



"I can\'t make up my mind where to go; it looks great in all directions." I said as I kept looking at the map intensely searching for every minute detail that could let me out of this dilemma.


At this point I have started finding maps very misleading. Ignoring Al\'s rubbish and not-so-helping- mechanical voice I started re-assuring myself. Ok! Don\'t panic. Let\'s see…..

If that\'s north… Now which way am I facing? Dang!! All these trees look the same. Just a moment ago there was a lot of sunshine and now it\'s all cloudy. Deep grey lining cumulonimbus clouds have surrounded this side of the mountain forest, leaving the other side in dry rain-shadow area. But if I avoid an area devoid of vegetation where it is less likely to find people at the same time going deeper in forest was not helping much with the search.

I quickened my pace moving deeper, the down-hill forest as the clouds began to gather in the sky. Up till now, the sky had been postcard-perfect, but it was changing. The beautiful azure-blue shade was beginning to darken into gravel-grey. Large pillows of cloud were forming, blotting out the old-gold colour of the sun.

Trying to take refuge under a gigantic evergreen tree, I took a deep breath from the mental exhaustion caused to me after walking for almost half a day. Sure I could fly but at the same time I wanted to walk on land. It again felt no different from walking inside the labyrinth and yet I wanted it to be this way nonetheless. Usually I try to do things in quick simple ways but this time I was adamant with this and I was ready to face all hardships that comes with travelling in a foreign land. But at present further adventure seems to be an impossibility with the sudden deteriorating weather.

The leaves of the tree were palm-shaped with a surface area so huge and a viscous coating on their upper layer which at least made it more than reliable with my worst luck for the tree itself to not fall over me or be prey to the lightning which could strike anytime out of the blue. Waiting for the heavy downpour, I again stared at the map in self-contemplation.

"Not this way, this way neither…. Maybe this way… screw this..."

Screaming, I tore the paper in half and folding it again and repeating the tearing action I reduced it into bits of pieces. What was I thinking! Using a two hundred year old map in a forest where everything is shaded in pure green. Shouldn\'t that tree be on the left side instead of being behind me and why is there a cliff where it should have been a pond.


I was so happy when I got out of the labyrinth, thinking at this point my misfortunes would come to an end. But I think my luck just got worst that the bald guy who won a comb in a lottery. Maybe I shouldn\'t have torn the map after all, since it was my only source of information for the outside world topography.

"Al if you think you are that smart, then why don\'t you tell me where are we."

[Exactly where you should be.]

And when he finally returns to normal, he decides to play possum like an alligator and hint games like a stupid GPS. And then chides me with his girly childish voice.

"Fine then I am starting to call you,de- navigator from today." I said with my cheeks almost puffed out.

[Hey, hey what are you thinking, isn\'t it obvious if your sense of direction is bad, then mine will be too. After all I am made from your consciousness.]

That might be true, but he didn\'t need to be so direct about it and rub it on my old wounds. I thought I was able to get rid of this curse, but it seems that it is going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

And here I was talking to myself; well that\'s what another person would see me doing. I can\'t even tell now whether it will rain, like a not-so serious match put on hold. I once read in a book that if you lose your way then it is the best thing to ask your way or stay at the same place where someone can get you through.

I can\'t find anyone in this jungle, I have been scrambling across a temporary small route, and probably some huge wild animal might have been regularly using it. It should either lead me to a water source or to a place where I can get to find something edible.

I can turn into a skeleton just by staying here for eternity.


So, he is really considering it. For once when I want to feel self-motivated and move further, Al recently has started talking more and more and switching personalities at the same time. If only it had an on-off button…


"Afraid… are you… so you finally realise who is the boss here. Hmmm." I felt like laughing loudly folding my arms as a superior who had full control over the life of his employee. But then again doing it to Al felt like I was the wicked one and then the jungle setting with me being a lost cause, did not served the mood. I must not damage the morale of my only companion for now.


"Okay...okay… calm down I won\'t do such a thing."


I quickly tightened my body, ready to face a monster. But then Al did not identify it as a monster. So could it be…

No, it probably is a person.

I need to get ready… my first encounter with someone from the outside. Wait… if I act this suspicious, they might take me as a vagabond. I don\'t have an identification card either. Do they even have those in this world in the first place? How should I introduce myself?

Should I give my name or my nationality? Wait… I am not even affiliated to a country in this world, then again I don\'t know a single name or place and the map is destroyed for some unforeseen reason. For the first time I realized how important a country serves as a role for a person\'s identity.

Then suddenly I remembered mother\'s advice to put on the mask she gave me. Without wasting a single second, the mask bounced out of my dimensional storage and pressing it lightly on my face, it glued itself. The mask was built so impressive and comfortable that I could consider it as an extension of my own body and it doesn\'t put a hindrance in my vision or facial expressions.

My hairs turned black and got shorter than before. Before I could come up with a phrase of exchanging pleasantries a realization struck me. A normal person in a normal situation won\'t be running in the jungle. Could it be that the person is a bandit or someone who has already detected my presence and wants to attack me?

That would be way bad, than me myself being considered suspicious. Then again I am not an expert of solving misunderstandings.

I was at the verge of biting my fingers out of disparity with the thoughts of what to do next.


The heavily overgrown bushes were shaking with a massive jolt as I could feel the earth shaking. Was Al wrong in its assessment…?

I surreptitiously walked to the bushes hoping to notice something before hand and make an escape before I am caught. Pacing myself on the soft ground avoiding any dry grass to prevent even a feeble sound to escape from below my feet. My heart racing as the loud sound of footsteps got deeper and deeper.

"Just another step…." I had almost crossed the path and reached the further end of the bushes when a stellar figure blotted my view.

"Don\'t just stand there…move…run away…save your life."A loud and young voice struck a chord in my ears as I tried to figure out its ambiguous message.

"Aren\'t those too many things to do at the same time?" I said in my feeble voice. But before those words could even reach my own ears I was robbed of the peaceful dormant air enveloping my vicinity.

A medium sized figure just about my height wearing a red cape from head to toe jumped out of the bushes and the next moment my arm was quickly caught in a grapple. A small thin hand clamped on the wrist of my own hand and I was left paralyzed as the earth below me vanished.

I struggled a bit but my defiance merely got a glance notice of the figure carrying me on its super fast sprint.

"I am sorry for grabbing onto you out of nowhere, but we need to run away from that." A quick voice escaped from below the hood.

The person was so quick on their feet, that I wondered what is making this person run so fast and then the predicament in which I was – floating mid-air horizontally only clutched to a small hand. But this did not feel that bad and for some reason I trusted the person and its strength on holding me tight.

"What do you mean?" I just couldn\'t keep my mouth shut. The situation was already pandemonic and bizarre from my viewpoint.

"Just don\'t look back. I will get both of us out of here." The second I knew, the grip over my hand tightened and yet the touch was tender and kind, our pace was doubled. I found this speed quite remarkable while carrying another.

But the next agenda, about being warned not to look back. For some reason I remembered a story of climbers where the leader asked the rookies not to look down while climbing the mountain. And yet, they did it. Most probably thoughtlessly. It\'s not a story to learn from but the point is that, when someone says stuff to me like that, how could I instinctively stop my reflexes from doing the deed. Its obvious one would demand to know the danger that entails there escape.

The next moment I was peeking at the horde of unsightly monsters ranging from some puny goblins, giant monsters and some unsightly rock monsters.

That would completely explain the situation I am in. but if I need to win the trust of someone instead of being saved I need to do something about the situation. This person could be the ticket to take me to the outside of this maze type forest.

I decided the best course of action would be to deal with the monsters all at once and then surprise them with my handiwork. As a reward I can ask them the way to the human continent.


All the monsters stood frozen in an icy covering and before realizing they were halfway dead I invoked the next mix of little magic spice.


A small purple glowing sphere launched itself in the direction and enveloping all the ice statues in its myriad light they were then crushed to the ground until nothing was left and to be devoured by my black gluttonous webs.

I was still floating mid-air as the trees around me passed at an invigorating speed, the feeling was akin to sitting in a train and looking outside the window as the cool air would brush itself on my face and I would stare at the randomly passing by trees.

Using wind magic I throttled my legs to the surface and pushing my hands gently in front making sure not to collide or make the person carrying me topple or trip while running.

Still holding their hands, I was now running alongside this person, who then for a moment glanced at me and slowed down their pace. This person is so considerate, even when he is in grave danger. Maybe it\'s time to tell him. So how should I do it?

\'Fear not, because I have taken care of the problem.\' And then blush with open teeth\'s, or so I thought. That\'s way too embarrassing. Then I took a proper look at the person, deciding to form my response on his attire and make a guess of their personality.

As if at that point sunlight shed a spot-light on the figure, as the clouds drifted away by some miracle of a sudden trade wind in the stratosphere. There was the usual long red cape, as I still couldn\'t see underneath the shadow that formed on the person\'s face. The person had a slender figure and a built of that of a girl. Her height a little less than my own. The next instant my eyes were following the dangling brown basket in the other hand of this person.

In the big picture the only identical character that came to my mind was…


Have I been pushed into a small fantasy tale meant for children? So how did it really go? The girl meets the wolf. I too hate wolves for my own personal reason. Then she heads towards her place of doom. That can\'t be… she is already being chased by monsters and hurrying to her destination. Don\'t tell me there is a wolf plotting all of this. But first my curiosity got better of me and the next thing I knew I was up for an investigation.

"Did your grandmother make this cape?" first I needed to establish the true identity of this person.

"Yes…" Maybe due to mental pressure and all that running the person answered without a second thought in her mind.

An affirmative. No, I still can\'t let my pre-conceptions dilute my further inquiry and deter me from my decision. The next question will be crucial.

"Are you going to your grandmother\'s house?" the one question that will separate truth from all other possibilities.

"Yes…" another hushed answer escaped from the person\'s lips.

And the colour of my face faded away into the background, much paler than the usual. One could doubt that whether my veins even carry the same blood colour.

"We are almost there." There was a feeling of joy in the answer of my saviour.

But I was stomped tight on the face with every step we took.

No…no… I need to stop the story from reaching its climax. She needs to be saved and so should be her grandmother too. But as far as I remember the wolf would have already eaten her by now and yet the story comply on saying that the grandmother would come out of the stomach alive and unscathed if the wolf is defeated. I hardly believe it and at the same time I am not a doctor to proceed with such a successful, delicate and miraculous operation.

Such tragic story is always being made fun of by the children. If only someone would put themselves in the same shoes as her and the scars she was about to receive. I could feel myself crying from despair. Such heart-rending story I have to witness right after I leave the labyrinth. The surface is really to be feared.

"Haaahhhhhh…. I am glad we made it." The person suddenly stopped in their feet and took a deep breath. Without me realizing, I too had stopped running and was breathing heavily. But I still did not have a hold on myself and the situation I was in right now.

The person pushed her hood back and two tall fox-like ears stood tall on the head of a young girl who wore a calm expression.

How adorable! And yet I still felt uneasy with my rampant thoughts travelling and almost reaching light speed in my mind. You are going to make me cry.

She looked at my still shaking hand still grabbing on to her tightly as she curled up a smile and trying to hide it with her other hand while still held on to the basket…

"Welcome to my village Eirin."

I felt a bit relieved that there is still time before the tragedy is realized, but wait why the little riding hood is already a beast-kin….

Am I missing the point here…


///////////////// EIRIN VILLAGE ///////////////////

"I am so sorry for grabbing your hand like that out of nowhere. Please forgive me. But it all happened in the spur of the moment... I…" The girl in front of Alicia was now bowing her head in regret.

Alicia was taken aback. Her thoughts being elsewhere and unable to produce any rational statement… she drew a blank each time. For the first time she was about to talk to a stranger other than mother, father, Lili and Flora. Saying she was nervous was beyond what would describe her demeanour. She didn\'t even know what kind of expression she was making right then. Without a doubt standing frozen, as if she was trying to make a fool out of herself and how dim-wit she could be.

"My name is Lucia and I live in this village." The girl smiled while her ears twitched with Alicia\'s statue play. She determined that Alicia was probably afraid of the monsters chasing them and how she escaped with her life.

"Alicia… that\'s my name." Even though how fluent the stranger was, Alicia still came out a bit weird. She realized it was the kind of introduction a new student would end up giving on their first day being doomed for their happy school social life and could kiss it goodbye.

"I think it\'s safe to follow inside the village for now. There is no telling when the monsters would chase our scent to here." Lucia gave a jolt to them holding hands while she started pulling her towards a small entrance made of thick logs stacked vertically. Not too high and neither too short to directly jump over.

Alicia did not protest or detest from being carried around. Rather still being in her zero mind state recovering from the shock that all her fantasies were for naught and all her concerns were of little help. But at the same time she was glad that none of that held true. In front of the thick wooden two-fold gateway she saw a man standing with a long tail and raccoon type ears. Probably another beast kin giving guard while holding a long spear made out of crude steel. She doubted he could do much against the monsters with that puny thing but at the same time could tell that he was sincere at his job.

"Mr. Blen can you open the gate for us. It seems that I would have to end my search for today."

"I am glad Lu that you returned safely but who is this person with you." The guard formed pinching eyes as they tried to scan over the guest brought by Lu. Nonetheless, it was clear from his expression that Alicia\'s visit was something not welcome and suspicious.

"There\'s no need to be alarmed uncle Blen as you can see that for yourself. It\'s kind of my fault that she got dragged here. I need to report to grandfather that there was a monster stampede."

"What? A monster stampede. Did they try to hurt you?" Blen\'s voice stiffened at the mere mention of the monsters.

"I am fine. And it seems that currently they are heading to the left of the village."

"That\'s a relief." Sanity was restored on Blen\'s face.

"Ex…excu.." Alicia wanted to tell them that she had already taken care of the monsters, to which they were referring to as a stampede. But her words were cut short when she was interrupted.

"Don\'t worry. This village will soon receive their protection. You can rest easy in the village for now." Blen tried to cheer up the stranger by giving a thumbs up. After he heard Lucia mentioning about stampede, he saw how pale the girl was even though she was wearing a mask which covered only the part above her nose and sides under the ears. With her stiff expression and dried lips he concluded that the girl was probably scared to death with the monsters chasing her.

But he was more concerned for Lu who was right now huffing and puffing. It did not took him a moment to realise that they came running here by covering a fair amount of distance in a very short time. He took off the heavy looking pillar that bound the gate like it was nothing and let the two of them through.

Upon entering a multitude of people surrounded Lucia, where they all possessed quirky tails and ears that reminded Alicia of the animals that inhabited her previous world. For once she also gave a thought of how it would be like if back on earth the animals evolved into a human like appearance and gained equivalent intelligence. Will then earth head to a dystopian world of species division or will they be able to make peace and understanding with the situation.

For her that situation was akin to communicating with these people and finding her way out of this.


//////////// ALICIA ASCALON ASHBORN - POV ////////////////////

"Lu, we heard that you were caught in a monster stampede. Are you alright." An old woman stepped forward among the dozens who had surrounded the two of us.

While some tried to scrutinize my appearance and stared at my mask and the white dress I was wearing. They were hearing to the explanation which Lucia was delivering to them. It seemed to me that she is quite popular and loved by all the villagers. That made me feel quite happy that I was apparently rescued by her though it seems that I have now lost my chance to tell them that I killed all the monsters.

At first most of them were batting me an eye. No one would welcome a stranger in their village with nothing to identify themselves. I might as well come up with a story that I am anemic. But what if they have a healer and would force me to go through a treatment for an interrogation. So I dropped the idea.

"Miss Alicia please come with me." Before the number of question which the other villagers threw at me headed to infinity, Lucia pulled my hand and started walking towards the biggest house in the village. It was not that a luxurious house, but fit for a village setting and environment. So were the other small houses.

But real peace of mind does not come with how long, high or beautiful the roof is but how reliable we find it for ourselves. I know it more than better, myself.

I think I was now accustomed to the way of their speaking and how they lead their peaceful lives by cooperating with each other. It was properly reflected by the fact that they let a stranger like me in, just by the consent of one person. Also showing how much they trusted each other. The whole village probably functioned like a one big family.

Pushing the wooden door, both of us came in.

"Grandfather I am back." Saying that Lucia started walking towards the inside room. She suddenly turned back and taking a look at me she pointed to a furniture made of soft twigs stuffed into a cushion, probably a copy of an old-styled curved armed sofa.

"Miss Alicia please wait for a moment there."

With a bit of hesitation and scanning a room only to find a big window and a beautiful cloth covering one of the walls like an art piece on display, I sat down on the sofa. Form inside I heard Lucia talking to someone. After a few minutes an old man came outside of the gate through which Lucia just went in. He was a certified octogenarian with old wrinkly fox ears and a brown tail. He was a fitting image of the wise old man who would sit under the huge village tree and make all important decisions.

I was this time prepared to interact properly because I cannot screw at this point of time. Since I am a human, they are probably wary of me being in such a dangerous forest wandering alone in the demon continent.

He took a seat just in front of me on another similar sofa placed adjacent to the table.

"I am the chief of this village and also Lucia\'s grandparents. It seems that our granddaughter has given you quite a trouble." Even though he looked so old and his teeth so brittle, his voice was still loud and clear to my ears. They carried weight in them.

"No, I am rather grateful to her for saving me." Apparently that\'s what I decided to go with, to accept their side of truth.

"If it\'s that what you think, then I am glad that Lu was able to help someone in need. Even though Lu has already told me about your situation I would like to hear what you have to say on the matter."

Here it is the inquiry. But instead of showing any mistrust and refusing to give an answer, for the kindness they have bestowed on me, I decided to share just that much information which I could in that moment.

"My name is Alicia. I am trying to find my way to the human continent. That\'s when I met your granddaughter after getting lost in the forest. If I may will you please kindly show me the way." I was now staring back at the old man who was keenly observing me.

"I see. I would be more than happy to tell you the way. But it seems that you have quite strayed far away from the human continent."

"Huhhhh... is that so." In that moment all I could do was pass a small laughter and laugh at my own pathetic self. Damn by sense of direction and my specialty in always getting lost.

"Could I please ask you why the mask."

"I am sorry but this is for my protection, so I can\'t remove it. Please forgive me." As I was about to bend my head a little, the old man smiled.

"It\'s all right. It is quite understandable for a traveler to keep their identity secret sometime. I won\'t pry further into the matter."

"Thank you for your understanding."

"Maybe you should try staying here for a day or two because the cause of the stampede is still unknown and it will take time for the monsters to be scattered and dealt with. I assure you your stay in this village will be personally looked after by me and you are free to leave at anytime you wish. Now if you would excuse me."

The old man stood from his seat and started heading to the exit as he called out to his granddaughter.

"Lu, I am heading out to reinforce the village\'s security. By that time why don\'t you try to entertain our guest."

"Okay. But don\'t work yourself too hard over there; otherwise I won\'t give you your sweet root dish."

"Then I will be looking forward to those."

See that conversation was not that hard. If I try then I can talk normally with people too. It\'s all thanks to mother that I was able to improve on my communication skills. At this point I wondered why I never bothered doing it in my previous life but maybe at that time I myself never wanted it. But now that I know, how it feels to know more about people and reach various places. I can\'t help but adore the fact that we can connect with people just with a single smile. A magic if only I ever tried learning in my past self.

Lucia soon came out of the room with a tray consisting of a stack of beans and roots mixed together in a sweet jam paste.

"Miss Alicia, why don\'t you try this."

"Is this really for me."

"Yes, I made these sweet dishes myself. I don\'t know what humans eat around these parts. But this is all I can offer right now." Lucia stood their clumsily holding the tray. I could tell that she just wanted to know how her dish really tasted in front of others.

I happily picked one of them and started chewing on it. The texture seemed to be a bit rough because of the raw roots but they were fresh and sweet. An ingredient I had never seen. I had to know where I can find it as soon as possible.

"It\'s delicious and sweet."

"You really liked it?" Lucia still spoke timidly.

"Yes, so much that I want to know how it is made. Where did you find these special sweet roots? Tell me."

For a moment Lucia thought that Alicia came hard on her but seeing her interested in cooking and finding a partner was something she was looking forward to herself.

After talking for a while with Lucia I learned that she is good at making medicines and she was collecting herbs for that purpose in the basket. No doubt about it, she is like an ideal nurse for the village who can heal any wounds and relief a person of pain by her herbal medicines.

"I think you should try to add more sugar into this dish to make it more sweet at its core and the jam too."

"But sugar is quite a rare commodity here. After the tragedy, merchants stopped visiting this place and the population subsided too. Just finding merchants to trade in everyday goods is quite difficult."

I wondered what tragedy she was mentioning. But just saying that looked tough for her so instead of going on the topic I tried to push it away for the moment.

"Then how about this." I put out a sugar jar on the table from my dimensional storage. "Feel free to use, there\'s more from where it came."

"Wow… Miss Alicia you are so amazing. I didn\'t know you can use dimensional storage. And thank you for the sugar too."

"Is dimensional storage a rare spell?" If I think about it everyone in my family has one and their capacity is humongous, with mine having no limits.

"Well, it might be common among the royals and noble. But for commoners, possessing one is quite rare. In our entire village only I and granny possess this skill."

"Is that so…" I didn\'t try to ponder or ask much about it, otherwise I would be raising suspicious regarding my oblivious nature to today\'s\' society and general knowledge.

"I think I know another way to improve this dish."

"I am so glad that I found someone else with interest in cooking all kinds of dishes. Usually there are no kids of my age. Most of them are aged and very few infants."

I started wondering are things really that bad here. If people are migrating towards more developed and safer location then such problems are sure to arise.

"Well, since I am here maybe we should exchange more information. So, how about using boiled roots, instead of just rinsing them and leaving them in water."

"I see, that would make these roots soft and the water may even gain some sweetness of the roots, which I can put use to elsewhere. You are a genius miss Alicia."

"Well, I am a good cook after all. But maybe we should try to learn what would be the best time limit to boil these roots?"

"Let\'s get to it. I can\'t wait to taste the new dish. Grandfather will love it and its all thanks to you." As Lucia tried to lift the sleeves of her dress because she was going to immerse her hands in water, her enthusiastic activity was cut short.



Our interesting conversation was soon put on hold when a large bell went off.

"Why are they ringing the emergency bell right now?" Lucia voiced her concerns. The colour of her face drained of her brilliant smile.

I didn\'t really know what to do. If only I could help her, if I knew where the problem was. But if I have to stay in this village for some time and find a way to help I need to act covertly in all of this now. If I draw attention then it might bring unwanted suspicions and opinions.

"Miss Alicia please wait here. I will take a look into the matter and inform you if there is any danger."

"Okay, but be careful." That was all I could say as I saw Lucia leave in a hurry.

The only thing I could do was ask Al to detect for any monsters nearby, because that would be the only worst case scenario when our safety and lives will be put in jeopardy. No matter what, I will do anything in my power to keep them safe.


////////////// EIRIN VILLAGE {NEAR EASTERN WALL} ///////////////

A group of villagers were already gathering under the cherry tree growing just on the inner side of the eastern wall. This was the place where most of the decisions regarding the village were taken and this time the meeting was secretly put up for discussion on the new human visitor. While several folks were already murmuring among themselves…

"What are your thoughts about that human, Lucia brought."

"I can\'t say anything. I have still not seen the human."

"I saw here. She looked around the same age as Lucia and wore a mask and dress made of fine fabric." Said one of the old lady among the crowd.

"That sounds suspicious."

"Do you think it\'s a noble that accidentally came here?"

"If that\'s the case then there sure will be knights protecting her." As one of the villagers mentioned of human knights a hushed silence crept through.

"Do you think the humans will sabotage us again and try to attack us like the last time." One of the villagers raised his voice almost biting his tongue at the end.

"Please, it\'s still too early to think about those nightmares."

"But we should be more careful. Should we take her hostage and force out an answer from her." Said a young man with a strong built.

"That would be way too reckless. We don\'t have the manpower or force to oppose someone. We should try to negotiate." It was Blen this time who tried to calm down others.

"When will the village chief be coming?"

"Haaahhhaaa…. Blen I think you right about one thing." A concentrated voice enveloped the whole compound of the tree. As an old figure tried to climb a small platform raising his chin he addressed a small group of people that commanded authority and respect in this village. While the man in discussion himself stood above in hierarchy of respect and authority.

"We lack the man power and force to repel anyone. But we don\'t want to see those nightmares again. That\'s why negotiation is the best option. By showing our kindness all we can hope for is there goodwill in return. Have faith in the teachings of Sofes to love those who show compassion and spread it among those who lacks it."

"But can this human really be trusted. What if we let them go and they leak our information."

"I think this human is quite reasonable and thoughtful of her own actions." The village chief answered without any hesitation. After having a talk with the human in question herself, by his experience and aged hairs he could tell that this human meant no harm to them whatsoever.

"Humans have never been trustworthy and most of them hate us. So what if she tries to flaunt her superiority notions."

"I think that won\'t be the case. It seems that she recognizes us as an equal or rather sees us more as an individual person than discriminate on the basis of race. I assure you that I am concluding all of this after having a chat with the human myself."

"But can we be sure that this human girl is not harmful in anyway." Aid the young man flexing his muscular built body.

"I hardly doubt that. She is just a human girl. Blen you have the highest level appraisal skill here, so tell me what you saw."

"Indeed the human is quite weak than the normal standards, village chief. She is just a level 30 and does not possess any special skill. Actually I was unable to find any skill in her slot. It doesn\'t seem to be forged either. Her stat were normal, though I feel her age stat was a bit absurd or I might have mistaken myself in hurry. Except for the mask thing I highly doubt the human can cause any harm to us. But then again wearing mask is pretty common on travels to hide their identities."

"It is rather possible; she might be a noble, or an escapee, regarding her unusual clothing and aloofness from the norms of the normal society. But she appears to have a logical way of thinking, which means we can always have a talk in case we find ourselves with the shorter end of the stick. All I ask from you is to place your trust in me, and for the moment let\'s show our hospitality to this human. I hope that no one disagrees with my decision."



"Village chief, someone rang the emergency bell from the northern wall. Ringing it for four times, the threat is at its maximum. Could it be that humans came to attack us. Don\'t tell me she was there spy." One of the villagers suddenly panicked in between the crowd.

"Silence, calm yourself down. Blen send your men to confirm the situation. While some of us will head to check on all the other villagers and just in case get the emergency exit ready."

Suddenly a man came running and at the same time the village chief notice his granddaughter rushing to his side.

"Grandfather what\'s the matter. Why are people pointing finger at Miss Alicia she is not like that. I am sure of it."

"Lu, it seems that there is an emergency. But for now instead of panicking we should contact the northern gate as quickly as possible."

The man that came running presented himself in front of the village chief.

"Village chief it seems that a total of five dragons have formed a new nest near the northern gate. For now they seem to be maintaining their distance but they try to come closer every now and then."

"I see." Saying that the village chief receded into deep thoughts.

"Wait it\'s not the humans then. But being attacked by dragons is way worse."

"Do you think they are going to use this village as their feeding ground?" at the mention of these a wave of terror struck all the villagers heart as they looked up in the sky, seeking for salvation.

"Could the earlier stampede of monsters be because they were running from the dragons?" it was Blen who had probably returned with the report.

But suddenly some of the guards started talking about something they had heard rumours of.

"We can\'t fight the dragons on our own. What should we do?"

"There is only one way to save our lives. We must contact that person."

"You mean him."

"Yeah the other nearby villages were saying that taking his protection was the right decision they made. Only he can protect us."

"So how do we find him?"

"Grandfather about whom they are talking about." Lucia looked at her grandfather\'s alarmed expression.

"Lucia there is a rumour going around of a very strong intelligent being giving his protection to nearby villages that can\'t protect themselves on their own."

"So isn\'t that a good thing."

"That might be correct and yet far away from the truth. This world is not so kind when it comes to greed and fulfilling the wishes of others. It can be only done by those who desire nothing for themselves."

"Just like Sofes…" Lucia had always admired that one person and every time she remembered her, it brought her peace.

"If only that were true…" replied her grandfather in a thin voice as if avoiding anyone unnecessary from hearing it.

Just then a gust of wind seemed to have blown away almost all the leaves from the cherry tree. A being dressed in black descended from the sky. Long black feather wings protruded from its back and a face far from humanity but more close to a monster. The overwhelming dark aura it exuded was felt by everyone and no one tried to defy his descend. It had a head of a crow hands akin to an eagle\'s legs and feet covered in his long black tunic robe. His dark eye balls protruded on the sides of his head focused itself at each of the villagers that were present there as if they were some kind of mere objects.

While most of the villagers recognized him as the being who calls himself an ―





Till now I have published from volume one to volume four for free. And I hope to continue so even now. It has really been an exciting work for me to narrate you the story of our main character who fights her way to the bottom of abyss with her magic and skills and will eventually storm the outside world.

From now I will start publishing volume 5 and hope to upload one chapter at least a week. Usually each of my chapter has an average word count of 10k and keeping the text error free takes a lot of revisions and consumes time, but no work is ever perfect. With your support and reviews I know that I have improved a lot in my writing.

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I hope that the next chapter too proves to be to your liking!

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