The villain's side of the novel

Chapter 181 The Towering Shadow

A few days earlier, Fray, Elisa, Norman, Adam, Montaser, and even Lester stood on the precipice of a treacherous cliff, their gazes fixed upon the formidable obstacle that loomed before them. Stretching as far as the eye could see, a massive ice formation sprawled out—a labyrinth of towering spires and jagged crevices, a frozen wasteland of perilous proportions.

The sight of the ice formation was nothing short of mesmerizing, a testament to the raw power of the creature responsible for its creation. Bitter winds swept through the narrow gaps, creating an eerie symphony that echoed through the air. The ice itself possessed an otherworldly strength, surpassing even the sturdiest steel and dwarfing the grandest mountains.

This colossal ice formation presented an insurmountable problem for the group, rendering crossing or destroying it an impossible task. Their path forward seemed completely blocked, trapping them on the edge of the cliff.

Peering over the precipice, the group surveyed the path they were about to embark upon, only to be greeted by a chilling sight that sent shivers down their spines. A vast horde of monsters, numbering in the tens of thousands, roamed the frozen wasteland directly obstructing their way. Their pale, gaunt forms contrasted starkly against the white landscape, a haunting presence that sent a wave of unease through the group.

Fray, his body tense and his mind focused, meticulously scanned the scene, seeking a solution to this seemingly insurmountable obstacle. The silence was broken by Norman, his voice laden with practicality.

"We cannot afford to engage this horde head-on," Norman stated, his tone brimming with pragmatism. "Such a confrontation would drain us of valuable time and resources, with no guarantee of victory. We must explore alternative paths."

Montaser interjected, his voice tinged with caution. "But circumventing the horde would require a significant detour, likely costing us more than a week. Time is a luxury we cannot spare."

Elisa, her expression as indifferent as ever, chimed in with her perspective. "Moreover, even if we manage to find another route, there is no guarantee we won\'t encounter another group of equal or greater size. It is a risk we must consider."

Fray turned his attention to Lester, recognizing his expertise in dungeon conquests. "Lester, what are your thoughts? Should we search for an alternate path or attempt to face this horde head-on?"

Lester\'s eyes narrowed, his brows furrowing as he contemplated the available options. "I agree with Norman. Our primary concern should be the preservation of our fighters, especially at this early stage of the mission. It would be wiser to circumvent the horde."

Fray then turned to Adam, aware of the game-changing potential of his teleportation magic. "Adam, what are your abilities? Can you aid us in bypassing this horde?"

Adam\'s voice carried a hint of regret. "As you all know, I cannot open a portal to a place I have not been before. Teleporting the entire group across is not feasible. However, I can venture ahead and reach the other side much faster. Once I have secured a safe path, I can teleport the group to join me."

Montaser weighed in, acknowledging the risks involved but acknowledging the absence of better alternatives. "This plan comes with its own risks, but it appears we have no other choice."

Elisa nodded in agreement, her gaze fixed on the horizon. "I concur. Given the circumstances, this is our safest option."

Norman and Lester echoed their support, aligning with the group\'s consensus. Fray, considering their decision and recognizing the absence of superior alternatives, declared, "Then it is settled. We shall proceed with Adam\'s plan."

With the plan set, Adam bid the group farewell and set off into the frozen wilderness, disappearing amidst the snowy expanse. The remaining members huddled together, making camp at their current location, eagerly awaiting the moment when Adam\'s portal would open. The snowstorm raged around them, adding an additional layer of complexity to their already arduous journey. The frozen sea before them appeared treacherous, its icy surface shimmering with hidden perils.

However, on the second day following Adam\'s departure, a massive earthquake shook the ground beneath them, reverberating through the air and jolting the group from their uneasy respite.

As Fray and the assembled knights stood on the cliff\'s edge, their gazes fixed upon the snowy landscape, a sense of foreboding settled over the frozen sea. Steadily falling snowflakes created a hazy curtain, obscuring the world in a shroud of white. The relentless wind howled through the icy terrain, carrying a bone-chilling cold that cut through layers of clothing.

Suddenly, a ripple of change surged through the air, drawing their attention to a disturbance on the distant horizon. Like a ripple in a tranquil pond, the gusts of snow parted for a moment, unveiling a sight that left the group breathless.

With a deafening roar, the ground beneath them trembled, and a colossal shape materialized in the distance. A shadowy tower emerged from the snowy landscape, defying comprehension with its monstrous form. The air itself seemed to quiver in its presence, and Fray could feel the weight of its power bearing down upon them.

"What... What is that? It\'s immense!" a gasp escaped a knights lips, his voice filled with awe and disbelief.

Norman\'s eyes widened, his voice filled with incredulity. "Is that... the dungeon\'s boss? It\'s colossal!"

Rosalind, one of Lester\'s knights, trembled with fear. "How can we possibly fight something of this magnitude?"

As the towering figure ascended, it absorbed the surrounding darkness, morphing into an entity of shadows and malice. Snowflakes whipped around it, swirling in a chaotic dance as if even the elements themselves stood in awe of its presence.

Lester\'s heart pounded in his chest, fear and terror coursing through his veins. He sensed the immense power radiating from the monstrous being, causing a shiver to run down his spine.

The wind intensified, a piercing howl that echoed through the icy landscape. Amidst the ferocious gusts, a deep, guttural growl erupted from the monstrous entity, reverberating through the air like thunder. It was a sound that sent chills down their spines, a warning of the peril that awaited them.

Montaser\'s voice, tinged with a cold yet worried tone, broke the silence. "This... This won\'t be an easy battle."

As the group exchanged glances, a sense of camaraderie and resilience filled the air. They were prepared to face the monstrous challenge ahead, to conquer the seemingly insurmountable, and to fight with every fiber of their being.

In the face of the towering shadow, the blizzard continued its relentless assault. Fray strained his eyes, peering through the swirling snowflakes, hoping for a clearer view of the monolithic creature. And then, as if in response to his silent plea, a change occurred.

Deep within the creature\'s form, two piercing lights flickered into existence. Glowing with an icy blue hue, they pierced through the storm with an ethereal brilliance, fixing their gaze directly upon the group.

"It... It sees us!" a trembling voice erupted from one of the knights, his words laced with a mixture of fear and awe.

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