My Ten Wives and Ten Rings in the Apocalypse

Chapter 88 Taming A Second Circle Beast

"So you decided to join the battle!" Grandpa Philip shouted, rushing toward the zombie.

"Pole smash!"

The attack sends the zombie flying with cracks of bones echoing throughout the battlefield.

When the zombies crashed on the ground, all its ribs shattered into pieces. It was one last time and it was deader than dead.

With the emergence of Mack, the pressure on Grandpa Philip lessened. Quickly, they finished the second zombie.

Ah! Ah!

A couple of miserable cries echoed in the battle and everyone wondered what just happened.

A multitude of huge black birds descended on the battle and changed the balance of the fight.

Under the sharp claws of the Flesh Eating Crows. Many were lifted into the sky and when they arrived at a high altitude; the crow would release them to their death.

The event was too shocking and gruesome. Everyone shivered and became more careful of the aerial beast.

"Shoot them down!" Nika roared while battling a second circle zombie.

At once, those with heavy artillery raised the weapon into the sky. And behold, the rattling sound of bullets echoed in the sky


The Crows cried in anger while their keen fell from the sky. At once, the Crows change their target.

"Incoming!" An old man beside the Humvee shouted.

Sweats dripped from his forehead while he continued to shake as if his life depended on it.

The swarm of Crows covered the men with weapons. Fear gripped their heart but there was no retreat.

The Crows dove, wanting to kill their enemy in a swift motion.

Ahead of the Blood Crows were First and Second Existence. Blocking most of the bullets.

Nevertheless, some bullets still escaped from the shield and took the life of ordinary crows.

"Milan! Get….the...RPG….." The old man shouted.

A young man scrambled to the back of the Humvee and took out the REG.

The Crows were only a couple of feet from swallowing them. Milan dripped in sweat. He steady his and raised the weapon, targeting the leader of the beast.

"Take Cover!"


A whistling sound came from the RPG and the temperature in the surrounding area rose a couple of degrees.

The Second Circle Crows sent an incoming threat and quickly used their wings to cover their body.


A thick red flamed rose in the air and the aftershock sent a couple of crows flying.

When the flames disappeared, the defense team raised their heads. Only to see the second circle crows and other crows that survived were already on them.


Ah! Ah!

A young man cried his last while he burst into smithereens under the heavy assault of the crow\'s beak.

Ah! Ah!

Another man fell to the ground while his chest was torn open and all his innards flowed outside in red and white fluid.

Yet, the heavy sound of the bullets never ceased, and under the heavy assault of the crows, the men were dying every second.

"Rapid Fire!"

A golden arrow flew toward the crows and disappeared. When it appeared again, it had turned into 10 arrows.


The crows screamed and fell on the ground like flies under the arrows.

The defense team breathes a sigh of relief when they realize someone was giving them a helping hand.

On top of the building, blood was sipping from Merab\'s eyes, nose, ear, and mouth. While the golden circle over her head was flickering.

She had overused her ability. But her gaze was firm. She continues to release the arrows, relieving those in extreme danger of their burden.

Suddenly, a young woman appeared confidently in front of a Crow confidently. Albeit, her heart was in her throat, back drenched in cold sweats.

This was a powerful Second Circle beast she was facing without a weapon.

"Here me, Here me now." She shouted.

Two golden circles appeared on her head, a mysterious wind appeared out of nowhere. It swayed her hair.

She opened her two arms wide and looked straight into the crow\'s eyes. A strange rune appeared deep in her eyes and transmitted it to the beast.

The crow screeched and walked toward the young woman. The woman didn\'t fluster. She increased her concentration on the beast.

Everyone looked at the woman with a dumbfounded gaze. Is she crazy!? They thought.

"My will is your command. Listen to my will." She muttered.

Sweats dripped from her body like rain, and a drip of red liquid escaped from the corner of her eyes.

The crow halted for a moment and shook its big head. This caused the young woman to puke out blood.

Her face was pale with frantic berating. She straightened her back and resumed whatever she was doing.

"My will is the will of heaven and earth. And thus, every beast must listen to my command."

The crow didn\'t blink and closed the distance between them. Only a few inches were separating them.

The Second Circle Blood Crow opened its mouth, ready to finish the disturbing maggot.

"Here me! Here me Now! &*&*#$@%%&EH@#" She screamed.

The last word from the young woman was strange language but it affected the beast earth-shaking.

Though everyone was fighting with lives on the line. The unbelievable event happening between the beast and the woman was too shocking not to look at.

What is she going to do?

Her death is assured. Sighed.

Suddenly, the beast took two steps backward and blinked twice. And behold, the beast lowered its head.

What just happened?

Everyone was dumbfounded. They couldn\'t believe what just happened.

Ah! Ah!

Under the shocking event, some lose their lives.

"Hahaha! Do you see that? The beast has surrounded her." Grandpa Philip shouted.

"This battle is for us to win. Kill those mother fucking asshole." He cursed loudly.

Listening to this and seeing the surrounding beast. It renewed the vigor of the people and their morale was sky high.

"Die!" They screamed.

Meanwhile, the young woman inhaled and walked slowly toward the tamed beast. This was Kira.

A couple of kilometers from the battlefield. Inside a tall building. Two people sat around a table and drank wine. A man and a woman.

"What do you think? The beast should have killed them all."


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