Forced To Marry The Devil : A Crazy Love Saga

Chapter 68 - 68. Fallen Angel

Markus kept standing on the same spot, watching Kizy\'s back diminish as she moved further away from him. Even her back gave off that broken but beautiful vibe. She looked like a fallen angel, though fallen, but still an angel, beautifully trying to collect herself to face everything again.

"I should have told you earlier." Markus said to himself while rubbing his cheek which was stinging from the earlier slap.

Unknown to both of them, a paparazzi had recorded their video while fighting on the street and uploaded it on the internet..

Social sites which were already in uproar after watching Markus cheating on Kizy with Jia, were now in total chaos after watching the video clip in front of the school gate.

"You will never be my male god again."

"Guys what if Jia had trapped Markus to create a misunderstanding between him and Kizy?"

"The commentor above, are you that stupid, don\'t you see he was wide awake when Kizy entered the office. If he had been trapped, shouldn\'t being confused come first before trying to hide himself and trying to explain his side."

"Why Markus? Why do you have to cheat on Kizy?"

"I hate you Markus."

"Kizy you will definitely find someone better than him."

"If I was in her place, I wouldn\'t have stopped with a single slap."

All types of comments were seen but the majority of them were criticizing Markus and supporting Kizy.

Meanwhile in a hotel room in A city, a man suddenly entered the bedroom with a loud bang before saying.

"Boss watch this!" The man said to the blue eyed boss.

"Don\'t you know that I hate it the most when people disturb my sleep?" Blue eyed man said calmly while rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry boss, but this was about Miss Kizy." The man said in a slow voice.

The blue eyed man immediately snatched the laptop out of his lackey\'s hand and played the video which was already paused on the screen.

It showed how Markus was seen being intimate with Jia while Kizy wanted to surprise him. 

"There\'s something wrong in it. Markus had been sticking to Kizy 24×7 for the past month. Why would he leave Kizy for some cheap girl." The blue eyed man said.

"Boss this isn\'t some random woman. She is Miss Jia from the Wilson family. They have close ties with the Evans." The lackey replied.

"Still this is impossible. No matter how I see Kizy is definitely better than this woman in every aspect. Markus won\'t make such a mistake." The blue eyed man said, still contemplating over the clip.

"Boss that\'s not the only thing. Look at this." The lackey played another clip.

This was the clip which showed their argument on the street where Markus tried to forcefully kiss Kizy while she slapped him in return and walked away.

"Are you sure this is true?" Boss asked.

"Boss I even checked their company\'s CCTV. This is the clip." The lackey said and opened some folders after entering a few complicated passwords.

The footage showed Kizy running out from the office and taking the stairs. The scene changed and she was seen sitting in a fetal position, crying badly. But the clip ended before Joel entered the scene.

"I guess even the gods are in my favour." The blue eyed man said with a smile.

"Trace her location and keep updating me on Markus as well." The blue eyed man ordered.

"Yes boss." The lackey said and bowed before leaving the room.

"Kizy, be my woman now." The boss said to himself while smiling with that devilishly handsome face.

On the other side, Kizy spent the entire night in a children\'s park. The sun was rising when a car stopped in front of the park.

Grandpa exited the car and walked towards Kizy without any expressions. Kizy saw grandpa, but she wasn\'t sure how to talk with him.

"Child are you alright?" Grandpa asked as soon as he reached near her.

Kizy felt like crying at this very first statement. But she took a deep breath, stopping her tears that were threatening to come out.

"I am all good grandpa." She said while trying to smile a little, which came out more like a heartbreaking sad smile though.

"Let\'s go back home child.\'\' Grandpa said gently.

"Sorry grandpa but I don\'t want to come. You can ask anything other than this. Please." Kizy said in a stiff voice.

"I know whatever Markus did was extremely disgusting but that\'s not the entire truth. I want you to at least hear him out once." Grandpa said.

"Grandpa, I don\'t want to hear some fake excuses." Kizy said.

"Kizy, you have known me for a few months now. When have you seen me taking his side. If he had wronged you, I would have been the first person to kick him out of the house. Do you still doubt me?" Grandpa said.

"What other reason would there be grandpa?" Kizy asked.

"Why don\'t you let him explain himself then. Maybe what you see is not the entire truth." Grandpa said.

And after another ten minutes of convincing, Kizy was sitting inside the car, heading towards the Evans mansion.

"Child you are back!!" Grandma exclaimed the moment Kizy entered the hall.

Kizy just gave a meek smile before looking down.

"Come and sit here." Grandpa said and held Kizy\'s hand before guiding her towards the sofa.

"Come out now." Mary said in a chilly voice, which showed how angry she was.

And within ten seconds, Markus came out from Grandpa\'s study.

Kizy knew Markus was staring at her but she wasn\'t the least bit interested in even taking a single peek at him.

Markus was feeling a whole lot of guilt, confusion, frustration, and most importantly a sense of incompleteness since Kizy had walked away from him on the street.

"Sorry for hurting you. I didn\'t mean to do that but trust me I was-" Markus started speaking.

"Mr. Markus sorry to say but I only want to hear your explanation that too for the sake of grandpa, grandma and mom. Anything other than that, whether that\'s your apology or guilt, I don\'t care. So stop beating around the bush and get straight to the point and speak." Kizy said coldly.

"Kizy that was just a plan. We didn\'t do anything." Markus said.

"Nice excuse. But I expected some creative reasoning from you." Kizy said with a bitter laugh. 

"Kizy why don\'t you listen to me. Or better first see this." Markus said before placing his laptop in front of Kizy.


Drink water and stay hydrated!!

- Kizy.

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