The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 611

After the final day of our show in Cassau, Albert and the kings greeted us and asked if we will leave tomorrow.

“No, your majesty. We will remove the tent and grab some supplies first before we leave. Even though Roy has the ability to transport us with portal, we won’t use them unless it’s necessary. We will also travel normally using several horse carriages,” Thomas replied to Albert’s question.

I also didn’t suggest to Thomas that we should use my portal. But Thomas already understood it. We will probably enter the den of the cult without knowing. And that’s why we won’t recklessly use portal.

What if the city we entered has been taken over by the cult? If we want to escape, we need to utilize my portal. That’s the second option.

The first option? Kill all the cult members so our lives will be safe. If I kill everyone, there’s nothing that we need to be wary of.

But that can only happen if I can easily differentiate between normal civilians and cult members. If not, it will be the second option.


“We will leave as soon as possible. Rather than that, do you really have time to come and watch us every night we play in Cassau?” I asked Albert and the other kings.

After the first night they watched the circus, these four along with some members of their family would come and fill the same seats. Just how much do they love circus? Or is it me? It’s because they love me so much?

Well, can’t be helped. Clarence the Clown is lovely after all. I never fail to make anyone unhappy. There’s no one who left the tent while feeling sad. Even if they do, it’s because the show is over. Not because the show is bad.

“There’s no problem with that, right? After all, we still pay for the tickets,” Lynn said.

“I mean aren’t you guys busy? Toni, what about you? I thought if someone is working, you should be the one working the hardest,” I asked Toni who never fail to show up as well.

“Everything has been stabilized in Arturo. The most important matter has already been taken care of and I can take a rest every night without having to overwork myself. Since there’s a chance of relaxing here, I will of course come here whenever it’s possible. More importantly, did you notice it?”

All of a sudden, Toni asked me in a serious tone. Hearing the change of the atmosphere around him, the other kings suddenly became wary.

“The girl sitting in that seat over there? Of course I noticed her. It was annoying to see someone coming here and doesn’t want to enjoy the performance. Since she’s here probably on a mission, I didn’t even try to entertain her even though my goal is to make my audiences happy. She is not an audience,” I said.

“What? A member of the cult is here!?” Fabio asked.

“We don’t know that yet. She’s the only suspicious person in the tent, so I had Victoria to stick onto her shoe and follow her. She will contact me through Sonia if needed,” I said.

During the show, there’s a girl who have no interest at all in the performance. A girl coming to a circus on her own, usually come because she loves circus. But the fact that she didn’t enjoy the performance meant that she”s here for another reason.

“I have been working for a long time while being surrounded by people who were watching my every move. That’s why I noticed it when someone is watching me. Though I didn’t do anything since Roy here will most likely do something about her. And it’s also the main reason he suggested to do a tour after all,” Toni said.

...I’ll keep it as secret. The fact that the main reason I suggested the tour was because I want to be a clown and it’s for my own enjoyment is not something I can tell anyone after all.

But for him to keep being so relaxed even though he was being watched, he must have a lot of experience. He was staying in the most dangerous place for him for so long after all.

“Then, if she’s with the cult, that means somehow the cult has started entering Cassau again, huh? What a pain,” Albert sighed.

“I don’t think that’s the case. She seems to be writing a letter right now and is about to send it via messenger bird. Should I grab the bird?” I asked.

The female spy in question is releasing a bird and the bird is about to fly. With my speed, it’s easy to grab that bird.

“Hmm... no need. What’s the content of the letter?” Albert asked.

The other kings were also curious about the identity of the girl.

“What else? The four kings who were supposed to be in their own respective kingdom were gathered here. She’s someone who knows about your appearances. Do I need to spell it out?” I said.

“Probably she’s a spy from another country. And she must be writing about how there’s a way to transport people to another location quickly. Am I right?” old man Henry asked.

“You’re right, old man. I don’t think she’s from the cult. But I don’t know about the one she’s working for. And the funny thing is, Victoria created a clone of herself. The Blobby is so small and almost weightless. Victoria attached it to the bird. Which means that once the bird arrives to its destination, I can use portal to go there. What should I do now?” I asked.

If it’s a king of a small kingdom, we might be able to ask him for cooperation. But that won’t be the case if that person behind that girl is with the cult. I’ll just kill him if that’s the case.

Now the question is, should we intercept the bird and stop the letter from arriving, or should we let it be. I want it to be the latter. It will be hilarious if the one reading it, right after reading the part where he read about the possibility of quick long distance travel, I suddenly appear. Then he will know that the guess of the spy about the mean of transportation is correct. And the one behind her will have no choice but to work with us because he won’t be able to deny that he’s sending a spy here.

“That seems to be a good idea. If he’s not related to the cult, he won’t be able to refuse working together with us. And if he’s with the cult, Roy won’t give him mercy and will kill him. Creating chaos in their kingdom as the king suddenly assassinated. But which country is it?” Toni asked me.

“There’s this symbol in the paper inside the letter,” I said as I transformed a Blobby into a shape of a cloud and sun. It’s the symbol that is drawn on the paper.

“Oh, I remember that. I think it’s a kingdom near my territory. Though I don’t remember the name of the kingdom. I’ll ask Cladia when I return,” Lynn said as she grabbed the Blobby. She will give it to Claudia to investigate further.

“And what about the spy?” I asked.

“Just grab her and bring her to me. I’ll take care of the interrogation,” Albert said.

“Okay. I’ll return you home now. Then I will go and grab the spy. Will you come again for the next show in the next city?” I asked.

“Will you prepare a new performance?” Fabio asked.

“Thinking of a new performance is difficult. Probably the routine will be the same as usual,” I replied.

“Then if you don’t have any new performance, no need to invite us. We’ll return home now. See you later!” Fabio said as he left with Toni, Luna, Carmen, Bernard, and Harold to Arturo.

The other kings also left. But there’s one thing I have to correct.

I never invited them to come to see the performance. They’re the one who said to bring them to watch the performance no matter what.

Well, I guess I don’t need to call them anymore unless it’s important.

Using telepathy with my familiar, I told Victoria to grab the spy and wait for me. Since I can still see them with my Divine Vision, I don’t need to use portal.

“Thomas, I’ll be leaving now. Contact me when you’re ready to move,” I said.

“Roy, wait!” Thomas then stopped me.

“What’s wrong?”

“You can’t arrest someone while still wearing the clown costumes. Go get changed first,” Thomas reminded me that I still haven’t taken off the clown costume yet.

I forgot. If the enemy somehow know that the clown of the circus is working with the four kingdoms, it will be bad for our plan. Good thing Thomas reminded me.

I hope I won’t forget about it in the future. I enjoyed my time as a clown so much that I didn’t even care that I would go out in clown costume.

Taking the costume off and changed to my normal outfit didn’t take ten seconds. Though it was removing the make up that takes longer.

And after I was ready, I grabbed the spy and brought her to Albert’s location. And we will just wait until the messenger bird stopped at its destination.

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