Headed by a Snake

Chapter 547 Ashes & Broken Dreams

"Come. This is no place to sleep," Tycondrius knelt down and picked Sasha up from underneath the table.

The library had a wooden bench with some pillows. That would be at least slightly more comfortable than the floor.

Her stark white hair had fallen out of her white hood, revealing her dark Elven ears. He quietly pulled her hood down to cover them.

This was the way Tycon chose to live.

He hid his true nature. He never revealed the extent of his abilities.

He eschewed glory for the safety of being underestimated. Those were the lessons he\'d impart to his daughter.

She shot awake. She fussed and struggled. The young lady more or less slithered out of his arms.

...It left Tycon slightly disheartened. Less than two years prior, his daughter was small enough to carry around in his cloak.

"Sasha, I--"

Before he could finish, she dashed off, leaping and sliding over a table... and she hid behind a bookcase.

Tycon was left standing with a hand awkwardly outstretched.

...What was that about?

The chocolate elf peeked out from her hiding spot-- then immediately hid again.

Tycon narrowed his eyes.

Did... did she not know him?

She\'d been studying at the Academy in Cersei\'s Rest for moons. The indoctrination... had it altered her mind?


Had Natalya and the Church of the Eternal Flame BRAINWASHED his beloved daughter?!

Take her memories, will they?! He would take THEIR LIVES!! EVERYTHING and EVERYONE they have EVER LOVED!!! He would raise their BROKEN bodies as UNDEAD and REND their ETERNAL SOULS with CHAOS MAGIC!!!

The Basilica would be reduced to naught but ASHES and BROKEN DREAMS!! STAR-FURY OR NOT!!!!!

The chocolate elf again peeked out from the bookcase.

"S-sasha?" Tycon gulped.

She waved her hand-- then returned to hiding.

Tycon pursed his lips...

What in the seven hells was going on?

"Young lady... is everything... quite alright?"

Sasha peeked out again... and nodded her head, \'yes.\' Then she shook it, \'no.\'

...Which was it, then?

Tycon crossed his arms, "Young lady, I can\'t know your troubles unless you use... words."

Sasha trudged out into full view, sighing heavily... "I\'m... I\'m not done yet."

The dark-skinned girl pointed sadly at her books on the table.

It seemed she was lamenting over her after-class studies.

"...Would you like some help?" Tycon offered.

The girl gasped, bobbing her head up and down energetically.

Tycon shook his head, chuckling derisively, "If you would like my help, you need only ask."

He moved to the table, pulled out a seat, and gestured for his lovely daughter to sit, "Shall we?"

The young lady pattered over swiftly and obediently, a subtle smile on her face.


It took less than a bell to complete Sasha\'s work. She\'d avoided eye contact with Tycon all the while but listened to his instruction without complaint.

"Th... thank you, Master," She muttered quietly, closing her book.

Tycon very much wanted to ruffle the young lady\'s hair, but he wouldn\'t risk removing her hood anywhere in the Basilica. Even speaking Parseltongue was something he\'d avoid.

"How is your life in the Academy?" Tycon inquired, "Is anyone bullying you?"

"N...no," She shook her head... "Everyone is... nice to m-- to Sasha."

Tycon narrowed his eyes, glancing around the library, "Have you made any friends? I notice this place is suspiciously empty."

The chocolate elf nodded quietly... "I come to this place... to hide. No one comes here... so I-- err... so Sasha made it her own."

Tycon sighed, shaking his head... "You may speak normally, young lady. I know you missed me."

The little young teenage girl pouted, turning her head in the opposite direction.

"I didn\'t say I missed you," She whispered.

Tycon took her hand in his... and she gripped it subconsciously-- before snatching it away and crossing her arms.


"Well, I suppose I could leave you to your devices, then," He stood up and took a few steps towards the door.

After pausing dramatically, he turned back.

As he\'d guessed, Sasha was holding hand outstretched towards him.

Then she realized she\'d been tricked. The young lady raised her hands to her chest in a panic, babbling "um\'s" and "ah\'s," trying to find an excuse.

Tycon was more amused by her contrary actions than he was insulted.

A certain amount of rebelliousness was permissible for children.

"Y...you cannot leave," Sasha pouted. "Master... only just arrived."

Tycon felt his heart soften as he allowed himself to be dragged back to the table.

"Very well, young lady. I\'ll keep you company for awhile." He gestured to her wooden bow, "But first, let me inspect your gear and your grade sheet."


Sasha had done well in the several moons she\'d been going to school.

Her ranking was comfortably within the middle of her class. She performed surprisingly well at language studies. She excelled at magical practice, while performing below average at magical theory.

...That was likely Tycon\'s fault. The Holy Country taught magic in a very particular way. While Sasha could obtain results, it wouldn\'t be in the way the Church dictated.

Sasha had joined the archery club and was lauded by her upperclassmen for her skills.

Tycon asked if there were any boys that were interested in her.

The young lady then revealed that her archery club was only open to female students. That fact provided Tycon some relief-- though he couldn\'t quite understand why.

"Do you have a place to stay, Master?" The young lady asked, tilting her head.

"We do," Tycon nodded. "Did you want to stay with us for the evening? I suppose we\'ll need to apply for permission for you to leave the Basilica grounds."

"Oh. Okay," Sasha nodded quietly, "Is it just... Master and Lone?"

"And the young Pale, I\'d imagine," Tycon mused.

Sasha\'s lips curved into a small pout, "I\'ll stay here."

Tycon hesitated... furrowing his brows, "Young lady?"

"...Sasha will stay."

"Ah," Tycon bared his teeth, "No-- I didn\'t have an issue with your diction. Is there something wrong with Pale?"

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