Forced To Marry The Devil : A Crazy Love Saga

Chapter 62 - 62. Jealous?

"Worst." Kizy said nonchalantly.

"It was definitely better than your idiotic acting." Markus retorted.

"Yeah yeah a lot better!! Even having a love rival in between who asked me to stay away from you." Kizy said sarcastically before moving away from Markus.

"Jealous?" Markus said curiously.

"As if I care." Kizy continued with her nonchalant attitude.

"By the way, did you say \'love rival\'? Does that mean you love me?" Markus asked..

"You and love? Don\'t you think these two words are polar opposites of each other." Kizy replied.

"Opposites attract each other." Markus continued.

"Lame." Kizy said with disdain.

Markus kept teasing her, but Kizy continuously ignored him, which irritated Markus to no end.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Markus questioned which was answered by silence.

"Are you angry?" Markus asked once again and finally Kizy snapped.

"No, why would I be angry? Isn\'t it normal to have some random woman who loves your husband, call you cheap while your husband sits and enjoys it with the audience!! That\'s perfectly normal right?" Kizy said.

"Why were you silent then? You could have argued then and there with her." Markus asked seriously.

"Because I don\'t even know what relation you have with her. I don\'t want to create more mess and remain indebted to you. Alas I am just a forcefully wedded wife who is always detested by her husband and knows nothing about him. So by what right am I supposed to fight with someone important to you?" Kizy said.

"And who said that she is important while you aren\'t?" Markus questioned.

"Markus, I have known you for years now. You never tolerate even a single word spoken against you. Yet you were patiently listening to all the things she had to say. What else do I need to know to understand her importance?" Kizy answered.

"Her family has been our allies for the past three generations now. Even when I am pissed at her, I have to keep our partnership in mind before reacting. And if not for her calling you cheap, I wasn\'t intending to do anything. But just because she insulted you, I threatened her dad. Is that enough to make you understand your importance?" Markus asked.

"Then what about the engagement part?" Kizy asked curiously.

"As I said, our families had been partners for three generations now. But in our generation, they only had a single girl child. Thus her grandfather had once proposed to my grandpa to get us engaged. 

I was only ten at that time, yet I had rejected the proposal. But as she grew up, she kept clinging on to me, and kept doing stupid stuffs to propose me in different ways. And I have rejected her time and time again. 

So you see, I have never indulged her in any stupid fantasies, it is completely her own wishful thinking. The engagement was never discussed again, but she is stubbornly sticking to that one proposal for the past fifteen years." Markus explained.

Unknown to Markus himself, he had explained something patiently to someone for the first time. He was not the one to speak much. 

Even when announcing their relationship, he had not used a single lovey-dovey word and went straight to the point. Yet now he had explained himself with all the details to Kizy, which was not his usual self.

"Oh so that\'s the story. But to be honest, did you ever think that you should accept her? I mean she is beautiful, has a powerful background and is loyal to you." Kizy asked.

"Honestly I have never thought of her this way. Though she is better than you in all aspects, I- \'\' Markus was still speaking when Kizy interrupted.

"I never said she is better than me! I am definitely much more beautiful than her, as for powers, I am sure she could never compete with me, even if she was to die and be reborn. As for loyalty, isn\'t protecting someone with your life being more loyal than idiotically clinging to them for their entire lives?" Kizy said sarcastically.

"Little lamb, are you jealous?" Markus asked.

"You are the one who is jealous." Kizy puffed up her cheeks before ignoring him again.

Markus laughed loudly at her puffed cheeks and stopped teasing her.

The next few days were literally spent on feeding entire Country B with dog food. The couple would be seen together everywhere, in restaurants, on the beach, visiting adventure parks, watching movies in theatres.. the list was endless.

And for the first time in history, Markus had opened a social media account which he only used for their PDA!! He would post their photos everyday with just a word or two, but that was enough to make anyone go green from envy.

Initially people were excited to see their male god on social media, but as time passed, even the people who were having great relationships felt as if they were single dogs.

Today Markus was attending a charity function, wearing a black formal suit while Kizy wearing a black gown was seen accompanying him. 

In short they represented what a match made in heaven looked like. Though the internal story was entirely different.

The program was about to end with the last item remaining to get a bid. The last item but also the attraction for tonight\'s charity event was a diamond crown.

It belonged to a queen from the fourteenth century who was known for her fierceness. She had won a war and protected their kingdom with a mere army of hundred soldiers when the king was away to battle the enemy. 

But the queen had a mysterious death and no one knew the exact reason behind it. 

And suddenly this crown was discovered by a diver two years ago in the deep sea, attracting attention from every corner of the world, resulting in this crown landing up here for auctioning.

"The bidding starts from 2 million." Announcer who had already described the crown with great enthusiasm now started with the bid.

"2.5 million."

"2.8 million."

"3 million."

"3.5 million." 

"5 million." Suddenly someone shouted from the crowd.

Instantly the crowd became silent, intending to look at the fool who had raised the price this much.

But they were all shocked after knowing the identity of this person.


Stay happy and healthy.

- Kizy

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