The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 694

One of the bodyguards of the summoner said. But it’s not over yet.

“Don’t complain. Those stupid kingdoms have hunted more and more of us. For some reason, they can learn something that is supposed to be a secret. Which mean those who are captured are talking about our plans. If you’re going to complain, I will ask the higher ups to make even expert level mages to have that thing inside their mouth. Because those who talked must be at least expert level mages since they can’t kill themselves easily,” another person said.

I guess we have made it hard for them to live. It’s their own fault anyway. If their goal is not to destroy the world, all of this won’t happen.

But from the look of it, that guy who just spoke is a master level mage. I need to be careful around him.

The girls who are too weak have no choice but to insert the explosive devices in their mouth. They know that they are still not free. But at least they don’t need to worry about being killed by some random monsters.

Though what if those with explosive device inside their mouth choose to surrender and talk while still having the explosive device in their mouth? I guess since they have explosive devices, they are only advanced level mages or lower. And they don’t have much secret to keep anyway since the higher ups won’t tell them everything.


“Here! You too! You’re not an expert level mage, right?”

The person who complained a lot while giving explanation gave an explosive device to me. No one here knows that I’m an expert level mage. But I can’t show it to them.

No one would believe that I’m an expert level mage in air magic. And I can’t tell them that I’m a summoner either. They will be suspicious of me.

So I have no choice but to put one explosive device in my mouth. It’s annoying. I can easily destroy it by gritting my teeth. But it will explode if I use force. I don’t want any explosion inside my mouth even if I have strong defense when I’m using Aura.

“Those explosive devices have been upgraded so that if they are removed forcefully, they will explode right away even when magic is not used. Only some people have the right tool to remove them without harming you.”

The one whom I think that the master level mage is silent. He’s just looking around and see his subordinate speak. As for the summoner, his turn is over. He will rest and probably open a portal again tomorrow.

“Next is the schedule for those who wants to return to that world. This is the place and time of where we will probably be. If there are no accidents, we will be there at this time listed on the paper. Read it. And if you want to return after a long time here and it’s not in the schedule, good luck finding the schedule yourselves.”

They gave each of us a paper with schedule there. From next week, to two week later, and every week for the next few months. I guess for those who wants to come here after a long time will have to find some other means to return to that world.

But this is good. I can just show this paper to Albert and we will know where they will be next week and the week after.

“Sigh... Lastly, you are free to pick any room in this inn tonight. But if you’re going to stay here tomorrow, you will have to pay normally. I hate to repeat this every week.”

“You said that before. Keep saying it and I will force you to get that explosive device in your mouth. Or maybe in another place you can’t imagine,” the one who seem to be a master level mage said that.

I guess that’s the end of the briefing. So I left and enter any room I want.

The girls then followed me entering a room. But I just said that I’m tired and I want to rest alone, so they can pick any room they want. So they picked the room next to mine and sleep there together even though there’s only one bed. Some are sleeping on the floor.

Sigh... In the end, I will save people. That’s more tiring than just killing everyone.

My original plan is actually to return to human world, and then kill everyone once the portal is closed. But I won’t do that. Not because I brought people who might be innocent here or the fact that there’s someone who might be a master level mage here. But because of the schedule.

If they die here, the schedule and the location will most likely be changed. And I can’t have that.

I also can’t move around tonight since there’s a master level mage here. But first, how about I check if he’s a master level mage or not? Just a little bit won’t get me noticed.

One by one, I looked at everyone including the summoner. None of them seem to notice me.

And finally, it’s the guy. I checked his body if he has some distinctive feature, but he’s just like any other guy except for the face. I guess I can only see his face to recognize him. Just like normal people do.

I look at his body, and raise my sight to his face. And when I look at his face, he finally sensed someone is watching him. So I quickly averted my sight.

I was right. He’s a master level mage. He’s looking around for the source of the strange feeling of being watched. But because I quickly averted my sight, he couldn’t tell where I was watching him from.

Well, that just mean I can’t do anything tonight. But tomorrow will be different. Since the girls seem to be obeying me so far, I guess they won’t try to escape on their own.

Instead of freedom, they chose their lives. I will respect their decision. Though that depend if they can answer everything I asked them truthfully or not.

They probably asked me because I was all by myself the whole time. They can’t ask other men who are together with other people.

Now, what to do? I can’t do anything here. And I can’t speak anything either.

Airy pulled my hair slightly when I enter this room. Which mean that there’s a wind mage who can hear me when I’m talking. So I can’t just talk with Victoria or Airy here.

And I can’t just sleep in this strange place surrounded by enemies. That’s when I see some people are leaving the inn.

I guess leaving the inn is still fine. But I have said that I’m tired. I guess I will pretend that I’m sleeping.

I lay on the bed and cover my whole body with blanket. With this, no wind can enter the blanket and transport sound to the wind mage.

The wind mage uses the gap under the door so the wind can carry sound. But inside the blanket without opening, the wind mage needs a stronger magic to do that. Which I assume he won’t use.

“It’s safe. There’s no strange wind here,” Airy said.

“Great. Let’s chat until morning then. I’m bored.”

“Even if you say that, I don’t think they will use wind magic the whole night. Probably just until they fall asleep. Well, even if that’s the case, there’s nothing you can do anyway,” Victoria said.

In the end, we just chatted for a while. And when we no longer feel the strange wind, I just play chess with Victoria. And we’re also teaching Airy how to play chess.

“...Why are you so good at it when you just learned how to play it?”

I guess I’m always bad in not just card games, but also board games. I’ve been in multiple losing streak recently.

Let’s improve my confidence by playing with idiots later on. Though that will be for after I finish this mission at least.

In the morning, after breakfast, I rent a carriage. I don’t care the destination. I just need to find a carriage to take us somewhere.

And luckily, I found something good. The carriage driver is actually an agent. I know that because Victoria sensed her clone is with him. Though I don’t think that he knows me.

I paid him in advance while also giving him a memo saying to change the driver with someone who knows the master of the slime. Changing the driver to someone who knows me will make things easier for me. I don’t want to prove myself to some agents who are trained to doubt while acting like they believe me.

If it’s someone who knows me, they won’t ask too much questions, right?

I returned to the inn, and bring the girls out. When I returned back to the carriage, the driver has been changed.

‘Do you know me?’

I open my mouth without leaking any voice. Because unlike me, they can read lips movement. I should learn it as well.

The driver nodded. And then he acted normally.

“If you’re ready, then we will go right away. We will go to the capital.”

Oh, we’re going to the capital? Well, it’s not like I care. I’m going to bring these girls to Tatrama.

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