
Chapter 57 - CHAPTER - 8 : YOU’RE NOT ALONE




"Dear, almost a day has passed and nothing of them has been heard as of yet." the Queen quavered at her own words.

"I am as much worried as you are. I hope that we find them at one place or wherever they are at least they are together." The King said softly, though his words did not seem to encourage the queen at all, seeing that he was himself impatiently looking outside the window as if expecting a messenger bird out of nowhere would come flying with the good news that his daughter was safe.

"Do you think that what we feared the most and despite our refusal she went to... the Dragon Island?" The queen said in a famished voice. Holding her hands close to her face she sank down in the couch. She had lost all strength after her daughter had suddenly vanished from the castle and nowhere to be found in the kingdom.

For a moment he struggled to tear his face off from the window view, he just couldn\'t show his wife how utterly crestfallen was he himself in such a situation where his own power and authority failed him. He tried to muster up a smile, a sincere one, but his incompetency at hiding things from his wife got the best of him.

Still, as a King and a Father he needed to look things from the beyond and plan for the future accordingly. Such heavy was the weight of the crown which garnished his head with jewels far more precious and finer than any other that could have been excavated from the belly of the earth.

"If that\'s the case and the human girl Alicia would have followed her, wouldn\'t you call it one of the will of the Great Spirits?" The King said as if he just now had an epiphany.

The Queen remained silent and pondered for a while. She already knew of her husband\'s title and its ability which allowed him to delve deeper into the possibilities of the future and calculate the most probable and optimal path that would present itself and make plans accordingly.

"It would really be a huge relief if what you have concluded is the truth as it always comes out to be." Joining her hands together she offered up a prayer," I pray thee the four Great Spirits to provide guidance to all those who seek the protection of you and guide them by your words as they follow you on their way back to home."

The creases on the Queen\'s forehead bi-folded as if she was suffering from an acute head-ache.

"I know about the bond between a tree maiden and the Genesis tree that you feel, how the tree feels. And I know that it hurts, when the future of the Genesis Tree is threatened and if not taken care of soon, then…." The king stopped before he could speak further, as he realized that what he was speaking was just what his skill and title handed to him. Holding his wife\'s forehead he made her lie down on the couch placing a soft cushion under her forehead. Trying to turn a blind and making an all-too easy mistake of not seeing what was in front of his sight, the figure of his distressed wife when their child has gone missing.

Those were but just mere words, probabilities and percentages that he quantified and assessed but in actual he was directly unable to affect these outcomes. What weighed on the other side of the balance was the life of his own wife and daughter and how flippantly he tired to balance such two precious things like a blind-folded fool, unable to see the reality and the fact that what was dear to him the most. No matter what he thought of putting on the other side there was nothing that could outweigh or rather there was nothing more important out there that he even needed to compare it for.

Even if it was irresponsible of him to be so worried about his own family and more than the possible danger his country was in, he would bear the brunt and any insufferable pain if he could protect his own family and it meant they were safe.

"Don\'t worry too much about me, my family has been handed down this title from generation to generation and I won\'t fail you. I am strong enough… and I won\'t mind having to take a bit of burden from you…" the Queen succumbed to her weakened state went silent as she fell in deep sleep. The king had been noticing it for a while, for the disorder in Queen\'s sleeping pattern and the increasing lengths of her sleep.

The bond between a Tree Maiden and a Genesis Tree connects up the consciousness of the tree\'s roots and her soul, which gives her heightened abilities to go without food, water, and rest, and the ability to self-heal wounds that would kill ordinary people. But this would also mean that any harm to the Tree would also cause her spiritual damage.

They also then possess the ability to detect any kind of danger in any area as long as the roots of the Tree are deep seated there. Probably she must have over-exerted herself in finding Regis, and if she did not find her, then she is already out of the Kingdom.

The only way to for the Queen\'s health to be restored was to solve the problem and get rid of whatever was plaguing the Genesis Tree.

"Rest and when you wake up I am sure Regis will be back by then and everything will be fine." He softly murmured while gently caressing the back of the head of his beloved.

All they could do was just wait and wait until they hear again from their careless, understanding and rebellious, tomboyish daughter. The one who heals their heart and mends their soul by her words, actions and smile. And all they ever did in return was adored that curve on her beautiful face of their darling daughter.



////// REGIS ASCALON - POV ////////

I felt something soft and warm enveloping the left half of my body. I had never felt such nostalgic warmth, I don\'t remember since when. But it was much more than the sensation of sleeping on a bed. Cushioned by a soft mattress and covered by a warm down blanket which I don\'t remember of having one in my possession.

My mind was still in disarray trying to recollect thoughts of what went down last night.

Feeling somewhat still groggy, I blindly tried to fumble around my surroundings as I carefully comprehended the structure of things in my vicinity which made me remind of the small argument I had with Alicia and I even made a big deal out of it by saying such awful things to her. Feeling a bit depressed from the memories of last night, I could not hold myself back but blame her.

But I still knew the truth that it was my own fault and I had been like this before she even came here. The one who actually brought a change in my life was pretty much her otherwise; I would have never gotten the opportunity to go out of the palace. And even still I now know that there is a way to control my power.

And then one day finally I would be able to achieve what I wanted this entire time. That I could finally be able to once again re-connect with my family. That everyone around me would finally acknowledge who I am and not the kind of monster that would break down and go on a rampage anytime.

But wetness still welled up in my eyes as they slowly trickled down for a reason I did not wish to turn out. I tried to move my right hand, however, a few seconds later realized that they stubbornly refused to move. It was wrapped in a completely different kind of softness than the bed and actually couldn\'t move.

She was here all this time….?, I shuddered in fear. As the bed sheet slipped a few centimeters downwards only to reveal another face, or rather a fake face ornamented with a white mask. How quietly she had been sleeping there, no one would have realized her presence not even when I am this near and she was in such close proximity to me. Or rather my hand was working as some kind of soft plushie she could cuddle around with.

Panicking, I frantically pushed my body into a sitting position. And at the same time I went to take strong measures of pulling my hand out in one go.

Stop! NO.

It wouldn\'t even budge. How is she this physically powerful? Her hands are even less muscular and shorter than mine. So…why doesn\'t it move, damn it?

I just couldn\'t let myself be in such a strange situation of ending up in a bed after a heated fight. Could it be that it was all the bath\'s fault….that I let myself be careless after feeling tired, even when as a princess I need to keep my guard up in foreign places like these. But I couldn\'t possibly imagine someone as childish as her to do something to me in the dead of the night.

\'She couldn\'t have…. Did she…No she didn\'t.\'

"Awohhhh…." Alicia mouth slightly opened only to let in some air as she yawned.


I gulped, trying not to stress too much on uneedy and frivolous things.

But why my powers haven\'t been reacting at all even if I am stressed out and when using a bit of magic to somehow free myself, before she wakes up. She is fast asleep and doesn\'t seem to me that she is using any kind of skill to negate my own. At least that\'s what I have been thinking or concluding all this time.

If that\'s not the case…. Then why is she so different for me. Faint breeze leaking from her pink lips as my eyes drew towards the mask. I was hit by a sudden temptation to uncover all the secrets at once and there was no other better chance than this. With her skills which I hate to accept, she could easily dodge any of my quick attacks like she did in our first meeting.

The moment she has arrived here she has nothing been but a mystery to everyone and most of all for me or better said I just couldn\'t think of anything else but her. If only I learn more about her then maybe I can find the reason and also come closer to her, and quench my curiosity. She is the only one who has been on my mind and slowly this is driving me crazy.

But I am totally doing this so I can learn to control my power. It\'s just a simple thought of letting myself know…. nothing more, nothing less. Isn\'t that right?

Rubbing my hair vigorously with my other hand, I finally decided to do it and take the risk of whatever might follow.




I felt a strange shadow lurking on my face, but as soon as I opened my eyes it disappeared on me.

I looked around and found Regis gazing out of the window and with her attire; she almost seemed to be ready to depart. She had a crossed expression on her face and I tried to wrap my head whether the reason could have been something I did previously.

A faint breeze blew past my cheek. The view of my surroundings was blocked by the wooden walls of the small house I conjured using earth magic and my skill [EQUIVALENT EXCHANGE]. Warm yellow light, spilled into the room and I was again reminded that we were already on the Dragon Island. Regis must have been pretty anxious for the upcoming encounter with the supposedly evil dragon reeking havoc over her kingdom even from this far. Success over this mission was crucial but I was pretty sure I could handle it on my own with my magic power.

I had to end things quick and continue on my journey after all and if possible….

"Emperor is here. Get ready." Regis said with a stiff voice as she went outside from the house without turning to me. Seems to me that she herself wanted to end it pretty quick now, at least we are on the same page with the fact…. that we agreed on his pet name so quickly.

But I wanted for us to go for a hearty breakfast… and if possible make it for her myself after all she did treat me to a fine dinner the previous night. But maybe I am making haste, while the whole kingdom\'s future is in peril and now I have to make do with the provisions Regis brought with her for this conquest. This preservative food is not that bad but it is surely lacking in texture and freshness contrary to what comes with a healthy morning meal I used to make every day before going to school.

Getting up fast and not making wait the two of them outside, I used cleaning magic and with my web magic rematerialized the outfit I usually wore and fit right into it. On opening the door and finding the two standing out there waiting for me… somehow it altogether felt special and positive.

"About time you showed up. We have a long way up that mountain." Regis held both of her arms folded as she felt the chill from the morning sea breeze. Well, this climate was new for me too but temperature changes did not affect me to that extent… so thoughtfully I casted some temperature resistance magic on her, which would act gradually and she wouldn\'t even take notice.

The horizon in the direction from which we came was demarcated by a clear blue, but further ahead of us the whole Dragon Island was enveloped in a mystic black fog and overshadowed by a herd of large blackish clouds (a culmination of black miasma), which never seemed to produce rain and even if it did one could only expect that it would poison this island and mark it devoid of its gorgeous natural fauna.

The Emperor was in his mid-size, probably to conserve magical energy when it is being continuously drained by a sink point, which I could trace back to being located directly above the peak of the mountain. With our large distance from here, it probably isn\'t affecting me and Regis as much as Emperor because he probably already had been marked by it. As the Emperor suspected it could perhaps be an artifact or relic weapon, to even render him powerless.

Our opponent is a dragon and our escort too a dragon, a heavenly one at that. It was one thing to read about them back at home and another to meet them for real.

"I will only be able to accompany you to the point where the fog starts, since I have not yet fully recovered and the black poisonous miasma may this time completely destroy my magic constitution. It pains me to say but all I can be is a witness to your fight and how you would bring this to an end." The dragon gave his testimony in the hollowed voice of a beast he was.

"It\'s alright; we came here for that very job." Regis said haphazardly. I didn\'t know whether to take her impatience as a sign of getting over-confident, desperate or being oblivious to her own fears.

Presently the island was in shambles with the previous fight Emperor had with Ouroboros, while all other dragons had migrated to nearby islands to take shelter and only to return when things had gotten better. I might have just missed to see a den of dragon frolicking around under a clear blue sky. That damn dragon needs to be exterminated at all cost if it tries to come in the way of that.

For most part of the trip we were climbing up on a narrow path of a collection of steep mountains, rudimentary to the central towering mountain. Probably the best spot to take a look around the entire island in a single peek.

I remember always wondering how it would feel sitting at the back of an elephant or a camel as I would see people in pictures doing, but before I ever tried my chance got snatched from me right after I died. Unfortunately those two animals don\'t exactly exist in this world though I might find a variant. At present a giant flying beast\'s smooth back lay bare in front of me. I wanted to at least take a ride on the back of Emperor, but seeing Regis on edge and how she was staying ahead of both of us, I dropped the idea. I didn\'t want her to call me a child for such a simplistic demand.

After an hour of walk we had already attained half the height of the central mountain even with Emperor leading us on the smallest route. But it was already getting difficult for Regis to breathe as she coughed up several times. The movements of our guide became sluggish too.

Though both of them refused to complain, because for each of them there was much more at stake than their dwindling health, the price of not acting on time was their ─ home, their own life and the life of their people.

Even when I want to know Regis better so that we can be friends, I still can\'t really understand how she feels about this whole situation. Because when I tried to look at it objectively I was the only one unaffected by it and it made me feel insecure. For a moment the mere thought that the results of what happens here would leave me completely unaffected, left me invisible. Because once again I was immune to what others felt regardless in my previous life it was me who tried to ignore everything around me or how the world revolved around. And when this time I want to be a part of this world, I find myself helpless and all alone.

By sensing the concentration where the black miasma was being circumvented around I could already pinpoint its location and most probably at the center of it would be the boss monster, right… simple deduction with my previous life gaming instincts. Regis still refuses to use magic and won\'t be able to make through this dense fog at her pace. Realizing I needed these two no longer ─ neither a companion nor a guide.

So the most efficient way to get this through was…

"Regis it would be better if I continue alone from here."

Regis and Emperor both stopped moving like someone had pressed a pause button for them.

"What are you suggesting by continuing alone?" Regis scowled at me.

I teleported myself in front of the two; only causing them to drop their jaws in surprise. I casted my usual magic barrier and they were enveloped in a thick blue spherical covering formed of small geometrical crystals to make sure there was not a single distortion, opening or weak point.

Regis jumped forward as she only got further blocked by the shield.

"Alicia what is the meaning of this?"

"I knew there was no other way. You won\'t prove any help for me in this fight if you can\'t even break this shield. Anyways continuing forward in this miasma for you would be fatal for your life." I tried to explain her the reason hoping that she would understand me and stop resisting.

"Don\'t be absurd, I don\'t need your protection against the dragon." Regis said while trying to harshly knock at the blue barrier that separated her from my perception of seeing the situation. But with each strike and her failing power she realized that it was almost impossible… at least for the current she.

"I am not trying to protect you from the dragon but from…." I spoke but stopped in the middle, realizing that I would never be able to explain it to her. If the opponent proves to be much stronger than my expectation then Regis could have unexpectedly gotten hurt. It would be foolish to put her life in danger along with me. I had my own reasons to be in this fight and Regis need not be a part of it.

"Didn\'t you tell me that you came here for me? So, why are you stopping me now to come with you?" Regis again shouted from the inside. Still not giving up on knocking the wall down with her physical strength alone.

I realized how the thought of us two being equal and friends was so boorish and untrue. I still did not understood what was the meaning of being with someone if they were not equal because otherwise it would only be a dependent relationship, slowly becoming stale and drifting apart.

"Yes, but I never remember promising that I would let you fight alongside with me?" I directly looked at her with a bitter smile and giving a victory pose I wondered whether the V- sign is a thing in this world. "Why don\'t you just wait for a moment till I settle matters with the Ouroboros myself."

Saying that I flew off at high speed, making sure that I did not look at her because I knew what I did just now was unforgivable. Last time because of my careless intervention an entire village was destroyed and even when no one got hurt, I can\'t every time expect myself be lucky. All it takes is a moment to lose everything, to be abandoned and stripped off of everything that defines me, and no one would know that better than myself.

As I gained altitude while flying upwards, the more densely toxic and cold the surrounding became. Only a pale dark aura lit the sky. Released from the concept of the crack of the dawn, this place had neither morning nor night, sun nor moon. Winds did not blow; the black clouds did not seem to actually float, but simply static in their place only growing in volume. It was only a matter of few days before it would completely engulf the island, pollute the Codra vein rich in magic below this ground and in turn destroy the Genesis Tree and the Elf Kingdom.

If I had to stop all of that from happening then it would be only by making an interference. I instantly knew that I never would regret, with what I did just now. And in the next second I was standing just in front of a giant dragon with a dirty green hide, its backbone segmented and protruding outward forming sharp ridges to protect its back and seemingly thin and stingy skeletal wings unlike Emperor\'s that were flesh and soft to touch, folded by his sides, rising high and low every time the dragon took a breath; the temperature drastically changed from below freezing cold to burning and flickering air.

I swung around and saw its form before my eyes. The mere image of this dragon was filled with rage and wickedness, lying in wait to burn everything it saw as redundant. Even with its eye lids curtained down, its calm breath made him look like it saw every nook and cranny surrounding him without taking a look.

I remembered something reading about not to waking up a sleeping dragon, and also me not following that norm around has always ended up in a fight. But if I am able to somehow convince it… there shouldn\'t be any issue. All there is a need to be a little more reasonable and there will be no fighting.

Before I could have a much deeper look around, the long neck of the dragon rose in height, its front maw lifted up to reveal its inherent saw like teeth and how it lacked in molars. Probably an after effect of not doing brush regularly and too negligent to visit a proper dentist. Or, has it to do something with being a carnivore.

"Damn human… weaklings… to think one would make it this far."

Finally I could be a bit optimistic… it can talk, unlike those immoral and delinquent monsters of the labyrinth who would kill at sight. Though on front it has got a foul perception and an unwelcoming tone, I am sure people like these have a hidden soft side to them. All I need to do now is just bring that kind and humble part of it to the surface.

And how do I do that….

After a small pause in my incoming train of thoughts, I felt that the most important piece of information was still missing and how I sorely lacked experience in doing it.

"Even if I might be just a weakling in your eye can you please stop with whatever you are doing because it\'s causing inconvenience to everyone." This was the best possible way I could think of being a simple direct request rather than talking round and round beating around the brush and making it lose its patience or feel uncomfortable.

The dragon opens its jaws…. And here it is we can finally have a peaceful talk over the matter and solve it…. but a red light accumulated and with a tint of fiery yellow ─ the flames burst out. The dragon\'s breath was a surging blast of extreme heat, extreme force and extreme pressure. But since I had been flying all around, it was easy to dodge however having tried to suck a breath I ended up coughing violently.

Before I realized my vision blurred, I could hear the voice of creaking bones, rumbling rocks as if something huge has been shifted from one place to another almost instantly. It was not only just a simple fire breath but a smog attack too, that at first tried to play with my magic sense. Most probably hampering the flow of magic particles around us.

Upon closer observation, the green ominous scales covering his entire body actually radiated a dark purplish light— perhaps the metal thing tucked on its chest was the cause and thing that was quickly absorbing magic from everywhere.

Unfurling its wings, bat like, and then lifting off, long fangs and jagged teeth gleaming at me, it started following me in a rat chase. Its mouth engulfed in a blazing red glow, it slid its wings along the edge of the summit, pleased with the destruction it brought, the thing around his chest disintegrated into tiny square chips like things which formed an assembly like ring above us. I was still unsure of what it did, but nothing exactly good would come from it, that was for sure.

I was this time prepared with my own attacks since negotiations for the time being seems off to me. Just as he was about to launch another fire storm at me, I used my usual trick to use [BLACK FLARE] and burn it along with its own fire. But as soon as it took shape it instantly fuzzed up into steam and lifted off to the halo of continuously revolving black line.

So that was the thing that took down Emperor. Henceforth it became my primary target. For defeating Ouroboros I needed to use a large scale magic and before I could collect all the magical power required it would most likely be absorbed by the ring before it could deal damage to it. As such I needed to use magic spells that had packed compact magic and was quick. I prepared several fusion balls and made regular hits on the huge black ring, at the same time playing a chase game with Ouroboros.


As the dust from the attack cleared up the ring was in shambles making me feel relaxed a bit. Now only one target was left, Ouroboros. But before I could turn around to find it….a hurl of small black chips re-emerged out of nowhere and for a moment left me paralyzed by absorbing all of my magic I had been exuding with which I was maintaining my balance mid-air.

While randomly launching fusion balls mid-air I tried to shoo them off. The mere touch of them felt stingy and acidic as they were releasing black miasma. That was the moment when I realized that what was in front of me was not a complete set of the artifact in play but only the part of it.

It should have come to me that if the halo was absorbing magic, but there never seemed to be a direct link between it and the dragon. If the energy was being absorbed then why I could never find a point where it was being actually stored and then transferred to Ouroboros. I needed to locate the other half of the artifact too and destroy both the parts; otherwise it would keep on self-regenerating. By every second his power was growing while I was at a loss for not being able to release strong magic.

For that I needed to take off this mask, but what would happen if Regis somehow gets caught up in the middle of the fight, while I am busy with destroying the other part. The person whom I wanted to keep her away at most for now was me. I also did not want to plunder the Dragon Island and leave the other dragons homeless.

If Regis has come to hate magic because it has ruined her life, then what if she comes to hate me for it too after she sees what I can actually capable of doing with it.

Down the confusion, emerging from the pools of flying chip rodents left in the wake of a crushing maelstrom emerged a long, waving thing. The heavily armoured tail whipped around, finding me without any trouble as it sent me flying down.

Unable to instantly well up my magic as those chip rodents instantaneously sucked up my magic, I accelerated downwards at a frightening pace, still hurt from the slash attack as it had rendered me immobile I could not even move. Probably I would fall to ground and end up massively getting hurt, but since I wouldn\'t die I was prepared to take the hit.



/////// REGIS ASCALON - POV ////////

The calm air became filled with a heavy heat, burning my skin. Feeling anxious I again tried punching and kicking the barrier but it wouldn\'t even budge.

Repeatedly hearing the sound of rocks crashing, the crackling sound of fire as well as the fiery roars of a massive beast was slowly but surely getting on my nerves. From below and beyond the haziness of the black fog all I could manage out was sudden appearances of massive orange fire, most probably the expected battle had already begun.

Was she okay?!

Why would I care she was the one who left me here all by myself. She did really never care for me. Don\'t come running and crying to me when you get hurt or fall somewhere far off and get lost again.

I was getting worried, but I surely wouldn\'t be of any help even if I was there. Who is she to decide that? Even if she was strong I wanted for us to work together, a thing where we both could be a part of something or at least a thing where I could be together with someone. At least that\'s what I was hoping for. But by now she too had painfully made it clear to me that because of the irregularity in my powers I was just a defective of a being to her too.

All she did was pass a cold look at me and left. Did she really not feel a thing and for the time we spent together?

\'Why did she really have to go and make a promise if at the end there was no hope for me?\' I murmured in silence to myself.

After a short break of stillness it was finally dissolved by the Black Dragon Emperor.

"The absence of a no does not mean always a yes. Though inhabitants of this world have always been ambiguous with what they say and do. I never quite tried to work on my understanding of it either."

Was I too loud with what I said? I turned around and sat on my feet because the air around me was still polluted with that black vapour stuff flying around making my breathing unstable if I tried to move harder. It was my first time seeing it, but Alicia seemed to be well acquainted with it.

"Don\'t you feel angry with yourself that you were unable to stop him from destroying your home?"I asked curiously to the dragon that calmly stood in front of me, not showing any expression whatsoever on its dignified face.

"I would be lying if I say no. But I know my limits and have already played my hand and lost. At present it\'s unbecoming of the emperor of dragon to leave the situation to a bunch of outsiders."

"Hey? Who are you calling an outsider? Didn\'t you yourself allow us to deal with the problem." I took offense with him calling a princess an outsider; well I doubt that status of mine mattered even a bit in front of him.

"Pardon me. But it was altogether for a different reason I allowed the two of you to interfere because I wanted to see it for myself."

"See something…" I wondered what he was suddenly starting to talk about.

"Let\'s call it a test for my own satisfaction."

I gasped unable to understand the words of an old dunderhead animal from some centuries old legends.

"We are beings that live for eternity only to maintain the balance of this world. Unless something at large does not affect it, we lay dormant and don\'t act upon it."

So there is more of his odd philosophy and all I have to listen it to in a cramped blocked place, while out there a fight is going on which the entirety of our future depends. But still I had to respond something otherwise I would come out as rude and it\'s not like I was used to conversation with strangers and new people so I had to put in a little effort and think harder. But at the same time it was not like I had something better to do.

"Don\'t you feel trapped?" At least that\'s what all I could make out of his statements.

"Even with these wings with which I could fly anywhere, cover the sky and alone steer through the blue. I cannot stay where I want to or do as I please. It\'s just how it is. Because we cannot go against the wind which directs the flow of this world."

"And what would happen if you did try to go against it." I somehow got interested on the top even if I didn\'t actually completely understand it.

Emperor suddenly looked up as if he noticed something happening up there making me a bit more concerned. Did something happen with Alicia? How is she now? Is she coming back? All kinds of questions were forming and collapsing in my mind at the same time.

"I once knew another heavenly dragon who decided to do what he believed in and to go against the flow of this world." Suddenly it appeared to me that he was already reminiscing about his past. With his blank expression I could not tell just how far he had gone into maybe we are talking about hundreds and thousands of years or even old.

"So then what became of him? If he is a heavenly dragon just like you then shouldn\'t he be still around and help you if he is an old friend or something of yours." I inquired about the new character he mentioned to me.

Coming back to the present, he suddenly passed a surprised expression and with a practiced cough of clearing his throat he returned to his solemn demeanour. He continued, "We heavenly dragons are mere existence to maintaining the perfect course of the nature and whatsoever have no attachments to each other. As for that heavenly dragon who was in pursuit of his own dreams ended up with his soul shattered and torn apart at the very end of his life."

A strange silence again befell on us, while I was sweating bullets on thinking whether I had made the Emperor remember something bad and out of despair he would start indiscriminately spewing fire around everywhere. That would be a disaster.

Putting my head on my knees I tried to rest for a while with nothing much to do. So even a heavenly dragon couldn\'t do much with what was decided for him. So people should only do what is told to them after all.

Seconds after I tried to gloss over the tears welled up in my eyes as I frantically wiped them. Even if it was so hot on the outside, the inside me felt the cold from within. If only I was stronger I could have broken through this barrier of her and reached to her. I always refused others help or the support of others trying on my own to reach there. Because I directly tried to see the untrodden cold path I had set for myself to cross to get the future I so desired.

But now she is with me I understand why I could never control this power? Why I was able to make it out this far? I am terrified of losing her… if I don\'t reach her now, I might never be able to.

Even if I keep on working hard no one understands how scary it is to reach something I want that I can never be. And if that\'s the case the only one thing I don\'t want myself doing now is sit here quietly and wait for something special to happen to me. I will not stop here, not in this way.

As if my feet first loosened up on its own and then stiffened and I was standing straight right in front of the barrier. She is right? I can\'t change anything with how I am now, but even if this power does not listens to me or I end up getting hurt myself while using it, I am more scared of not reaching for someone again whom I started caring for. It\'s just too soon to give up and if I have to be some kind of a freak to help her then so be it.

We shared something I never had before, not even with my own family. And if I trust this feeling and follow what I had learnt it would be sure to respond and everything will be fine.

My arms were suddenly filled with a different blue radiance I had never seen before; its colour was akin to the sky. As I began to walk towards the near end of the barrier, I was suddenly beset by the memories of my past self. The accident, how people shunned me or how I had to always confront my shortcomings in day to day life. It was an illusion, just an illusion, or rather bad memories coming to me… but this time it did not matter what it was about or what I saw.

"...You\'re in my way."

I rejected that supreme fear with extreme ease. Scrunching my face at the great pain that ran through my arms, but I was still calm at the same time. What I really felt was irrelevant because what I was doing now was not for me but entirely for someone else.

—I won\'t give up.

I had never used magic before actively when I gained this skill, nor did I try to take a feel of it. So what I was doing now was a first-hand experience and it came so naturally to me. As if I was always capable. While establishing a magic supply connection between my hands and the new power I felt within myself —instantly, my world was turned upside down or rather the view of it entirely changed.

My existence was instantly fused with this newfound power of mine. I was engulfed of what appeared to be a sea of blue flames; or rather it was the colour of wind itself which I was able to feel around me. I was overcome by a comfortable feeling like when I feel sleepy after having an appetizing meal at midnight, and the sensation continued infinitely.

This time I did not close my eyes, they were wide open as my hands involuntarily and without delay reached to touch something. A single touch and the barrier all around me was instantly broken into pieces and the crackling of a glass like sound echoed in the midst of small collage of mountains.

I couldn\'t believe what I had done but I was somehow free again. Free to do this time what I wanted to and no one to stop me. I ran forward to the steep wall of the mountain and I knew if I climbed up I would eventually reach there… where she was fighting. She did not call me, neither had she asked for my help. Why I wanted to go up there was to see for myself that whether out there was someone whom I could be of any help. Otherwise possibly this power held no meaning if it had no use for anyone.

I touched the coarse rock surface with my hand and my eyes flinched and shut close. On reopening I found that it was still intact. On the other hand I could feel entirely something else, a new sensation of the wind that wanted to guide me. Neither it spoke or called to me… but I somehow knew what the wind really wanted me to know.

A pale blue light engulfed the world once more as if the light itself was wrapped around my fingertips. If I let my attention slip now, I would possibly again destroy everything I touched, so I had to keep affirming my own resolve every second.

Even I wouldn\'t be able to control back the magic once it gets fully

activated. I couldn\'t let it activate—not yet, at least. I knew my magic pool was deep and I had to not worry about exhausting it so soon… but I had to let it off little by little.

Taking out my bow from my quiver and placing my fingers on the string. I might have acted stupid to pull the string without loading a bow, but just as it was ready to be launched a faint lit shard of light engulfed the string and a magical arrow appeared along with a rope attached to the other end.

Taking a deep breath and making some quick estimations I launched it upward making sure that it reached as high it could possibly. The magic rope attached to its other end, I tried to pull it and affirm that the arrow was now properly stuck in between the rocks where it might have made impact.

Without wasting another moment I started climbing up. Though it was a first for me to climb a mountain but for us elves it might be not that hard since we were always accustomed to climbing tree pretty quickly. And I was confident about my skill in that regards. No doubts there. Though I always disliked my parents comparing me to a monkey because of my proficiency with it from a young age. I hope Alicia does not learn about that because she would obviously be making fun of me.

Within seconds I was sure I had climbed pretty high, but in my restlessness I realized I was forgetting something pretty important. Just then I looked below and a black figure emerged from among the gaps of the black fog as it broke its continuous flow.

"Wait you could fly. Why haven\'t you told me this before." I asked out of exasperation, clutching tightly the rope before I let it go off in surprise. Realizing what a foolish question I had asked the emperor of all dragons I felt a bit ashamed.

"It always exhausts me to think how you all earth-crawlers are always in a hurry to do things when you are caught up in the moment." The dragon harrumphed. He seemed to be displeased only a bit, at least that\'s what I hope. I don\'t want him storming my kingdom over a little pride of his being hurt by a young elven girl.

But if I wait for him at his pace, even with a high elf\'s long lifespan I would be old by then. At least that\'s what I wanted to say.

"I am sorry for not taking notice. It\'s completely my fault." I cannot have the dragon storming my kingdom… not at all. Better to accept my mistake courteously.

"We need to make haste. Allow me to escort you and be your guide once again." At least he is gracious like a gentleman with his job for a dragon. Without wasting another word over useless chattering I hoped on its back… and realized why I didn\'t have it done sooner.

Maybe when Alicia gets back we can take a dragon ride around the island together. I am pretty sure with how things have been, and I don\'t know why but, Emperor would listen to her every command if at least not my request.



/////// MEETING POINT /////////

Alicia still unable to get her balance back prepared herself for the painful crash; most probably it would have shattered her bones and broken her flesh. It would be after a very long time she would have to suffer from such a grueling pain. But she was fine with it, if it was not those people who were going to meet the same fate as she did. She could heal up in no time and then continue fighting for as long as she wanted. She was strong after all – the daughter of the True Hero and the True Demon Lord. How she could have possibly failed until she herself had given up.

Since she had few seconds before she gets slammed on the ground from all the way to the top, she started strategizing ways of getting the attention of Ouroboros, who would most probably go after Emperor and Regis then. All the same while deceiving him and destroying the first half of the artifact and then the rest, was not going to be an easy feat.

But she could not focus. She did not want to continue fighting while getting hurt..., remembering back she became strong so that she could do what she want and to keep herself safe and those around her. If that fails then she would never be able to forgive herself.

She wanted Regis to be her equal and like a comrade, which reminded her of wonderful tales of companions who came together to take down a common enemy, she used to read in novels back in previous life or the exciting adventures she heard in the Hero\'s own words of how fun it was travel around with comrades across the globe.

In honest she didn\'t really wished to fight but only asked for a happy life, but if someone was in the way of that… then she wouldn\'t have hesitated to eliminate it. She would have just kept on fighting even if she would have been left all alone along the path.

─Maybe that\'s how it was always meant to be from the start.

The air around her was speeding up and all the voices slowly vanishing like she was already losing consciousness. Maybe that would have eased some of her pain. Maybe it would have only felt like being forcefully woken up from a bad dream…..


Except that it was not a dream.

Suddenly the feeling of falling down turned into hanging from a single suspended point like a bob dangling with a string. Alicia opened her tightly clenched eyes minutely to let in some light along with ash floating all around. Though it did not effect her vision, she was able to see clearly without a doubt that the hand she was holding to was that of Regis.

Somehow she was here? Somehow she had broken through Alicia\'s strong barrier and climbed all the way up here? Somehow she was already riding a dragon before Alicia even got her own first chance? Somehow Regis was tightly holding her hands and had saved her life… without a doubt it was her.

With a slight pull, Regis too was astounded by how light-weighted Alicia truly was. The Black Dragon Emperor had also slowed down his ascent and maintained a constant pace of slowly and carefully rising up, making sure not to disturb the two holding onto each other on his back. Alicia with her head down quietly held on to the back of Regis making sure not to fall down again.

For moments there everything remained still, except for Regis who was turned Red and reflexively her body shivered because with how tight she felt Alicia\'s grip on her waist.

"I knew you would have lost your way again without me and how cluelessly unaware you are. There is no helping it. Fine, no need to tell me, I will come with you this time myself." Regis spoke loudly, but she found that she was the only one hearing. Alicia was still quite, not a single reaction poured out of her.

"Maybe I don\'t need to be alone after all."

Regis suddenly found Alicia muttering in a tone filled with an unusual emotion. Even trying to pick up on it with her long sharp ears, all she could do was lean backward with plain curiosity.

"Eh? Ah, no, err, it\'s nothing! I just wanted to say sorry for leaving you back there all by yourself." Alicia hurriedly averted her eyes as she fell into a panic.

Regis stared at Alicia for a while and realizing that she had to speak something so she to randomly came up with just something.

"Good for you that you realized that sooner. Now tell me how I can help you." Regis now was back into the seriousness of the mission.

Alicia putting her hand over her mouth as her lips slackened into a smile, made Regis think what was there to hide if she was wearing a mask. In wariness she turned around, but Alicia had already started levitating as before. Regis remembered that she could somehow use flight magic without a flaw in her movements.

"Regis I want you to destroy the other half of the artifact for me and Emperor will carry you there."

What really surprised Regis was not the task she had been handed to or the sudden information of a magical artifact being passed down to her.

As Regis mind wandered, a chill ran down her spine even in the explosive volcanic region she had been in... like sensing a presence not of this world. She swung around, her eyes searching for Alicia\'s.

In front of Regis was a girl with a face so gorgeous that even a single glimpse of her made it feel like being captured in it for endlessly. Her breath stopped for a moment.

\'Wh-Who...might you be?\' she might have even said out that question loud. The beauty of the girl in front of her was simply inhuman.

The two smiled.

The girl\'s lovely face belied a hint of madness. She had shining silver hair which perfectly covered her clear almost perfect unblemished body, and her eyes were like red sapphires which were glowing much brighter than the flames itself. I noticed that her limbs were thin, and the expression on her face still keeping a bit of their childish charm. And yet, she exuded a bewitching maturity.

She now needed no introduction to one another. It could have been none other than a new friend she had made for the first time in her life and believed in the most after all.

But without realizing Regis had already grasped Alicia\'s hand yet again or so she thought but rather she hadn\'t left it from the start.

Though surprised at having her hand held, Alicia managed to vaguely nod.

When Regis tried to let go of, on the contrary Alicia squeezed it tighter. In a voice so cold and reserved that it sounded like someone else\'s, she said, "You can do it Regis and you are free to hold my hand as long as you want."

Alicia spoke while looking at Regis and she in turn recognized the same perfectly transparent gaze she\'d had when they had first met.

The next moment Alicia vanished again leaving her behind, but this time Regis had somehow cheered up, making her feel relived.

And at the same time, she held an unexplainable, sad conviction – as she pulled back her empty palm. Folding it into a fist she had but found a new belief that the pain in her heart now did not belong to her alone.

Regis wasn\'t narrow minded enough to be jealous to think how powerful Alicia truly was with what she had shown her from the start or what her full power manifestation could be like. What pained her was just one thing about how casually Alicia had said to her before that she would be of no help.

But now the two of them understood each other a bit more and what exactly the other wanted. That was a good thing.

Taking a deep breath to prevent exasperation from showing on her face, she gave the signal to her ride that she was ready and to take her to her new destination. If this was something that could help her fight, Regis was more than willing to do it.

Flying at a massive speed, Regis tightly held on to Emperor\'s backside making sure not be left behind and flew backwards. Crossing several rifts between mountains and a gorge through which a large jet of stream seemed to provide water to the entire land, by then she had almost reached the other end of the island.

Inside a giant mountain\'s opening hot jet steam seemed to be lifting of, and everything seemed so natural except for the fact that the colour was the ominous black. And the wariness it spread seemed to have been poisoning the land. Regis without a doubt understood that it was exactly the thing which was polluting her pristine Kingdom and causing trouble for her family.

"Going beyond this could be dangerous for both of us." The Black Dragon Emperor shared his concern.

Regis did not seem to doubt it either. Even when she was using a thin film of magic to wrap around her body, making sure not to exude too much magic as it would start destroying herself; the miasma still left a burning sensation on her skin.

Regis narrowed her eyes and stared at the open covering of the cluster of rocks and in midst of all that darkness laid a chunk of huge cube mantle in the centre of the aberrant formation. Revolving round and round periodically like a heavy machine part it left a deafening sensation in her ears. With every turn and movement giant black whirlpools were released into the atmosphere. The air became tainted, the water running below it turned acidic and no other pairs of eyes still remained to notice the destruction it had caused.

Allowing a smile to creep over her features, Regis was glad that she was the one who was finally given the chance to destroy that thing.

Raising the bow, her right hand pulled the string, which gave off a faint magical glow. With a much brighter flash and still deepening, between the bow and string a magical arrow appeared that kept on drawing in magic in large quantities from her.

Regis who believed all she needed was a single shot even from this far, did not mind putting all of her left over energy for this very purpose. Even if is she had ran out of magic, she would even bet on her life force to do the job for her. Her blue eyes shone coldly. The world shuddered and warped. As if air, sound even light twisted ─ drawn and absorbed into the arrow before it could touch the core of the filth she so much wanted to destroy.

She did not need to rely on her eyes alone, now she could finally open her heart to someone in this world. To sense the presence of things through the movement of air on her skin, to become one with her skill and power… she wished to draw out maximum power.

A few seconds later with her consciousness still fading and merging with the arrow. The centre of the shining bow finally turned to a bluish-black colour. The bow and the arrow altogether felt heavy, but Regis was still not ready to let it leave. It contained all of her emotions that had welled up since then this power miraculously came to her and it was because of that power she was standing there at this point.

She inhaled deeply and finally let go off the string, the arrow glittered and twirled as it went pass the empty sky. The inky blackness filling the space… the arrow had banished all of it with just the light and warmth it gave off.

As the arrow made a perfect impact on the centre of the cube shaped magical artifact, its darkness and the arrow\'s light pulsated violently as they fought for dominance over each other. The next instant a huge hole appeared in the cube\'s body as a rearward vortex split the darkness.

The world was painted white and black. An explosion.

But for the aftermath the only one who was able to witness it was the Black Dragon Emperor as Regis had already fainted on his back with magic exhaustion from before.

It reminded him of the Blue Dragon Emperor and its words still echoed clearly to him at the back of his eardrums. A memory that he had called off several years ago surface fresh.

"I am not afraid… I am in pursuit of a much bigger dream that would one day change the course of this war, as a miracle would dawn itself on the morning sky and reflect clearly on the night sea."

The Black Dragon Emperor always wondered whether it was content with its choices that it had made even after the tragic end it met. But seeing how a young elf girl conquered her own fears an answer was revealed to him.

That at the end it did not matter with how much he worried because the heart and the wings of that were acquired in the end were strong.

Supple and beautiful and most of all unbreakable.




Till now I have published from volume one to volume four for free. And I hope to continue so even now. It has really been an exciting work for me to narrate you the story of our main character who fights her way to the bottom of abyss with her magic and skills and will eventually storm the outside world.

From now I will start publishing volume 5 and hope to upload one chapter at least a week. Usually each of my chapter has an average word count of 10k and keeping the text error free takes a lot of revisions and consumes time, but no work is ever perfect. With your support and reviews I know that I have improved a lot in my writing.

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