My Ten Wives and Ten Rings in the Apocalypse

Chapter 39 Finding Shelter

Stranded among the desolate streets. Justin prayed in his heart for no beast or zombies. After a couple of minutes, a great rumbling echoed through the sky with a striking lightning.

Justin raised his head slightly and shrank his neck into his shoulder. \'I said I don\'t want a beast or a zombie. I didn\'t mean for rain to fall\' He cried in his heart.

Suddenly, he trembled, coursing the blood coming from his lips to gush out more. \'This can\'t be happening. How can I defend against such dangerous rain?\'

\'I need to move.\'

Justin tried to move his body, but the pain was too much for him to bear. He wanted to cry, but there were no tears in his eyes.

Perhaps what was left was blood.

He exhaled, accepting his fate. Another thunderous sound came from the sky. In a few moments, the sky opened up.

Justin closed his eyes as the rain fell upon his body. At first, a slight groan escaped from his mouth, but gradually the groan lessened and finally stopped.

His fear never came through. The rain was just ordinary rain. The cold rain poured on his body, dripping into his ghastly injuries.

After an unknown period, the rain stopped, and the weather brightened. Justin\'s eyelashes twitched. He opened his eyes slowly. He inhaled the fresh, cold air and checked his surroundings.

Everywhere was damp in water. Only the dripping sound of rain drops echoed in the serene desolate street. But the serenity didn\'t give him any joy or whatsoever.

At once, he waves his hand, but nothing happens. He took a deep breath and stared in a particular direction. Suddenly, under the darkness of the building, two beasts emerge. Their yellow eyes focused on Justin with their teeth coming out of their mouth.

A slight cry came out from one beast in the sky. It could not fold its wing back to its position. They inhaled, sniffing the air. Their eyes glow brightly.


They dashed toward Justin at great speed. Justin\'s heart was racing against the clock. He waves his hand furiously, but nothing happens.

\'Where the fuck is my weapon?\' He cursed in his heart.

But he didn\'t give up. He continued to call his weapon while his gaze never left the incoming danger. When the beast was only a couple of feet from him.

A slight glow appeared on his head and then a circle was created. But this didn\'t give him any joy. The sharp teeth of the beast were only a couple of inches from his body.

Suddenly, a whistling sound came from the opposite building, leaving a yellow trail. Just when the beasts wanted to snap Justin\'s head in two. His weapon arrived.


The enormous force pushed both parties backward, splashing water everywhere. Justin\'s body ached into his body, but he didn\'t care about the pain.

He knew he was up against time. His injuries opening and blood are gushing out, tearing more muscle.

He bit his tongue and controlled his weapon, revolving in front of him. He tried to increase his attacking power. But puke out a lot of blood. His chest moving up and down, gasping for air and his face whiten a lot more.

Suddenly, a cold gust of wind assaulted his face, blowing his damp hair backward. His hair stood straight and his heart missed a beat. Without raising his head, he controlled his weapon in the wind\'s direction.


The rings defended against the sudden attack, forcing him to slide backward, and the golden circle on top of his head shook and dimmed a little. Blood was gushing out from Justin\'s major orifices.

Perhaps not his major orifices. Every orifice in his body. His injuries had relapsed, creating inner ones. His eyes blurred; dizziness assaulted his brain.

He bit his tongue, but the pain wasn\'t enough to clear his dizziness. Quickly, he touches his chest and howls in pain. He blinked his eyes, gasping for air.

Justin raised his head under the extreme pain and looked at the two incoming attacks. He waves his hand and the rings hum slightly, blending with the wind, leaving no traces but the sound of their hum.

Bang! Bang!

The wing panther cried in pain, flying backward crashing into the building. Justin\'s eyelashes twitched, his head moved back and forth. However, his gaze focused on the direction of the wing panthers.

He cried, veins bulging from his forehead, blood flowing out of his eyes. He waves his hand and everything went blank.

The wing panthers roared and were just recovering from the attack, looking at their prey and their eyes turning berserk.

Suddenly, something hit their heads out of nowhere, sending them a couple of meters, crashing deeper into the building and rolling a couple of meters before they stopped.

Blood gushed out of their mouth and they released a muffle sound. Their eyes fixed on one particular before they shut their eyes, never to wake up.

Immediately, they closed their eyes, their skull split in two, and all the innards flowed out.

The two rings hum slightly and fly automatically toward the unconscious Justin. They landed on his palm and released a glow.

Suddenly, two golden threads escaped from the rings and entered Justin\'s tissues. At once, the tissues wriggle like worms and heal themselves.

The glow from the rings dimmed and disappeared, and the two rings disappeared and appeared in Justin\'s arms.


"Drop me and carry him. There is a shelter ahead. We can make it." Merab cried, wriggling herself from Nasir\'s back.

Quickly, Nasir dropped Merab and carried Nika onto his back. The few zombies around didn\'t scare Merab. Though she couldn\'t use her weapon. Her fist will do. Besides, Nasir and Chloe would assist on the side.

After fighting the zombies off, they dragged their exhausted bodies toward the barricades. Merab didn\'t care who created the barricades.

As long as it was human, it\'s fine. Suddenly, a group of men jumped out of their hiding spot. They stared at Merab and the others with cold eyes.

"Are you bitten?" A cold voice asked.

"We are not. And besides, you saw that some of us are injured can\'t you at least help us before you start your interrogation." Merab answered.


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