Headed by a Snake

Chapter 847 Reason Behind Recklessness

...Tycondrius raised an eyebrow.

Though he was still upset, he was slightly mollified that Krysaos understood the implications of \'heritage magic.\'

It marked significant improvement in his development as a hybrid Martial Spellcaster.

"Very few magics are intrinsically evil, Brother Captain," Tycon waved dismissively. "Blood magic is illegal in most nations-- but it was not always so."

"MhmMM~" Krysaos smirked, "Go onnn."

Tycon pursed his lips for a moment... but continued as requested, "From what I understand, centuries prior, Blood Magic was regulated on account of its... volatility. Subsequent generations banned its study and practice outright, citing *tradition.*"

He loosed a nostalgic sigh and shook his head, "Further, it is unfortunately common practice for eager Blood Mage initiates to garner reagents from... unwilling participants-- which has served to further demonize the art."

"Int\'restin\'!" Krysaos smiled, "Damn interesting! HELLA interesting! Well, the Gate\'s open and time\'s a-wasting, LT. So let\'s get--"

"This conversation is *still* not over, Krysaos," Tycon seethed.

He felt like he\'d been tricked somehow.

Krysaos was wearing his deceitful face... which admittedly was not much different from his regular one.

"I\'ll be fiiiine, LT!!" He insisted, "Even if I die--"

"THAT,"  Tycon pointed an accusatory finger at his idiot friend-- "is NOT a viable option, Captain,"

Krysaos shut his mouth... dropping his gaze to the Elven tiles...

"I... I really thought I could do it... for Mina."

...Tycon closed his eyes and raised his eyebrows as he inhaled deeply.


Of... course...

Krysaos was still greatly affected by his weapon spirit\'s declining condition.

He had been reckless... his reasoning, irrational... but it was very *human* of him to do so.

That he had not yet given up hope for Mina\'s survival was naive, extraordinarily foolish, and yet almost... laudable.

"...I see," Tycon muttered.

Still, Krysaos\' loyalty to the young mermaid did not exonerate his actions.

The Captain\'s death would be highly problematic. The crew of the Neptune\'s Revenge were relying on him and Tycon both to return.

Only Krysaos was capable of leading the Coral Boys... as well as sailing what was essentially a broken ship.

...Tycon was the only crew member who had the patience to read the ledgers and determine the crew\'s twice-a-moon pay.

If Krysaos kept with his reckless attitude after he passed through the Gate, it would be even more disastrous... for Tycon in particular.

He did not relish the thought of being trapped a dungeon well known for stymieing and killing adventurers for all eternity.

"There is still... a chance," He sighed. "What we refer to as the \'Water Temple,\' the cultists know as a \'Hidden Realm.\' Every so many years, the strongest amongst them brave the dangers to seek out treasures and high-purity mana resources."

Krysaos\' spirits were lifted immediately, his eyes shining and teeth sparkling.

"So... we might luck into something that could save Mina?"

"Correct," Tycon frowned. "Hence, *your* survival is paramount, Captain Krysaos."

"Hah..." Krysaos shook his head, "Yeah... Mina would be pretty f*cked up if I died, huh? You right, LT..."

"I\'m always right," Tycon rolled his eyes, staring at the ceiling. "Never question me again."

"You got it, bud," Krysaos snickered as he gestured towards the Gate. "Anything else you\'re not tellin\' me about the situation? You know how you are, LT."

Tycon twisted his lips in annoyance... but his companion\'s concerns were reasonable.

"We do not know where the Gate will take us. If you\'ve been paying attention, you might surmise the reason."

Krysaos thought for a moment... "All the uh... water mana in the atmosphere, then? The stuff\'s all I can sense."

"It\'s overpowering," Tycon nodded. "If it were not, I\'d at least have an idea of our destination. Whether we arrive In-Realm, Off-Realm, or in a Reality Marble... stay vigilant. Rely on multiple senses... and if you encounter the sea god--"

"Bullet to the head," Krysaos grinned.

"--at least consider waiting for my assistance before you engage," Tycon groaned.

Krysaos placed his hands on his hips, "Don\'t worry about it, guy. I won\'t be fighting nobody without a good, solid plan, first."

Tycon shut his eyes... and tried his very best to believe the Captain\'s lie... "Right."

"What? Come on, man! I\'m serious!"


Coraline Heartsong lifted her palm to the sky, no longer feeling the comfortable pitter-patter of water droplets.

It seemed the night rains had all but stopped.

She lowered her gaze, looking upon the corpse-filled beaches of Moon Crescent Isle.

She hoped dearly that they wouldn\'t be staying over the length of a sun. A little more than that and the bodies would start to stink.

...or, since it was a legitimate battlefield, they might even turn into mindless zombies.

She hadn\'t done anything so... low-level-adventur-y since she\'d left her previous guild, Brockdale Bridge.

Coraline looked back to the moonlit sea... thankful for the clarity her Elven eyes provided her.

Ellie remained on the Neptune\'s Revenge with a few crew members, taking care of Mina. They were far enough from the fighting that they were all reasonably safe...

Maybe Ishmael was there, too-- Coraline hadn\'t sensed him around.

It was lonely on the beach...

The torrential rain earlier in the evening had scared her fire elemental, Beatrice. It was no wonder, though... there was so much water mana in the air on the island that she preferred to stay hidden.

That was fine, though. Beatrice could sleep inside of Coraline until she felt better...

The main attacking force was stay with her on the beach... but Petty Officer Bob made a different call.

He and Leading Hand Stickyfingers led an offensive force deeper inland.

\'To keep the path clear,\' they told her.

Coraline shook her head.

She could sense how angry they were about King\'s betrayal. They were probably taking out their frustrations on the island natives... the so-called \'water cultists.\'

She didn\'t quite agree with the term. There were a lot of water-type Mages among them... but a majority of them seemed to belong to the Martialist Class.

Then... the crossbow quarrel that hit Mina was super suspicious.

There were so many mysteries on Moon Crescent Isle... all waiting for someone to decipher them.

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