The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 157 - Steering A Wyvern With A Spear

"Alright, we only got seven of them but I think they\'re more than enough. As for the next enemies, I\'ll just kill them."

After putting all of the prisoners to the allocated place, I woke them all up to see their reactions.

"Uhh… where is this?"

"I can\'t move at all!"

"We\'re all being captured? How does he knows about us?"

"More importantly, my HGB are gone. I can\'t even kill myself here."

"What? Mine is gone too! And why are we all being tied up with our hands holding our crotches?"

Everyone woke up in confusion. And then they see me wearing a mask looking at them.

"Hey, you! It\'s you who captured us, right? What do you want?"

It was the 7th man who asked. I numbered them from the first to the seventh according to the time I brought them here.

"More like what do you want? Why do you people want this stampede to happen?"


None of them answering my question. Seems like even though they know the situation they are in, they still won\'t talk.

"You think just because you took those explosives from our mouth we can\'t kill ourselves? You\'re dead wrong!"

The third man suddenly casted his magic while both his hand is aiming at his crotch. It\'s obvious what happened next.

"Aaaargh! My dick! It burns! My balls!"

The third man screamed in pain as he burnt his own balls with fire magic. Of course the rope that tied him was burnt as well, but I dislocated his joints before so he won\'t be able to move even without the rope.

And everyone watched him in horror as his crotch area is burning.

"Well, that\'s the reason why I tied you up in this weird position. He\'s going to die soon. I don\'t need your answer today. You can give me the answer tomorrow. Well, if I survive the stampede. Don\'t worry, after the battle is over, someone should be here to give you meal and treat you like prisoners. You have the options to let go of your worldly desires like your friend did over there and dies in pain, with no balls, or wait until tomorrow and give me the answer. After giving your answer, you can ask me or my friends to kill you. Properly without inflicting too much pain. Then, see you tomorrow."

I left the prisoners and soon after I left that place, Sonia appears in front of me.

"Roy! Bad news! Wyverns is coming! And they brought monsters on their back as they fly to this city!"

"Well, that\'s indeed a bad news. Have you told the others yet?"

"I did. You\'re the last one I informed." Sonia said.

Why does she loves to give me the report last?

"How\'s the others?" I asked about the others.

"Kayla, Sophie, Angela, and Shirley are still doing their best in defending the city. Kron is going to inform the guild master about the wyverns. Most people refused to leave their house, but we still evacuate some of them. As for Candy and Wendy, they are still waiting for a chance to attack."

The only ones protecting the city are the guards of this city. The ones who aren\'t part of the cult. And they are weak. I should have the girls return to the city and have them fight the monsters inside the city.

"Sonia. Tell the agents once they secured the civilians, to fight the monsters inside the city. Are there any hunters left in the city?"

"There are many who escaped from the fight after the first wave. They can\'t be relied to protect the city."

"Well, if they want to live, they have no choice but to fight. Tell Hill\'s people who are free to help in combat as well." I said.

"Alright. Did you capture some people as prisoners? Wendy will be mad if she found out you just kill everyone."

"I captured seven of them. One of them killed himself. As for the rest, I don\'t think they want to kill themselves after seeing how that guy died."

"And how did he die?" Sonia asked me curiously.

"He burnt his own balls and screamed in pain."

"Ouch! And what will you do to them?"

"I will go back tomorrow. After the stampede is over, I\'ll have Hill treat them as prisoners."

"He means prisoners in Mellian. Which is something I want to see again!" Victoria said happily.

I didn\'t deny what she said. I\'ll just left them to Hill later.

Sonia then disappear. I jumped to a top of a building and see that the wyverns are coming. They are indeed carrying other monsters on their backs.

"Victoria. You will help protect the city. I\'ll summon you when I need you."


Victoria turned into her human form and left to somewhere. We won\'t be acting together in the same location because we can cover more grounds this way.

I also start looking for good projectiles to shoot the wyverns from the top of a building. Any rocks, knives, anything I can throw I grabbed them and put them on top of a building. I thought that as long as I can damage the wing, the wyvern will fall along with other monsters. And they will all die.

Even if they don\'t die, they should be heavily injured falling from that height. If I\'m correct, the monster should be targeting the most crowded place and they won\'t start descending until they found it.

The wyverns has passed the gate. I saw a man flying into the city before that. That must be Kron reporting. Even if he reported it, we still lacked people. I hope this wyverns are the last waves.

Once a wyvern get into my range, I shot it with several projectiles at once hoping that some of them will hit. Even if one of them hit, the wyvern might lose balance and some of the monsters might fall. That\'s what I hoped for. Although Victoria isn\'t here with me, I can still shoot Air Cannon despite the lack of accuracy.

The projectiles hit the wyvern. A knife stabbed the right wing and a stone hit its head. Another knife hit its chest and a pot hit a monsters on its back and makes it fall. I should have grabbed more solid objects than a pot. It didn\'t do any damage. And knives are useless unless they stabbed the wing. Even the wyvern\'s flap of its wings can alter the direction. Next time I should just go with stones and more solid objects.

The wyvern lost balance mid-air and some monsters fallen from that height. Looking at the location they are falling, there should be hunters below them. Hunters who escaped first after seeing the enemies. I\'ll let them do some works with the weakened monsters and continue aiming for the ones above.

I want to take on the next wyvern, but they seem to notice I\'m targeting them and descend into a safe height. Where even if the monsters fall from that height, they would all survive without any major injuries.

Should I just fight them in a close range combat?

Wait! I have a better idea!

I called Sonia and waited for a while until she appears. She must be extremely busy today.

"What\'s wrong, Roy? Calling me again so quickly."

"Contact Candy and ask her if I should shot down one of the wyvern to the governor\'s location."


Once the monsters fell, there would be chaos even a small one at the governor\'s palace. I should think that his guards are all powerful enough to handle these monsters.

Then once they are busy fighting the monsters, Candy, Ms. Wendy, and other agents could capture the governor. That\'s a good plan I thought.

Soon Sonia returns with a respond for Candy.

"She said to do it. And if possible, bring down more than just one wyvern."

"Alright, I\'ll try."

Sonia disappear again as I\'m thinking of how to lure the wyvern over there. I thought it was a good plan but I haven\'t thought of having them going over that location.

Well, I\'ll just choose the easiest one. Good thing they descended a bit. Enough for me to jump over to them.

I moved to a taller building and waited until a wyvern get close to me. I covered my legs with Aura to make my jump even higher.

I easily landed on top of the wyvern\'s head. All the monsters looked at me and wanted to kill me right away, but they have terrible footing on the back of the wyvern. The wyvern also shook its head and try to shake me off its head, but I held on really well.

I grabbed my spear, stabbed its right eye, and tried to control its flight. I used the spear as a lever to control its flight, but it was so heavy! All the stories I read about trying to control a flying monsters like this are lies! It\'s impossible to control it without having any strength! Even an Aura user like me is having difficulty controlling its flight.

Some monsters already fallen to the ground, but I\'m still forcing the wyvern\'s flight direction toward the governor\'s palace. I don\'t need to be right above it. Just close enough and then I can let the monsters do their own things.

Right now, the wyvern is flying directly to the governor\'s place while slightly descending. With this, the wyvern should be landing just within the governor\'s place. I guess this is enough.

I jumped away from the wyvern before anyone noticed me, and went into hiding to look for another wyvern.

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