more sociable with the masses.

… Though I was a little worried about the demand for the villainess’s affection.

“Big Brother, the children, they are adorable. I’m sure they think they are knights with their equipment like that.”

When Ekaterina mentioned this, Alexei also looked out the window and smiled at the sight of a small child with a pot over his head and a tree branch swinging around.

There was even a young mother beside the little child, who was smiling at the young duke and blushing (a misunderstanding).

“You’re a big help to me, you know.”

Alexei said sincerely, and Ekaterina was easily pleased.

Big Brother said I helped!

“I would be pleased to be of service to Big Brother. However, it is only because of Big Brother’s past administration that the people are so welcoming. I would like to show those who disrespect Big Brother how much the people support him.”

“Clever as always.”

Alexei smiled.

One of the goals of this conspicuous line of carriages, and the leisurely pace with an overnight stop along the way, was to elicit a response from the territory’s residents. This was to show the minor nobles of the domain that Alexei had the support of the knights and the people of the domain.

This was probably the plan of Novak, Rozen, and other senior figures rather than Alexei himself. Ekaterina, who understood their intentions without saying a word, and who would follow up on her own to shore up on his brother’s weakness, must have been factored into the plan.

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