Headed by a Snake

Chapter 823 Send Us Home

Bob took a breath of hesitation... "You... usin\' da rules as a shield, Bosun?"

"On the contrary," Tycondrius spoke through clenched teeth, "The rules are currently protecting YOU, young man. Else, I\'d be in the process of breaking every f*cking joint in your body on account of your flagrant... disrespect."

Bob gnashed his teeth... stewing in his anger, "Wiv all due respect, Sir... da crew-- dey ain\'t \'appy! Not wiv any o\' dis!"

"Tss," Tycon scoffed. "And do you think I feel any f*cking different, Petty Officer? If solving the problem was as *simple* as getting me to the other ship and using every Gold-Rank Martial Skill in my employ, I would have already DONE so."

After several moments of deliberation, the gargantuan Coral Boy shook his head and sighed, "F*ck me, Bosun... I didn\'t... I ain\'t--"

"Apology accepted," Tycon sneered, waving him off, "on account of the shite circumstances. Do *not* allow it to happen again."

"...Aye, Bosun," Bob lowered his head.

Tycon nodded in acknowledgment. That was enough.

"Petty Officer Bob, I will have your report."

The Coral Boy rendered a strong salute, unmoved even as another tall wave crashed over the ship and washed over him.

He was a good man... and Tycon returned the salute with equal respect.

"Da ship\'s \'olding togevver," Bob said... "if jus\' barely, Sir. If it weren\'t fer yer circle-fings an\' the only f*ckin\' good elf in da Realm womanin\' \'em... we\'d all be at da bottom uh da drink."

Tycon nodded despite the worries festering in his heart.

Coraline Heartsong had taken over the formations in the hold. They served a dual purpose, keeping the Neptune\'s Revenge hidden from the sea god\'s monstrous allies while simultaneously shielding the ship from the more destructive waves and errant bolts of lightning.

Thankfully, the young Arcanist had a strong base in all elements of magic before she\'d bound her soul to her fiery familiar.

Further... Tycon\'s lover, Elle, was with Coraline... lending what mana she could spare.

However... it did not change the fact that the young elf controlling the formations was a provisional measure.

Due to Captain Krysaos\' affinity with water magic, he would be the best man for the job.

...But he was needed, elsewhere.

"And the Captain?" Tycon asked.

"The Cap\'n\'s wiv..." Bob turned his head, looking out in the darkness, "he\'s... wiv Mina."

The Coral Boy turned back, his hatreds whisked away and replaced by... sincerity, "Maybe... go see \'er, Bosun, yeah? Maybe... use s\'more of your healin\'? Or... or sumfin\' else in yer magic ring?"

Tycon narrowed his eyes to a glare.

He had done everything he could. It was almost insulting that Bob could imply otherwise.

However... Tycon\'s anger was... misplaced.

And there was admittedly value in checking on Krysaos\' condition.

"Very well," Tycon clasped Bob\'s arm as he made his way past him, "Dismissed. Get some rest, young friend."


Tycon descended down the precarious stairwell that led belowdecks. How it was still intact, considering the mold and wood-rot was baffling.

The halls reeked of must and bilge, the heavy creaks and groans of the hull threatening to break apart at a moment\'s notice.

It served as grim, musical accompaniment for the dirge sung by the crew.

Wonderboy, the lime-green Coral Boy-- the worst example of a Marine there was... was leading his peers with a gargling whine...

"If we die... we die togevvERRRR..."

"Only fight... we\'z ever known." --Came the groans and growls that were supposed to be music.

"\'Fru Levia\'fan wangs and da shite, f*ckin\' WEVV\'rrrrrr..." "Pray da winds... send us \'ome."

Doc stood up, wearing his tattered medic apron, "An\' when da gods... \'ave \'ad enufffff~"

"Only fight... we\'z ever known."

"We\'ll raise our cups... and drink... to us," He grinned.

"Pray da winds... ta send us \'ome..."

The peach-skinned Coral Boy, Catshit, swept the seaweed green hair behind his head, "Da ship\'ll hold... by song aloOOone..."

"Only fight... we\'z ever known..."

"\'Cuz all you cuuNNnts, you sink like stoOoones, ahaha..." He shook his head and chuckled.

"Pray da winds... ta send us \'oooome."

Petty Officer Bob was crossing his arms... and he shared a glance of disapproval with Tycon.

Tycon nodded, gesturing for him to speak.

The largest, strongest Coral Boy of the Neptune\'s Revenge took a heavy stomp forward, "The F*CK is \'is S\'PPOSED TA BE?! Who\'s F*CKIN\' idea woz it to sing bloody f*ck-ING love songs to F*CK each uvver to?!"

Tycon smirked, "Seven f*cking hells... is this the f*cking Army? The gryphon-f*ckers in the Air Force? Or are you my gods-damned Royal F*CKING MARINES?"

Bob smashed a heavy fist against his chest, "Let\'s hear some F*CKIN\' VOLUME!!"

Tycon was crewed with dozens of fools.

...Yet he could not have asked to serve with better men.

He cleared his throat and raised his voice in a bass-baritone, "And WHEN WE MEET... at the GATES OF HELL!!!"

Some of the Coral Boys looked around in shock, but they responded all the same, "Only FOIIGHT... WE\'Z EVERRR KNOWNNN."

"We\'ll crew ANOTHER. F*CKING. SHIP!!" Tycon roared, "And we\'ll RAISE THE SAILS!!!"


Just as well, there were rivers and oceans in the seven depths.

There was little difference serving in the living Realm or elsewhere.

His men were blissfully ignorant fools if they thought their shared demise meant the end of their contracts.

"Officer on deck!" Petty Officer Bob shouted, "Atten-TION!!!"

The Coral Boys, lying and kneeling, shot up from where they were, all standing straight at the positions of attention.

Tycon was pleased-- so pleased that he took his hand off the hilt of his sword.

"You," He pointed to the highest ranking crewman under Bob. "Leading Hand Stickyfingers. Report!"

"Repor\'ing as ordered, Bosun," The pale-white Coral Boy saluted, "No changes in Lieutenant Mina, Sir. Any... any news up top?"

"Negative," Tycon looked Stickyingers up and down before turning to address the crew, "Carry on, gentlemen. Keep your voices strong and your blades sharp. If the sea god knows we\'re coming for him, then we\'ll be landing in hostile territory."

With that final warning, Tycon walked past and towards the Captain\'s quarters.

"And GET DIS MESS cleaned UP!!" Bob shouted from behind, "Or I\'z gonna KEELHAUL da LOT OF YA\'S!!!"

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