Headed by a Snake

Chapter 488 Trouble

It always felt like there was trouble wherever Coraline went.

She wondered if it was because she was good at finding it... or if she was cursed by some capricious god, for misfortune to follow her.

She felt her ears twitch, identifying a commotion by the ramp, up ahead.

"What do you mean, SURRENDER my enchanted items?"

"I\'m sorry, young master. This is the policy set by the Windwright\'s Guild."

A green-haired youth wearing scholarly robes was arguing with an airship employee.

The pale-skinned guardswoman was professionally dressed, her diamond blonde hair in a bun, wearing dark blue brigandine and thick padded sleeves. Her furrowed brows were marked with black reptilian scales, a dovahkiin...

According to folk knowledge, the blood of dragons flowed through her veins. Such people were known for feats of great strength in battle... and some could even breathe flames or small bolts of lightning. She\'d never seen it, herself, but it seemed those tall tales did nothing to ward the young scholar\'s complaints.

"I trust you lot to fly an airship--" The youth lowered his voice... but Coraline\'s Elven ears could still hear him in the distance, "And that has nothing to do with whether or not I\'m wearing an enchanted ring."

The guardswoman stealthily put a hand on the hilt of her sword, her patience clearly running thin.

Coraline did the same thing with her rapier whenever she was stressed.

...A part of her wished she hadn\'t sold it.

"Please, Sir," The guardswoman pleaded, her voice still stern, "You read the rules when you purchased your tickets. Weapons and enchanted items must be surrendered upon boarding."

"Come on, Boss," The scholar\'s companion urged him. "We\'re holding up the line."

Beside the arms-crossed teenager was a taller, slightly older boy. While the green-haired youth had flawless skin as if he\'d never worked a sun in his life, his friend was tanned, and his cheek and nose had scar tissue from cuts.

Coraline could tell that underneath the man\'s dark maroon gambeson, he was fit and muscular. The fact that he had a clean shave and his hair was cut neatly implied more that he was an adventurer or guard rather than a scholar.

Gambesons *were* in-fashion, though.

If they weren\'t scholar and guard... Coraline thought they could very well be con-men: a sly face and a muscled tough.

Hm... maybe. Neither carried weapons... and rogues at least carried a dagger for defense... The larger boy did look capable in a fist-fight, though.

She\'d need to keep her eye on them...

...if there was any trouble.

--which wouldn\'t happen.

According to the numbers released by the Windwright\'s Guild, there was less than a percent of a percent chance that an issue would arise while flying on one of their airships.

If there was an issue... like a formation malfunctioning or... really bad weather, then there was still a 98% chance of survival.

Coraline had nothing to worry about.

...But she did have to board first.

"Excuse me-- sorry." She moved her way past an elderly Popoto couple and a gruff-looking older elf.

"(Watch your movements, Sapling,)" The older elf glared at her with black-sclera eyes.

Coraline panicked for a split second before responding formally in Elven, "(My apologies, Lord. I wish to assist with...) the boarding."

He was an Ancient. Being rude to an Ancient was the biggest mistake any elf could make.

"(Saplings... always in a hurry...)"

The Ancient seemed to be giving her permission, so she rendered a quick bow and jogged towards the front of the line.

"Excuse me! Sir," Coraline wore the most sincere smile she could fake, "Your items will be quite safe, I assure you. The storage lockbox will be taken to the hold, locked behind the most modern of enchantments-- and that can only be accessed by the Ship Captain."

The youth turned to address her, initially in anger Upon seeing that Coraline was just an adorable Elven girl, his gaze immediately softened.

Coraline was not the most threatening person.

Usually, she hated the way she looked. Her old guild leader never took her seriously... and the only type of positive attention she got was from rude, drunken old lechers who incorrectly assumed she was easy to take home. Her looks were only useful to disarm people in social situations... which thankfully, was currently appropriate.

"In the hold, you say?" The youth narrowed his gaze... "And locked securely behind enchantments?"

He had... the most peculiar golden eyes.

The blonde guard nodded hurriedly and gestured towards the large wooden chest at her side, "That\'s right, young master. The enchantments placed on both this lockbox and in the hold were designed by the Banker\'s Guild-- impossible to break into and with only a single key. Captain Nikandros takes security very seriously."

The guard had a very light accent... She was from Nemaya Strana, the Sleeping Country. That and her bloodline made her a very rare sight in Tyrion.

"Tss," The youth scoffed. "Very well. I\'d better get a receipt for this."

"Of course, honored guest," The guard granted Coraline a silent nod of thanks before returning her attention to the young man and his ring. It seemed to be the only thing he and his companion were checking in.

What could he be hiding? The only reason Coraline could think of for the scholar\'s reluctance was... if he was a mage and the ring was his focus. He definitely wasn\'t... She would have been able to sense a higher Circle of mana in him, if that was the case.

It was probably nothing... maybe the lightly-enchanted trinket held sentimental value?

She watched the two of them board the on-ramp to the airship.

A youth with strange, golden eyes. A rough, scarred boy at his side.

It triggered all the warning signals in Coraline\'s brain that the two of them were more than they appeared.

"Coraline Heartsong?" The guard smiled politely. Magical tool in hand, she scanned Coraline for enchantments.

"That\'s me," Coraline nodded, presenting her ticket. "Victrix to Cersei\'s Rest... one way."

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