My Ten Wives and Ten Rings in the Apocalypse

Chapter 232 Mack -- Azazel

It is a demon, with dark wings that stretch out behind him like a cloak of shadows.

Additionally, the wings are long and sleek, and they seem to ripple like black silk with every movement.

The demon\'s eyes are deep and piercing, a yellowish-red color that glows with an inner fire. They survey the battlefield with a cold and calculating gaze, taking in every detail with a keen sense of awareness.

Besides, his skin was black as coal, with jagged lines etched across his face and body.

He stands tall, with broad shoulders and a muscular build that exudes power and strength.

Subsequently, his hair was long and wild, black as midnight, and it dances in the wind that stirs the battlefield.

Besides, the demon was a fearsome sight to behold, and yet, there is something undeniably alluring about him.

His presence is magnetic, drawing the eye and commanding attention. His long wings cast a shadow over them that seems to stretch for miles.

Meanwhile, as he moves forward, the army of the undead follows, marching in lockstep behind him.

The ground beneath their feet trembles with every step, and the air is thick with the stench of death and decay. They leave a trail of destruction in their wake, turning everything in their path into a dead land filled with dread and an evil atmosphere.

Just then, the demon halted in his movement and creased his brow, turning his head to look in a particular direction, feeling the changes in the earth\'s otherworldly presence.

Additionally, his deep yellowish-red eyes shine brightly as if trying to pry into the secret of the universe.


\'Who could have expected this…\'

An enchanting smile crept up to his face as his lips curled a bit, making the gloomy darkness around him extremely beautiful.

\'Since you\'re the first human to take this path…hmm… let me give you a welcoming gift.\'

With that thought, from the demon\'s forehead, a dark shadow began to take shape, coalescing into the form of a bat.

The bat was sleek and black as midnight, with leathery wings that stretched out to either side.

Its eyes glinted with an eerie red light, and its movements were swift and sure.

Additionally, with a sudden burst of energy, the bat launched itself into the air, soaring high above the battlefield.

Moreover, its wings beat with a powerful rhythm, carrying it swiftly away from the demon and toward the horizon.

As it flew, the bat seemed to pulse with a strange energy, a dark aura that surrounded it like a shroud. Its movements were fluid and graceful as if it were dancing on the air currents that carried it forward.

Just then, in an instant, the bat vanished from sight, diving down toward the ground below. It moved with incredible speed, streaking towards the earth like a comet.

As it neared the ground, the bat\'s shape seemed to blur and shift, until it was no longer visible to the eye.

And yet, its presence lingered in the air, a dark and ominous feeling that filled the space where it had been just moments before.

"Until we meet," said the demon as the bright smile on his face increased.

\'I thought conquering this world would be boring. Who would have expected to meet such an interesting life form.\'



Justin furrowed and stood from his seat abruptly and looked outside the ark, staring into the darkness. His face was ashen.

\'This can\'t be right.\'

As a star realm existence, he was privy to some secret of the world. Previously, the city was calm and only the continuous growling of the beast echoed inside the city.

But now, an unknown entity is racing toward the city at an extreme speed.

Besides, if this was an ordinary entity, it won\'t have caused him to be worried.

But now, an extremely evil sentience was coming to their location.

Feeling the evil entity getting closer to their location, Justin\'s heart pounded in his chest, the adrenaline coursing through his veins as he felt the approaching evil entity drawing nearer and nearer.

He couldn\'t see it, but he could feel its malevolent presence, like a cold, clammy hand gripping his throat.


He took a deep breath and shook the uneasiness from his heart. \'What will come, will come. Let prepared to welcome it.\'

With that thought, a golden glow appeared on his forehead. It was the heavenly mark.

At once, he could sense the presence of everyone inside the ark and those outside the ark. He creased his brow and spread his power further, going deep into the city.

"Where is Susan" Merab and Grandpa Philip heard Justin\'s voice inside their head and they jumped back in trepidation.

They widened their eyes as their heart skipped a bit. They turned their head to look at the surroundings, trying to find the source of the voice.

"You don\'t have to search for me, I\'m not around. Just tell me where Susan is and besides, I can\'t feel Mark\'s heavenly mark." Justin\'s voice echoed inside their head.

Taking a deep breath, Merab swallowed the lump in her throat as she recounted everything that happened to Justin.

Hearing this, Justin wasn\'t surprised but his intuition was telling him the evil entity that was coming because of Mack.

Moreover, he knew his intuition had never been wrong, thus he needed to make a quick decision.

\'I can\'t let evil meet him.\' He decided decisively.

Meanwhile, in front of Susan in another part of the city. An earthshaking transformation was happening to Mack and she was hypnotized by the scene.

He felt a searing pain shoot through his body as if every cell were being ripped apart.

His mind was consumed by a darkness that he had never felt before, and he could hear the demons laughing and jeering inside his head.

And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the pain subsided.

Mack looked down at his hands and saw that they were no longer his own.

They were twisted, gnarled, and covered in scales.

He looked up and saw that two massive horns had sprouted from his forehead, curving upward like the horns of a bull.

Additionally, his eyes had turned red, glowing with an otherworldly fire.

As he stumbled to his feet, he realized that he was no longer the man he had been.

He was something else entirely – something evil, something terrifying.

He reveled in the feeling, relishing the power that coursed through his veins.

With a laugh that echoed through the city, he knew that his transformation was complete.

He was no longer Mark – he was something else entirely. Something dark, something powerful, something to be feared.

"I\'m no longer Mark. I\'m Azazel— The destroyer." Mark or rather Azazel roared in ecstasy as his deep yellow eyes fixed on Susan.

Meanwhile, when Susan felt the dangerous gaze from Azazel, she woke up from her trance with her jaw dropped.

\'How could this be?!\'

"Kill him immediately!" Just when Susan was trying to wrap her head around Mack\'s transformation, she heard Justin\'s urgent voice inside her head.

She blinked her eyes twice and wanted to know what was going on. However, Justin\'s urgent voice didn\'t give her the chance.

Thus, she threw the useless thought out of her mind and prepared to attack Mark with her strongest strike.

"Do it now!"

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