Forced To Marry The Devil : A Crazy Love Saga

Chapter 208 - 208. Joel Smiling Foolishly

Joel just looked at her running figure, shaking his head with a foolish smile pasted on his face.

Initially he would come and look for Nina everyday, because he had seen how scared she was the other day.

But soon enough, things started changing. His initial unintentional care had turned into a regular practice, where he would find himself searching for Nina whenever he could.

But the most important part about this was that he knew what he was doing or what he wanted.

It was just that Nina wasn\'t accepting his initiatives, which made it difficult for him to continue.

But one thing he knew for sure was he wasn\'t leaving it half way.

If he had decided upon something, he would keep doing it even after failing multiple times, until there was no hope left.

If he even had one percent of chance, he would go all out.

And this was exactly what he was trying to do.

Meanwhile outside the ward, Nina turned back to look at the closed ward door once again.

It wasn\'t that she couldn\'t see Joel\'s advances, or his irrelevant visits, but she didn\'t want to take this any further.

She had always been miles away from males. But Joel had broken that barrier. 

Joel had been the first man to be this intimate with Nina, which made her feel different emotions for him.

But she simply didn\'t know what exactly she was feeling.

Thus she didn\'t want to give false hopes to Joel and make him think that she would reciprocate his feelings.

She had always been systematic with a clear aim. But for the first time, she was confused over something for the longest time ever.

Thus she didn\'t want to simply act accordingly. She first wanted to sort her thoughts out and then act, so that she won\'t make any mistake or make others misunderstand her.

This is how she had always been. Thinking thoroughly before taking any step.

She looked at the door one more time before turning and walking away.


Kizy was discharged from the hospital after her fast recovery, which was why she was sitting beside Markus in the car, going back to their house after almost a month.

"Are you sure that you have recovered? You are not hurting anywhere?" Markus asked for the Nth time today.

"Arghhh!! Mr. Devil reincarnate! How many times do I need to tell you? I have recovered. In fact I can\'t be any healthier. Stop making a fuss over my discharge. I just want to go home as soon as possible!" Kizy exclaimed, not believing how extreme caring Marlus could be.

"Fine. I was just worrying for your sake and wanted you to stay there for more time under observation." Markus said, pouting a little.

"Hubby, why do you want me to stay away from home? Don\'t tell me you have hidden another woman behind my back." Kizy asked with a pout, trying to bring out her cutest doubting voice.

Markus just turned to look towards her, dumbfounded at her sudden drama. But the next moment he leaned forward.

Kizy, who was pouting, immediately widened her eyes at the sudden proximity.

Markus pressed a button and the next moment, a barrier was present between them and the driver and Joel.

Markus bent even more, making Kizy\'s back touch the car window, while her heart was racing at a speed of 400km/hour.

Kizy instantly closed her eyes as she felt his hot breath, her face turning red from knowing what was about to happen next.

But the next moment….

"Aawwwww." Markus said before pulling her cheeks, making her open her eyes wide.

"You were so cute just a moment ago, wifey!" Markus said in an even more exaggerated voice, while his hands were still pulling her cheeks.

All the expectations that Kizy had were suddenly thrown out of the window, while Kizy made an irritated face.

"Leave my cheeks!" She said in a frustrated manner.

"But those are so cute!" Markus exclaimed once again, pulling them even more.

"Markus!!" Kizy said more angrily, not even knowing why she was feeling so frustrated.

Markus instantly left her cheeks, knowing he had truly managed to anger her this time.

And Kizy simply turned her head to the other side, not wanting to talk with Markus anymore, even when knowing that he hadn\'t done anything wrong.

"Kizy." Markus called her name after barely ten seconds had passed.

Kizy turned to look towards him, but the next moment, her mouth was devoured by Markus, capturing her sweet cavity, conquering her tongue as he usually did. 

But there was a passion in this kiss, a passion that Kizy never knew existed.

And she returned the kiss with equal efforts, trying to be as perfect as Markus was, trying to match his pace.

And knowing what Kizy wanted to do, Markus slowed down a little, letting her take her own time and create her own pace.

Their tongues intertwined, dancing to a fierce tempo, while his hands were busy caressing her nape, and hers in his silky locks.

Finally after a minute, Kizy was breathless, her face flushed a deep shade of red from lack of oxygen.

Markus slowed down their kiss, before coming to an end, finally giving her a peck at the corner of her lips.

"Breath little lamb." He said, his voice husky from their sudden intimacy.

And Kizy obliged, breathing while opening her eyes slowly, her eyelashes fluttering.

Markus so badly wanted to capture her lips again, especially after looking at her tempting appearance, but he knew that he needed to stop.

But Kizy bent forward, wanting to continue more.

"Not now. Let\'s take this slowly." Markus said in a controlled voice, knowing that anymore advances, and he would lose his control.

But suddenly Kizy felt sheepish, knowing what she was about to do.

"You just have to ask Little lamb." Markus said, looking at her shy face.


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- Kizy

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