My Ten Wives and Ten Rings in the Apocalypse

Chapter 251 Finally... The impending danger has arrive

Chapter 251 Finally... The impending danger has arrive

Under the bright expanse of the open sky, a long train thundered across the desolate city ruins.

Its metallic body gleamed in the sunlight, a sleek and powerful force hurtling through the abandoned remnants of what was once a bustling urban landscape.

The train\'s wheels clacked rhythmically against the rails, the sound echoing like a determined heartbeat amid the haunting silence.

As the train moved at its top speed, the wind rushed through its open windows and swept through the broken buildings that lined the tracks.

Papers and debris danced in its wake, briefly giving life to the ghostly streets before they settled back into their eerie stillness.

The train\'s headlights pierced the gloom that clung to the ruins, illuminating the decaying facades and shattered glass with an ethereal glow.

Above, the sky stretched out like an endless canvas, a brilliant blue expanse that seemed to promise hope and a fresh start.

The sun bathed the scene in a golden light, casting long shadows that stretched across the cracked pavement.

It was a momentary reprieve, a fleeting illusion of normalcy amidst the desolation.

But then, as if a shroud was being drawn over the land, a sudden transformation occurred.

The bright sky, once a symbol of possibility, darkened with a swift and unsettling shift.

Ominous clouds gathered on the horizon, their edges tinged with an eerie shade of purple that seemed to seep into the atmosphere.

The very air grew heavy with a sense of impending doom.

As the train continued to speed through the ruined cityscape, the once-clear skies succumbed to the encroaching darkness.

The sun\'s radiant rays were obscured, and the world below was plunged into an unsettling twilight.

The buildings that had stood as solemn witnesses to the passage of time now cast long, distorted shadows that seemed to writhe and contort.

"What\'s going on?" Chloe asked with a slight frown on her face.

The entire ark was thrown into darkness, and fear gripped the heart of everyone.

Inside the conference, everyone sat with a pensive gaze looking at one another.

Since the departure of Justin, they\'d chosen not to discuss the matter relating to the leadership of the ark.

"What do you think is going on?" Nika turned to look at Kira.

Even though they chose not to talk about the leadership of the ship, everyone knew that Kira was the leader after Justin.

Her influence was only second to Justin\'s, and no one came close to her.

Hearing Nika\'s question, Kira turned her gaze to him and thought for a moment before responding.

"I don\'t have the answer to the question in everyone\'s mind... but what I know is this isn\'t looking good for us," she began, her voice getting solemn with each word.

"Let me tell you this..." She paused and looked at the faces of everyone in the room.

"I don\'t know what lies ahead of us... but let me be frank with you guys. It won\'t be easy."

"Justin sensed an impending danger for us all and chose to fight head-on. But I think the unavoidable is always unavoidable."

"If my gut feeling is right now, the darkness Justin presumed is right over us..."

"This is beyond whatever everyone here has ever faced before."

Hearing that the impending danger was way more dangerous than anything they had ever faced previously, their hearts skipped a beat, and they all exchanged glances.

Now, they could begin to feel the absence of Justin.

When Justin was around, no matter the condition, their unwavering trust in him to get them out of any precarious situation gave them the courage to face danger head-on.

But now...

"My Queen..." A panicked female voice came from the P.A.

Hearing the sudden voice of the announcer, everyone inside the conference exchanged glances, their deepest fears etched on their faces.


Susan and Kira disappeared from their seats at once, moving toward the ark\'s control center.

"What happened?" Kira asked with a calm voice.

"T-This..." A man stuttered, pointing to the eerie darkness in front of them.

Kira and Susan turned their gaze from the woman and looked in the direction of the man\'s finger.

Standing in front of the ark were hundreds of thousands of Undead soldiers, a relentless and macabre assembly that seemed to materialize from the very shadows themselves.

Their forms were shrouded in tattered remnants of armor, their gaunt faces twisted into grotesque masks of decay.

Hollow eye sockets glowed with an otherworldly malevolence, burning with an unsettling fire that bore witness to a darkness that had long consumed their souls.

As the train hurtled forward, its thunderous approach a stark contrast to the eerie silence of the Undead, the soldiers marched with an unrelenting determination.

Their movements were synchronized, as if controlled by some malevolent force that drove them onward, regardless of their own twisted desires or memories from a past long gone.

The train\'s headlights pierced the obsidian gloom, casting an unholy illumination upon the advancing army.

The Undead soldiers seemed almost indifferent to the blinding light, their relentless march undeterred.

The rhythmic pounding of their footsteps against the train tracks created a haunting cadence, a funeral dirge that echoed through the air, seemingly conducting the symphony of death.

Their spectral presence was tangible, the atmosphere around them drenched in a miasma of decay and malevolence.

The air grew thick with a tangible sense of dread, the stench of death itself carried on an unnatural wind that seemed to whisper tales of ancient atrocities.

For a couple of seconds, the controller was thrown into sudden silence.

"Red Alert!" Kira shouted, recovering from her initial shock and fear.

"Y-Yes, your majesty," a man answered with trembling fear.


A red blaring light flashed throughout the ark, leaving no section untouched.

"Raise the shield to full power," Kira gave another command.

"All men to their stations immediately," her voice resounded throughout the ark.

"Prepare for battle."

At once, everyone knew their situation was direr than they had imagined.

"Susan..." Kira turned to look at her.

"Don\'t worry, sister. I know what to do," she responded as calmly as she could and left the control room.

Looking at the sea of undead army, Kira prayed in her heart.

\'Justin... I pray your will will see us through this dangerous times...\'

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