


Caroline Ascalon, my mother was reincarnated into this world about 215 years ago by the goddess of fighting spirit - Nafanya. She was a daughter of a human father and her mother was a high elf. Though she would be one of those called half-elf, but she was too similar to the humans, that only another pure elf would be able to figure out her true race.

But since mother was born as a holder of the title of True Hero she was respected and loved everywhere she went. She also ended up with the extra-longevity of a high elf. Hence she can still live a long happy life with father who is the true demon lord of the Royal Demon Family, which too has extra-longevity lifespan period.

For now, I and mother were now in what you would call some sort of a training ground. It was nothing special. This floor of dungeon was actually turned into a beautiful and luxurious estate. After all it is the residence of the ex-true demon lord and ex-true hero. This place had almost everything to offer that one would need in his lifetime.

Farms to grow vegetables, hot-springs, forests, a typical sky, and a grand mansion. Magic makes every miracle possible. That\'s what I had always liked about it.

But in this training ground, which was a huge clear open area, surrounded by a dense forest, with overgrown top trees and covered with mountains on all the sides. Actually these were precautions and obstacles to take the blow of an attack that misfired or gets chipped away.

But here mother was going to start my combat training from today. She was blessed by the goddess of fighting spirit and so can wield any weapon {except for the principium weapons} and knows to wield not only sword but has the talent and experience to master all forms of weapons and combat techniques that exists in this world. And in this very place she promised to teach me all about fighting and combat prowess.

"Alicia, I have seen you fighting before. And so I have decided."

"…Have you seen it…" I got worried because in the little time I had spent here I had already forgotten about it. About how I used to kill those monsters, bathed all in their blood without any hesitation and that smile which appears from time to time… even I don\'t know why. And then suddenly all the corpses vanish and the blood stains from my clothes gets foreshadows in its white. I don\'t know anyone who would like to see such kind of violence, while I had grown accustomed to; I also knew that I had started liking to put up such shows for myself – regarding them as some form of entertainment. My only thoughts were since they are monsters and eat people it\'s better to not have them around. Problem is does this rules apply to everyone.

Even me, if no one wants me around then should I die, then why did I survive for so long in my previous world. Wasn\'t it just better for me to die alongside my….

"Alicia, I want to say that you are too reckless while you are fighting. You charge straight in only relying on your strength and only watch what is in front of you and in return get hurt by your enemy\'s attack. Even with your healing spell, I know you feel pain. So from today on I as your teacher forbid you from taking damage."

\'What? But if she had observed me this carefully, then instead of mentioning my gruesome act, why is she asking me to take care of myself.\' I thought. That\'s when I realized that, in my mother\'s eyes the one who needs to be the safest is me. She would never like it if I get hurt, unless I can\'t avoid it. So it\'s fine if I kill all the monsters around as long as they are a threat. All I need to keep in my mind is never get hurt myself.

"Yes, mother I will keep that in mind."



\'If she keeps up with that smiling face I won\'t be able to focus.\' Caroline thoughts and feelings till date haven\'t changed but intensified on the contrary.

"So are we going to directly start with sword training." I just wanted to know how my training will proceed.

"No, we are going to do something even superb. I am going to teach you all forms of fighting techniques and to wield every weapon in this world. From today on we will start with your physical training to fix your posture while fighting, improve your endurance, stamina and movement flexibility. Then I will be teaching you to master wielding all the weapon except the sword for now."

"So I will be learning archery, martial arts, spear, pole, dagger and every weapon except swordsmanship. Huh, but I eagerly wanted to use my two swords effectively. Just like father and you can do."

"I see. So, to first check your standards, why don\'t we have a dual between ourselves. This practice match will include only three attacks for each person and you are allowed to use your full strength."

"Wait… full strength! Isn\'t that too dangerous."

"Are you worried that you will hurt me?"

"No, I know mother is stronger than me. But I don\'t want to fight you."

"If you are that reserved about it, then why don\'t we consider it as a teacher-pupil match. Then wouldn\'t that be fine."

"Yes, that makes totally sense. I am up for it."

\'That went much easier than thought. But I know, from inside she had been itching to try her strength against me. Such is the influence of the blood of her clan, once you get a taste of it.\' these thoughts made Caroline concerned and excited at the same time.

"At the count of three we will be starting."


I took my place at least 50 meter far from where mother stood. As two blue and red sheaths came into existence near my waist, I unsheathed the White & Black swords at the same time. It had been almost an entire week since I held them in my hand, but now they even feel lighter than before. Maybe resting did help me, after all.

I have the permission to use my full strength, so that mother can gauge my abilities and use a proper teaching method. So I will give it my all.

Mother is also a dual wielder, so she is a perfect fit to teach me. I saw her brandishing her two silver swords in a very flashy stance, one which I would too like to do someday.

But for now, I have to fight her. Her swords both have different lengths and thickness. The biggest problem is their abilities, which is difficult for anyone to handle. And if you are not experienced then it can give you a run for your life. The thick longer blades block your attack, while the bit shorter one attacks at just the double the strength of the strike she blocked.

It is much similar to my own blades, where one blade absorbs while the other blade returns it. Though I can amplify the return by adding my magic, but doubling it in an instant is no joke. And even then there is her own monstrous strength of a hero hidden underneath it.

A perfect counter-attack for a novice like me, who depends on brute force and speed, but no special skill or style to speak of. And that\'s what I am here to learn.

One. Two. Three…


I moved even faster than the air, thinking that it was best for me to somehow land a strike first; if she is unable to block it then I win. As I was moving I felt a sudden tingling feeling in my body but I payed no mind to it. For now I need to keep an eye on the movements of her blades.


Ripples in air went flying off as she blocked my attack, where I couldn\'t even follow the movement of her sword.

In the next second, before the atmosphere could return to normal and the first clash sound could die out, another show of magnificent sparks brightly lit the blue sky.


After my black sword was stopped, mother instantly launched her other blade at me.

"I got you."

But even so I had expected that much, and was already prepared for it.

Using my white sword, I parried it away.

Or so I thought, but by twist of turn or the twist of her wrist, the swords instead of being interlocked went sliding past each other.

Both of my hands were now far separate away from my body, in midair.

I should have been taking the advantage of my short body with respect to my mother\'s tall figure. But the tables were completely turned. She pushed back her right hand and then thrusting it forward with a huge force, with the hilt of the sword pierced through my stomach.

It would have been a life threatening hit, if mother had used the tip of the sword. But even with the hilt, I was thrown several meters away, leaving a dust of trail in my trajectory. It was hurting a lot. A single held back attack and I still lost, even though I was at my full speed. Just that vast was the difference in our experience.

"Alicia, are you alright."

"I am fine." My self-regeneration had already healed the internal injuries I had suffered from the hit.

I rose up from my fallen position and dusting my clothes saw mother lost in her thoughts.

\'She really has no fear of death. When she dashed towards me mid-air using flying magic, just to check I let out a strong killing intent. And yet she did not even flinch. It\'s as if she no know fear. At the same time I cannot feel any blood-lust from her. Its as if she becomes emotionless during fighting. A person on the battlefield with such a temperament can never be defeated in reality. Even her physical strength is incomparable to any human and monster. Had it not been the ability of my sword, I would be crushed into the earth. It\'s unfair to have such slender small cute body and yet having possession of this terrifying strength. Training her is going to be so much fun.\' Caroline thought with an exhilarated expression on her face.

Seeing me back in form she started explaining.

So you have seen this is what is going to happen when you fight an advanced fighter. Your every match will end in failure."

"So what do I do mother." At this point of time I could only rely on mother\'s teaching.

"You can count on me. By having a command of all the weapons you can understand the fighting spirit and techniques the person is using. This way both your intuition and ability to see through the eyes of your opponent. Then you can make your ultimate form of sword technique and train in it."

"I see. I totally understand." Well I get the gist of it. By knowing all the things I would face in the battle already and preparing counter-measures my chances of winning sky-rockets. But the end line explanation of mother sounds super-cool at the same time.

"I am sure you will better understand when you will start doing it. Training is going to be extra tough, so do your best to keep up with me."

"Umu." I cannot wait anymore to begin. These were my thoughts.

"Give your all and learn everything you can." I can\'t wait to teach her everything, and when she gets tired I will give her a lap pillow and caress her long silky hairs how much I want. These were my mother\'s thoughts.


//////////////////// INFORMATION BROCHURE //////////////////////


Killing intent is simply the user exuding pure killing intention, and having it affect their opponent, themselves, and others around them. It is conducted by turning the aura or life force of the user into your affixed desire of harming someone and specifically directing it towards the target. Particularly strong killing intent can paralyze the victim in fear, causing them to morbidly hallucinate their own deaths, or even kill them by forcing the mind to believe their death is a reality.


//////////////////// AFTER SIX MONTHS ////////////////////////

The true hero Caroline and true demon lord Zylon were sitting on the dining table with a grim expression on their faces. Both had a look of a disappointment.

They were not disappointed in their daughter, but by themselves who couldn\'t keep up with the tenacious training and the genius of their daughter she is.

At this time of day both of them assembled here to share their collective report on their daughter\'s progress. It was phenomenal. Beyond expectations, so to speak of. Even with the speed training and best methods she had completed two years worth in just a little less than six months. And that too learning magic and fighting together.

She had never lost focus of her goal and always been a good daughter and her never complaining attitude had won their hearts. She properly listened to their every request and direction. If she faced any problem she would come straight out with it, without causing any problem. She was an ideal child a parent could ask for.

"And there lies the problem." Screamed the true hero.

While the demon lord just kept his hands close to his ears, as if he is afraid of something.

"Isn\'t she too good to be true. If she continues to stay like this I won\'t be able to hold my desires back. Tell me Zyl…" She continued.

"What do you want me to say?"

"What is wrong with you? These days you look awfully pale."

"It\'s about Alicia…"

"What about her, did she get hurt or is something bothering her. Don\'t tell me you did something to our daughter Zyl, how could you. I knew you were a fiend, now you cannot deny it." It was the usual wife pulling her husband\'s collar and give a scornful to him.

"Wait! Don\'t just go thinking whatever comes in your messed up mind."

"Who are you calling messed up, when you are the one who did something wrong."

"How did it come to this? Alicia she must have taken after you. She learn every kind of magic whatever I taught to her the moment she saw it. She could not only completely copy it but change the spell to suit her requirements and increase its power. Even a simple harmless fire spell to burn a bonfire, with her infinite magic reserve becomes strong enough to burn down an entire city. Magic is too dangerous for her to use. So she relies on controlling the basic elements on her free will. If not for that then this place would have burnt down a month ago. She even learnt every language to speak in just a week."

"She did. Isn\'t that good."

"The list doesn\'t end here she creates such typical magic which even for me is difficult to understand its mechanism."

"She must be combining science and magic logics of this world. Her thought waves must be even stronger than yours to be able to pull that off."

"Don\'t even mention. She is of a freakish nature obsessed with learning all kinds of magic. Whether it\'s good or evil, she doesn\'t mind learning it, saying it\'s all for the know. It\'s the use which makes it bad or right."

"Our daughter thinks like a grown up. That\'s what a researcher should be like. But isn\'t that how you too felt."

"I agree. But she has taken it too far. Now she wants to learn to create life itself. According to her it\'s possible to create something called artificial intelligence and with magic and her powers she can give it emotions. Is that something a kid two years old should be researching on. Isn\'t it the fault of the parents when she should play with toys or work on her looks?"

"I understand, but people like her go nuts just like master over the things which interest them the most. If you love your life, then there is no stopping it. As for looks she is naturally more beautiful than anyone else in this world."

The anxiety levels of both of them were rising and had crossed a boundary set up by Alicia.

Just then a human like figure walked in, with a tray in her hand. Zyl and Caroline took a look at the figure that was approaching them.

It looked so alive like a human, and yet it was not one.

"Oh! It\'s you Flora. You are always so busy with your work."

"You see this golem is the latest work of her. Is it normal for a kid to make such kind of things? Even my knowledge is put to shame with her hysterical ideas."

"Shhhh! If you call it that then Alicia would get sad."

"Oh! I am sorry Flora. You are a humanoid robot."

In front of them stood a young girl with silky, smooth, short and jade blue hair. Porcelain-like skin and golden eyes she would appear to be around an age of sixteen or so. She wore a white-black uniform which a normal person would call a maid uniform. She had a unique clear and gentle voice and a soft touch in her fingers.

And yet her actual body was made of the strongest ore – Magitite. Such high quality of craftsmanship and thought was put into her appearance. She was the latest human robot model and a final piece in collection. Her job was to keep the house clean the entire time and serve the people living here.

Though how fragile she might look she could lift huge boulders and shatter them in a single punch. She was also fit with an emergency command to eliminate any monsters in sight.

"Madam and Sir, your tension level is increasing, which is bad for your health. Here is your herbal tea."

She gracefully like a real maid, which her job description specifies placed two cup of hot tea on table and moves to the side.

Both the person referred to quickly sips the drink before it got cold and were now drowning in its sweet taste and fragrant aroma.

"I just can\'t get enough of it. She really makes the best caffeinated drinks."

"It really relieves tension."

This maid robot worked by absorbing magical power from the surrounding and so she didn\'t need food to live nor rest to work properly. Just a bit of maintenance work every year, which she was programmed to do herself.

Anyone would go down to the depth of hell to get a hand on such a useful and beautiful robot maid.

"Thank you for your compliments. Now if you will excuse me, then I will tend to my daily job." Saying this she left back to resume her work.

Speaking of that she had a small consciousness of her own. A simple strong feeling to serve the family members of this house though it\'s not much, but this is the only feeling that is imbued in Flora\'s heart.

Alicia had used the golem technology and combining with her own powers, she programmed her using an integrated chain of magic circles and using Al\'s assistance prepared a pseudo-consciousness that will always work to serve like a real maid under their command.

It more or less worked like a cloud networking system. Where Flora was directly connected to Al, which served as the source and directive of every order she received.

Form what Alicia has realized, that magic circles are nothing but like computer programs which one can write in a machine language and is later processed by the World Magic System of this world. As long as she knows the function of each command she can make use of it creating her own magical circles, which in the eyes of demon lord was an impossible feat to achieve. Creating magical circles on spot – from his perspective is impossible.

Well, but Alicia even then went and made it happen.

"Our family has grown so big after she arrived here."

"Well, you are right about it." It seemed that the demon lord still feeling a bit stingy.

"Ahhhh!...Don\'t tell me the demon lord has now become jealous of his own daughter."

"Who is the demon lord? Wait am I… Yes I am the demon lord. No one else. I am from the depth of darkness the epitome of curses and collection wraiths….HAAAAHAA…."

Seemingly from an outsider\'s perspective the way the demon lord was behaving would make him medically declare a mad man. His words were stiff and yet he was curled up with his legs now folded upwards and closing his ears he had developed dark hollow eyes.

"Zyl, are you all right. Why are you behaving like this suddenly? Why are your eyes looking so lifeless, did you again brainwashed yourself in the mirror."

"No – stay back I am the demon lord. I am the ruler of darkness who hides in the shadows and rules in the shadows, where is my crown and cape. Where are my loyal blood-thirsty subordinates?"

His words held strong meaning but his action and expressions spoke otherwise. It appeared to be like he was running than threatening someone.

"Are you in your right mind or do I need to whack you at the back of your head."

"Wait did I again lost myself."

"Just what were you thinking?" Caroline was a bit concerned with his present mental condition but listening those words she could not help herself but keep on laughing, which only served in elevating the uncomfortable demon lord\'s insecurities.

"I knew it had no meaning. Even you are laughing now."

"But who told you to speak that way."

"It was your dear daughter. According to her I need to behave like a demon lord or I will lose my influence in this world. So she started telling me to speak in peculiar ways and made me remember lines like – \'I am a man born in darkness and solitude, you will be trapped in the eternal abyss of my eyes, scream in fear and suffering while you drown in the bloody bath that my subordinates gifted me.\' And if I don\'t play along with her, she starts making a scary smiling face. Just throwing around her magic aura unconsciously and destroying everything. Even I am afraid of that and I don\'t want the library to get turned into ruins."

But now all in the room could be heard were the loud laughter of the hero. Of course, if the hero is threatened by the demon lord in such a pathetic and senile way. Then he would surely put his position in the world into jeopardy.

"HaaaHHHaaaaAA…. Well then I wish you best of luck with your vocal training and learning how to become a demon lord by your own daughter. A few months more and you can even get a job of a jester in a king\'s court."

"No, my life is already ruined. I am self-retired now. Even though it sounds pathetic, all I am now is jus this title\'s holder, waiting for the next person to inherit it. Piling shame upon shame just to fulfill and keep our daughter happy. Couldn\'t she have made simple demands of normal dolls or visit tourist places? But all she does is close herself in the room and read books."

"Well, I would dislike it more if you fail as a father."

"I guess so. So how is it on your end by the way?"

For some reason her smile dropped and it turned into something that could not be explained by mere words. A state of ecstasy, pain and desire dwelled in that face together at the same time.

"Everything is fine; you don\'t need to concern yourself with it."

"If it\'s all fine then I don\'t think you need to turn your head away and say it."

"I told it its fine as long as…."

"Why don\'t you say it directly looking in my eyes?"

"Shove it; don\'t get so hyped up all of a sudden."

Caroline had lightly punched Zyl into his chest, but maybe she forgot to restrain herself, because her mind was wandering off somewhere else and it seems to take every time much longer than before to pull it back.

"If you really want to know then her weapon training is over and she has even crossed my realm. My years of hard-work and training, she surpassed all of it in six months."

"I SEE."

"You don\'t need to feel so sad for me. Unlike you Alicia said something to me so it\'s all fine."

"Wait what secret did she tell you. Then maybe I will be able to get back to her."

"You are really a fiend. Trying to find the weakness of your own daughter to trick her. I am not telling you."

"You know I will never do such a thing. So tell me. Don\'t leave me in the dark again like the last time."

"Fine." Caroline\'s face curled up into a big smile as she continued her narration, "When I told her that she is learning way too fast and had already surpassed mom in some fields. Then she told to me in her childish playful tone that I am just that good of a teacher that she was able to learn this fast."

Zyl\'s eyes lit up, as that statement cleared up the grey cloud over his minds.

"I see. She has really put much thought upon it. Even though she is less of a talker, she does have a way around with words. I am sure she will come through."

\'But on the other hand, from Alicia\'s perspective it was just one of the event\'s titular sentences which the character has to remember to say to his master. That\'s all.\'

"I know, but I think she is learning too fast. Maybe we should give her a break. Or level up her teaching."

"Are you sure of it."

"Of course. Recently I wanted her to get tired so I could give her a piggy ride back to home. So we decided to run and do intensive exercise non-stop continuously for three days."

"Wait, you used spirit magic to reinforce yourself. What about her."

"It actually went exact opposite, I got tired after the training and then Alicia who was still fine teleported me back to mansion. Oh how I wished I could have touched her soft gentle body and smell her feminine hairs. Even for a kid, maybe I am getting slowly seduced by her beauty."

"Are you sure a mother needs to talk that way."

Caroline thought of it for a while – \'I find it pretty endearing when she acts like a child and not always so tough. Am I just moved by the gap between her childish personality and her youthful actions?\'

As per their conclusion because she is a reincarnate with a mature body at a young age and on top of that gaining the tilt of immortality her age mentality is set back to zero. So she sometimes act like a child would do and response in that manner nonetheless. Since the flow of time and its very sense has changed for her, she will probably remain young like that for her entire life. Not that it would matter because she can change her age looks by using gluttony skill.

It had almost become like teaching a new born kid everything but she learns and grows too fast that their brain just can\'t go around it.

"What would you know? But today Alicia told that she would be making a new dish for lunch."

"But hasn\'t she been the only one cooking all the time since she came here."

"But her food is just that delicious that I don\'t again want to eat your stupid watery - curry."

"That\'s the only thing I know so don\'t sully its name. By the way I do agree that I don\'t think I could get through the day without having the taste of her food."

"Well, we haven\'t told her yet, that she has the ability to infuse life force in to the food. And she does it subconsciously."

"That makes the food equal to the dish of god\'s. I wonder could this be the effect of cooking in the divine realm, which she told to me once."

Now both of them were lost deep in thought making guesses for the probable reason.

"Well, we will keep that aside, for now I have decided it\'s time to teach her sword play. I am also going to teach her about spirit magic, aural arts and summon a soul weapon."

"Wait, hold you horses, isn\'t soul weapon going a bit far. She needs to be good at spirit magic and also have an affinity for aural arts. She is too young for this. Even Lili did it only when she was 12 years old and that too is still too early."

"You are too cautions. She will be fine. She is our daughter now and I know she can do it. She is working hard so that she can go up there and do what needs to be done."

"Is that so, then I will too have to teach her something new. Maybe forging legendary weapons can be next on schedule. Talking about schedule isn\'t it time for Lili to come back from demon academy at this time of year."

"I know she is going to love meeting her new big sister. But I think I am forgetting something…"

Zyl\'s expression were now that of concern and extreme hypertension –

"Don\'t tell me….."


All the glasses in the mansion broke as the waves form a high magical energy clash reverberated nearby.

"Obviously things would have to end like this."


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