Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 67 The Four Portals To Hope

"They\'re here." Puma muttered, glancing behind him as he focused on the soldier\'s raging cry outside.

"Indeed they are." Gudan said with a grin, "Puma, I can handle things from here, we don\'t wanna keep old Vlad waiting".

Puma groaned, "You\'re right, I\'ll be off then, but do not go overboard for any reason." He said before vanishing into a puff of smoke.

Sato and Yuri stood there as they observed the whole thing, neither of them feeling overwhelmed even though the situation was not looking in their favor.

Gudan on the other hand was bursting with joy at the very thought of him being the one with the upper hand.

He looked around him and made a sad expression at the sight of Luke and Gigz\'s bodies lying dead on the ground.

"Ahhh, what a sad sight, both father and son, dead. Son wants power and is ready to sacrifice anything and the father is too stupid to tell who the real enemy is." Gudan uttered, placing his hand on his head while nodding in grief.

"You know, for your ghost, you sure talk too much, aren\'t you supposed to be spooky, silent, or something." Sato chimed in just when Gudan was about to say another thing.

Gudan paused, with his palm still laying over his face, he peeked through the tiny spaces where his fingers didn\'t cover and focused on Sato.

"You are? If you interrupted me so casually then I want to believe you are some kind of big shot, \'cause if not… you\'re dead." Gudan asserted with a huge boom of wind gushing from his feet.

"Wow, and here I thought Divanchi had a power complex, you take being weak to a whole other level." Yuri butted in with a sigh and her hand on her waist.

"Another strong woman, interesting." Gudan said he looked to the side and noticed that the loud cries of his troops had gone silent.

"What in the hell are they doing?!" Gudan yelled frustratingly, he turned his back on Sato and Yuri and wanted to go check.

After taking one step, Gudan paused in shock when he suddenly found Yuri in front of him.

She was on all four with only her left hand above the ground and holding a long blue sword.

With a grin on Yuri\'s face, she sliced the sword at Gudan but he was fast to dodge the attack.

He leaped away from both Yuri and Sato and touched down on the left side of the arena.

Looking at Sato, he couldn\'t help but feel frustrated when he saw how calm Sato was.

"What did you do?" Gudan asked, desperately trying to hold the anger he was feeling in.

Sato smiled, "Let\'s just say, I left a little present for your troops." He replied.

Outside the arena, where about 500 different species were gathered, was being blocked by large glowing portals.

The arena was located a few distances away from Vlad\'s mansion, so it was easy for Sato to guess that was where they were headed.

The troops were filled with vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and even other races, like some beast people and lizard men.

But even with their numbers, they were still hesitant to walk past the four large portals that were positioned right in the middle of them and the arena.

At the back center of the troop\'s formation, was a particular commander, Limf, the head of the ghost division, and the rest of the troops.

He was sitting on a horse and surrounded by about 30 different spearmen who were all ghosts.

"What\'s the damn hold up! Get a move on already!" Limf yelled at the top of his voice.

"Leader!" A vampire holding a long sword voiced out from the side.

Limf turned his attention to the vampire, "What\'s the problem?!" He yelled.

"The front lines have encountered four large portals blocking our path to the arena." The vampire reported.

His eyes are dimmed black and from the way he spoke, it was easy for anyone to tell the vampire has no life in him.

"Portals?!" Limf questioned.

"Yes sir, it appears so." The vampire responded.

"Ahrgh! Out of my way!" Limf shouted in anger and leaped down from the horseback he was on.

As soon as he landed on the ground, Limf began walking to the front line, stomping his way through the masses till he got there.

After a while of shouting and shoving, Limf managed to get to the front and got a good view of the massive portals.

"What in Odin\'s name is going on here?" Limf muttered aggressively as the sight began making him worried.

"We have no idea sir, it just showed up out of nowhere." A werewolf reported.

Limf stared inside the portal for a while, giving it his full concentration to see if he could see where the portal led to.

As he was staring at the portal attentively, he fell to the ground, startled when a small hand stuck out of one of the portals.

The remaining soldiers pulled out their weapons and immediately took a defensive stance.

"Ohhhh, look Latina, it worked."

"Awesome, see I told you you could do it, Lord Sato did well to give the power to you."

"Ahhhhhh, I wanna go in…"

"No wait, Jiro!".


Jiro, one of the youngest male elves in Sato\'s village, jumped out of the portal with a bow and arrow in his hands.

His arrival left the troops speechless as they stared with their jaws dropped.

"It\'s a young elf." Limf muttered, standing to his feet with a yet surprised look on his face.

"Who are you calling young?! I\'m the 2nd boss of the guards I\'ll have you know!" Jiro replied loudly.

"Shut up."

A manly voice came from the other side of the portal before Duke and Giron stepped out of it.

Right after them, from the remaining portals came other elves and beast people, each one wielding a weapon of their own.

"Ghost, Vampires, werewolves, and the likes, I\'ll kindly ask you to put down your weapons and retreat…if not … death awaits every last one of you," Duke said with a scary look in his eyes as she spun his scythe.

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