Headed by a Snake

Chapter 301 Athena

Tanamar of House Vanzano scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "Athena\'s doing everything she can-- trying to fend off the family\'s debt collectors, dungeon-running, training to become a junior officer in the Silva Academy... If she found out I was doing this on the side to recruit for the Stormbrands..."

He hesitated, frowning deeply... "It would cause her a lot of... worry that she doesn\'t need."

She sounded like a most-diligent young lady. Tycondrius wondered how much of the footman\'s words were true. His methodologies would change, depending on Athena\'s hardworking demeanor.

"Is that Tanamar?"A female voice rang out, high and clear, like a soft bell.

The young lady\'s voice was a light contrast to the footman\'s gruff voice, Zenon\'s smooth voice, and whatever voice Tycon had-- that he was certain was very deep, and more attractive than that of his two companions.

"Optio." Zenon leaned down with his hand cupped to whisper into Tycon\'s ear, "That\'s Athena."

"I gathered," Tycon narrowed his eyes, observing the approaching girl.

"Oh! It is Tanamar! Hey!" Upon Athena ensuring that the cart driver was indeed her footman, she hurried her steps in excitement.

She was young, a teenager, not yet an adult by human standards. Her hair was an icy-pale shade of blue, hinting at Outsider blood, like her brother, Maximus.

⟬ Athena Vanzano, Unranked Human Warrior. ⟭

The System rated her as... human, *unlike* Maximus. That wasn\'t a pressing issue, as bloodline abilities could be unlocked as she cultivated. Tycon honed in on the fact that her class was Warrior. Outside of Hidden Sects, most humans did not begin cultivation at younger ages. Thus, that she had a combat class at her age meant her martial abilities held some promise.

The young lady wore a solid steel armor breastplate that covered her torso. It looked inexpensive and... somewhat aged but its condition showed careful treatment. Interestingly, her style of armor was also unlike her brother\'s. Maximus\' armor looked similar to Tycon\'s-- in the style worn by the rank-and-file Decani and Munifices of the Holy Country\'s military-proper. Athena\'s armor was closer in design to the ponderous, heavy armor worn by the Church-- like Zenon\'s armor.

Besides carrying a small sack of what appeared to be groceries, Athena also wore a thin sword, hanging in a scabbard on her waist. Tanamar mentioned the young lady was taking part in Academy training. She looked every part a young Armor Knight\'s squire or a Champion-to-be.

She also stood shorter than Tycon. That was nice. He found it bothersome that everyone he tended to associate with was taller than he was. He was the shortest male member of Sol Invictus, save Pale.

Pale was 10.

...Or was he 11 now?

Athena smiled so wide that her eyes squinted into upturned curves, "Tanamar, what are you doing in the market streets?"

Tanamar\'s eyes widened, his pupils shaking in his eyes, "Oh, Athena... I was just, uh... talking to these adventurers about... adventuring."

Tycon thought that sounded like a reasonable excuse. The young footman could have instilled a bit more confidence in his speech, though.

The blue-haired girl tilted her head, "Because it looked like you were driving that cart, just now?"

Tycon frowned. The young lady was sharp. That was generally good. For Tanamar\'s situation, it was not so.

"Oh, no... I was just... helping," Tanamar turned to Tycon, pleading for assistance with his eyes.

Tycon sighed inwardly. He supposed that protecting the status quo of the young footman\'s relationship was one of the many facets his quest entailed.

"Good afternoon, young lady. My name is Tycon and this is Centurion Zenon. Your man, Tanamar, has provided invaluable assistance thus far."

Tycon hoped she wouldn\'t ask for a clarification. He didn\'t have one prepared.

The young noblewoman saluted promptly, crisply and with professional zeal, "My greetings to you, Sir Tycon. Centurion Zenon."

Tycon rated her salute a 5 out of 5-- very promising, indeed.

"Ehehe..." She giggled, smiling shyly, "But Tanamar\'s not my boyfriend."

"I\'m sorry, what?" Tycon furrowed his brows in confusion, his lips twisting to the side. The young woman\'s response was... unexpected.

"Oh, he\'s not my boyfriend," Athena explained. "I mean, he\'s very handsome-- but I\'m not old enough to be dating anyone."

"I... I see," Tycon nodded, pretending to understand.

"What are *you* doing in the market streets, Athena?" Tanamar asked.

Hm... The two were on a first name basis? Tanamar didn\'t refer to Athena as \'Lady\' or \'Mistress\'. They seemed quite close... and Tycon noted that their ages were not far apart. He had an inkling that Athena\'s \'he\'s not my boyfriend\' would be more accurate as \'he\'s not my boyfriend *yet*.\'

...Dealing with the relationship tension between two parties was very well outside of Tycon\'s expertise. He hoped the concept wouldn\'t inevitably cause him issues.

Athena nodded, "The grocery stalls are closing up soon. I was going to ask if they were going to throw any of their stale bread out."

Her smile almost glowed in radiance, "We can have bread and milk for dinner! One of the farmers gave me a free bottle of the stuff as I was walking past."

She held up her grocery bag as redundant proof... revealing some red-lined scratches on the back of her main hand.

"Oh, I have to go quickly! I spent a little bit playing with some kittens abandoned in that alleyway..." She sighed, "I just wish we could adopt them... but that would mean more mouths to feed."

And with that, Athena gave another respectful salute and hurried away.

The trio of Tycon, Tanamar, and Zenon watched her back as she departed.

"It\'s funny," Tanamar mused. "Athena likes animals, but... they don\'t tend to like her, much."

"...Well, that was something." Zenon looked over, "What do you think, Optio?"

The young lady radiated an interesting aura... one that touched upon a base instinct, urging him to protect her innocence from everything that wished to deal her harm.

Tycon took a deep breath, "I will restore House Vanzano\'s honor, no matter how many Tyrions I have to kill."

Zenon looked down in disapproval.

Tycon pursed his lips, returning Zenon\'s gaze... "Is it too late to clarify that I was speaking figuratively?"

"Centurion? Optio? And you guys are with the Church?" Tanamar crossed his arms, frowning, "You didn\'t approach me just to join the Stormbrands..."

"Astute observation," Tycon smiled weakly. "I would prefer explaining only once. Let us meet at the Vanzano estate once you finish your shift."

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