The Human Giant

Chapter 97 97: Crystal Nerves Special Quality

Yoze felt the Leopard demon was smart enough to know that a sneak attack from underground had a low chance of working against him. Especially now that he knew that the Leopard demon could launch attacks from the earth.

Scanning the ground for any movements or trembles from the ground, Yoze searched for any clues. Even after he almost reached the ground again, he didn\'t discover any traces of the Leopard demon.

"Maybe the demon is not underground." Jewel also tried her best to look out for the Leopard demon and suddenly said.

Yoze also had the same thought as Jewel but felt that something was off with that theory. For one, the Grand Swamp was flat and held several giant swamps and the earth below the surface was unstable. So there weren\'t many hills or trees that the Leopard demon could use as cover, meaning it would have to go quite far to escape from his sight.

If the Leopard demon was going to travel such a long distance underground it would be better to find the other demons in the Grand Swamp to gang up on him. Instead of giving Yoze a good chance to escape without worrying about being followed.

The wisdom talent that the Leopard demon had also concerned Yoze as he felt that it was more likely to come up with a solution to stopping Yoze from dodging its attacks than trying to find a place to crawl out of. There was also a good chance that the Leopard demon would make its move when he landed compared to when jumping about.

The moment his feet touched the ground Yoze\'s worries were confirmed as he saw the ground beneath him instantly begin to crumble into a giant sinkhole. At the same time, Yoze felt something warm liquid touch the back of his neck making him want to wipe it away with his hands. 

In this dangerous situation, Mindless Legs\' Sticky Steps came into play as his body mindlessly used the falling ground as a sterling stone to jump out of the hole the Leopard demon created. 

As Yoze jumped out he felt a painful sensation as the warm liquid quickly started to dig into his skin. However, due to Yoze having Mindless Legs activate he didn\'t reach out to deal with the warm liquid on the back of his neck until after it had dug itself in.

"What is this?" Yoze placed his hand on the back of his neck and felt a tiny hole in his neck 

"Senior demon, your physical defenses are somewhat lacking." The Leopard demon\'s hoarse voice echoed inside Yoze\'s has sent a cold chill down his spine.

Yoze\'s face fell as he heard the Leopard demon\'s voice coming from inside of his head like a thought. A sudden painful sensation sprouted from his neck as he heard the sound of the Leopard demon chewing on meat coming from inside his head.

"Hahaha, how does it feel to be eaten alive from the inside? Hmmm, what is this?"

"Why do you have so many nerves and some of them are strange? They seemed to have been turned into rocks." 

"Senior demon, you have the strangest body I have ever seen but that won\'t help you survive. Even demons that were older than me have fallen to me and I have eaten them alive! It is too easy to devour another spiritual energy when you are inside them, hahaha!" The Leopard demon\'s cruel laughter rang inside Yoze\'s mind rang like a bell as he felt the painful sensation swiftly turn into numbness.

"The demon\'s inside my body,"  Yoze calmly said to Jewel trying not to cause her to panic.

"Inside your body? How is that possible?" Jewels looked at Yoze with shock before calming down when she remembered that demons could do magical things beyond her comprehension.

"Are you able to deal with it?" Jewel felt that Yoze was too calm for a demon to be inside his body.

"Most likely, " Yoze said simply as he tried to leave the Grand Swamp to be able to focus on dealing with the Leopard demon inside his body. He felt more worried about being ambushed by demons compared to the Leopard demon being inside his body.

After experiencing the Elephant demon\'s spiritual model enter his body to kill Yoze, he had been wanting to experience that type of situation again. He could test his theory if he could copy the talents of the demons that had lost the majority of their spiritual energy 

Even though the situation he was experiencing with the Leopard demon was different since the Elephant demon\'s attack was purely spiritual energy while the Leopard demon seemed to have been able to do the same with both its body and spiritual energy. Instead of feeling panicked Yoze was worried his mind would be dragged into his body to watch the battle that would occur in his body from his spiritual energies causing him and Jewel to be helpless against any ambushes.

"Jewel do you know of a deserted area around here??" Yoze could feel that the Leopard demon was slowing down in eating his bones.

"There is a small valley that has nothing near it. " Knowing the severity of the situation Jewel looked through her memories before pointing Yoze in the direction of a valley that had nothing but rocks.

Yoze immediately followed her directions and arrived at the valley that was outside of the Grand Swamp. He was able to make it to the barren valley before he heard the Leopard demon speak out again 

"Are these nerves or rocks? How could these nerves be so tough!?" The Leopard demon yelled as the frustration and hatred in its voice was crystal clear to Yoze.

The Leopard demon was livid as it was struggling to bite through Yoze\'s Crystal Nerves. It had already bitten through many of Yoze\'s regular nerves which should have paralyzed him.

However, due to Yoze having two different sets of Crystal Nerves he had barely noticed any changes to his movements. This was one of the benefits of having another set of nerves that immortal cultivators and witches enjoyed. 

They didn\'t have to worry about nerve damage with their regular nerves since they had backups. This was applied even more to Yoze as he had both Dead Crystal Nerves from Witches and Crystal Nerves from immortals in addition to his regular nerves. 

He could lose two sets of his nerves and not worry about being paralyzed. Crystal Nerves were what made it possible for humans to become unkillable immortals and allow them to fight against demon spiritual attacks.

One of their special properties is that they were strong and durable. They could even endure the attacks of the Leopard demon for some time showing how powerful these nerves were. With Yoze\'s three types of nerves, all bundled up together made it impossible for the Leopard demon to do significant damage to Yoze in a short period.

Just as he placed Jewel down Yoze noticed that the Leopard demon seemed to have gone mad. It stopped trying to eat through his nerves and bones instead choosing to rush toward the path his Serpent demon\'s spiritual energy flowed.

"If I can\'t eat your nerves and bones then I\'ll devour your spiritual energy before eating your mindless body." The Leopard demon was in a difficult position as its backup escape plan had been cut off.

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