Forced To Marry The Devil : A Crazy Love Saga

Chapter 86 - 86. Hadn't I Warned You?

Those men looked at each for a moment before slowly kneeling down.

Kizy then turned towards her men.

"Go inside that building and take care of our men. Perform first aid if necessary." Kizy said to the captain.

"Yes Ma\'am." He said and helped his men to walk towards the designated building. Almost all of them were injured when grandpa\'s men went all out after watching the blast.

Kizy only turned back towards grandpa\'s men when the captain and her team were out of sight.

"But ladyboss, elder master is… is…" the leader couldn\'t even make himself say that the elder master whom he had been protecting just a moment ago was no more..

Tears started flowing down his eyes as he felt choked, unable to continue speaking.

"Grandpa is-" Kizy was still speaking when someone interrupted.

"Grandpa is?" The voice was eerily cold, lacking emotions, but terrifying at the same time.

Kizy turned towards the voice, only to find a cold Markus, who was emitting his scariest aura right now. But this Markus gave her a murderous vibe.

"Markus, listen. The th.. thing is gra-" and Kizy stuttered for the first time.

But Markus wasn\'t in the slightest mood to listen to her. He was already impatient for his whole ride, and now wasn\'t the time to have small talks with Kizy.

"Where is Grandpa?" He asked in his low but cold tone.

"Markus, let\'s talk-" and Kizy was once again cut off.

"I fucking asked you where is grandpa??" Markus shouted.

He could no longer wait. The moment he heard that loud boom from grandpa\'s side through the phone, he just wanted to come and see him in person.

He had even shouted at his jet\'s pilot thrice during the entire ride.

After landing, he didn\'t care about anything else. Luckily Joel had informed Mr. Lee, who in turn had kept his vehicle ready to pick Markus.

But the moment Markus reached this area, his impatience turned into anxiety, especially after watching one of the vehicles in flames, he was terrified.

He was still trusting Kizy, thinking that she would definitely do something to save grandpa somehow, but after watching that vehicle and not being able to locate grandpa, he could no longer find it in himself to trust her.

He didn\'t want to even think about any negative outcome from this situation. He just wanted to see grandpa completely fine.

"Markus, grandpa isn\'t-" Kizy suddenly stopped talking when Markus started walking towards her in large strides.

She wanted to speak, maybe answer him as well, but she just couldn\'t find her voice after watching him look this way. She had never ever seen him look this dangerous.

Markus came and stood in front of her. Though he wanted to trust her, knowing that she wouldn\'t harm the grandpa who had pampered her the most in his family, he wasn\'t having any optimistic feelings from her.

"Whose vehicle was that?" Markus asked, pointing towards the burnt car.

Kizy gulped hard, not knowing how she was supposed to speak. Plus she couldn\'t create much sound, as that would only end up alerting the captain and her team, which might put Markus in danger.

"Whose vehicle is that?" Markus asked for the second time.

"Grandpa\'s." Kizy answered with a single word.

And that was it.

Markus held Kizy\'s hand, dragging her all the way towards his car where no one else was present. He had gripped her hands too tightly, not caring in the least that it was bruising her.

While Kizy kept quiet, knowing that that would be the best for the time being.

Before reaching towards the car, he signalled Joel and Mr. Lee\'s men, who were present near the car.

All of them instantly fled away, not daring to even breathe.

Markus reached till the car door and roughly pushed Kizy over it. 

"Tell me you didn\'t." Markus said through gritted teeth.

Kizy, who was feeling a little dizzy, after having her head bumped near the car door, could not even comprehend what Markus meant.

Markus grabbed her by her chin, lifting her face so that she was looking at him in the eye.

"Tell me you didn\'t order to blast the vehicle." Markus said while pinching her chin.

"I.. I did. But-" Kizy said but Markus didn\'t listen.

"Was grandpa sitting inside that vehicle?" Markus asked.

Kizy didn\'t answer him but just nodded a little.

And finally Markus lost his cool.

His hand holding Kizy\'s chin released it. Kizy was about to speak when suddenly he strangled her, his hand squeezing her neck forcefully.

"Hadn\'t I warned you? Not to mess with my family? Didn\'t I?" Markus asked through gritted teeth while a tear escaped his left eye.

Yes. Family. That was his one and only boundary. No matter how big or small a matter was, anything related to his family would be way too important for him. Nobody was allowed to cross this borderline.

But knowing that Kizy had attacked his grandpa, maybe even killed him was something he couldn\'t digest. He had already lost his mind after reading the message she had sent Jack.


And now after witnessing everything, after listening to everything from her, how else was he supposed to react?

"Ma.. Markus… cough… listen.. gran.. grandpa.. he-" Kizy was trying to speak when Markus tightened his grip on her neck.

Kizy wanted to speak to him, to explain to him, but she couldn\'t even utter a single sound at his merciless behaviour. She knew that he would be angry, way too angry. But she never expected him to directly go for her life.

Kizy was still trying to speak when she felt her secret cell phone vibrate a little. The thing Kizy had been waiting for had finally happened.

Markus was tightening his grip with each moment but Kizy still tried to speak in a meek voice.

"Grand… grandpa… cough- cough… safe… cough… grandpa is.. safe.." Kizy said in a very weak voice, coughing and choking in between, breathing her last breaths.


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- Kizy

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