
Chapter 53 - - 5 : A FRIEND’S REQUEST

Chapter - 5



"Are you sure you want to come along with me?" I asked her.

"Yes, as my duty and in this very short life time I am bound to following you. I will accompany you on whichever path you decide, while I will be your guiding light." She said.

"Then I will be apologizing you for putting you in such a tough position right now and for my foolish actions I am about to take, by making him my enemy. This reincarnation of ours has no longer remained the little game I thought it to be."

I stared at the dense overgrown jungle with trees growing at an alarming rate and not being pruned on a yearly basis to control its growth. But more importantly an eerie melancholy hung over the dull greenery of the forest and even the scantiest brighter rays of a full moon night couldn\'t seem to reach the ground.

"Well, that does sound foolish, and every fiber of my divine being tells me that it is not the brightest one. But I chose to be part of this foolish ploy and bet my everything on it." Freya chuckled and broke into a small smile. None could match the elegance and attraction which the Goddess of Lust emanated.

Trying to lighten the mood…is she now. But the road ahead is going to be the most difficult… so maybe that smile would really help.

As Keith Lativan, and reincarnate Homura Kenta and as a covenant to Freya – a divine Goddess, we both were here to seek the truth all by ourselves.

The reason why Yumiko had to die and also Freya too was concerned about her friend Aphrodite, who was later then kidnapped. The truth about the devil so called Zero and his true accomplice in all of this madness.

Born as the first prince of the great Lativania Kingdom – situated in the South West of the Human Continent. I had everything I could ask for in my life. Fame, glory and a rich noble life of a prince, great academicians to guide me, a reincarnate, memories from my past life and even friends from my previous life too. But most important of all a Goddess who stayed with me at every turn of my new life whether good or bad.

But now that peaceful life is being threatened, I need to take matters in my hands before anyone else is harmed and things goes for worst with more of us being slaughtered like that cursed day. Ever since that day I have been working hard training myself while fighting against strong monsters, conquering dungeons and labyrinths while also learning the strongest magic spells I could use.

And all will be for this day, when I bring back what was lost to me and for her too, If I am able to.

"We won\'t have anyone\'s help in this? Whatever happens today only we will be responsible." I reminded Freya for the last time what was at stake.

"We had already prepared for all the consequences. Of course you wouldn\'t want anyone\'s help, planning to do everything all on your own. Nonetheless I too like doing things this way. We can\'t believe in anyone else anymore, not when things have escalated to this point after all." Freya responded with a nod as a small and elusive smile appeared on her face.

Truthfully speaking, majority of my other classmates were too scared after that display of power of that foreign being Zero. Most of them hid themselves in fear, stopped all communications or vanished never to be heard even from their families. Such useless bunch could never come to of any use, but only a nuisance and I wanted to keep those away who weren\'t involved that day. What if they had an accomplice too, or would turn against me. Such thoughts were inevitable when I could not trust anyone except myself and Freya.

Tilting her head in curiosity, Freya seemed to be more worried about me at the same time reminding me not to over think on the decisions I have taken yet so far.

If I do that I will not only be hurting her feelings but also the feelings of those for whom I am doing this.

"And that\'s why we need to do this as early as possible. Let us go Freya. I won\'t let that tragedy happen again after I have taken my revenge on all of them."

Homura\'s voice proved his determination and even though he might have a calm presence but that was in appearance only. From inside he was burning with rage for almost two years, which kept him going even to this very day. The heaviness and the feeling of being outmatched he felt almost two years ago – he now believed that he had finally lessened the gap.

Both me and Freya looked up at the clear starless night sky and even though I didn\'t knew anything about astrology our path was enlightened by the moon\'s light alone as we delved deeper into the forest with eyes filled with resolve.

Every once in a while, parts of the forest would be engulfed in explosions. They came from an unmatched and unfazed power that had been acquired after experience and harsh training. Flames raced, sparks from a single sword strike like a crescent mark to be permanently engraved on the land.

The air brought with it the scent of burning woods haphazardly turning into ash as Freya used her explosive fire magic to take down every single monster in the vicinity. Monsters numbered in hundreds were plaguing the entire forest and spotting them in night was even tougher than the duo holding them off made it look like. Standing alone yet unfazed by these numbers, scything down entire hordes of goblins, orcs, rock golems and mystical beasts.

We finally made our way through the forest only to encounter a barren piece of vast land which enshrined an unimaginably enormous construction, standing before me and Freya. Wild plants had been growing in its perimeter and the walls and pillars seemed to be rusted. Giving us a bad premonition of an abandoned and a stronghold fortress of forgotten times. Which meant anything that was going to happen here was too meant to be consigned to oblivion by the world.

"For him to choose this out of all places." I said in a deep heave of discomfort and nervousness.

"Humans from your world sure have a difficult taste." Freya chided me with a mean look on her face.

"It might be just him only, don\'t lump all of us together." I hastily replied, to clear the misunderstanding from its roots. I was not a fan of occultism and ghosts. Neither in my previous life to the extent of not believing in it, and even if I believe in the undead now, I do my best to stay out of their way.

We entered through the huge opening of the castle; its gates seemed to be rundown by time alone. As the mechanism to close and open it seemed to be stuck and clogged by dust and moss. Usually such empty fortress would be a perfect home to bandits who did pillaging and would use it as their main base without even being spotted by the knights in such an eclipsed part of the forest. But hopefully we didn\'t find any of them.

But something did suggest their existence as the gray stone walls of the hallway and upper staircase were stained with fresh blood… and a lot of it too. To be precise that such massive amount, one would fail to collect even from fifty men. \'Monstrosity\' would fail to describe the brutality and savageness of the being who did all of this.

For the most part I wanted to puke, but Freya looked in much worse condition as she tried her best to look away from the grotesque view. Before long we climbed to the top of the castle and on the upper terrace stood two figures, with whom our meeting was predestined today.

"I welcome a young man and a flawless beauty to my lovely abode. If not for such a quick meeting I would have rather chosen a luxurious castle and would have arranged for a feast." Said one of the figures sounding excited as he stepped to the front into the moonlight. Lucas Perillus, the second prince of Perillus Empire and a reincarnate just like me ─ Kenma Takeshi.

And the other figure standing behind him was Erebus – the God of Darkness and his God in contract.

A week ago I sent an anonymous letter to him telling that I knew about his secrets and asked him to decide on a place of meeting, to entice him into meeting with me alone. And yet he seems so unsurprised and at ease to see me. How long has he known that it was me?

But it doesn\'t matter now, because in the end I got what I wanted and that is all it matters.

"Enough of that…Stop with your phony pleasantries and start talking." I said to him but my gazes were all around as even the open terrace was drenched in the stench of blood.

"If you are feeling ill, then perhaps we can go to someplace else to discuss after such a long reunion of ours, won\'t you agree with me old friend. It\'s just that things got a bit nasty while taking care of some bandits which were residing here and they would rather raise their swords against me than being humble to a prince of the Empire." It was an indifferent and smooth form of speech. His relaxed attitude mixed with a sense of his superiority was making me impatient.

"Don\'t call me your friend after what you have done to us, by selling us all out. You bastard!" I shouted at Kenma.

"You will end up hurting my feelings if you say that now class President. Fine then I will answer any of your questions since you went to the pains of coming this far while I was hoping you would turn your backs and go home." There was no turmoil or sense of fear in his eyes as he straight out confessed his crime.

"Damn you! To think you were able to raise so many monsters to obstruct us. I won\'t mind intruding on you after you have given us such a troublesome and grand welcome." I haughtily answered. I have no reservations for a prince but because in front of me stood a person who betrayed their friends or at least people whom he should have protected as comrades or as a group\'s allegiance.

"But before why don\'t you tell me. How did you know of my secret and ploy? Was it my demeanour that gave way to suspicion or my actions were rather too swift and dictated. You know what, never mind I asked. You have always been a wise judge and a swift learner. I was not surprised in the least if you would have found my secret someday even though this was quick. But it would be too simple if I didn\'t turn it into an opportune moment. Homura I want you on my side. Join hands with me and others are sure to follow you." Kenma raised his palm fully stretched out towards me for a handshake and seal the deal.

Had it not been for what he had done, I might have accepted this alliance, but since then, I feel nothing but repulse and hate for this person.

"I would if only you answer my one question?" I responded to his offer, even though I was unhappy with how nonchalant he was making all of this sound.

"Surely I can\'t refuse such a simple bargain now. Ask away." Kenma said without thinking twice. His over-confidence with whatever he had decided was weighing heavy on me like a sword on my neck.

"Who is Zero to you?" I looked at him adamantly.

"A sworn ally who shares the joys and fruits of my ventures." Kenma said in a light tone.


The clashing of two blades each drawn out by two reincarnates a blue mystical sword in my hand as I rushed forward and used it for a quick upper cut to slice his body into two, but was blocked by a heavy jet black sword before it could even touch a single being of my enemy.

"You are rather fiery today class rep. maybe we should discuss things some other time or you might end up regretting it." Homura said in a crude voice as he parried my slash in the last moment.

"The deal is off. You are going to die by my hands right here and I will never regret this action of mine." I said before jumping back to a safe point and took my sword stance holding the blade horizontally aligned to my eyes, my crescent blue blade superimposed over his neck.

"You have rather grown quite strong and fast class rep. than the last time we met. I would really like a man of your caliber as my equal in all of this. After all we both are exactly the same. People like us want to be left alone in our actions and not to be judged by anyone." Kenma stood up from his knee bent position of blocking my sword and pushing his right leg back he too took an offensive stance but was still relaxed as if he still didn\'t consider me a worthy opponent.

"I am nothing like you heartless traitor. I am going to shut that stupid mouth of yours forever and then we would see who the strongest one among us is."

"This is going to be far more interesting than I thought. It has been too long since I have invested myself so deeply in a fight." Kenma murmured to himself.

"Prepare yourself!" I screamed like a lion, as I swiftly moved forward fortifying my body and sword with magic at the same time.

"That\'s quite noble of you to warn your enemy first." Kenma again replied to my sword strike by a quick block and parried it away. But I did not lose my ground and shifting my body accordingly with the flow of my sword, I moved and turning the position of my hands I redirected another quick blow at him.

"You haven\'t seen enough of me, have you realized that now."

"Then indulge me."

The sword of Kenma started emanating a dark aura as it overpowered my blow with a single swing and pushed me back from my close advantage point. Swinging that heavy sword still won\'t be easy for him; at least that\'s what I thought. But he is so proficient with it that the weight of the sword only complemented his fighting style.

"Kenta… let me help you." Shouting that Freya brandished her hand as she accumulated hundreds of fire lance after chanting a small spell. All of these only to be launched for our one single enemy Kenma. It was only befitting for an existence like a Goddess to amass such powerful magic at a single point in such a short time.

But before any of them could propel further, heavy thick tentacle like shadow structures emerged from ground as they touched the fire lances, all of them were extinguished in a blink of an eye, as if the darkness infested and manifested as a parasite to eat away the light.

Erebus used to control shadows and drifting in between them he appeared in front of Freya casting his very own magic special to negate ours.

"You won\'t be interfering in their fight. Let us, Gods settle their dispute among ourselves alone first." Erebus wore a dark expression as he expressed his hostility.

"Fine then I will take you on first Erebus. But don\'t tell me I didn\'t warn you if you get hurt at the end." Freya drifted backwards in a blink of an eye using wind magic and so did Erebus denying to leave the sight of his enemy\'s shadow.

"Freya…." I shouted, but got nothing in response. She did not have time to look away and be distracted from her own fight.

And so it is as much as my fight too.

I was worried, and yet my nervousness was slowly turning into a feeling that I used to feel long ago, but had forgotten until now….

To crush my opponents with all I have got unless they stop trying and competing. Maybe this is what people use to call a battle rush in my previous life. I am not deeply crazed about it but for once I wanted to be get deeply involved and introduced to this feeling anew.

"Honestly, I would be too disappointed if I had killed you as easily as I imagined. All my training would have been for naught if you can\'t even keep up with me." I giggled. I had not strayed from my path, I had still not forgotten to what end I was here. What I had to accomplish… to prove… and turn things right again. Even if some people cannot be brought back, if I stop trying I am afraid I might lose and forget the pain I felt that day.

"Damn straight! So don\'t try to look away even for a second. We are going to have a fight to our heart\'s content and settle it once and for all. How about the victor will gain all, while the loser becomes his servant for the rest of his life." Laughter spilled out from his mouth as every word he said sounded repugnant.

"Your mouth runs too much… maybe we should start with fixing that smirk on your face."

"Just try it."

Our hearts raced as the ground shook with the impulse of the sprint we took off from the ground and ran at each other and pushing our sword directly aimed at our chest, none hesitated to kill each other. I was prepared, but I still might have considered my enemy\'s actions to be childish and a mistake of youth.

But now I wanted to know the reason. But that comes after my victory….

I raced onward again, thrusting my blue blade before him in a feint as I took advantage of it and suddenly turned its course upwards, the deadly point of the blade plunged towards his chin, the tip moving so fast as if cutting through air itself - but it still failed to connect with his body.

Kenma\'s body half bent backward, he raised the hilt of his sword which bounced my speed attack again.

After my first attack was evaded in a grand manner despite my enraged speed, I did not let it go to my enemy\'s head, as I kept my sword raining at him like a storm of sharp blue petals in a synchronized gale trying to pierce through his very being.

Still titled, he pushed his body forward while his legs moved backwards. Seeing the chance my sword plunged forward as if it had a mind of its own, while Kenma stood frozen for a moment there.

Before my brain could process this strange stillness and the odd tranquility mixed in my supposedly winning strike, my senses returned to me as my sword grazing the left sharp edge of the long black sword almost too perfectly to be true only to end up sinking deep into the thick walls of the terrace of the castle.

There was a soft smile on Kenma\'s face. This fight was not a joke; neither was he smiling at his achievement of predicting my move or luring me into attacking upfront. It was a pure display of mocking me.

His gazes infuriated me. Telling me repeatedly that I might have lost this round. The more I looked at him, the more I remembered her expressionless yet grim face after she was brutally murdered and behind all that plotting was him. I wanted to destroy him more than anything. And then I would finish Zero and everyone associated to him.

My blows are meaningless and so would be my resolve if I can\'t reach him after I have come this far.

"I am not done yet." I screamed as I pushed the hilt of the sword hard, leveled perfectly at his neck\'s height.

With a screeching violent, thunderous sound of grazing to the very deep of the concrete walls with a thin blade which was meant for swift attacks I cut the walls in half as my sword sparked fire and rubbles into my enemy\'s face.

As his face narrowed in disbelief, he was quickly able to dodge by pulling his head downwards along with his lower body. His swift movements were now shaking, still unaware of my surge in power, it was at that point he stopped holding back as he reflected his true powers on me.

Without a second being wasted, he brought his left leg curling up a half circle from below enforced with his special dark magic ─ his kick crushing my insides was only about to throw me from my position. But just when his foot made contact with my belly, I ignoring all of the critical pain, grabbed Tenma\'s collar tightly and since he couldn\'t maintain his balance well in that state, the thrust of the kick was strong enough to knock us straight into the high wall and wrecking it, we fell from the heights.



/////////// FREYA - POV ///////////

"Homura….." I cried as I saw my partner fall with his enemy from such a lofty height without any guard. Doing my best to reach him with my magic control, I tried to help him out, but that was all I could do.

"Aren\'t you too worried for him, than your own well-being, Freya?" Erebus asked.

"Don\'t call out my name so frivolously like that. Hiding and plotting like a coward, how low will you fall?" I said as I prepared another wind spell to cut down those shadow tentacles of his.

You can do it Homura. Hang in there; I prayed forgetting the second enemy who was also in front of me. Clutching my hands together ─ wind in form of blades forced its way through the magical defense of Erebus as he was being pushed back only to land on soft clay to hold back his fall.

Wiping the blood spilling from his cheeks he called out to me.

"Freya, you are really strong. If possible I didn\'t wanted to fight you. But seeing you feel endearing to the humans I would say you have become a fool. From when did you started caring about them? They are just lowly creatures who stoop so low to gain our favours and powers only to push back all their wrongdoing and unhappiness on us. So, why are you trying to save them now?"

"I know I must have felt the same back in the divine realm. But not anymore. Because now I understand that true beauty not merely lies in possessing eternal life and divine powers but it lies in the lives of those people who exchange their life for those happy memories which these mortals has as their only possession during their time of death. It\'s not for power, money or a chance they have a smile at the end of their life, but a feeling of satisfaction you reap after living a happy and fun life. Not something we two can understand, but still this new life has taught me more and more only to realise that they are not weak alone."

"HAHAAHAAA… you honestly think that way. Don\'t make me laugh. And if you really believe that then we would see soon enough who wins this."

"What are you planning to do Erebus? Do you even realise the gravity of what you have done? At the end you might not have a place to return to and forever fall from the grace of your Godhood. But your cheap tricks won\'t change my mind." I said with an angry voice.

"It won\'t do you good to worry about your enemy so much. But hey now, since we are here, let\'s measure this resolve of yours and the things that makes you so cheerful." Erebus said as a shadow made its way through and mingled with my own shadow.

In a second I and Erebus were sinking deep into the darkness like a small pool of quick sand, as if my body paralyzed I was unable to even move a finger.



////////////// HOMURA KENTA - POV ////////////

Knocking over the walls both me and Kenma fell from the top of the building. The fortress was taller than even a ten storied building and none of us could control or wield magic properly because it seems that the walls of the fortress and its close proximity is a laid out ant-magic area. Could be that once this fortress was a stronghold for royalty in a war and as a precaution great measures were taken for its security and preservation magic which was still active on it to this day.

But I was still alive and breathing. Only some few bruises and cuts from the fall with no bones cracked. To be severely injured in mid-battle could have proven to be a disadvantage because casting strong healing magic takes time.

I will probably thank Freya later ─ has she not used wind magic to lessen the momentum of my fall and provide an air cushion at time of impact with the ground, the hit would have been fatal. But what about him…

I jumped back… sensing danger as I avoided a clear blow from his sword as it cut out a horizontal curve mid-air. Putting the weight of his on the sword immersed into the ground he rose up. Compared to me he was faring well, while the hit in my stomach was still aching from deep inside as a burning sensation made me almost numb from the shock.

Comprehensively if I went at it again I might not be able to show the same speed and power but what about my enemy. He could be just pretending to be out of shape too if he could survive the fall then surely he can do much more.

"Homura why don\'t you first listen to what I have to say." He said with a contoured expression.

"Say it, as your final wish." I gave him a chance to speak so that I could recuperate in that time casting healing magic on myself, but I couldn\'t understand why would he give himself such a disadvantage.

"Then let me first thank you for listening to me. I would rather not kill potential future allies." He gaffed at me.

"Save your gratitude for later because after this I am going to kill you." I meant what I said as I might have made my intentions clear through my angry voice.

"Tell me Homura do you believe in fatalism?"

"Do you mean as in fate and destiny?"

"It\'s a simple belief that explains all things in this world are predetermined. The fact that we are fighting here might as well be the will of a superior being that controls fate. Behind this temporarily sustained peace of world, abnormal accidents keeps on happening and the world will slowly but surely fall of its track. We as the messengers of God were sent to this place to reinstate true peace and in return we get any one of our wish granted."

"What a crap!...doesn\'t that means that all our efforts are pointless. If the Gods at the top themselves are responsible for it from the very start, then this new life of ours was set on a broken table to make its fall a surety." I howled, does he really intend to waste my time with such meaningless chats. Just what is his endgame?

"I am glad that you are a quick on the uptake. I too felt the same you see. But in truth when I met the Gods and learned about how divine system works it all comes out to be the truth…turns out we are all playing in the hands of the Almighty God, even yours and mine present actions might be determined by Him, but I am going to severe this world from that fate and then take control over it."

"Kenma have you gone insane. We are not toys and this is not a game. We are living things too. So open your eyes and don\'t\' be fooled by some old philosophical decree." I screamed as I disregarded his idea.

I really didn\'t want to think that way. It\'s like a distasteful thought that can crush any soul to the lowest depths of despair. And I don\'t want to be any part of it. I have always believed in my own work and talents and tried to achieve whatever I desired with my own two hands. The lines on my palms are nothing but mere lines and not restraints that binds me.

"So tell me class rep. what would you wish for? Wouldn\'t you want to change the world as you see fit." The excitement inside Kenma was taking root as his poker face which had clouded his real expressions was off and he was laying bare his true feelings.

He truly felt that way and really meant what he said. He was no more joking but was more than serious enough to swear his life upon.

"You are in quite a hot pursuit yourself. I don\'t think I could possibly wish something that massive and unbelievable. But your ideas sound to me rather appalling and unbelievable." I scoffed at him.

"You don\'t have to believe what I say but you can obviously listen. I will become the ultimate vessel by reaching the roots of all creations to make all desirable possibilities and my wishes come true." Kenma replied to me and the more excited he sounded with every word he uttered. Trying to move his hand in front only to grab thin air acting as if he almost has that power in his grasp now…

"And how do you go on doing about that… care to explain." So there really was something more to it. Something of which I had been in the dark. That means I won\'t succeed in defeating him if I don\'t end up knowing what plans he had prepared to which end he is so determined to kill his past life classmates.

And after I am done with my healing and prepared for my next attack I will take him down in the next blow.

"Don\'t worry I planned to tell you this from the very beginning. There are still chances you still haven\'t resolved yourself to defeating me. I can just tell by looking at you."

"What do you mean by that?" I glared at Kenma.

"Tell me class rep. have you ever used your unique skill till yet."

"….!!" For a moment there I had no words. How did he know that? What has that to do with anything of this?

"I knew it. So why don\'t we try and learn and then you will be able to venture into my world and see its true virtue."

"I am in no way abided to do whatever you say or seeing your twisted vision. My unique skill has nothing to do with our fight. I can and will defeat you without using it?" I pointed my sword at him, refusing to do whatever he said.

"Are you certain of that?" Kenma narrowed his eyes and clapping two times, from behind him two shadowy figures emerged from the ground. One was Erebus and the other one was unexpectedly…

"Freya!" I called out to her. But she still did not respond. Her eyes were open that means she was able to listen and hear us. But due to some kind of restrain she was unable to do anything.

"Kenma what are you doing….she has nothing to do with our fight. Your enemy is me. So release her right now." I waved my hand in frustration to grab his attention.

"Oh I certainly would but unless you grant me an audience with your unique skill, I just can\'t. Despite that I have gone to great lengths for this arrangement, restraining a goddess\'s power is quite troublesome you know."

"Fine then, if there\'s no choice." I glanced at Freya and nodded. She looked a bit troubled with my instant approval, but suddenly her body was immersed in a golden light and I could feel the divine power coursing through my body, somehow without a medium and only with our contract her powers were being transferred to me.

"Kenma you asked for it, I won\'t be responsible for any of the consequences."

"Oh don\'t you worry; I will be in turn using mine. I can\'t let my guard down around you after all." Kenma sneered as he felt the surge in the divine magic power.

\'Let every fiber and material be charmed by my charisma\' I whispered and a raging amount of divine energy forced itself out of my body and spread into the area like a wave of endless pattern and current.

In the next second I knew there were tremors from all around and when they finally stopped, the trees shuddered, the ground shook after each short interval, footsteps as if in a procession were heard loud and clear even from far. Something huge and numerous was heading in our way.

Kenma was unaware of the exact nature of my unique skill and now he was finally seeing it.

Suddenly he looked at me and was frustrated to see Freya again standing by my side.

"To think that you will agree to use your unique skill so easily." She said.

"It\'s because you got so easily caught."

"It\'s not my fault, if I use too much power, then your charm skill gets activated on its own and I would rather have you not complaining and nagging about it to me. But if I can use my full power even in this state Erebus is no match for me."

"You make me sound like a grandpa frustrated with the wrinkles on his cheek and I don\'t nag. But that is pretty reassuring in itself." I smiled back at her as I prepared myself to strike on my opponent when they came forth, for whom I have been waiting.

In the nearest of places and from behind the group of trees ─ emerged forth ferocious monsters, undead, monsters we had killed previously, or monsters that once lived here, their skeletons and whatever of them was left, trees uprooted themselves from the ground as they grew out hands and legs – they were now my minions who followed my every command and were charmed by my skill.

"I see so your unique skill has got the ability to charm anything whether dead or alive as long as they cannot resist and you were hiding such amazing powers all up till now. How foolish, you could have conquered kingdoms and become the king in no time." Kenma cried in joy and instead of being wary of the impending danger he was elated to see a multitude of enemies.

"Speak for yourself. It would be better now if you surrender. You honestly can\'t think of fighting against this many enemies." I shouted at him.

"It\'s not like I am not surprised I am really astounded to see the limit of your power. But you see it has still got nothing on me. Witness my ultimate skill ─ the power I acquired…. Let there be darkness, I seek ruin of all." Kenma mumbled and the next moment the ground vibrated slightly.

I and Freya reflexively looked down sensing changes in the magical flow below us. Instantly, elongated thick black metal-like rods with pointed ends shot out of the ground. The large army of monsters, undead, living or non-living creatures that had arrived at my calling were skewered in front of me as their body did not even flinch after the impaling. Almost one by fifth of the charmed servants I had gathered were dead in the next instant.

Lifting up myself from the ground as I pulled Freya up after we fell down trying to dodge in haste, we looked at Kenma who was totally immersed in a myriad flow of black aura.

"I will take care of him while you see to Erebus." I softly spoke to Freya without looking at her. The situation called for immediate action and we both understood that.


"It\'s fine we both will be the only one to finish them." I spoke cheerfully.

"The more you start acting cheerfully like a bright kid, the less reliable you are. Fine then, I will be the one to deal with him in this battle." Freya\'s worries faded in a blank expression as she casted a strengthening magic and defense magic on the remaining forces which have gathered.

Dividing them in two groups, she started giving them direction in their empty minds as they started acting in a synchronized way, transformed into a train group of soldiers – while our enemies waited not too far from us.

A large horde of mixed monsters charged at Kenma from both sides – who was gripped by a strange joy of displaying his power. Moving his fingers along, pointed spikes again impaled most of the monsters, only very few able to avoid them with their sharp senses, while others were hanging mid-air, their bodies torn in two. I dashed faster in between them, trying to either dodge by using the monsters as shield or by sensing them entirely through magic.

This was the first time I was using charm magic on my own accord, after when it got out of control once while practicing the whole royal castle and my family was under the effect of it for a week even when I cancelled the magic. For me it was more of a moral sense otherwise I was not that affected by its consequential effects it brought with it. That\'s why I forbid Freya from using it and she got caught because of me. But the situation will soon be under my control, just a little bit more time and I will show him that deciding to give me this chance was his greatest mistake.

One of the ogre servant in front of me appeared to be that of a high level as he skillfully dodged all the spikes, and just when one shot in front of him, he grappled that spike, coiled his body around it, but just then from one spike another rudimentary spike emerged and pierced through its monster core.

These spikes were really deadly and the closer you got, his defense seemed to be the more impenetrable with increase in his effective combat ability to tackle a multitude of enemies single handedly. A perfect counter for my own ability.

Did he see that coming too? Just from where is he getting his information, could it be Zero, but it doesn\'t matter I still have this hidden trump card tucked between my sleeves. All I need is the right time to play it.

I leapt in front and jumping on to the corpse of the ogre I made a second careful jump avoiding all other stakes that tried to follow me in my descent. Drawing out my blade, I swung a straight line downwards, the tip of the sword leaving a blue trail as if the path of the blade pierced through a deep perilous ocean turning it into a pacific clear blue surface.

Smashing all the stakes that materialized in the way of my sword were crushed to dust and finally it came in contact with his heavy sword, the clashing of metal deafened our surrounding and with a burst of brilliant blue, my sword ran in between, cutting through his sword, its direction deflected by a bit it ran through his right shoulder injuring him severely. It was not deep enough to make it look life-threatening but surely it was not wise to continue any further.

The long, long battle might have finally come to an end….

When Kenma holding his right shoulder which was leaking with blood all over, he wore a grim expression under his own dark shadow.

I returned back to Freya\'s side as she looked quite please with the outcome.

"You finally pulled it off, and now we can finally take some rest."

"It would do you good not to forget that we still have to take care of some other goons left after this." I replied in a twisted manner, so that she doesn\'t start slacking off, like she did during the academy. She was the top students in the magic class and might as well be one of the best too. Not something too celebratory for a goddess but it came with its own perks of passing away the classes or sleeping during the training.

"Don\'t just start celebrating yet. Not yet… I might have misjudged your strength and taken this too lightly but I am not going to hold back anymore." Kenma growled under a tensed face as his nerves on the forehead twitched and his anger could be felt in the atmosphere.

"Spoken like a true failed villain." Freya mocked Kenma.

But something was still not right. He was not the kind to bluff, not until now and after that blow he shouldn\'t be able to move like that.

"Freya get back…." I grabbed Freya\'s dress from behind and pulled her back, when a long jet black metal cord pierced the ground turning it onto a huge crater, just where Freya stood.

"Eeeekkkk!!!" Freya screamed for the first time like a normal human would react on being attacked and surprised out of the blue. Otherwise as usual she acted always high and dignified. There were not that many moments of her, but she soon returned back to her serious demeanour.

We looked at Kenma and Erebus was standing right beside him as if they have just discussed something now and Erebus was not quite happy about that and yet he had a smug face. As if he was fine with whatever conclusion this battle would have drawn. But now our eyes were stuck on Kenma and he taking just a single step further exuded a strong malicious intent at us. I nodded to Freya and she was on guard for whatever happens next.

Step. Kenma rubs his right foot on the floor dragging it and then stomping on the pile of dust collected into the leveled ground. As if he was angry with himself and then soon got rid of that feeling, completely abandoning it – unlike a normal average human.

"I decided to be the king of this world. And this showdown has just begun. You winning is a very interesting idea. But it\'s too bad, Homura. You cannot stop me from reaching my goals and I have decided that you are going to work for me whether you want it or not…. Let there be darkness I seek destruction of all, Black Armour. Partial Transformation."

A dozen of long metal flexible cords that could be bent into any shape and structure and yet hard as diamond were protruding from back of Kenma. As my eyes began to warp, by the dark light he emanated, it took away all of my concentration just to stand in that pressure of glaring eyes that peeked at us filled with rage and hatred. For a moment I could feel that one of those flying metal limbs could pierce me anytime through heart, and my hands hook in fear, just responsive enough to not drop the sword in my hand.

Finally he was silent for some time. And the dark aura then materialized into more black ornate cords on his back as if forged out of his dripping blood from the wound on the shoulder which had been poisoned by his own magic.

"Listen Homura this fight of ours might not be what both of us seeks and yet we are fighting here like pieces played and thrown around on a battlefield. The world system has been broken for a very long time. We can never know for sure whether this system is flawed or incomplete and when our fate is trusted to such a thing that has no desire and form of its own, how can it know what\'s better for us. And that\'s why I as a king has taken it upon myself to replace this very system and stand at the top of the hierarchy. To get this world rid of its imperfection and silence." His voice echoed in the plain grassland and in between the walls of the fortress.

"You have really gone insane Kenma. If you walk on this path you will never be able to get what you want. You are taking this too far. What you are seeking is unachievable." I shouted at him with my full voice. Something inside of me forced me to warn him for once, to take the chance maybe to turn back from wrong to right. But I was a fool, not to realise that to turn things right I need more than just words and maybe that incomprehensible thing which I needed the most right now, I felt it lacking in myself…

"Why do you think we were granted this power in the first place? With this power I will bring Adamas to this world and change it forever and no one will stop me from doing this."

I looked at Freya who was as if stung by an anesthetic syringe. Her face had lost all colours at the mention of that word. And I myself have never heard of that word – \'Adamas\'. After all this thing was foreign to me and yet somehow these two Gods and my enemy knew well all about it.

"I call this PROJECT ADAMAS. I have not fallen so low as to accept doing someone\'s bidding and court favours from others. I will gain all of that power for myself and compile a completely new world where everyone will be free to do whatever they want and with its own set of new laws, while completely tearing this old broken world apart completely. Now then…" Kenma raised his hands as if signaling someone… and without me even realizing those long metallic black cords pushed Freya away as she crashed far away, knocked rampantly into the wall. While Erebus followed behind her.

I was so slow to react, rather so slow to even see that coming. But Freya was doing fine as she was still standing ready to face Erebus. But somehow all of this made her unhappy.

But right now those eyes that were glaring at me even through this darkness… while I stared with my eyes wide open right back at him. Prepared to have a second round.



///////////// FREYA - POV //////////////

"Freya you are really not someone to mess around. Even when you are so distracted right now, you saw that attack coming and protected yourself in the last moment." Erebus said as he waited for Freya to properly stand up. After all he was a God and had his own pride while fighting others at their full strength.

"Tell me, Erebus… just what in the world have you done with that child. How did he know about Adamas." I questioned him with a stubborn look on my face. I was really not going to move from there unless he would have answered me. The root cause of the problem ran deeper than I thought and more than we can actually handle in the present moment. At this rate…

"Don\'t ask me he decided this all on his own. He just happen to learn about Adamas in the divine realm and through his curiosity he came to know more about it in this world and its deep secrets…. And you would be astounded to know about how to resurrect it."

"Erebus don\'t tell me you are doing this to get your place in the Mane Apostolo Council as one of the twenty four Pillars." I threw my next question at him which I concurred.

"How brilliant of you to so quickly surmise that? But do you think that would really matter if we are able to resurrect Adamas, even the Mane Apostolo Council and the twenty-four Pillars would be able to do nothing in face of its real power and all will be helpless."

"You will not succeed in this endeavour. You will never be able to get your hands on the Septian Keys, after all they were lost and hidden forever in the previous Great War."

"To be honest, we already have got our hands on one of these and a second one is just in our grasp." The more lavishly and quickly he replied, the more my hopes were being crushed as he dictated the truth to me. And all this information being shared to me just so that I the Goddess Freya could be mocked. I won\'t accept it and nor let it end like this.

"Even so you will never be able to find the cursed child. Just like the last time this resurrection and summoning of Adamas will fail because a being like that does not exist. And lastly God Almighty will stop you from doing all of this." I laid the last line of defense of my arguments.

"Oh! Don\'t you worry? He won\'t do a thing but sit and watch because he cannot go back on his words of not interfering with the reincarnates with whatever they do. As for I am surprised that you even knew about the cursed child, that\'s quite a hidden secret which very few of us knew. Then again knowing you who was once considered to be a perfect candidate to ascend as one of the Pillars, it wouldn\'t be a surprise now will it."

Tch! That was more than enough to make me angry.

I fired several fire lances at him, while the leftover monsters attacked him at the same time, but with a single swipe with his shadow tentacles it was more than enough to take care of them.

I was running out of options, I have already been transferring my divine power to Homura to fight against Kenma. Unlike his opponent\'s ability which needs divine power to just activate it, Homura\'s power demands a continuous supply of it. Though it is inefficient; it is still stronger with my superior abilities and yet I am being pushed back. As if from the start I have been losing my powers slowly.

I needed for now to keep Erebus busy so that Homura can complete his fight which did not start some mere hours ago but it has been almost two years. He had been fighting, as I saw him trying to improve by leaps and bounds. Unlike me who thought I was always the superior and above all destined for greatness. I never tried to improve myself in the thought that I was born perfect as a divine being – a God, and that was my biggest flaw because I still had something missing inside of me.

Not far from here, he was desperately trying to prove himself of what he is capable of. People like him and me always want to earn the acknowledgement of others and won\'t rest unless we would have achieved our goals.

I heard very nasty sounds of continuous clash of metals as if they would rip apart my ear drums. I was doing my best not to scream loud or rush to his side without any plan and interfere with his fight.

Blood was spilled all over the place and I didn\'t know to whom it belonged to. Homura had deep cuts all over his body as he tried to keep his vitals protected; he still had a tough battle ahead. But he had not given up yet, facing his battle with a strong heart, he had not yet abandoned his weapon and ran away from the battlefield.

Humans in no doubt are stronger than I thought. Even though this may not end well and the results might not be in our favour anymore. I vowed to protect my partner with my life and swear it on my Godhood that I will not fail.

One\'s lust for strength is not a result of his ongoing legacy of accomplishments but it truly lies in the process of aiming for something.

"I will press on, so that we both can return back home safely and victory will be ours." Waving my hands in a semi-circle, an arc of flame danced under the full moon as a giant firestorm raged to completely rip off Erebus and his bothersome dark shadow magic.

But all in the middle of it a pink light shone as my magic suddenly turned pink and its changing nature as I felt it disappearing from the atmosphere. To an extent realizing what was happening I took extreme precautions and quickly cut off my magic before I could be further harmed, as my whole body shook in pain for forcibly doing it while still maintaining a constant flow of magic between me and Homura so that he can keep on fighting.

As the storm cleared its reminiscent suddenly vanished and got absorbed into a pink crystal stone which Erebus held in his hands.

"I wouldn\'t have believed it unless I had seen it myself. To think that one day a God would finally break the taboo of using those cursed origin stones." I sneered at him in contempt.

"Huhhh! I was outmatched even in this. You left me no choice Freya, fighting you fair and one on one…. The odds are obviously not in my favour. But the scales of the balance have now been tipped with this artifact in my hands."

"Well for your kind information, those stones might have worked as a charm against anyone else. But against me you are quite at a disadvantage, because my attribute is lust. While the same principles might apply to the origin stones. I can forcibly stop my magic being completely drained by that cursed thing you are holding in your hand. How low will you fall to use it on a fellow God? Do you realise that after this you will never have a place to return to if someone else learns of this fact."

I might have sounded a bit confident. But I was more vulnerable than a common human now, with no magic to wield for myself, I would certainly fall.

Bu then Erebus passed a hissing laughter as he called out to me, "It seems that the battle is approaching its end. You wouldn\'t want to miss the final show." Saying that he vanished into a mist of black clouds.

I suddenly turned my head in the direction where Homura was fighting as I saw a trail of blood flow out from one of his hands as he was deeply wounded. His back, his hands, legs almost every part of the body was leaking with blood and at the same time he was still fighting back regardless of all the pain he was suffering, all just relying on my divine power and the healing magic he was regularly casting on himself but couldn\'t keep up with the damage he was sustaining.

\'Just stop… Stop now.\' I wanted him to end this fight now but I couldn\'t speak or make him hear my voice as I myself was growing weak. Was I wrong to grant him power that he had succumbed to this state? Or was this battle beyond our reach to begin with. I really don\'t know how I should feel.

But I have to keep my promise which I had made to myself no matter what. As I ran in the direction of Homura hoping to catch up with him before it would be too late.



/////////// HOMURA KENTA - POV ////////////

"You are going to fall here, sprawled into the dust and would have no choice but to be at my command." Kenma said, followed by a sharp whistle of air being cut, I looked intently for spaces as I dodged a whip from one of those cords in the final moment.

As soon as I landed, one of the metallic spikes thrust itself out of the ground, like a spring-loaded puppet. But before it could reach my neck I cut it in half.

Sooner than I realized what I was doing unconsciously as I was already engaged in blocking the attacks from his dangling whips as they tried to thrust holes in me. Only to be parried by my sword. But I can\'t keep this up any longer. The speed of the attacks instead of diminishing became more accurate and paced as he tried to read my movements.

I was getting restless and tired with getting nowhere with this dodge, parry and dodge strategy. I was still far from him, and the cords were tangible enough as if to reach any part of this world.

I activated the magic enchantment on my sword, to make its curve glow like an energy plasma blade, with a blue lining. I clutched my sword even tighter and like an endless flow of a water stream I made my way through quickly dodging all the chords as I got closer to him with each step I took.

I was ready again to use my final blow and this time I wouldn\'t have missed.

Hurling a war-scream at my full voice I brought my sword directly aimed at the area near his chest where the injured hand was attached.

A silver curve glittered in the darkness as my sword stung my hands numb and the recoil crushed my finger bones.

The glow of the sword went pale. How\'s that possible…

It should have cut it in two. Somehow the cords were strong enough that it won\'t even let my sword pass through, as another of his cords grazed my side belly. Unfortunately, I was unable to properly dodge it in mid air and it ended me costing, more than I could have vouched for.

My eyes were wide open in shock as I stared at my chipped sword because of the previous unfortunate clash and the incisions on my body which was spilling blood. It hurts, more than I ever had to bear. But it\'s nothing compared to what happened that day, and what might happen if I didn\'t take this chance.

"It\'s over, so what are you still smiling for."Kenma called out to me as I was still falling beside him injured and unaware of what I was truly feeling.

At least that\'s what it looked to me, but I did not realise that a slight grin had surfaced on my face.

Maneuvering myself in mid air I pushed my body towards Kenma, placing my paw forward at his torso in his blind spot, I pushed him back as my sword hurled around in a semi-circle as it robbed him of his balance and stole his senses of the world and only leave him vulnerable enough to be able to feel the pain I inflicted on him with my sword.

He was thrown away far and made a crash landing on the walls of the fortress that were tough enough to stop him from being thrown away from the battlefield and at the same time harsh to not even provide cushion for the impact. It would probably take some time for him to recover and his right arm would surely be dysfunctional by now.

But at the same time in impulse I hadn\'t realized that the wound on my side belly was deeper than I thought it to be, as my clothes were soaked in blood red.

I clenched my jaws and shriveled in pain at the same time tried to hide my own tears, as I saw Freya rushing to my side. She tried to use her magic to seal the place which was impaired, but for some reason the wound was not at all responding to her healing magic and that would mean that it was some kind of curse magic imbued along with the attack.

"Don\'t worry; we can still get it healed if I can just use some of my divine powers."

I held Freya\'s hands, before she could move forward with it.

"We need to save energy to fight, we can\'t waste it here, not at this critical point?" I said in my feeble state.

"But…." Freya opened her mouth to say something, but no words emerged.

"Freya what does Kenma hope to achieve with all of this." I looked directly into Freya\'s eyes for an honest answer.

"You only need to know that if he gets his hands on what he wants then all of the world could be rewritten and his sick world would begin. We won\'t be able to do anything. It would be as though the world was that way from the beginning of time." Freya looked the other way as she explained to me in as short as possible. I didn\'t know of the details, but eventually we all will be as good as dead if Kenma ends up having his way.

"I am alright now." Taking a deep breath I tried to force my body to move, "We…can\'t afford to lose this fight, not right now….And I still can use that." I said it in deep voice, putting all my body weight on my sword as I tried to stand up on my own. I wasn\'t going to lose, not here, and never again.

"So tell me class rep do you realise now, that what I am seeking is far beyond what you can even imagine. I wonder now, what will you ask for your wish now? Will you want to change the past or the future that lies ahead of us or seek power for victory in this fight? But know this, the result of this fight was already predetermined and there was no hope for you but the same darkness, that has made you end up in this situation." Kenma started with his blabbering as he and Erebus walked from the impact point to where we were so as to ascertain our state.

"Even when we were sent to maintain peace we were unable to identify the exact terms but I think I understand a bit now that what I have to really stop is from people getting your dirty hands over this world and corrupt it. But, you know what its me who is going to decide what to do and not someone else. I won\'t let anyone else to make that decision for me." I said to Kenma pointing my sword at him, which might crack at the very next power strike I use it for. But that\'s what all I need. Next time I won\'t miss.

"Freya I will be using that." I said with a stern face, but I wasn\'t looking at her. If I did, she might have refused to do so and also because I did not wanted her to blame herself for any of this.

"Then I will fully support you in doing this and give you all of my power." Freya did not wasted any moment, she was relentless and at the same time did not hesitate to take swift actions.

"HAAAHAAAAA. You really think you can defeat me. How about seeing things like this, if what I am doing is that wrong the way you think it is, then I am guaranteed to be struck down by your sword in this fight, so that the Divine System can protect itself. But if everything ends up going perfectly then I will know this that fate itself has brought us up to here. How can I prove to you that I was correct, if this is not enough evidence? The power that I have reaped by my own efforts would not have been overwhelming enough if what I was doing as you call it insane. Or rather people are called insane when their good actions are misunderstood. Nothing will stand in my way, not even you!" Kenma pulled out a good laugh after he ended with his speech, while we stared at his twisted face.

"Erebus this is madness, just what are you thinking trying to follow such out of reach and unrealistic ideals, what is there in it for you?" Freya finally asked the question for which she has been itching to know the answer.

For a god to involve himself in such taboos and obvious law breaks would mean falling from Godhood and abandoned by the Divine System and its protection of all divine beings. Then what it is that drives him to such lengths to cross the line of despairs.

"My role is very subtle but simple enough to understand. It\'s so refreshing that whenever I think of it, every worry of mine fades away. The world free from all control wouldn\'t you want that too. My partner and covenant has decided to become a King that rules above all. Then wouldn\'t every king need a God to look after them."

"A king you say, don\'t make me laugh..... up till now there have been a lot of things that I did not understood and either left it neglected or labeled it as unacceptable. But I am still going to face you. I will take action by my own hands and prove that myself unlike you who only sounds to me as making excuses for himself. I don\'t have any clue of your plan and I don\'t care. I am not some hero fighting for justice and I am here all on myself and not because of you playing some sick mind games on me. I simply refuse to hand it over all to you and that\'s why I need to grab it first more than anything."

After a small pause, Kenma\'s face lit up as he might have thought of an amusing idea. But that were the least of my worries.

"I see then, now Homura its time to clash our swords for the final time."

I nodded to Freya who brought her hands together maybe as a gesture to pray for my victory. But this time that won\'t be enough, what I really needed now was an impeccable timing and a lot of overwhelming power to crush my enemy.

I might be asking for more than what we can obviously handle, but I promise that this would be the last time we go beyond our means.

I stepped forward and so did Kenma, with dozens of metallic cords protruding from his back, he pointed his finger at me and half of the flailing cords headed to pierce me limb by limb.

But I as if on instinct almost blocking each of them at the least successfully putting off their full force, taking on small hits. I headed towards Kenma as I accelerated along the smallest path it would take to reach him.

I was not going to take a detour or go for a feint, but coercively it would be a direct strike and there would be no avoiding it.

Kenma knew all of this and with my body language he might have been adapting to and would have eventually reached the same conclusion. With the only optimistic solution to block my - that specific one strike and in the final moments and making his own finale move on me.

The thought of him outdoing me, the thought of him being superior, the thought that everything is under his control and no matter what he would win. All of these feelings brought together and coalesced into one magnificent line of pieces I carefully laid.

And that\'s where the match will be decided…. When the one who knit this whole chain of events would be the one to destroy it himself by toppling a single red domino and turn tables on him at his own sick game.

Just when I was about two meter away from him, half of the number of cords shrunk so as to act his cover. While the remaining headed straight for my body all to strike at the most vital points – my heart, lungs, head, the legs and the hands – which was completely wide open.

One would think this was a suicidal attempt, but I had not given up just yet, with the remaining power still left with me I can still change the course of this battle with one single strike I have to win this.

Waves of heat roiled on my chest, as I could hear my own heartbeat and the surrounding seemed to have deliberately slowed down. This was not a mirage, or the sentiment of me dying, but the effect of the ability which I was using as my final resort.

The cords heading my way suddenly stopped moving, the cords that protected and guarded Kenma bloomed open like the black petals of the flower of death itself that was eventually going to fall on him.

Kenma stood unprotected and in range of my sword\'s swing, ready to take down the enemy\'s head, with a definite hit.

That was the final trick up my sleeve, if I focused all of my senses and magical energy, then for a moment I could even charm the magic particles around me and they would do as I asked. If I wanted for them to strike Kenma back, then it would have been possible with just one. But me trying this for the very first time I only had the means to stop all of the cords for once and create an opportunity for myself.

I had won the match there, as Kenma stared at me with his eyes bawling out, fear trickled from every muscle of his face.


Everyone heard the sound of my final strike but there was one another sound that accompanied it.

ZrrrrrZhhhh….. My sword had cracked in two as the other part went flying away. The remaining part of the sword crumbled to pieces in my own hand.

And there was something else missing, I felt the unmovable pain surging through my backbone,"WAHHHAAHHHHH" I cried. My left hand was not there, where it should have been.

Tears of physical pain crowded over the lower lining of my eyes and in that haziness I saw Kenma clad in a black Knight\'s heavy armour a broad sword standing on the ground, its tip dipped in my blood and beside it was lying my ripped off arm.

"Black Armour. Transformation Complete." Kenma\'s lips moved as I heard him wording it.

"How\'s that possible, was that not your unique skill." I screamed in frustration. My thoughts still unclear, uncollected. Something unreasonable, something absurd had happened and I still couldn\'t comprehend it.

Kenma glared at me with emotionless eyes as if he felt nothing with what he just did.

"That\'s not quite right. You see my unique skill has already evolved further into a Godly skill. Homura you have failed and now it\'s time to pay up." His words were cold and yet the absolute.

"No... No. No. No. NOOOO…" That\'s not the truth. I am not hearing that. I can still try…. My sword… where is it… but it was already broken…..if not that then my hands….but they were mostly injured that it would end with only me hurting…. My legs…. But they won\'t even have the energy to stand and respond to me.

"It\'s time for you to die, if you are of no use to me." Kenma made the decision in light words.

The death blade was hanging on my neck, and light was slowly fading from my eyes. I failed everyone, I failed myself…. After all, I did not belong to anywhere. No matter how hard I tried at last I couldn\'t win. Things again had to escape from my hand\'s grasp.

What Kenma said… was it true after all!!? And if it is then me falling to this state, Yumiko losing her life, Freya seeing me in this pathetic its all the Divine System\'s fault… but is it really.

Or, it is just me putting my blames on someone else just because I met my match or hadn\'t considered my option properly.

Was escaping from this ever an option…. I don\'t know.

But all I could see further was my end… and instead of looking like a reaper with a black scythe, or an angel to carry me away, it rather looked like a hopeless cat. The world stares at me and I would have slowly become one with it.

"Wait…" Freya had moved in between me who was lying helplessly on the ground and Kenma who held the victor\'s sword.

"For what you really want, you will need the power of other God\'s to support you. But if you kill Homura then I would be transported back to the divine realm. So, I offer my powers to you and in return let him live." Freya\'s words were still unclear to me as she hurriedly proposed a condition to Kenma.

"And what makes you think that, I would do as you say." Kenma replied in his cold tone.

"If that were to happen, then I would chase you to the end of this world and destroy you with my own hands no matter what I have to do." Freya said boldly.

"That is something I would avoid having to go through. Erebus do it!"

Erebus stepped forward excitedly, and me who still did not understand what was going to happen watched like an ignorant fool.

Erebus held a small pink crystal stone in his hands and as a huge magic circle formed over it, a beautiful aura medium formed between it and Freya.

For a moment she turned her head towards me, while her back was still facing me.

My gazes followed her. Her face… she was in a lot of pain.

"I don\'t know whether it\'s right or wrong but regardless I want to do this. Do not forget that I chose you and it\'s my choice. You made your own choice and so I want you to make another choice and prove him that he is wrong, that what we both today tried to do was not meaningless. Thank you for everything, Homura." All this time she had tears in her eyes, I could tell because she had been holding them back for a long time.

"But you don\'t need to thank me I haven\'t done anything." I muttered, not knowing whether my words reached her or not.

"You are intelligent Homura, I am sure you will understand...…."

For a moment I saw her lips moving but couldn\'t hear what she said. But I knew it was our final goodbye as she laid standing frozen inside a giant pink crystal, cut off from the principles of time that governed this world as she faded away into a black mist.

Tears continuously fell down from my eyes. Not knowing what to do next I laid helplessly like a lost child on the ground, who didn\'t know who he was.

What was that I had to do next…. I didn\'t know?

Which way I go forward?

It almost seemed that all paths had closed down.

Just then a kick rammed me on my stomach as I flew and fell several meters away. Blood spurted out of my mouth. Even in the final moments; Freya, though she couldn\'t have healed my hand, she had closed most of the wounds and internal injuries.

"What a waste? Just how pathetic you look." Kenma gleefully looked at me.

"Damn you! Kenma." I screamed at his wickedness and disrespecting other\'s emotion. But was that really what I was doing. Wasn\'t it my fault to push her into all of this… if only I could fix all of it again? If only I could try to do it right once more, would Freya return back to me.

"I have an idea that will surely make you happy." Kenma walked towards me, and held me tightly by my collar as he gave a jolt to my head, to put me back to my senses.

I had no strength to react or fight back as I tried to gaze at him almost unconsciously.

"You can obtain her back if you will do me just one favour. Find the CURSED CHILD for me. You will do it for me right, Homura. Just call it a request from your friend."

I don\'t know what happened next…. Whether I cried in silence or screamed like a mad dog or rather fell unconscious like a loser…. But now I knew what I had to do more than anything ─ to bring Freya back to me.

This time let me turn this right for once, no matter what I have to do.



///////////// KENMA TAKESHI - POV ////////////

I and Erebus were returning back to the Empire as I used the teleportation artifact to bring us back to the Royal palace.

The co-ordinates were set to a garden and just when I landed, I almost slumped to the ground while Erebus held me in the last moment by the shoulder before I fell.

"It seems that we would have to find a holy priest first." Erebus gawked at my injuries.

"There\'s no need for that. I will be fine within a day or two." I closely held my right arm as if it was just about to fall apart from my body like a broken machine part.

If I had not used the evolved unique skill in the last moment then I might have actually died. But now I was one step closer to my goal, since we had got hold of some gods now we could produce more Origin Stones. All we needed to do now was to use it to get our hands on the second Septian Key.

Lost in my thoughts, I heard Erebus calling out to me.

"You asked him to find the cursed child, but what if he ends up killing him, before we could extract it. Then we won\'t be able to do a thing."

"Erebus, are you criticizing my decision."

"Well your determination was rather catchy to make even a god like me to be your devout fan."

"Hey, you must be smart to think that, and smart people are the ones I require for this dream of mine to come true. Don\'t worry he won\'t do a thing because I have every string that controls him in my grasp. He will be a wonderful pawn and do as I say. And even if he once dared to I will just have to cut the strings and he will fall deep in the abyss, never to be heard of again."

"So it\'s time to head for the extraction of the second Septian key, I suppose."

"It\'s just the beginning of what I have started. This world is not a paradise, and I will be the one to end it and it shall be born anew. But first maybe I will be playing my piano for some time."



@@@@@ Announcement for Readers @@@@@

Well, this chapter took its extra time and I gave special care to it because now I can say that the story has truly started and you can look forward to meeting a new main character.

So, this one time I ask you to give a special review for this chapter, about how you felt about the chapter and the characters, the way they were written, usage of several POV\'s for one fight, the character\'s dialogue and how you felt about the story and its pacing. Depending on that I have to make further changes in the novel. Feel free to use the chapter comment box.




Till now I have published from volume one to volume four for free. And I hope to continue so even now. It has really been an exciting work for me to narrate you the story of our main character who fights her way to the bottom of abyss with her magic and skills and will eventually storm the outside world.

From now I will start publishing volume 5 and hope to upload one chapter at least a week. Usually each of my chapter has an average word count of 10k and keeping the text error free takes a lot of revisions and consumes time, but no work is ever perfect. With your support and reviews I know that I have improved a lot in my writing.

And even now I am asking for a bit more that if you voluntarily support my writing then you can do it now by donating.

You can donate me at - https://rzp.io/l/LgC54Q3

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Even a little amount helps. I hope that you enjoy my work from now on and in knowing the interesting characters which will be constantly introduced to you in the story.

I hope that the next chapter too proves to be to your liking!

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