Headed by a Snake

Chapter 481 Heroes, One And All

⟬ Slightly earlier, at the mouth of the catacombs. ⟭

Karodin of Emberhold stumbled into the Halls of the Dead Serpent, combat-rolling onto his shield into the kneeling position. He pointed his sword forward, ready to combat whatever terrible enemies awaited him.

Ghosts! He was surrounded by dozens-- hundreds of ghosts!

Big ghosts! Small ghosts!

Human ghosts and Dwarven ones!

Wielding terrible weapons like... smithing hammers and... mining picks?

Grimacing, he lowered his weapon and righted his posture...

The lot of them were... civilians.

They floated eerily in silence. It was a little unnerving, but it was nothing like Karodin had expected.

Of all the undead the Brazen Guard had encountered in the Halls, they were all Snake Cultists and very, very angry. They\'d rush all at once and try to... ghost-bite you to death, (or something like that.)

Hearing movement, he turned to see Priestess Ariadne approaching, along with a retinue of guards. They were a welcome sight... the best of the best (of what was left) of the Brazen Guard\'s front line.

"C\'mon, Karodin," Ariadne gestured towards the catacombs, "We gotta move faster\'n green grass through a goose."

Karodin pursed his lips in concern, "Bannok\'s gone ahead, then? And my wife?"

"Uh huh, Mister Lawrence\'s carryin\' the big lug on his back-- an\' Ptolema\'s safe with Letalis... for now. We was just waitin\' on you."

Karodin gulped, pointing a thumb behind him... "What... what about these people?"

"They\'re not people, Karodin," Ariadne\'s eyes narrowed, " These folks\'re dead and gone. Don\'t matter what happens to \'em."

One of the ghosts stepped-- err, floated forward. It was an old dwarf in wizard robes and circle-glasses, old scrolls jutting out of a bag on his side.

Karodin cleared his throat. The dwarf seemed older than him, so he figured he should be respectful, "Good uh... good evening, Sir."

The Dwarven Wizard smiled politely, though it could have easily been a grimace of concern, "Good evening, young Tyrion... I suggest you move quickly. When the Shadow Realm breaks open, the restless spirits of the Snake Cult will return in earnest."

He gestured at the gaggle collected around him... "We will cover your retreat."

Karodin furrowed his brows. These ghosts were unarmored merchants and craftsmen... children and elderly... none of them armored... and they were armed with table legs, broken bottles, and other things that weren\'t really meant to be weapons.

They wouldn\'t stand a chance against the Snake Cultists.

...It was probably why they were dead in the first place.

Karodin sheathed his sword, "Um... Who... who are you people? Sir?"

The elderly dwarf loosed a heavy sigh... which turned into a pained, echoing cough...

"Gathering... Mining... Crafting... Marketing...

"Long ago... we dwarves and humans... and even a few elves lived here together in harmony... then, everything changed when the Snake Cult attacked.

"We... we are the former... and current denizens of Thrumondi\'s Halls..."

Karodin frowned... "You are all Tyrion, are you not? Your souls should have passed on and... and joined the Eternal Flame?"

"The pride of being a Tyrion..." The dwarf shook his head, "I believe that is to blame for keeping my companions here. All that remains in their ghostly shells is a desire for vengeance against the heretics..."

Ariadne growled, stepping between Karodin and the dwarf, "These folks were killed off by those cursed snakes... sacrificed for their dark rituals! They\'re lookin\' for a way out and they think a final battle is what\'s gonna do it for \'em-- so let\'s leave \'em to it!"

Uncertainty tugged at Karodin\'s heart... "But... they\'ll lose."

"And we\'ll live on!" The Priestess snapped, "Now are ya comin\', or not?"

...He took a deep breath, "Lady Aria... enchant my weapon with ⌈Ghostbane⌋... Please."

"Optio Karodin..." Ariadne swayed her head back in surprise... then glared at him with a look sharper than a knife... "No. Absolutely not."

The dwarf coughed to gain their attention, "You do not have the luxury of time, Optio... Lady Priestess. You must both away-- immediately."

"Well, Lady Priestess, you heard the man-- dwarf... elder," Karodin chuckled nervously, "I\'m staying to help, whether you enchant my sword or not."

"Karodin..." Ariadne moaned helplessly. "We don\'t have time for this!"

"That\'s fine! It\'ll just be me!" He wore his most reassuring smile, "And I\'ll be just behind you guys!"

Ariadne stared him down... gulping hard... "Humans lie."

...That was slightly rude.

It bothered Karodin... how the Priestess\' usually gentle gaze had been... not that, as of late. Unfortunately, he knew what he had to do... and escaping immediately was not it.

"First and foremost, I am a son of Tyrion."

He walked past Ariadne... and half-turned his head, "MEN! Take her away!"

"I hear you, Optio," One of the Decani saluted. It was a familiar Legionnaire from Guild Eagle Sentinel.

"KARODIN!! NO!" Ariadne shouted. She struggled, but she couldn\'t stop the combined efforts of the physically stronger Decanus and his team from dragging her away.

"Ptolema better not even have a scratch on her, when I get there!" Karodin shouted, "Or I\'ll crucify the lot of you! Don\'t you PLAY GAMES with me!"

"You heard the Optio, ladies and gentlemen!" The Decanus shouted, "Move your arses! If I\'m gettin\' crucified, you\'ll all be staked up with me!"

"""We hear you, Decanus!!"""

Karodin breathed a sigh of relief... when suddenly the Halls rumbled, and he had to brace himself to keep his balance.

"By the Flame, what was that?"

"A security breach..." The dwarf coughed, clearing his throat... "--and one that I\'d complained about in epochs past."

"Should I be worried?"

The old dwarf slowly shook his head, "Your allies have secured a path of escape. Though, to be perfectly honest, it is likely that I remain because of that guilt. If only my formations and architectural planning weren\'t so flawed, then the Snake Cult would have never taken these halls."

Karodin smirked in embarrassment, "It sounds like the blame is not your own, Sir."

The dwarf looked up with a polite smile, "Aye. All of our leaders can share the blame for our downfall."

"I\'m a leader," Karodin shrugged... "We make some questionable decisions, sometimes. But a good leader is always willing to fix their mistakes."

The elder nodded, "Is this one of those \'questionable decisions\', lad?"

"Yes, Sir. Yes, it is..."

He took a deep breath, turning to face the old dwarf\'s forces-- now his... "Faithful sons and daughters of Tyrion!! I am OPTIO KARODIN of the BRAZEN GUARD!! Under my command, we will protect the living from the DEAD!

"Heroes, one and all!! DO. YOU. HEAR ME?!"

Every single ghost... man, woman, child, and elder... raised their voices and their weapons as one...

"""WE HEAR YOU, OPTIO!!!!!"""


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