My Angel system

Chapter 12 Not That Tough

Luis couldn\'t even hear himself screaming as he was falling down a very tiny and dark hole, that reminded him of the night he almost got burnt.

He still couldn\'t explain how he broke from the chains but the last thing he could remember was stepping a step backward and then he was falling into a hole.

It was dark and the only thing he could see was a tiny red light which must have been at the bottom, unlike he didn\'t scream when he fell into the hole.

He was just glad that he wouldn\'t have to be burnt that night because getting him out of a hole as deep as that was going to take the Villagers some time, he clenched onto the book, he couldn\'t believe that he was still falling, he wasn\'t able to remember what happened next because he became unconscious.

The next day he opened his eyes expecting to be in a hole, only to find himself in this strange world.


"Where did you say he fell," a thick voice said, then someone walked to the surrounding of the hole where Luis had fallen, it was the soldier, the one that was supposed to be in charge of Luis\' execution.

There were three men in the area looking into the hole, one was the blacksmith, he wasn\'t happy and looked frustrated he was acting like he just lost one of his most precious possessions, but what he just lost was also close to that.

Catching a thief in Asaka and ensuring the successful execution of that thief meant that you would have to receive special gifts from the king, it was his way of saying thank you for helping him catch one of the brats that polluted her kingdom.

Why not pick a weak child from the streets and accuse him of theft? Some of the villagers would think of that but no one dared to try it because it was a big risk on their side, the punishment given to false accusers and kidnappers was much worse compared to the ones given to thieves.

"Shouldn\'t we go there and look for him?" the blacksmith said, his voice was trembling and it looked like he would soon jump on one of the men there.

The soldier bent down and took a quick look down the hole, he then turned back to the blacksmith shaking his head, he had a disappointed look on his face."I don\'t think there\'s anything down there"

The blacksmith stood there, the vein in his head seemed to have bulged out, he didn\'t say anything as the soldier stood up to leave.

"No this can\'t be," he said with widened eyes immediately the soldier was out of sight, he tried to jump into the hole but the men held him back.

It was useless to try and jump in there because he wouldn\'t find anything, the hole would be able to fit one human, but it was really deep and it didn\'t look like there was any way someone who fell in there could get out by himself but then how did Luis disappear immediately after falling in there? That was the question that made the people that were there to burn him that night restless.


Luis expected to land on at least something soft like a mattress but he got the opposite of his expectations as he dropped out from the ceiling vent on the hard floor.

"Awwww" he groaned as his stomach hit the hard floor." Where am I?" he said, raising his head to look around, everywhere looked so white, he was fascinated by what he was seeing, never in his life had he seen something like this before.

Something in the room seemed to be calling to him as if he belonged here, his thoughts were cut off by Tammy\'s voice which he was hearing down the arena, he got close to see Tammy and Greg facing a screen that looked just like the one constantly appeared in front of him.

"Dad, I\'m not ready for this" Tammy said.

"Well, you should be," Greg said.

Luis was surprised by what happened next, the screen disappeared, then the arena started to move, steps started to come out on the wall of the arena but they weren\'t arranged though, the last thing that happened got Luis scared, large circular holes opened up on all the four sides of the arena, then out of those holes came four large cannon mouths.

"What are they doing?" Luis gasped, but he told himself not to worry since this probably couldn\'t be their first time doing this.

[ Intense level training is about to begin ]

The system said then a countdown began starting from ten

So that\'s what they were doing, they were training.

When the countdown got to five Tammy stretched her hand and a shield appeared on it but Greg didn\'t do anything, he just stood there with his hands folded until the countdown was over.

Immediately after the countdown was over red light started to emit from all the cannon mouths.

"Now," Tammy said jumping on one of the steps as the cannon mouths started to shoot out something like large fireballs.

Tammy was doing her best to avoid being hit by any of the balls but even with her shield, she had already gotten hit twice.

[ 3/ 5 HP Tammy ]

Luis\' eyes widened because of what he was seeing on that large screen now, everything looked similar.

Tammy had a shield and was still struggling, Greg didn\'t have any but he was doing perfectly fine, he looked bored just by jumping out of the way and doing a flip just to avoid the balls, sometimes he would summon his sword and hit out a ball but the sword would be gone as soon as he was done with it.

[ 5/5 HP Greg ]

[ 1/ 5 HP Tammy ]

Tammy had been doing her best, jumping from step to step while using her shield but still she had only one HP left now.

"How are you still untouched, in this intensity?" she jumped over him while blocking a fireball with her shield.

"I\'ve always told you to stay low" he stretched himself on the ground allowing a fireball to pass him.

"Huh!" Tammy said while landing on the step at the other side, she was distracted and now a fireball was heading her way and she didn\'t even know it.

"Look out Tam," Greg said quickly getting up on his feet.

"Huh!" she quickly turned but it was already too late, the ball hit her on the face knocking her off the step, before she could hit the floor she turned into some kind of broken digital blocks, then those digital blocks appeared outside and materialized into her, she rubbed her head, that last hit seemed to have hurt.

"You are not that tough, are you?"

She turned to find Luis standing a little distance behind her with his hands folded.

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