The Editor Is the Novel’s Extra

Chapter 150

What filled the space between Vesna’s slow words was more than a degree of enthusiasm and suppressed sadism. Kleio hid his trembling as he sucked in the last puff of smoke the cigarette had to offer. It seemed that Vesna hadn’t read his heart.

‘I don’t want the attention of a crazy torturer.’

“Is there anything special about me? Compared to patriots such as Kision, I’m only a student.”

“Ah, you seem worried for your own sake, right?”

“Since I’ve seen such summons, isn’t it natural? I’m also worried about any misunderstandings or blame on my classmate’s father.”

“You’re very mindful of your friends. Don’t worry too much. The young Kision and Tanpet de Neju are also under investigation.”

‘Ah. Did they apprehend us all at once? Cel is Arthur’s financier, so if they focus on that, they will be able to squeeze some evidence out.’

When Kleio didn’t answer, Vesna licked her lips and took out another cigarette. Her attitude seemed to say there was no need to rush. She hadn’t asked Kleio any questions since entering the cell.

‘I’ve defended myself, but if these guys decide to go and dig; Kision won’t be able to lie until the end. Why on earth did we need to be arrested… ah.’

Understanding came to him unconsciously. While looking at Vesna’s idiomatic expression, the evidence arranged themselves in his mind to form enlightenment. It was Vesna’s job to hold Kleio, not to interrogate or change his mind.

‘And she hasn’t said anything about Arthur. That’s the most alarming.’

What one didn’t say told as much as what they did. There was no way they couldn’t dig up the association between Viscount Kision and Arthur. So, Kleio preempted them.

“So, where is Arthur?”

Vesna smiled, shallow wrinkles forming around her eyes, finely showing off this aging woman’s madness.

“I don’t have the right to answer that question. But if I would like to express my favor, let’s say that there aren’t a lot of questions or answers from Arthur.”

It felt like the floor dropped out from under him.

‘Did they bring Arthur in too? What are they doing to him?’

“My holy master, my lord, who knows the right ways of the world, granted me the duty of servitude to provide him with the answers he desires.”

Vesna’s eyes were filled with a type of maddened devotion as she spoke of Melchior, confirming it. Vesna was still a devout believer in the prince. Melchior Riognan was the new god she found in this world without the Goddess.

“Then, I hope Sir Kleio has a comfortable time.”

As Vesna glanced around, the soldier standing at the door stepped outside and began to whisper. At the same time, he could hear the sound of a key as a subtle golden color began to leak from the border between the wall and the ceiling. Now he knew for sure. The entire cell was within range of [Soundproofing] and [Shielding], including the magic formula [Stop] and [Block]. It was a tiplaum device that even added the [Voice][Amplification] formulas for notifications. Kleio let out a deep sigh.

‘That’s why there wasn’t much tiplaum in the market right now; the crown prince is hoarding it to liven up the prison first.’

It was his fault for not considering that Melchior could’ve exploited tiplaum this way. Fortunately, the formulas engraved weren’t perfect, so it didn’t block ether as precisely as the original suppression tool. The tiplaum wire embedded in the wall was also thin, and he was able to detect a poorly connected part with Perception. With Kleio’s ability, he could’ve crushed it right away.

‘But doing that will be spreading the idea that I am involved in the treason. I have to use my head, damn it!’

The ominous scent of blood left in this dungeon became fuel for his worries. He had to suppress his anxiety as he persuaded himself.

‘Melchior won’t kill Arthur. He knows that when Arthur dies, the same life will repeat itself.’

But that also meant he could do anything so long as he didn’t die. Kleio grew more nervous. If there were a crisis in Arthur’s life, the world would begin to shake. At that point, there was no reason to be held in jail any longer. He began to cycle his ether, preparing to wipe out any obstacles with fierce magic at any moment.


Two days passed. The harsh light above Kleio’s head never went out; its glare was so painful at times that he had to cover his eyes with his coat. Almost none of the soldiers in the navy uniforms standing guard had ethereal sensitivity, but they silently obeyed the rules. Even the soldiers who changed out his toilet and brought meals twice a day didn’t respond to Kleio’s words at all. There seemed to be a different person each time, too.

It was insane. Even though Vesna revealed that they did not intend to harass him, he couldn’t take this complete isolation for long. Fortunately, Kleio had the Memory of Promise to read through the books he had in the past.

Kleio remained underground, afraid that the world might begin to shake at any moment. There were things he could understand from the brief conversations he heard outside the cell, the sparse words from those in the corridors. Arthur was clearly imprisoned lower in this prison. Like Kleio, it seemed that he wasn’t fully suppressed.

‘Strange. A level 6 knight who knows how to [Strengthen] couldn’t be held without it.’

Tok. Klick. Tok, tok.

It was a small but curious noise. Kleio opened his eyes as he laid upon the bed. Someone was scratching at the iron bars outside.

“Get up! Wake up, you ugly man!”

Kleio nearly bounced up to the grate above.

“No, no. How’re you…!”

Behemoth was pushing his snout against the iron window, his whiskers scraping against the iron bars. It was obvious that he was angry.

“Do you know how dark your eyebags are right now?! How can I rest when you guys are like this?!”

“No, nothing happened; I just can’t sleep much.”

Kleio also whispered, peeking up to the bottom of the grate that was above his head. Ironically, it was fortunate that the [Soundproofing] magic formula was around the cell.

“You’re trapped here, you have nothing to do. What are you not sleeping for?”

Kleio had no response. He would only receive bruises if he tried to explain he was watching over Arthur’s well-being with his Perception turned to the maximum.

“Anyway, thank you for coming. Do you have any idea how things are right now?”

That clever cat wouldn’t have run here without any news.

“I’ll only say this once, so listen carefully: together with their aunt, the twins were housed in the townhouse of Viscount Angellium in the Sovereign district. Soldiers in dark blue suits guard the mansion.”

Indeed, his expectations were correct.

“How’d you know?!”

“I saw it! Clearly, with these eyes! I found them using my sense of smell!”

The realm of Behemoth was the entirety of Lundane. He was able to trace their scent. They had been messing around with Behemoth nearly every day, so it must’ve been easy.

“So, do you know what happened to Arthur, Isiel, and Cel?”

“They also brought the third prince here. The wagon carrying him left before yours.”


“When you were being dragged away, I began tailing the wagon. Marvel at the wisdom of this cat!”

Kleio was choked by emotion as he was unable to offer even praise. The cat had jumped from the wagon just before reaching the castle gate, stuck to the upper wall, and infiltrated the castle. Behemoth, who had reached the north gate before Kleio, saw Arthur being dragged in blindfolded.

“I couldn’t look any further into it. Also, Isiel and Cel are detained on the top floor of the building opposite here. Their treatment seemed better than yours and the prince.”

“Did you see them too? Was there a letter or a note…?”

“The windows are nailed shut, so I can’t open them. Even their meals are taken to them by those uniformed soldiers that reek of blood.”

“They are soldiers from the crown prince’s Home Affairs Bureau.”

“They must be! The crown prince’s dogs!”

“Thank you for letting me know. If it’s okay, I’d like to know some news about them…”

Kleio hurriedly stopped talking as the sounds of footsteps drew closer.

Suddenly, the door opened.

“Come out, Sir Kleio Asel. Thank you for responding to the investigation.”

His detainment ended as abruptly as it began. The two soldiers strode into the cell, moving mechanically as they covered his eyes, grabbed his arms, and pulled him into the hallway.

‘It’s to make it hard to understand the structure of the prison.’

However, Kleio had Perception. He desperately memorized the location of the corridors and steps that were crafted to sow confusion. If Arthur wasn’t released, he might have to charge in. Iron bars blocked the passages, and they passed three doors. It wasn’t until they went down three flights of stairs and up to two that it suddenly became easier to breathe. His feet touched the soft carpeted floor as the soldiers lowered him and removed the hood covering his head. Kleio frowned, dazzling by the sudden bright light.

“Go in.”

The identity of the man waiting for him in the reception room was rather unexpected.


The older man looked back at him, holding his cane tightly. In his free hand, he had a familiar wallet and wand. Gideon Asel’s steely gaze scanned Kleio from head to toe. Bare feet, crumpled pajamas, scattered hair, and dark circles under his eyes. It was an instant, but anxiety that bordered on anger passed under the man’s cold expression. As soon as the guards returned Kleio’s belongings and left them, Gideon spoke quietly as if he were suppressing something.

“First, let’s go back home.”

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