My Angel system

Chapter 14 School Of Hierarchy

Tammy kept a little distance away from Luis as they both walked down the large hallways of a school, she still couldn\'t believe it and was angry because of what had happened.

She was now okay with Luis living with them but going to school with her was something she was never going to be okay with still, there wasn\'t much she could do because her father was the one that made the decisions not her.

When Luis had asked if he could come to school with Tammy, she was just about to close the door so that her dad would come to take her to school but hearing those words her hands refused to move.

She wanted to give her father a sign to say no but he wasn\'t looking at her, she felt like squeezing the door and reducing it to Scrap once he saw Greg smile at Luis just after he made that request, that smile meant what she feared was about to happen.

"Sure," Greg said, he turned his gaze to Tammy, he wanted to check the expressions on her face but she quickly slammed the door shut, he ignored it and then returned to Luis who was still wondering why Tammy had shut the door so loudly, she only did that when she was angry.

He had only stayed a few hours here but he had already noted a few things about her one of which was her behaviour when angered.

"Although, you can\'t go looking like that" Greg said taking a glance down Luis\' body.

"Do they wear anything special for school?" Luis asked looking down at his clothes, he couldn\'t help but wonder what type of clothing he was required to wear now even the clothes on his body seemed strange and new to him.

He had woken up in the hospital and found the clothes on his body, later while explaining where he was from he had asked Greg and he simply told him that those clothes looked old, dirty, tattered, and old-fashioned so he decided to change them into these new ones.

Luis felt embarrassed when he heard that he was the one that changed him into the new clothes, but there was no need for that, Greg was a doctor he had already done things more than just changing a boy\'s clothes.

"Ah don\'t worry, let me get something," Greg said and left to go get something inside.

Luis was still thinking about why Tammy had slammed the door like that, she had told him that she hated that he was in her home but he really felt like he had a good time with her yesterday, they talked for a while outside until she left, then in the night she came to his room so that they could talk some more and to his greatest surprise slept on his bed.

That night he got rid of every thought of her hating him, he was beginning to think of her as a friend but after what had happened earlier and now those thoughts were starting to come back.

"Here you go," Greg said handing Luis two folded clothes.

"Oh" Luis quickly grabbed the clothes, he hadn\'t even noticed when Greg got close to him.

Luis unwrapped the clothes to see that they were very similar to what Tammy was wearing except that this one had an orange-like color, it looked old.

"Now put them on and let\'s leave"

Tammy sat alone at the back of the car while Luis sat upfront with Greg, the drive was quiet and the silence was becoming unbearable for her, she wanted to say something, she wanted to protest against what was going on and finally she said something.

"You know he won\'t be able to survive a year there" she blurted.

"Then you will have to be his guide," Greg said turning the steering wheel gently." And the choice to stay and continue is up to him," he said turning his gaze to Luis.

"I\'m not being anyone\'s guard," Tammy said.

"I didn\'t tell you to be his guard Tammy, guard and guide are two different words with two different meanings"

When Greg said guide the idea that Tammy got was that Greg was telling her to protect him but Greg meant a different thing, he wanted her to teach and direct him so that he wouldn\'t get into trouble and then need protection.

"But still it\'s totally up to you," Greg said as the car came to a halt on the road.

"Are we here?" Luis asked, he had been silent throughout the drive because he was beginning to have second thoughts about Tammy again.

"Yes," he said.

Tammy kept his gaze at Luis but she wasn\'t looking at Luis, she was looking out through the glass window, Luis followed his gaze outside to see the large building that was standing a little distance away, it was larger than the one that they just came from but the building didn\'t look that attractive.

"You have to get down now," Greg said.

Luis\' had wandered off again, thinking of how people could make buildings as large as that, he didn\'t realize when Tammy opened and shut her door.

"Oh" he shifted his gaze back to see that Tammy was already gone, he thought she was already heading into the school by now but when he opened the door he found her standing in front of the door.

"Have a nice time at school Luis" Greg bent to the seat where Luis just left from so that he could look Tammy in the face." And Tammy don\'t forget to show your guest around and be nice" he said.

\'Guest? my guest doesn\'t need to come to school with me\' her thoughts were ravaging, but she didn\'t say anything.

"See you later" he shut the door and then zoomed off.

Immediately Greg\'s car was out of sight Tammy left Luis standing there and walked off.

"Hey wait," he said running after her.

Luis followed Tammy down the hallway, but she tried to keep a distance away from him, she even threatened him to stay away and find his way around but he kept on following her without getting close to her but still he had to get close to her if he was going to understand anything around here.

"Tammy" he tapped her on her shoulder as he got behind her but she ignored it and kept moving.

"Tammy" he did it again.

This time she got annoyed, she summoned her dagger and quickly turning he placed the dagger on his throat.

"If you keep on following me like this then I\'ll have to cut your throat open" he could see the anger in his eyes, if he didn\'t know where she came from he would have believed that she meant those words." And trust me no one will say a word about it," she said looking around the hallway.

Luis was speechless, he was shocked and surprised at the same time, those threats kept repeating in his head as Tammy let go of him and walked away.

He watched her as she walked away into the far corner of the hallway, how was he supposed to get around this large place? He started to look around, he had been so occupied with catching up to Tammy that he hadn\'t noticed the many students who were walking around the hallway, they were wearing the same clothes as him as Tammy but there were also lots of different other colors.

Many of them were putting on the blue ones he saw someone wearing a red one but no one was putting on the orange colored one, that made him wonder why the uniforms had to be different colors, he had noticed that all the outfits including his were the same when it came to designing but the colors and quality didn\'t seem to be the same.

Luis walked down the hallway, he wanted to go where Tammy went, he wanted to keep a close eye on her but he had no intention of going to meet her, who would want to get his throat cut open? He thought as he touched his throat.

As Luis walked down the hallway he noticed someone walking in the same direction as him but he was on the other side, it was the student in the red uniform, Luis thought the red uniform looked unique more than the orange one he had on but that wasn\'t what caught his attention at the boy.

The boy had a bowl full of potato chips floating over his head, he would reach his hands for some chips and stuff them in his mouth while walking, Luis thought that was crazy and kept his gaze on him as they both walked down but as they walked a little further the boy turned his gaze at Luis who still had his gaze on him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Luis didn\'t have any explanation except that he found what he was doing to be amusing before he could say anything the boy dashed towards him holding him on his throat and against the wall, what surprised Luis wasn\'t the speed with which he dashed towards him but that the bowl of potato chip floating on his head was still okay after doing that.

The boy looked at him from head to toe and Luis could tell that he had a surprised look on his face.

"What\'s a level one like you doing heading in that direction?"

"Level what?"


Sorry for the late update

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