Headed by a Snake

Chapter 626 Five Minutes

"If I\'m not to be ransomed," Tycondrius growled, "then I would at least like to be sold by private channels, only to be afforded by the wealthy elite."


He turned down to look at furiously blushing Korr, "Never accept anything less than the best, young lady."

"...Got it."

The two remaining pirates yelled a battlecry of sailors\' curses, one pointing a pistol and the other rushing forward with a shield and waraxe.

Tycondrius snapped his fingers.

⟬ ⌈Commander\'s Strike⌋ activated. ⟭

Korr suddenly tightened her legs around Tycon\'s waist. Sitting up, she embraced him, stuffing his face into her modest cleavage.

...It wasn\'t an unpleasant feeling, but he did not have the time to enjoy the situation. He was furiously winding up his crossbow, trying to load another poisoned bolt.

With a questionable grunt, Korr spun her body to the side. With the momentum, they tumbled into the nearest pirate\'s shins, knocking them down.

A gunshot rang in Tycon\'s ears... but he felt no pain, which was worrying. It meant that Korr had probably received another injury.

Again on his back, Tycon hurriedly scooted backward enough to allow Korr to stab the downed pirate in the throat with her Blackblade.

The remaining pirate aimed down the iron sights of his pistol, "Aha ahaharrr!! Spit out yer last words, ya bastards! It\'s the end for the both of ye!"

Tycon hadn\'t yet finished winding his crossbow... and Korr could barely turn her head to see that fellow, much less do anything about it.

"Leader..." Korr whispered, "I... I... lo--..."

"Not the time, young lady," Tycon groaned.

Grabbing her, he spun her around to have his back to the gun-toting fellow.

"Leader!!" Korr shouted, "What are you--?!!"

"I am wearing armor and you are not," Tycon scolded.

He was tired of her getting shot on his behalf.

The gun went off. He winced in pain from the impact to his back. He didn\'t feel the wetness of blood, though... so it seemed the chainmail had performed well enough.

...He chuckled to himself as he half-turned his head back to the pirate who was frantically trying to reload his pistol, "You should have gone for the head. ⌈Venomous Shadow.⌋"

A dark shadow climbed up the nearby railing, a cutlass in his vaguely shaped \'mouth.\'

With its right hand, it pointed another pistol at the remaining pirate while making an offensive gesture with its left.


The pirate fell to the deck, bleeding from the forehead.

"Well done," Tycon waved, "Thank you."

The shadow stopped to stare at him and Korr, entangled as they were...

Scratching its shadowy chin, it turned to half-walk, half-float away.

"COME BACK AND HELP US!!!" Tycon shouted.


⟬ On an unknown beach in the Free Nation, present time. ⟭

Krysaos had his hand cradling his stubble-covered chin, "So you\'re telling me... this chick wants to nail you."

Tycon nodded, "I believe Korr is infatuated with me. It may have something to do with seeing me as a replacement for her previous, deceased guild leader."

"Y\'should do it," Krysaos grinned. "Add another notch to your belt, man. From the way you described her, she sounds hot!"

"Utilizing her weapon spirit, she can wield flames as hot as the fiery hell of Phlegethos."

"How big are her tits?" Krysaos asked.

...They weren\'t overly large, which was as Tycon preferred, but he wasn\'t going to admit that to the lecherous Captain.

"Having a romantic relationship with a subordinate is highly unprofessional," He chided.

"Fire her, bed her," Krysaos suggested with a shrug. "Sounds easy to me."

"Seldin Korr is a Gold-Rank Flaming Rage Knight."

"AhHhhh~" Krysaos nodded in thought... "Can we add her to the crew?"

Tycon pursed his lips, choosing to ignore the question, "Seldin Korr and Sorina Capulet have been sent ahead to Archangel... to find our Arcanist, as previously mentioned."

Sorina would also be seeking to expand the East Charm Trading Company to that area, to further strengthen her economic hold on the Realm.

...However, the Captain did not need to know that Tycon\'s worth was in the hundreds of thousands. He figured the gentleman-Captain would beg him to purchase an entire ship.

Though he liked the man... he did not like him that much.

"Oh, yeahhh." Krysaos smirked, "The curse-- right. I got\'cha... so the rest of the story?"

Tycon furrowed his brows, "I was getting to that."

"--but sum it up," Krysaos lifted one of the sticks, a roasting cut of steak. "These are almost done... Five minutes sound good?"

"Yes..." Tycon nodded as he observed the meat\'s color and pliability, weighing it against the thickness and marbling... "Five more minutes should get them to medium-rare, throughout..."

"I mean for the story."

Tycon looked back with incredulity... "You want me to finish the story in five minutes?"

"Why? You don\'t think you can do it?" Krysaos raised a thick, mocking eyebrow.


⟬ Top deck of the Marlin Monroe, so many suns ago. ⟭

"I will defend you with my life, Leader!! ⌈Rain of Hellfire!!⌋"

Korr defeated the last of the pirates with fire and sword.

Using the power of her Blackblade, supernatural flames rained down from the heavens and onto the enemy ship. With the help of the fog, the pirates with the white raven flag were cooked alive with superheated steam.

⁆ What happened to the horses? ⁅

...Corporal Horse trotted about the top deck, slathered in blood and entrails, slaughtering as he went.

"(I am the drug-addicted god of death and dismemberment!!)" He neighed.

"(Please keep me out of trouble!)" PFC Jeremy whinnied, "(I am a coward that will never see promotion!!)"

⁆ And the other guy? Lone, you said his name was? ⁅

« Stars and stones, Krysaos. Allow me to speak. »

⁆ Ohhh. My bad. Sorry, I got excited. Story\'s pretty good! ⁅

...By that time, most of the pirates that had boarded the ship had been defeated. With the fall of their flagship, they fought even more desperately, despite two Gold-Ranks on the ship.

⁆ Besides the hot chick, who\'s the other one? ⁅

« Brother-Captain... »

⁆ Sorry, sorry... Go ahead. ⁅

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