Forced To Marry The Devil : A Crazy Love Saga

Chapter 236 236. Never Have I Ever

"Can your team tolerate alcohol?" Markus asked as the alcohol was brought in the private room.

"Definitely better than you!" Rose said in a challenging tone after hearing what Markus had said.

"Are you challenging me Miss. Rose?" Markus asked in an overly dramatic voice.

"No fighting kids!!" Kizy said, making the entire table laugh loudly.

"Guys let\'s play a game!!" Suddenly Lewis exclaimed in between.

"No. Not again." Markus said, knowing how foolish games his friends played.

"This one is simple and cool. Even you know the game - Never have I ever!" Lewis said.

"What is this game?" Kizy asked curiously.

"You are drinking alcohol?" Catherine asked.

"No. Mocktail." Kizy replied.

"Okay. So what we do is one of us would ask a random question. All of us would have to take a sip of our drink if we have done the thing that was asked in the question. If not, just say pass." Lisa explained enthusiastically.

"I am in." Rose and Nicole said at the same time before laughing while looking at each other.

"We too." Ruth said, while taking Nina\'s hand and raising it without her permission.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Lewis said before pouring drinks for him, Catherine, Felix and Lisa.

The entire table was consuming alcohol except Kizy, who had promised Markus that she won\'t drink it, Nina, who had never touched alcohol in her 24 year old life and lastly Ruth, who was 18 right now and not allowed to drink.

"So who is starting?" Harry asked excitedly, happy that he was 19 years old and allowed to drink after looking at sulking Ruth.

"Let me start!" Lisa said before thinking for a moment, soon a devilish smile appeared on her face.

"Wifey, be a little easier in the beginning. Your face is screaming \'Beware\'. Remember we have a minor between us." Felix reminded, making the entire table laugh another round.

"Then you ask. I\'ll ask later on." Lisa said, pouting.

"Wait, I\'ll start." Suddenly Nicole said, making all of them look towards her.

"Okay go ahead." Markus said, encouraging his cousin.

"Never had I ever been punished in my school life." Nicole said, trying to start with some mild questions in the beginning.

Markus, Felix and Lewis looked at each other before laughing and taking sips of alcohol. Lisa and Nicole followed behind them, gulping sips while surprisingly Joel, Jason, Victor, Rose and Harry were seen doing the same.

"You were never punished?" Kizy asked Jack and Alex, as she was only expecting herself, Catherine, Nina and Ruth to be on the list.

"No. He was good at academics so never had to be punished. As for me, I was good at fighting, so the teacher never dared to punish me." Alex replied a little embarrassingly.

"Poor teachers!" Victor said while laughing, speaking for the first time in the evening.

"You are next. Ask a question." Nicole said to Nina.

"I am not very familiar with the game. Let someone else ask. I will ask later on." Nina said, still understanding the game.

"I\'ll ask." Ruth said, getting excited while playing such games for the first time.

After spending her days with Kizy and Nina, Ruth was getting better at conversations and mixing up with people.

"Okay." Nina said, smiling at Ruth.

"Never had I ever beaten someone black and blue." Ruth said excitedly and instantly gulped a huge sip.

The entire table laughed, before Markus, Kizy, Felix, Lewis, Nicole, Joel, Jack, Alex, and the entire Black command team took sips.

"Brother you are next." Ruth said to Joel.

Joel thought for a moment before saying.

"Never have I ever had a secret crush on someone." Joel said.

"Oohhh!! Joel! Since when did you start getting so romantic!" Jack asked teasingly.

But Joel didn\'t reply and simply took a sip. In fact not just Jack, but the entire table was surprised at Joel\'s sudden actions.

But what nobody was expecting was for Nina to pick up her glass and take a sip as well.

"Nina!!!" This time Kizy exclaimed, not believing that her bestie had hidden such a huge secret from her.

Nina just looked at Kizy with a \'spare-me-this-one-time\' look, almost pleading to let it go.

Kizy just looked at Nina for sometime, similar to how the entire table was watching.

But Markus still managed to capture Joel\'s expression, that went from sudden shock, then a happy realisation, followed by a big wide smile ultimately ending into a shy expression where he lowered his head, happy in his own thoughts.

Markus just shook his head at his assistant\'s foolish actions, forgetting how he was no different when it came to Kizy.

Lewis, Felix, Lisa took sips, along with Markus. Rose secretly glanced at Jason who took a sip, before internally sighing at herself and gulping down a huge sip.

This way the game went on for a few rounds before Markus felt that it was late enough, and ended the game.

The group then chatted amongst themselves, catching up on latest updates.

"So what\'s going on?" Kizy whispered to Nina, eager to know her best friend\'s secret crush.

"What?" Nina asked, pretending to not know anything about what Kizy was asking.

"Just spill the beans. How can you hide something like that from me!" Kizy exclaimed.

"Okay okay don\'t shout. I will tell you. Keep calm." Nina said, not wanting others to pay attention towards them.

"That\'s better." Kizy said, crossing her hands.

"It\'s a little complicated. Like I am not completely sure about my own feelings. But I just wanna give it a try. Like-" Nina was still speaking when Kizy cut her off.

"Just spit the name." Kizy said, getting all impatient, something completely opposite to her usual calm self.

Nina looked at Kizy, silent for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes.


Releasing 2 CHAPTERS TODAY!! Don\'t forget to comment and vote with powerstone and golden tickets. Thank you for the gifts @Emily_Quarrick and @Laquita39... drink water and stay hydrated!!

- Kizy

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