My Ten Wives and Ten Rings in the Apocalypse

Chapter 155 Creating The First Array Formation

It was over a day since Genesis ark and set out of the subway station. The ark was running in full capacity as everyone was busied with with their job.

Although some wanted to complain about them not having a moment of rest. Yet, no one dare. And perhaps when they remember how dangerous the situation was.

"Where are we going to stop working our bones out." A young man complained as he trying to lose a bolt.

"That, I don\'t know. But before we can thinking of resting. The ark must be secure enough."

"How can it be secure? This is a train for goodness sake?" Another voice complained.

"The day the king decide it secure enough." A female voice said coldly. "So quite your complain in your heart and get the job done. Also, don\'t let me hear this kind of nonsensical discussion." She added.

Hence, the grumbling in the car disappeared into thin air while everyone looked at the back of the lady. She was Ashley. The chief in charge of the construction.

Although the power structure was a bit loose. Nevertheless, those in charge had an enormous controls over their section. Since no one wanted to earn wrath of their king.

The case of the previous man that wanted to trick the king for free contribution point was still fresh in their heart. Although, he had not been killed but his situation was unknown, leaving the people spread various rumor.

The people went back to their work as the Ark roared in the frosty weather into the unknown destination.

The ark was now 15 cars long, moving at its average speed. Inside a car at the forefront of the ark, three people buried their head in a pile of books.

In front of these three had a book floating in the air. The book was golden with strange marking while these three had strange marking glowing on their forehead.


An alarm sounded in the room, waking the three from their concentration. These three were Justin, Kira and Chloe.


Chloe and Kira let out a deep breath. They rubbed their forehead as they tried to recovered their mental stress.

"I can\'t believe what I\'m reading." Chloe murmured in daze.

"Yeah" Kira nodded.

Since the moment they started studying the book of knowledge, their world view had been shattered. They found many unbelievable thing in the book.

"I think we should stop reading for the time being and digest what we\'ve learn so far and tried to put into practice. " Justin said.

He had a couple of sheets of paper in his filled with various drawing and word. From the book of knowledge, he choose to study Array formation. Chloe was studying Rune Inscription while Kira study Alchemy.

He wanted Chloe to study Forging but her Circle ability was too low to study two field at once. Hence, he decided to find someone else to study it. And he already had someone in mind.

"Yes" Chloe and Kira nodded.

"Yes. I feel like my brain would explode if I continue to study" Chloe added with an anticipating smile on her face as she adjusted her glasses.

"Besides, the more I study it the lesser I got the hang of if. I\'m getting confused." Kira sighed as she shook her head.

A single chapter from the book of knowledge contained a lot of words with that makes their head huts. Besides, their are many concept they\'ve never heard in their life that were being use in the book.

Thus, leading them to pondered a lot while draining their mental sphere. Nevertheless, with the help of heaven\'s mark, the obscure concept began to appeared clearer the more they pondered about it.

"That\'s normal." Justin smiled. "This something that\'s new to us. So, if we try to take everything in one motion. We won\'t understand a thing." He said and wave his hand.

The three sheet of golden paper floating in the air appeared in his hand and he placed it back in the book of knowledge.

"So let begin. Who would go first." He said as he looked at their face.

"I will" Kira said.

Hence, she took a deep breath and began to explain what she\'ve learn in the past couple of hours under the rigorous studying. It must be known, the three only rest for couple of hours before resuming their study. Justin didn\'t need to stop studying as his mental capability was way ahead of the two.

While also, as the king of Genesis, his talent and comprehension had risen from earth standard to another realm entirely. No earthly genius could compare to him. Thus, he comprehend the array formation quickly.

"That is the summary of what I\'ve learn so far" Kira said in a low as she gave Justin a glance.

"My Goodness!" Chloe exclaimed with mouth ajar. She stared widely at her, not believing her ear.

\'Well done\' Kira heard Justin voice in her heard and beautiful smile appeared on her face but she hide it quickly.

Chloe didn\'t catch the slight smile on Kira face as she was flabbergasted by her Kira comprehension. She thought her ability -- Enhance brain would gave her the lead in studying the book of knowledge but it seem she was wrong.

Everything that she recited was about beast part and plants. The usefulness and more. But what shocked her the most was their were thousand of beast an plant that she recited with their characteristic.

Unknown to her, Kira wouldn\'t have been able to perform this feet if not for her soul link with Justin. Since Justin talent had been upgraded, both her and Susan share a portion of it.

After calming down her troubled heart. Chloe took a deep breath and explain everything she understand on Rune inscription.

Listen to Chloe using so many concept that was not dimmed possible through earth technology. Kira brain was turning as she tried understand. After a couple of second of trying, she sighed and decided not listen anymore.

It took Chloe 30 minute to complete her summary, leaving her mouth dry.

"Well done!" Justin said calmly.

"You\'re a freak!" Kira added not trying to hide her shock.

Watching their expression, a proud smile appeared on Chloe\'s face. At least I\'m not bad. She thought.

Thus, after a couple of second, the two ladies looked at a certain direction. It was Justin face.

Seeing this, a slight chuckle escape from his mouth. He stood from his seat and stretched his body.

"Follow me" he said.

Kira and Chloe looked at each other face and saw the confusion and shock on each other face. Swallowing the lumps on their throat they rush after him.

"Do we still have beast part" Justin asked along the way.

"Yes." Chloe asked her heart was pounding.

"Which Circle"

"We have both first - third circle but the second and third circle isn\'t much as the first circle."

"That\'s enough"

Everyone that meet Justin on the way gave him a deep bow and pave way for him. Thus, they reach the car dedicated forging. It one of the newly added car.

Entering the car, a group of men were sweating under the heavy furnace heat. Hence, if not for the deadly frost covering the train. The heat would have destroy the car.

"Your Highness." A young man exclaimed as he bowed.

At once, everyone inside the car bow instantly as they wondered why the king would appeared in the forging department.

Justin bother to look at them as he waves his hand to dismiss them. He turned to Chloe and began to give her a series of order.

Quickly, Chloe got the material and began to forge an unknown object. Meanwhile, everyone inside the car was curious about was going on. But their wide eyes fixed on Chloe, waiting.

After a couple of minute, Chloe was drenched in sweats as her lose closed stick to her small body. She exhaled a sigh of relief as she complete the forging.

"I forge eight pieces of each Circle of the beasts. I guess you will need it." She said with a smile and wipe the sweats from her face.

"Well done. I\'ll surely need it." Justin gave her a light smile.

He received the circular disk that was created with both beast bones and metal ore. He looked at the car for a couple of moment before he decided to do it there.

"Let go." He said and departed.

Back inside his room which had obviously turn to their study room. Chloe and Kira looked in anticipation. They have already guess what he wanted to do but they didn\'t dare believe.

How is that possible? They screamed as their eyes shines brightly.

Justin held the First Circle disk and inject his power into the disk. The disk trembled for moment and stopped. Seeing this, a sigh of escape from his mouth.

After he had injected his power into four disk. Hence, he began to set the four disk into four different angle. His heart was racing but he didn\'t let it show on his face.

He condensed his power at the tip of his finger and made strange marking at the center of the four disk.

The marking glowed a bit before it disappeared. The last step, he move to special out of the four and inject his power into it


At once, a sudden vibration came out of the four disk follow by purple light. Afterward, the purple light got bigger and the four disk shattered, creating a deafening sound.


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