Bloodline Evolution System: Reign of the Dragon Snake

Chapter 416 Calamity or Redemption?

Chapter 416 Calamity or Redemption?

"Greetings, General Eleana."

"Greetings, General Eleana."

"Greetings, General Eleana."

Immediately everyone standing around started greeting the harpy.

The harpy, however, stood still. She paid no heed to anything else. Her attention was only on the exit of the training grounds.

During this past lunar cycle, she had completely recovered. Not just that, but she also managed to make progress in her fate magic.

And that was precisely why… she knew what was going to happen today…

"Eh? What is with her?" Selena leaned and started nagging Jin Nuhen who threw her a glare and continued standing silently.

He as well had the same question, but he didn\'t dare ask her and simply waited. The group of snakes just like this remained silent for a long time.

They waited for several minutes, but nothing really happened.

A few more minutes passed by and all of a sudden a loud explosion sounded in the distance.


The entire palace shook.

Eleana\'s eyes widened in shock. When she had divined that something significant was going to happen, she had assumed that it would be her master\'s return from training.

But what if it was…

A fearful thought arose in her mind.

Her figure blurred and she moved, reaching the entrance of the palace in a couple of seconds. At that time, another quake spread, creating more tremors on the ground.


All the snakes as well rushed out and stood beside her, including Jin Nuhen and Selena.

Every single one of them halted in their tracks and stood frozen, unable to take a single step forward.

They stared with their mouth agape at the frightening scene in front of them.

The barrier was shaking.

There was a visible barrier that appeared around the grand palace and it trembled.

Banging against it violently was the terror that was every single of their nightmares, the dragon.

It flapped its huge silver wings that now had thick black veins and snorted, looking down at the measly beings sprawled in front of it.

The dragon\'s slit-like eyes haughtily scanned everyone, coming back to land at the harpy as Eleana was currently the strongest prey, standing in the midst of the snakes.

The dragon looked directly at her and snorted again, banging onto the barrier one more time.

Eleana was speechless. "This… This… How is this possible?"

"Master said…"

Others dumbly turned towards her, equally petrified. None of them could believe what was happening.


A huge shock wave assaulted their faces, reminding them that everything was very real and their impending doom was right at their doorstep.

Further confirming their ominous thoughts and negative feelings, the dragon raised its head up and roared loudly.




The beast violently thrashed against the barrier. It repeatedly kept hammering at the same spot as if it was really determined to make its words come true at all costs.

No one even dared to doubt if it was simply putting on a show.

The barrier had held strong until now. Countless beings had tried and it hadn\'t crumbled but now, this dragon boasted that it was about to ruin their holy temple.

And yet… its words struck fear in everyone\'s hearts.

Every time it lashed its huge body against the flimsy barrier, everyone\'s heart sank further and further.

Eleana tried to brave herself, find some courage to say a few words to others and ease their worries but she also couldn\'t bring herself to do that.

She as well shuddered at every move the dragon made.

"My divination… is it really going to come true?" She clenched the robe she was wearing and crumpled it nervously.

The moment that she had long awaited but now feared was also nearing closer and closer. Something was definitely going to happen. That she was sure of it.

But whether it would be their death or salvation? No one knew.

Eleana panted. She tried to divine again. She did not know what else to do. Only her master stood a chance against the monstrosity.

Beings like her would end up as a mere snack for the damned dragon. So what could she possibly do?

Seconds dragged on and soon the time was here.

Eleana gasped. The others might now know but she knew. Everything was going to be over soon, one way or the other.

It was impossible for her divination to go wrong, especially when she was predicting something seconds away.

The dragon loudly bellowed and came down again, but this time it was not pushed back. Instead, something broke.



The barrier around the palace shattered like a glass vase and dispersed into spots of radiant energy.

Ahhh! Ahhhh! Screams echoed from the several snakes gathered around as they now stood face to face with the most dangerous being they had ever laid eyes on.

However, not all of them screamed.

Eleana, Jin Nuhen, and Selena, all three of them stood straight. They were afraid before but the moment the barrier cracked, they felt a weird strength.

They were ready to face whatever was coming at them.

A strange vigor pulsed in their bodies and their blood was boiling. Even they themselves could not fathom why they were feeling so courageous.

At that moment, the dragon sneered and everyone could see the joy in its eyes. It thoroughly enjoyed terrorizing the weak.

Its malevolent eyes snickered at the grand palace that had stood in its way all this while. It was an unreachable treasure that had taunted it every single day.

For a proud beast like itself, this was humiliation, a slap on the face.

And finally, it had managed to conquer it!

Now, it was the true King of this island, the only Ruler and Emperor!

As for the inconsequential snake that had taunted it… a cold glint flashed past the dragon\'s eyes as it glanced at the entrance to the palace.

It was going to take its time…

That snake had dared to feed on its eggs right in front of it?

The dragon roared loudly and declared. "I WILL FEED YOUR BODY TO MY NINE GENERATIONS!"

It snorted coldly and dived in to plunder and destroy the palace.

The grand palace that had stood tall for countless centuries was going to be finally destroyed! And it was with its own hands!

The dragon arrogantly flapped its wings, sending out waves of torrential winds at the insects standing in front of it.

They were not worth its attention and it ignored them completely, going for the main crown jewel.

However… just as it dived in again… this time without any barrier to stop it… fully intending to demolish everything in sight…


Unexpectedly, once again its body was hurled back.

The dragon trembled as it felt the full impact on its body. It hadn\'t placed any defensive spell on itself because it had already shattered the barrier.

However, that didn\'t seem to be the case?

There was still something that prevented it from entering the grand palace?

Just what the hell was happening?

It\'s sharp eyes looked down to see all the insects as well standing still as if the attack it had sent to them was also ineffective.

Why were they all still alive?

Why were they not blown away and squashed?

Just as its mind blankly tried to comprehend the things in front of it, a giggle sounded, followed by a burst of loud laughter.

"Ba ha ha ha!"

"Ba ha ha ha!"

"You foolish bat!

"Did you really think breaking the barrier was so easy?"

The dragon trembled and its slit-like eyes darted up to look at the impossible scenario that was unfolding right in front of it.

The barrier that it had successfully broken into a million pieces was somehow reformed and it glowed splendidly just like it always had for centuries and centuries.

And with this thin flimsy looking albeit unbreakable barrier in between them, a huge pitch black snake with veins of red spread all over its body slithered.

The snake was enormously thick and hundreds of feet long. It was a monster, its size almost twice that of the dragon.

The fear inducing coils danced mid air as a certain snake\'s long forked tongue flickered in and out, giggling in pure amusement.

"It was all an illusion, you dimwit."

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