My Angel system

Chapter 52 Angel Enthusiast

Luis was surprised by how a stranger would just know his name like that, except that this man wasn\'t a stranger.

Michael Cone was the man who was in charge of the library and he had the names of everyone who had visited the library before, that was the essence of filling the forms he did the first day he came here.

Michael looked to be in his early twenties and was what most girls would consider as charming, but he had this aura around which commanded authority.

"Hello, Luis," Michael said with a smile.

"Hi," Luis said, wondering how this man he had never seen before knew his name.

Michael took a seat opposite him and kept on looking at him.

"What do you want?" Luis asked, dropping the book he was reading, he had suddenly lost interest in what he was reading.

"Come down," Michael said. "I never thought I would meet someone else who loves Angel-related things."

"Angels?" Luis said, raising his book and then looking around the table.

The man was right, anyone who came across his table would think he was some kind of Angel enthusiast, while he was just doing some research, he didn\'t even know if he would have paid much attention to Angels if it weren\'t for him becoming one.

"I\'m just doing research," Luis said.

"To find out if there are any Angels on earth?"

\'What\'s this man\'s problem?\'

[ Mind read blocked ]


Luis thought that if he knew what the man was going to say before he said it then he would be in a better position to reply to him.

This was the first time his mind read was getting blocked and now he was being more cautious of the man sitting in front of him.

"I just want to know and yes possibly see if there is any on earth."

For an Angel Luis seemed to be telling a lot of lies recently, but what could he do, he had to keep the fact that he is Angel a secret because that was the only way to guarantee his safety for now.

"Ok, but whatever you are looking for I don\'t think those books would give you much of an explanation.

Michael didn\'t seem to really buy his reason for reading all these books.

"How do you know that?"

"Because I\'ve read all those books and I\'ve discovered that most of them are made up stories that have an anonymous author."

All this while Luis had been reading all these books without even caring to know the authors were, now turning the one that was currently in front to the first page he could see that the author\'s name was nowhere to be found.

"But some of the books are good and quite logical."

\'If these books aren\'t good, that means he must have the good books to call these ones not so good.\' Luis thought.

"Can I ask you a question, sir?"


"What are the reasons for your interest in Angels?"

"As I said earlier on I want to know if there are any Angels on earth and secondly I want to become one myself." The second reason was said with a whisper.

\'This man is crazy, does he want to die this early?\'

"Aren\'t you supposed to die before that happens?"

"No silly, the dead become ghosts, not Angels."

"Then how do you plan on becoming an Angel?" Luis asked, he had begun closing the books and stacking them on top of each other.

"My first goal is to find an Angel," Michael said.

"And then what?" Luis said, dropping the last book on top of the others.

"Get him to turn me into an Angel."

If Luis had been drinking something he would have slipped it all over the floor.

\'How can an Angel possibly turn a human being into an Angel?\'

"I know you\'re thinking of what I just said as impossible and that\'s why I said all these books aren\'t exactly useful," Michael said, glancing at the pile of books in front of Luis.

Thinking about it Luis could say there was a chance of it being possible, this man happened to know a lot about Angels, who knows if he had spent a lot of years studying about Angels to know that they could turn humans into beings like themselves.

Looking at himself and how he suddenly became one, there was a chance of it being possible.

"Then where are the exactly useful books?"

"Hey come down there, everything I know about Angels today are all useful information which I somehow had to pay for." Michael paused to glance at Luis who seemed to be looking outside the door even though he was facing him.

"You have to work for the information if you really want it."

"You know I\'m a student here right?"

"Yes, which is why I want to give you an easy job."

"What job?"

"How do you see working here?"

"I don\'t think you can do that."

A wry smile appeared on Michael\'s face as he began to look around the library.

[ Mind read blocked ]

Luis so wished he could hear what the man was thinking now.

"Yes, I can," Michael said the smile still visible on his face.

He tossed Luis a card which he caught perfectly between his fingers.

"Just come here tomorrow with that."

Michael stood up and was about to leave when Luis decided to ask the question that had been bugging his mind since he met this strange man.

"Who are you?"

"You already have all the information in your hand," Michael said and walked out of the library.

With Michael gone Luis turned to the card which he had given him.

\'Michael Cone.\' He read in his mind.

He continued reading until he came across something that he couldn\'t bring himself to believe.

"He\'s a CEO?"


Ella was walking alongside Silvia as they were both heading to one of the jewelry stores on the mountain.

Ella had scolded Silvia for what she did yesterday and even forced her to apologize, Silvia had developed a lot of respect for Ella that she would help her with anything and do whatever she asked.

Now their reason for going to the jewelry store was simple, Ella said she needed a new necklace since the old one she had got destroyed in the fight with the wolves and Silvia decided to follow to see if there was anything she would like to buy.

At the jewelry store, they met a man who immediately came to attend to them.

"I want to buy a necklace," Ella stated.

The man took her to a section where necklaces were hanging on the wall but none of them seemed to catch her attention.

"All these necklaces look old," Ella said, frowning to show dislike.

"Oh, I see the young Miss likes shiny things."

"I came here to buy a necklace, not some rotten iron."

"Follow me then."

The man led her out of the shop into a room that was poorly lit, the only source of light surprisingly coming from five necklaces that were hung on the wall.

One was giving out a blue illumination, the others green, purple, pink, and red. The mixing of all these colors was giving the room a wonderful look even though it was poorly lit.

The green one looked exactly like Ella\'s former necklace only that this one was shiny.

"How about that one?" Ella said, pointing at the green one.

"That would cost you one gold coin miss."

"Gold what?" Ella couldn\'t believe what she was hearing. How could she possibly have one gold coin? "How about the other ones?"

"The cost is the same amount miss."

Ella was really bummed, all these necklaces looked good but she couldn\'t even afford one, she had only brought ten silver coins with her and her parents would never give her one gold coin just to buy a necklace.

"I don\'t think I can afford any of this." Ella had given up on buying any of the necklaces and was about to leave when she felt someone grab her by her arm.

"There\'s another way you can pay for it."

The man who had spoken to him so calmly had suddenly developed a deep and very menacing voice, with the way he was looking at Ella while licking his lips she knew she was in trouble.

"Get your hands off me." Ella managed to pull her hand free and took a few steps back.

"Fine, I\'ll just take it by force."

The man opened both of his palms and pointed them at Ella, a yellow ball started to form in front of him, and without wasting time he threw it towards Ella, it was so fast that Ella didn\'t even have the time to react.

As the ball was inching closer Ella braced herself to take the hit, unaware of whatever it would do to her, but as the ball was about to hit her, she heard the door being knocked down, and immediately she was pulled down by someone causing the yellow ball to miss her as it continued moving until it hit the wall.

Seeing who it was that pulled her down Ella never expected to see her in here.

"Silvia." A smile settled on her face.

With the wonder warrior, she believed she had a fighting chance.


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