The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 281 - Only One Student Attending My First Class

Since that announcement day, Mason and Mapapa disappeared from Cassau. As for the fire magic professor, I heard that he\'s quitting. And since there\'s no other fire mages more qualified than Wendy, now she\'s responsible for both fire and wind magic whose professor is about to retire. But it seems that professor delayed his retirement because he\'s interested in the tournament.

Even after being responsible for two classes, Wendy is making sure to held six classes in a week! How diligent!

As for me, once a week should be enough. I\'ll keep holding a class every Monday. As for the time when I can teach about medical treatment, I can do it when the professor and doctors are free. I think it should be in Saturday. That mean I only need to work on Saturday and Monday. Which is pretty nice.

Today is Monday. And on the previous Saturday, the doctors are mostly busy. So, it will start the next Saturday.

That mean, today is my first day of teaching!

And there\'s no one here! I have this classroom for myself!

Just as I thought, announcing the tournament will make the students pick on other classes. And since the tournament will decide which college is the number one in the kingdom, the professors are more motivated in teaching as well. Because if their student is the champion, they will be the one who take the credit.

Though if either Kayla or Jewel win the tournament, or if even any one of the participants in the training camp win, that mean those professors didn\'t do anything much. I should tell Kayla and Jewel to not take classes to often then. I don\'t want those professors to gain the credit for someone else\'s achievement.

Or maybe, I should have them prove themselves and letting the professors know about their worth. That way, those two will end up being the ones teaching the class.

Well, it\'s those two. I don\'t think there\'s any need for me to say anything to them. They can do whatever they want. I believe in them.

As for Sonia, she\'s already studying about medical treatment even before she told me that she wants to be a doctor. Maybe I should have her with me when I teach the doctors. I should bring Kayla along as well for her healing magic.

As for those in the capital, Angela and Shirley, I don\'t think there will be any trouble. Shirley is the princess, and Angela is her best friend. And I don\'t think there will be anyone, including the professor, who is stronger than Angela.

Once she attended the first class, she won\'t be attending there anymore other than for accompanying Shirley. And if there is nothing that Shirley could learn to improve herself, she will attend class less and less.

Well, I won\'t care about them anymore. Today, until my session is over, I will have the whole classroom to myself.

Well, not alone. Victoria is here with me.

So, I just spend the times alone with her playing some board games from her world. We\'re playing a game from her world called 4 in a row. With Victoria\'s clones, I can make what\'s needed easily. I\'ll give report about this game to Sam to make our business bigger.

It\'s 9 in the morning, and my class session is three hours. Only fifteen minutes have passed no one enters my class.

I thought that Dean would be interested in taking my class, but I guess he\'s too busy after announcing the tournament. I heard that there are many people who didn\'t take the entrance exam, but still want to participate. Well, Dean should be able to handle it himself.

Since he\'s also the dean of the medical faculty, we will meet on Saturday when I will teach other doctors. Unless he\'s busy again.

While I\'m still playing 4 in a row with Victoria, someone approached my classroom. I know her. She\'s one of the two air mages during the training camp. Her name is… Sara.

Her appearance is… quite plain. I know that she\'s a beauty, but because I keep being surrounded by beauties, she doesn\'t stand out as much as the others. Even here, the people\'s attentions are toward Kayla. And maybe Jewel as well.

Well, since she\'s alone, I can let Victoria out like this. We just continued playing even after she\'s here.

"Excuse… me? It\'s empty here." Sara entered my classroom to see that only us two here playing.

"Yes. You can come in. No one would bother going to air element class. Especially after the tournament announcement." I said.

"I see… Are you teaching then?" She asked.

"If it\'s anyone other than you, then I will teach them. It\'s just the first class so I thought an introduction should be enough. By the way, the dean is also an air element mage. He will attend my class only when he\'s not busy. Today he\'s busy. That\'s why no one is here. Since it\'s just you, I don\'t think an introduction will help you with your air magic since I have taught you before. Do you cultivate your air element already?"

"Not yet. But it should be soon that the magic stones turned into air element magic stones. I can start cultivating then."

I have taught my two air element students on how to acquire air element magic stones. They should be prepared soon and they can start cultivating then.

"That\'s good. Anyway, what is your other elements?" I asked her since I never cared about it during the training camp.

"Only earth element." Sara answered.

"Whoa, earth element basically means that you have unlimited ammo. Earth element and ice element can make bullet out of soil or ice. And their shape can be changed as well. Have you told Marie about this when you requested for your own customized rifle?" I asked.

"…Yes, I have. And you were there as well. You are practically next to her majesty when I requested it." Sara scolded me.

"…sorry. Anyway, what about your other classes?"

"I don\'t think I can learn more from the earth magic class. Though I asked Kayla to teach me if there\'s something new. She\'s so diligent that she chooses to stay instead. That\'s why I skipped class and choose to go here since the schedule clashed." Sara explained.

"I see. Let\'s wait here until ten. If no one else is coming, we\'ll practice shooting real target. I\'ll lend you a Blobbyrifle since I don\'t think you bring your rifle. What is the strongest monster you killed with Air Shot, and how far is the distance?"

"Well, it was a wolf. And the distance is just ten meters. I don\'t have enough strength yet to endure the recoil if I compress to much air."

"I guess we\'ll also train your body as well then. For now, wanna play this game?"

I let Sara play the board game with Victoria. And once it\'s ten o\'clock, I used a portal to transfer the three of us to a field outside the city. Of course, I wrote a message on the board in the classroom saying that today\'s schedule is located outside. If they can\'t find us, it\'s self-study.

So good to have the privilege to teach my students anything I want. In fact, I heard that in my previous life that there are some professors who actually never showed up even after giving the schedule. They only gave self-study most of the time.

Once we\'re in the grass field, I pointed at a cow monster feeding on the grass. Good thing there\'s only one of them here.

"Try shooting that cow from here." I told Sara after giving her a Blobbyrifle similar to the prototype that I gave her during the training camp.

She easily hit the cow on the body. The distance is about fifty meters, and the power of her shot was lacking. She aimed higher just so she can hit the cow. But it was as if the cow didn\'t feel it at all.

But still, for her to be that good in aiming… she\'s a much better sniper than I am.

"Make a bullet with a rock or soil with the shape sharper like this. Then before shooting, make it spin inside the barrel." I said as I showed her a Blobbybullet that I often used.

She did as I say. This time, she aimed lower and her shot hits the cow\'s body almost to the same spot as before. She\'s talented in this…

And because of the spin and the sharpness of the bullet, the cow is injured. It looked at us in anger and begun charging toward us.

"Let\'s see if you can kill it before it reaches us." I said.

She continues shooting toward the cow. She quickly adapted to the new spinning bullet and keep targeting the same spot over and over again.

For her to be able to shoot toward the lodged bullet stuck in the cow\'s forehead… even I can\'t do that just a while after learning it. She\'s talented in this.

But I\'m an expert in close combat battle. Not in shooting. I should be proud that my student can surpass her teacher.

After the cow died, I picked another target. If there aren\'t any target, I used Blobbies as targets. I keep accompanying her even though my time should be over an hour ago.

I\'m just too amazed with her progress.

I guess today\'s class is over. I\'ll teach again next Monday. As for Sara…

"Sara, on Saturday, I will be teaching doctors about new treatment to a patient. I want you to come and try using anesthetic gas to the patient. You haven\'t tried it before, right? This is a good chance for it. If you\'re free, visit the hospital at…" I told her the time and location for my medical class.


Maybe I should combine both medical class and air magic class together?

No, that would be confusing to non-air element mage. Let\'s just be happy with teaching two days a week.

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