The Tyrant's Wife

Chapter 304 - 304 [Bonus chapter]

“What’s there to think about? Anyone with half a working brain cell would see that this is a one-in-a-million opportunity.”

Natalie frowned at his subtle mockery. He was calling her brainless. Even so, she didn’t give him the satisfaction of getting a reaction. She took her time thinking about and just when she knew Nathaniel was on the verge of kicking her out and finding another option, she spoke up.

“I am willing to do it.”

“Oh, you naughty girl. I knew no one was worth your loyalty if there’s so much profit in betraying them.” He grinned.

“I have two conditions.” She held up two fingers.

“Speak up.” Nathaniel wasn’t fazed.

Natalie blinked mischievously. “Make that three. The first one is that this discussion stays here. You will not contact me unless it is urgent and when you really have to, you have to send an email to my personal email address.”

He looked like he had swallowed a fly. “How specific. What makes you think I would answer to you?”


“You need my help, grandfather. And I don’t have to play along with you. I could walk out of here and there is nothing you would do about it.” She reclined in the seat as though she was finally comfortable being here and didn’t want to leave. She was insane and the worst part was that he couldn’t totally blame her. Her parents were a pair of lunatics. It would be a surprise if she didn’t take it from them.

Thinking through his options, he agreed. “Fine. Personal email address. Although, you will have to delete every email once you receive it.”

“That’s not a problem. Your daughter and grandson are both hackers. They could help you delete them if you think I will not.” She made it sound like she was giving him the best option but in real sense, she was reminding him who had the upper hand. If he did anything aside from what they agreed, she could have Zeus or Lucy recover every piece of evidence that could be used against him.

This was exactly why as soon as he was done with Natalie, he should get rid of her.

With this in mind, he agreed to her unreasonable term. “That is doable. What else?”

“You will sign everything to me beforehand. I cannot risk you going back on your word once you have what you want since, after all, we are going to pretend we do not have any close relationship.”

“That can be done as soon as possible.”

Natalie sat up straight with a serious expression. “You don’t understand. I need you to write your will right now.”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Include Zaria and Zeus among your beneficiaries, along with an illegitimate grandchild or two. I don’t care if I lose a little to someone I don’t know and Zaria and Zeus will not want anything to do with your dirty money, so everything will belong to me eventually.” She instructed. When Nathaniel hesitated, she asked, “Weren’t you going to leave everything to me? I just want to make sure that’s still the case.”

“Writing a will is not just about putting it down on paper. A lot comes to play.” He made an excuse.

She wasn’t having it. “You can contact a lawyer. We have all the time in the world—as long as you give my phone back and let me tell my boyfriend I’m fine.”

He shrugged in agreement. After all, she would not be able to live long enough to receive any of his inheritance. Besides, the Su conglomerate was a skeleton at the moment, one that Lucy was trying to get some flesh into. It didn’t matter. As long as no one knew what else he owned, Natalie would gain nothing even if she didn’t die.

So he instructed his bodyguards to give Natalie her phone back but only for long enough for her to call Devonte and tell him something came up and she would be back later than planned.

At the same time, he gave his lawyer friend a call and summoned him over.

Enrique arrived within twenty minutes, which was the time it had taken for them to settle everything else. Natalie had agreed to send him all the information she received about the wedding as soon as she got it. She had also promised to send whatever updates were made as soon as she heard of them.

“What’s so urgent that it couldn’t wait?” Enrique asked as he walked in, out of breath from having rushed over.

Natalie stood to welcome in. “It isn’t something bad. On the contrary, it’s a good thing. I am ready to write my will.”

Enrique’s first reaction was to glance at Natalie suspiciously. “Are you sure?”

Nathaniel returned to his seat. “I have never been more certain of anything in my life. I didn’t know what should be done with my estates after I die but I reconnected with my dearest granddaughter and I have reason to believe that she will do justice to my hard work.”

“If that’s the case, I have nothing to say.” He hummed. He was still suspicious. In a voice that only he and Nathaniel could hear, he asked, “are you being coerced?”

“No such thing is happening, my friend. Do I look like I’m doing something I don’t want to?” He laughed Enqique’s concern off.

He insisted of writing his will by hand and Enrique watched it unfold until he was done. He then asked, “do these other grandchildren know that they are beneficiaries to your estate?”

“They don’t know yet.” He gave the sheet of paper to Enrique after signing it. “I would like it to remain that way. In the event of my death, I would like all the listed grandchildren to be present for the will to be read.”

It was still confusing but there was nothing that could be done about it so Enrique nodded. “As you wish.”

“Could you give us a moment?” He asked.

Enrique left, leaving him with Natalie. She was shocked, not having expected him to actually do it. She would have to find out whether the will was legally binding. If it was, Nathaniel was going down.

She knew it was evil of her to consider it but who could blame her? The man had asked her to kill her best friend’s fiancée, after all.

“Do we have a deal?” Nathaniel asked after fulfilling her biggest requirement.

“If you promise that Dawn will be mine as soon as Zaria is six feet underground, yes. We have a deal.” She promised.

“Good. You know what happens when people go back on their word.” He gave a subtle warning.

Since everything was set, Natalie glanced over at the bodyguards who had taken her phone in case she tried to record the conversation. “Can I have my phone back?”

“Go ahead.” He allowed her to take it and showed her out, to keep up the fa?ade of a grandfather and his newly found favorite granddaughter. At the door, he hugged her.

“See you later, Nat.”

“See you soon, grandfather.” She smiled. Then inwardly, she added, see you in hell, Nathaniel Su.

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