A Slave To My Vengeful Lover

Chapter 412 - Hey, How Are You?

Chapter 412 - Hey, How Are You?

Mark: I guess your duty for today is done, so you may leave now...

Daniel: No boss, Rubeus sir appointed me to guard you 24/7...

Mark: What?

(I am shocked the moment I listened to him, What he is trying to say?

Will he come to my home and kill my privacy at home too?

No, I never let it happen. I immediately strike my head as no.)

Daniel: Boss, boss, that\'s true boss Rubeus sir appointed me to guard you 24/7, you can confirm it by asking Rubeus sir…

Mark: No…

I don\'t care about my Rubeus uncle\'s terms and conditions and now you can go…

Danial: Boss, please take me along with you.

Mark: No, I don\'t allow you to enter into my house and tell me your address I will drop you if it is on my way or I will arrange a cab for you...

Daniel: I don\'t have a home to go...

(I immediately looked at him in shock.)

Mark: What?

Daniel: Yes boss I don\'t have a home to go and I don\'t have any family to take care, in one word I am a free bird and no one will cry for me if I lost my life.

Mark: Get into my car...

(I said sharply and he immediately get into my car and sit in the passenger seat, after listening to him I understand he is an orphan and that\'s the reason he chooses this risky job and he dares to sacrifice his life for his work, everyone may think it\'s madness but I can understand how a life will be when no one is their to take care of us maybe that\'s the reason he chooses this kind of risky job. Whatever, I feel very low when he said he has no family, but he looks his life in a very optimistic way, even though he had no one to take care he said, he is a free bird, and by looking at him everyone can understand that he enjoys every second of his life.

I looked at him Inbetween my driving and as usual; he is looking at me with his curious eyes to eat my brain. After a few seconds, he breaks the silence...

Daniel: Boss, is your personal assistant is coming to business trip with us?

Mark: Why?

Daniel: I want to get more close to her so please don\'t mind and tell me, boss...

Mark: First you should get close to her in order to get more closer to her...

Daniel: Boss, we are close, so I am planning to get more close to her...

(He said with his smiling face and I can understand something happened between Danial and Genie.)

Mark: close?

Daniel: Yes boss, she became close to me and you know one thing; she speaks to me too...

(I immediately chuckled by listening to his excited tone.)

Daniel: That\'s true boss, she spoke to me very lovely…

(By finishing his words he is looking at the sky through window, and I can understand he is still in the trance of Genie.)

Mark: What did she speak?

Daniel: She asked me, "Hey, How are you?"

Mark: So, you declare she is close to you because she asked you the most casual question how are you...

Daniel: Do you think it\'s casual, boss?

Mark: of course...

Daniel: No boss, when you feel unwell if someone asked you how are you, it means they care for you and it feels crazy when it will be asked by the one you like most...

Am I right, boss?

Mark: Yes, you are right, but you are fine enough and didn\'t look ill too, so why are you so hyper when she asked you how are you?

Daniel: it\'s not just how are you, boss...

It\'s, "Hey, how are you..."

Hey means she is calling me out of love, maybe it\'s my nick name…

(I smiled by listening to him and I understand he keeps blind hopes on Genie for no reason.)

Mark: You are mad and idiot, Daniel…

Daniel: Why boss?

Mark: How can you think Hey is a nickname?

Daniel: Why not, boss?

Mark: because if anyone don\'t know your name they will call you "Hey", it doesn\'t mean they called you out of love, hope you understand what I mean…

Daniel: that\'s okay boss, but she asked me how am I, I can understand she is taking care of me...

(I smiled by listening to his explanation and now I am sure he is in 100 Percent in trance with Genie, and he is not in a position to understand the reality. Poor soul, hope he should not hurt when he got to know the reality of Genie.)

Daniel: Boss, Don\'t laugh at me, tell me, Don\'t you agree it feels very special when someone cares about you..?

Mark: Yes, it feels great, but the thing is why Genie asked you how are you when you are well?

Daniel: Well, she asked me because my abbs got burnt...

Mark: burnt?


And how did she know that your abbs got burnt?

Daniel: It happened in the morning, boss, and the burnt caused by her...

Mark: How?

Daniel: She is busy leading to your room with a hot coffee...

(He paused and again went into her trance. By looking at his blushed face, everyone can understand something romantic thing happened between them and I am sure Genie will take the lead.)

Mark: So, did the coffee accidentally spill on you?

Daniel: No boss, she intentionally throws it on me...

Mark: What?

(I immediately laughed that how he takes Genie\'s arrogant behaviour in a positive way.)

Daniel: Boss, please don\'t laugh…

Mark: Okk, Tell me why did she throw hot coffee on you?

Daniel: because by pointing the coffee I asked her what is it when she is busy to serve the coffee for you...

Mark: So she throws the hot coffee on you out of rage...

Daniel: exactly, but later, she asked me, "Hey how are you?"

(I immediately laughed by listening to Daniel.)

Daniel: Don\'t laugh at me, boss...

Mark: Don\'t you get angry for her rage behaviour?

Daniel: To be frank I love her more after looking at her furious face, she looks so cute when she got angry, and there is a reason for her behavior boss, it\'s her duty to serve coffee to you but it\'s my duty to check on everything for your safety even though it\'s my love I should not get down my duty, so I happily accepted her cute rage and I feel more happy when she asked me, "Hey, How are you?"

It means she is caring for me and it\'s a kind of concern for her rage behaviour towards me…

(By listening to him, I understand he is giving priority to his duties than his attractions. Now I feel a little confident and I feel like I can trust him, lets see, If he didn\'t break my trust on him I will show a bright future to him or else he should face the hell in his remaining life.)

Daniel: Boss, you know one thing; She tried to kiss me too, but you disturbed us...

(He said very excitedly.)

Mark: me?

Daniel: Yes boss, when I am cleaning the coffee strains, she leans forward to kiss me by looking at my abbs, I guess she likes my abbs and I am sure in future she likes my heart too…

Mark: First, tell me how did I disturb you?

Daniel: Boss, when she leans forward to kiss me, suddenly you ring the calling bell, and she hurriedly went into your room and she didn\'t even look at me till evening and in the evening she asked me, "hey how are you?"

Mark: So you struck at her loop...

Daniel: it\'s not loop, boss, it\'s love...

Tell me one thing, is she coming on our tomorrows business trip?

Mark: Why should I say to you?

You are a bodyguard and also a detective, so find it by yourself...

Daniel: Yes, boss I can find and I am sure she is coming on tomorrows trip because she is your personal secretary.

(Yes, he guessed it right, but I didn\'t get amused because everyone knows that my personal secretary will follow me, particularly in business trip.)

Daniel: Boss, you looks soo handsome when you smile or laugh...

(I immediately looked at him with my narrowed eyes.)

Daniel: I am not praising you, boss, it\'s the fact I feel and you I stalk at you before, you always looks so serious. But for the first time you proved I am wrong, you smile like a human and your sense of humour is at peaks...

If I were a girl I will definitely fall after you...

Anna madam is so lucky to find you as her partner...

(I stayed quite and didn\'t replied to him because if I replied he will praise me more for no reason, which I don\'t like the most.)

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