
Chapter 18 - EPILOGUE


"Good work everyone. Just ten days of more work and we will be out of the labyrinth." A knight clad in silver steel armour which in all respect looked heavy, tight and elegant. Considerably worn by the finest and strongest knights of the nation – Silver Imperial Knights. I am talking about myself, just look at me.

In this army of 10,000 there were a total of five Imperial Knights, and we were the strongest force of this army. We can be even labeled as super humans, with extraordinary physical strength, reflexes, magical aptitude and most important of all our flawless combat aural arts.

"Thank you sir, had it not been for you here, the monsters of first floor of the labyrinth would have eaten us."

"Even the first floor monsters are above level 2000, and could be considered almost invincible from us foot soldier\'s perspective."

As per the princess\'s order and discussed in the conference meeting – that 50 soldiers after every fifteen days would be dispatched to cut out an opening at the entrance, escorted by a single Imperial Knight, whom they thought would be more than enough as a backup in case a monster showed up. And they were right in their decision; this just shows how much the nation puts their trust in us.

Though it bothers me a bit, that my primary objective was to guard the beautiful loving princess Siesta all the time. She is my master after all, so how did I get stuck up here. 15 days have passed and another team will be taking their turn and by then will be back to the Empire.

"Just when we got here, the tremors were so huge, that I couldn\'t even sleep at night, but it has been so peaceful since then."

"I bet they went all out with their magical attacks, and are now taking their sweet time on one of the floors. While we have been working here like labourers all day."

"There\'s no other choice, this is the only way to go out. I think I am fortunate enough to be spared to fight those super strong monsters."

"Well, you make a good point there, but all our food is over now, we need to get back and resupply our stock."

"I am going to draw the teleportation circle, by that time you should all go and collect all the things you need to carry back. Our provisions are almost over, so I don\'t think there would be much to go with." I ordered the soldiers.

I went in an empty area, because drawing a teleportation circle takes a lot of time and concentration. A single mistake in the circle and only half of your body will reach the destination, while the other half remains here. In simpler terms, you die, if you screw up.

So how could be that, I am so brazen about it. Because you already know it I am an Imperial Knight - the invincible.


\'Why is everyone suddenly looking at me, well I should get back to work. Princess, your most trusted and worthy knight is coming for you.\'

After almost an hour, I finally drew a large teleportation circle to fit all of us; I took out a giant crystal from my pouch, which had certain markings engraved on it. It is actually a teleportation artifact, in which we will be channeling our magical energy. Since mine alone won\'t be enough.

The receiving teleportation circle was already drawn at the entrance of the tenth floor, so there shouldn\'t be a problem. So wish us best of luck.

All of us stood inside the circle and by touching the artifact and circulating all of our magical energy into it. The light which emerged from the crystal was faint at first, but it continued growing in intensity until the entire area was set ablaze with blue light. Finally, with a blinding flash the darkness returned back to the floor with no one to be found.

At floor ten near the entrance gate, another complex and detailed circular geometric pattern was carved into the ground and was protected by a barrier spell. Suddenly tendrils of azure blue magic particles began revolving around the magic circle, getting rid of the darkness that shrouded the whole place, a group of fifty tired and hungry soldiers materialized inside the circle.

"What, is going on, how tiresome? Why is it so dark here?"

"It\'s empty, where are all of our comrades, don\'t tell me…"

"Calm down, I don\'t think it\'s anything serious, most probably they went down, without notifying us. Those who know light magic cast a Flash spell, and look around whatever you find."

"Yes, sir." All the others said in unison.

It was completely dark; except for I could see as far as two meter, but I couldn\'t see anything beyond that.

Since, I excel in earth magic, wind magic and water magic; I was unable to use any kind of light spell.

"Oh, the Order of Holy Light, I command thee, heed thy request and grant us your light – Flash Bubble."

Around twelve light orbs of different sizes and intensity were conjured while some were using fire magic to look around.

"WAAHAHA…. Sir, look the entrance it\'s totally caved in and blocked." Saying this, the soldier pushed forward his light orb near the gate, shedding light on the huge boulders that stood in the way. Unfortunately, he wasn\'t joking around, the entrance was completely blocked and we didn\'t know who did it or what else could have caused it.

Most probably it happened during the quakes. But why they didn\'t relay any information about it to us.

"Spread and look around. We may be able to find some hints and some food here. Is there really no one around, or they might be fast asleep in their tents."

I wanted to lighten the moods of the soldiers, but the eeriness of this peace and the strange darkness that hung over, was speaking otherwise.

"Sir, Imperial Knight…. We are all doomed. We need to run away." Saying this, the soldier screaming fell down, entangled in his own footwork.

"Just what is there, that you are so, afraid of."

We all started walking in a group, staying close to each other just in case with all of our guard up. We reached almost the centre of the floor, and were left in daze. Our jaws dropped in bewilderment, by the sight of a huge white-egg, no a huge white cocoon made of threads.

The whole area had white webs around and some of us were already caught in it, and like inexperienced fools started shouting for help. Giving invitation to the monsters to attack us.

But no one appeared; neither a monster nor a human. How did they forget to kill a monster and moved to the next floor, it could be dangerous to leave it here.

"Everyone, prepare for battle."

I used my appraisal skill and everything in the status window was hazy, there was no information showing up. At least it means that something living is inside that cocoon.

I ran a recheck of the surrounding and it was as clean as the floor of the royal palace. But, just then my eyes returned back to the main subject. The Cocoon, it was glowing brightly, all drenched in the white light, radiating from inside. Not only the cocoon now, but the all the threads, were radiating bright white light, which slowly turned into a kaleidoscope of vibrant colours. The cave was rid of the darkness, even to the deepest corners and somehow I was feeling so relieved when that splendid cold light grazed me. It was so soothing, that I wanted to bask in it all day.

The cocoon did not stop glowing, but the intensity kept on increasing till it became constant and started itself tracing back. Small golden-yellow orbs started glowing mid-air like fireflies and when touched they would disappear and reappear in an instant.

With a crackling sound the mid portion of the cocoon split open with a clean crevice formation. And under an unknown blazing, multitude of lights raining down from the ceiling, a figure slowly but in a steady elegant manner rose up from the inside of the cocoon.

It was not a monster, but a human girl – about fifteen years old as per her appearance suggested.

The moment the girl showed herself, all sounds disappeared. It was similar to the moment when the sea waves drew in.

Our heavy breathing had stopped, and we were left speechless. It was absolutely breath-taking.

No one can forget her once you had seen her – a girl with such an appearance was standing inside the white crack.

Unblemished limbs as white as fresh snow, clad in a long white tunic frock woven with a material that wasn\'t exactly fabric. Beautiful, I couldn\'t think of another word that could embody such an eye-captivating appearance.

She was so beautiful; she could have been a Goddess incarnate. No matter what one did, they couldn\'t have resisted the temptation to keep looking at her. Her striking features were arranged into a cold and dignified expression.

Her long ashen white hair came down to her waist, coiling around her shoulder like smoke. Her deep red-ruby coloured eyes could pull anyone in. Her long, glossy white eyelashes and faintly red lips would have made not only princess Siesta but even the most beautiful princesses and queens I had came across during my duty, green with envy.

In an instant she had captured all of our gazes, attention and heart. She was just that beautiful.

But something tipped me off, the delicate tear hanging from the end of her silken eye-lash. As my deep inner sense honed and developed on the battlefield tolled, the tear dropped – hung suspended for a second then spread salt-water across the broken covering.

It was just so surreal.

She then turned in our direction and looked past through us, as if we were translucent.

But in all this I had failed to realize that her face was completely devoid of anything that could have been called an expression. Her looks so cold that it froze the world around me.

My body was shaking and my hairs stood up at its place, stiff.

"Men, unsheathe your swords." It took all of my strength just to muster up these words which seemed a bit odd, deep under my dried breath looking for moisture in the air.

Before some of them could process my directions, while some of those who already held one in their hand fell like a non-living doll on the ground at the same time.

They were dead.

I checked just in case, that they were put under some paralysis spell, but except all the stats being normal their SP had dropped to zero in an instant. IMPOSSIBLE! How could that be. I have never heard of such a thing happening. It\'s completely absurd.

My eyes sparkled with magic as I looked at the soul core, of my fallen comrades, but there were just some shattered dark pieces levitating instead of a glowing core. They were really dead.

Just what did that girl do to them? In a mere instant all of my fifty people were dead. Where are the other knights and the princess where could she be, could it be that this girl standing in front of me killed them. either way she has proven to be a threat.

If so, then what could I do, why am I still alive. If so then I need to take revenge. I am a Silver Imperial Knight, the strongest of the humans who guard the Royal Family.

Step.... step.... in a situation where the sound of her foot echoed within the quiet atmosphere of the dungeon, while having me stare at her actions and demeanor made me feel like I was watching a scene from a play. Her physical presence was so mesmerizing that it made everything else seem like a pale imitation of reality.

This girl was walking forward with complete disregard, for she was straight heading in my direction, towards an Imperial Knight who had brandished his sword against her. Is she really not afraid of my blade, then….

I looked at the dead people and they were slowly disappearing into some kind of entangled black thread. My bones rattled and I gasped for more air. Sweat leaked through my body as I stood still in the silence.

I couldn\'t move, or take a single step. I thought it was some kind of weird spell or abnormality, so I checked, but found no spell trace being casted on me or a single abnormal status. It was just her presence that was able to put up such a huge pressure on one of the strongest to render me to a state of harmless being.

Am I afraid? Am I scared, to the extent that my body has already given up?

Just what in the world is she?


Before I could do anything she was already standing in front of me, a deep blue electric ray clad her left hand and for the first time I heard her speak something, but I couldn\'t comprehend it.


Her left hand moved so fast that I couldn\'t even see when the red blood soaked her cloth, but that single slash was so \'beautiful\' that I could not remember anything next.


Hello there, this is NOEL ELITIA.

It\'s been only a short while since the first volume. And here you have the second one already. Isn\'t that amazing?

I\'m still very much a beginner when it comes to writing, so forgive me if you find the setting a bit dull or for the general events. I added things as they popped in my mind, and wrote this story that I wanted to read by myself. Even now, I\'m still enjoying writing this story more than anything else.

I\'m not sure if this book betrayed your expectations or fulfilled them, but I\'ll be glad so long as you derived some amount of enjoyment from it. In my mind, this work of mine is meant to be a simple, fun read with a slant toward comedy.

The atmosphere of this book\'s pretty different from volume one, and as I\'m sure many of you have noticed. Its more inclined to a leveling system and I think this kind of thing will go on till mid of volume -3. I\'m not sure if you guys liked that more or less, but... As long as you enjoyed it, I\'m happy.

As I\'m sure those of you can already tell that I am a huge fan of isekai genre. Potent enough that after writing the second volume I am aiming for the third. I hope you\'re all looking forward to it as much as I am.


After Sachi Kondo has become a human herself, what action she will take next. Whether to climb up or go down the floors.

Of how she will acquire her first possession and challenge the ex-True Demon Lord. Of how she will become a part of a new family and learn more about magic, swordsmanship and about family.

Once again, I\'d like to thank my readers for letting me enjoy myself all the way through.

May we meet again in the next volume of WHEN I GOT REINCARNATED AS A SPIDER WITH MY GODDESS.


Contact me : - [email protected]







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