The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 680

“Yeah. What about it?” I asked back.

“According to Kayla, I’m already good enough in hiding my magic from other expert level mages’ magic detection. But I have never tried it in a real situation. I want you to judge how close we should get before they can notice me. We will watch them from there,” Randy suggested.

“Alright. Since we’re in the air, I hope none of them will fly toward our location. If they do, they might detect us. I’ll go with you on Spot’s back. Ray, you watch on the werewolves. Make sure that none of them start a fight without thinking,” I ordered Ray.

“I’ll go with Ray. In case you have new order, you can tell me telepathically. Ray can’t speak after all,” Victoria said.

I jump from Ray’s back and land on Spot’s back. While Ray and Victoria will look after the other werewolves, we will watch the werewolf who is trying to get closer to those humans. If they are weak, that werewolf can kill them all alone. But that’s not what we want. We need to know what they’re after. We need them to live. At least until we know what they’re here for.

“You can speak to your monster telepathically? First time I’ve heard of that skill,” Randy asked curiously.


“Hmm? Oh, that’s normal. Do you even know any summoners or tamers who have made a contract with monsters that can speak our language? They will never know if they can communicate telepathically because their familiars can’t respond well. Also, it’s something I can do well after my summoner level increased. At advanced level, I can slightly feel that I can communicate telepathically. But when I reached expert level, it was much clearer,” I explained.

“That means it will be a huge problem if the cult have smart monsters with them,” Randy said.

“That might be true. I don’t know the reason why, but the cult has experimented on those smart monsters to the point that their mind is breaking and can’t talk anymore. My familiar, the archangel Graham, had his sister modified heavily and she even think of her own brother as her enemy. My guess is that they don’t know yet how to utilize telepathy communication yet since their level is too weak.”

That’s what I think. Though if it’s not for Randy right now, I won’t ever think about it. But if my guess is correct, that would be great. I don’t want them to have any way of long-distance communication like we do.

“I hope you’re right. Because if they know about it, they can easily contact someone from afar and we would have many loses already,” Randy said.

Now that I think about it, he’s right. We achieved so many victories against the cult so far because we have Sonia. If the cult has any type of long distance communication device, either they made it or they use monster, our victories won’t be this smooth.

And with us investigating these people, we can find out about it. It’s something important that I just realized thanks to Randy.

Hmm... Maybe if I have Kayla stay with me more, she could think about it as well. But I let her move on her own. I guess that’s fine. I’ll just talk more with her from now on.

Spot stopped at a safe distance from the humans group. They won’t detect us unless they fly toward our direction. And this far is good enough for us to see what the werewolf is doing.

“Hey, there’s a wolf here,” One of the men said.

“Hmm? It’s just a wolf. Even if the monsters in this world are stronger than the same monsters in our world, we don’t have to tame them. There are many other stronger monsters than a wolf,” another said.

“But this one looks stronger. And we’re just taming it anyway. If that thing is too weak, we can just kill it later when we find stronger monster. Since it’s just one wolf, I’ll do it. It might be good for tracking since wolf has good sense of smell.”

Seems like battle is unavoidable. I told him that survival comes first. So he won’t just mindlessly enter battle.

...That’s only if he can endure his desire for battle. But I’ll just trust him. Werewolves after all monsters that follow their king. And as long as I’m their king, they will hold back their desire as long as I told them to.

The man saying that he will tame the werewolf started attacking. And he used advanced level wind magic. I guess they have someone who can fly already.

It was just an advanced level wind magic. And the werewolf, or I guess the wolf since he’s in wolf form right now, swayed his front paw and block the Wind Slash. His paw has a small scratch there but that’s okay. His regeneration skill will heal him in an instant.

But blocking that magic alerted the others in the group. Now he will be surrounded.

“It’s strong! Everyone, surround that wolf!”

Without hesitation, the others followed that order and move to surround the wolf. But the wolf is fast and they can’t surround him at all. Especially since I told him to survive. There’s no way that he will let those people surround him easily.

The first guy to attack wants to block the wolf from the sky, so I told Spot to get some distance.

They are keep trying to fight the wolf. They know already that he’s strong, so they are probably trying to injure him as much as possible and then make a contract with him. But looking at their strength it’s impossible for them to do that.

The strongest ones among them are the expert level water mage and expert level fire mage. But they can’t attack together or the fire will be extinguished by the water. They shouldn’t have been in the same group.

“Hmm... I think we need a change of plan,” Randy suddenly said.

“Is there anything wrong with this plan?” I asked.

“No. But it will take too much time. Let’s get him pretend to escape. We will fly next to him without anyone noticing and I will tell him a better plan,” Randy said.

A better plan? I guess that’s much better than just waiting. Let’s do as he says.

The wolf is facing ten people in front of him. And he seems shocked when he saw me suddenly appear. I told Spot to undo his camouflage while we’re in his line of sight.

When he notices me, I used hand gesture to told him to escape to an open space nearby. He then quickly go toward the location I told him to.

“Chase after it! If we can get that wolf, our force will be stronger!”

When the wolf is quite far from them, I had Spot fly low next to him. And we didn’t move fast so the group can still chase after the wolf later.

“Just fight them. Make sure they get hurt enough to make them retreat. We will then follow where they’re retreating. That place should be where they make their base at,” Randy said.

The wolf looked at me first for confirmation so I nodded. It’s better if we can find where they are staying at.

“But won’t it be suspicious if I suddenly fight back and win?” the wolf asked.

“Then get yourself surrounded by them. When that happens, howl so the other werewolves will come and help. I’ll tell Victoria to get them understand our plan,” I said.

“I understand. I’ll pretend that I’m tired from running then.”

The wolf slowed down and we fly again at a distance. And I forgot to ask his name again. Whatever.

The other side soon caught up with him and surround him. Just as they started feeling happy, the wolf howled and called the other wolves. Now the wolves are the ones surrounding the humans.

A fight occur. The werewolves are doing well despite the fact that they are not fighting in their werewolf form. And finally, they injured three people. Those three people are bleeding badly but they won’t die. If they are from the cult, usually the others will ignore them and retreat. But they didn’t do so.

They escaped while supporting the injured men. Are they not from the cult? Or maybe their mission is too important to let someone die because of wolves. We won’t know until we found out more about them.

“Good. Spot, please follow them. And Roy, tell the werewolves to chase after them from afar. They know that wolves have good sense of smell so it will be suspicious if they don’t chase after them,” Randy said.

And so we followed those men. They keep talking to each other to quickly return to the base so they can heal the injured people.

Since it’s their base, I guess there are more people over there. And maybe they have master level mage as well. But whatever the case, we can’t let those people be since they are in this world.

Even if they are not with the cult, we still need to find out more about them. Because I don’t want them to ever find the Monsters Village. As long as I’m their king, I will protect them.

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