Forced To Marry The Devil : A Crazy Love Saga

Chapter 114 - 114. The Job

"So our job is collecting secret information on people and killing special people for money." Jason directly went straight to the point.

"What-" Kizy immediately said but Jason cut her off.

"No talking in between." He said sternly.

Kizy wanted to speak and stop him from continuing, but she remembered what Jason had said. She could only speak when he was done explaining. Thus she decided to listen him out, even when she felt like leaving at that very moment.

"This group is an assassination group but along with that, we track people and gather secret information about them for future use. 

Basically our first job is killing people for money.. Have you heard of the term assassin or mercenary?" Jason asked, waiting for Kizy to reply.

Kizy sìmply nodded her head.

"Do you know what they mean? What is the difference between a mercenary and assassin?" Jason asked.

Kizy shakes her head, indicating a \'No\'.

"Mercenaries are like soldiers. They are hired by countries, or parties and are mostly used during wars. Or maybe for political reasons.

But we assassins are secretly hired. We are paid for killing in secret, or maybe for extracting information. But it is illegal. 

I won\'t elaborate on this much. But more about what we do." Jason said and paused.

"Before explaining our job any further, I want to clear two things. 

We usually don\'t have a lot of people close to us. Because we can\'t protect them all the time. If it is about three to four people per person, we can manage, but more than that, it is difficult.

Secondly, we don\'t kill every single order we receive. We check out the background details, and all the kills we have done till now were people who were involved in serious crimes, but are living freely, enjoying their lives. 

If we come across an order where the person involved is innocent or isn\'t involved in some greater crimes, we don\'t accept the order." Jason finished.

"I think I have filled you in on enough details. Now you can ask your doubts." Jason said.

"Why to kill?" This was the first thing Kizy asked.

"If we don\'t kill others, we will be killed. As simple as that." Jason said.

"What if we aren\'t interfering in their business? Why would anyone kill us without any reason?" Kizy asked.

"Why did those boys try to force you? Did you interfere in their work? Or were you the one who seduced them? They just wanted to have fun, no matter if they needed to destroy or even kill if needed.

Or forget that, why were they so violent with you? Don\'t tell me that it was because you started first. Because you hit that boy first.

No. Not at all. You were just trying to protect yourself. Is it wrong to do so? If not for my timely intervention, those boys would have raped you till their heart\'s content and would have killed you later on. 

You would have died an innocent death while your family and friends wouldn\'t even have known why or how you had disappeared. 

Do we deserve that?" Jason asked, his voice getting a pitch higher, as if he remembered some bad past.

Kizy suddenly thought about the events from morning. Her only mistake was that she had entered the wrong area, that too by mistake as she was new to this city. 

She wasn\'t even wearing any revealing clothes or did any wrong gestures. But it was those boys who had initiated it.

"No we don\'t." She said in a firm voice.

"Whether you join this work or not, let me tell you one basic rule. This world only obeys the powerful. If you have power, no one dares to go against you, but if you are weak, people will come to find trouble with you, because they are powerful." Jason said.

"But I don\'t like killing people. Plus I have no knowledge about this field." Kizy raised her second doubt.

"But what if you are killing these rapists, murderers and criminals? I won\'t justify my work as I know that whatever I am doing is illegal. 

But even then, I try my best to find out every minute detail before killing a person. Whether he truly deserves to die. Only when I am sure about that, will I accept the mission.

Secondly, even if you have no knowledge, we can teach you. If you join us, you will be trained." Jason said.

"But how am I supposed to explain my job to my family? I came out in search of a 9 to 5 job, what am I going to tell them?" Kizy asked.

Even Kizy didn\'t know that she had subconsciously started taking this job seriously. She was asking doubts like knowledge of this profession and her family\'s consent to it.

"That won\'t be a problem. Your family would definitely think that you are on a perfectly normal job. That is my responsibility." Jason said in a reassuring voice.

"Why did you ask me to join? Like you could have asked anyone. Why me?" Kizy asked the doubt that had been buzzing in her mind all this time.

"Because I saw your will to fight. You knew that there was no way you\'d win against those boys, yet you tried till the time you could.

That\'s exactly what is needed by us. Even if we were to die on a mission, we need to fight till our last breath as we never know how a situation might change.

Secondly as you said, you already know the basic human body along with their fatal points. Won\'t it be easier for me to train you instead of picking someone who has no knowledge and needs to start from level zero?" Jason asked.

"Hmm." Kizy said, thinking deep.

"I am not hiding anything from you because I don\'t want you to simply join us and then blame me for not giving you the proper information.

Our missions are very dangerous even when they have been planned for weeks or months. We could get killed any moment. But if we are getting so much money, it is obvious that risk would be involved." Jason said.

"Okay I understand. But I need to think this through." Kizy said.

"No issues. You can take whatever time you need to decide. Just that you are not supposed to discuss this with anyone." Jason said and Kizy nodded in response.

"This is my contact information. Contact me whenever you have decided your answer." Jason said, passing his contact info.

Kizy took it and stood up, wanting to leave this place quickly.

"Let me drop you." Jason said.

"No need." Kizy said.

"And how are you going to find your way back?" Jason said.

"I memorised it on the way here." Kizy said.

Jason was literally speechless for a moment. He never thought that Kizy could literally learn the entire way when he was carelessly bringing her to this place.

"Gives me another reason to choose you over others." Jason said with a smirk.

Kizy didn\'t reply and just nodded at each member before leaving and going back home.

"Why are you back early? Were you selected for the interview!!" Kate exclaimed as soon as Kizy entered.

"No mom. I wasn\'t selected. I am a little tired and will be searching for other jobs from tomorrow onwards." Kizy said monotonously.

"Sure child. Don\'t tire yourself out. I cooked lunch for us. Come let\'s eat together." Her mom said with a smile, trying to cheer Kizy up.

Thus the mother daughter duo had their lunch and Kizy went inside the room to think through today\'s event.

By evening she had decided to not join this mysterious team and work. Afterall she could easily find herself a normal job with good pay. So why to risk her life over some extra money?

Therefore, the next day onwards, she was busy searching for jobs. She went to various companies, small businesses, shops to find herself any job as they had no money.

Finally on the third day, Kizy found herself a job at a grocery mart. She would go early and return late, sometimes even working overtime just to receive extra payment.

This went on for almost two weeks, and she had completely left the thought of joining Jason and his team behind.

But after almost working for fifteen days, she decided to return home early one day, and enjoy some quality time with her mom as recently she was spending less time with her due to her job.

She purchased materials required for making her mom\'s favourite soup and noodles, intending to cook it by herself and surprise her mom.

But the moment she stepped into her yard, the scene in front of her made her remember the words spoken by Jason - \'This world only obeys the powerful. If you have power, no one dares to go against you, but if you are weak, people will come to find trouble with you, because they are powerful.\'

Her mom was sitting alone, looking into the distance while tears were rolling down from her eyes, remembering their bad past memories.

How could she forget that the situation she and her mom were in, was because of this POWER!! Because they were weak while the one in front of them was Powerful enough to kick them out of their own house.


Follow me on instagram @go_kizy. Don\'t forget to vote with powerstones and golden tickets. Drink water and stay hydrated!!

- Kizy

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