The Beautiful Monster

Chapter 286 Join forces

Chapter 286  Join forces

Scott said as he rested his hands together on the table in front of him. "Alaric knows about you two. He obviously can easily find you, and it\'ll be easier for him to kill both of you if you\'re apart."

Melina looked down at the table, trying to process everything. What Scott said made sense, but it was still a lot for her to take in.

She felt threatened since Alaric found her so easily. She basically waved a flag to let him know where she was at.

 It had been a stupid move. Now, Alaric also knew about her brother. It was a terrible situation for both of them.

"Why do you want them to join together?" Tyler asked, squeezing Melina\'s knee for stability.

"Well, they\'ll be stronger together. He\'s going to come for them, whether they\'re together or apart.

However, I\'m guessing he would prefer the bigger challenge of both of them fighting him together. He likes his games,"

Scott muttered the last part with a shake of his head. "When he comes for them, they have a shot at killing him."

Melina shook her head in disbelief. She couldn\'t see herself killing Alaric. She had gotten much stronger over the years, but she wasn\'t strong enough to take on a demon.

She had no idea how strong Elias was either, so who said they could take Alaric down? It sounded like a suicide mission, and she wasn\'t looking to die anytime soon.

"It won\'t work. We won\'t be strong enough," she replied.

"It sounds too dangerous," Tyler agreed with her, staring at Scott hard.

Scott scoffed and shook his head.

"I don\'t think you realize how terrible things will get if Alaric comes into power. He\'s nearly there. He\'s been wiping out powerful contenders left and right, and you\'ll be next on his list before you know it.

Don\'t you want a fighting chance? Don\'t you want to remove this threat from the world so that you don\'t have to worry about him anymore?" Scott asked.

Melina fell silent, reflecting on his words. She knew that he had a point, but it was still a longshot. Plus, Alaric would come after her and Elias quickly once they found each other.

They could get killed before they were even prepared to fight, and she didn\'t believe that she would ever feel prepared enough to fight Alaric. She couldn\'t erase the memory of him killing Benjamin. It never left her mind.

 If not, good luck," he said before placing a five-dollar bill on the table for the coffee. He then stood up and walked out of the diner, leaving Melina and Tyler alone in the booth.

"I don\'t know. This is… crazy," she breathed out as she shook her head. She could hardly think straight.

Scott sighed and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a pen and then grabbed a napkin. He wrote down an address and them slid it across the table to her.

"This is where I\'m staying tonight. I check out tomorrow at eleven. If you decide that you want to join forces with your brother against the ultimate threat of evil, come find me before then.

 If not, good luck," he said before placing a five-dollar bill on the table for the coffee. He then stood up and walked out of the diner, leaving Melina and Tyler alone in the booth.

"It\'s a crazy plan, right? It wouldn\'t possibly work," Melina said as she looked over at Tyler, wanting his input. She trusted him. She didn\'t know Scott or trust him yet, even if he saved her. She had to be cautious. She had been betrayed and tricked so many times in her life.

Tyler remained silent for a few moments before shrugging.

"It\'s insane. It could be a suicide mission," he agreed with her.

Melina let out a heavy breath as she nodded. She figured that he thought as much. She had never met her brother before, and Scott expected them to fight the ultimate threat together.

She had no idea how that would even work. It probably wouldn\'t work in the first place, which made her feel so wary about taking the risk of going to him. Their lives would implode if they saw each other.

"But it\'s also the best shot at destroying Alaric," Tyler finished his thought.

Melina\'s head whipped around to stare at him in shock. She didn\'t expect him to agree with this at all. It would be dangerous for both of them, and they were trying to avoid suicide missions.

She couldn\'t start a family with him if they were dead. Then again, she couldn\'t safely raise a family with him if Alaric was still around either. She was trapped in a corner with no clear escape.

"You want me to do this?" Melina asked him. If she was honest with herself, she was terrified of facing Alaric.

 She could face other witches and vampires for jobs without much fear, but Alaric was a whole different league from them. He was a true threat that could kill her with ease.

Tyler sighed as he angled his body to face her better.

"I don\'t know. It\'s dangerous, but we want Alaric gone from our lives. If you guys are the best shot, maybe it\'s a risk worth taking," he pointed out.

Melina needed some air. She slipped out from the booth and walked outside of the diner, breathing in the cool air as her chest threatened to tighten. She couldn\'t believe that she was in this situation.

Nothing could ever be peaceful or normal. Something messed up and complicated always had to happen. It sickened her. It made her want to roll over and give up at times. What was the point if she was doomed to die at Alaric\'s hands?

Tyler followed Melina out and stood beside her quietly for a few minutes. He then finally spoke.

"The decision is up to you. I\'ll support anything you decide to do," he assured her.


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