Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!


"GLENN, where\'s His Majesty?"

Glenn smiled awkwardly and scratched his cheek. "I apologize but His Majesty isn\'t available right now, Duke Quinzel."

Duke Rufus Quinzel turned to the mountain of paper works on the desk, then he gave him a look of pity. "It seems like you won\'t be able to sleep tonight, Glenn."

He just laughed as a confirmation.

Right now, he was in Emperor Nikolai\'s office. Since His Majesty suddenly disappeared when he hadn\'t finished his paper work yet, it was his duty to do it for the emperor. It wasn\'t like it happened often.

Tonight was just a special night.

Ever since His Majesty ascended the throne, Lord Yule would always summon him during the last night of the Moon Festival. That was when he began helping the emperor with his paper work during that occasion.

Aside from being the Vice-commander of the White Lion Knights, he was also a higher noble. And since he was chosen to be His Majesty\'s personal knight, he received almost the same education as the emperor. In short, he was capable of doing his paper work for him if he absolutely needed to.

Of course, he received permission from the emperor to do so.

"Ah, tonight is the last night of the Moon Festival," Duke Quinzel said. "His Majesty was summoned by Lord Yule, wasn\'t he?"

It was an open secret among the closest friends and aides of His Majesty so there was no reason for him to hide it from the duke.

"Yes. His Majesty was summoned by Lord Yule," he told the duke. "Princess Neoma was summoned along with His Majesty."

He was behind the emperor when His Majesty "caught" Princess Neoma.

Then, the two royals were enveloped in familiar divine energy before disappearing.

He wasn\'t the only one who witnessed that event. The young chef, Trevor, and Lewis Crevan also saw that happen. It seemed like Trevor and Lewis Crevan realized that His Majesty and Her Royal Highness were summoned. Nevertheless, they still turned Yule Palace upside-down while looking for the royal princess.

"I hope Lord Yule meets Prince Nero as well," Duke Quinzel said. "I wonder if His Royal Highness wasn\'t summoned because he\'s with my daughter."

He nodded in agreement. "Speaking of the young lady, are you here to ask for His Majesty\'s permission to send her abroad?"

The duke nodded. "I want to send Hanna to the country of Gonora," he said in a very serious tone. "To be precise, I want my daughter to receive education from Uncle Garrett and his wife Lady Sabrina Oriella."

His eyes widened in shock. "Duke Quinzel, that will make His Majesty angry."

He smiled sadly. "I know, Glenn. I know."

Garrett Quinzel was the uncle of Duke Rufus Quinzel and former Commander Gavin. And Garrett Quinzel was also the person who helped Lady Mona Roseheart and Commander Gavin run away from His Majesty.

During the deadly match between Emperor Nikolai and Commander Gavin, the emperor almost killed the former commander. But Garrett Quinzel came and attacked His Majesty to save his nephew. Then, he helped Commander Gavin escape the palace with Lady Mona Roseheart.

Garrett Quinzel was caught but His Majesty was refrained by his advisors from killing him.

"Garrett Quinzel is a well-beloved public figure, and he\'s also known as one of the best war heroes of our empire," Glenn said carefully. "For that reason, His Majesty exiled Garrett Quinzel to an allied country with his family instead of killing him."

Lady Sabrina Oriella, Garrett Quinzel\'s wife, was a noble from Gonora. Thus, their family was exiled to that country.

"But that doesn\'t mean that His Majesty has already forgiven Garrett Quinzel," he continued. "Lady Hanna is the top candidate to become the future Crown Princess. I\'m pretty sure that His Majesty won\'t allow you to send the young lady to Gonora, Your Grace."

"But Uncle Garrett is the only person who can help Hanna to control her shadow technique," Duke Rufus Quinzel said. "If I have to grovel before His Majesty, I will do it for the sake of my one and only daughter."

He didn\'t want to see Duke Rufus Quinzel grovel before His Majesty for the sake of House Quinzel again.

Although he was the emperor\'s personal knight, he was also a friend to the duke. Duke Quinzel wasn\'t aware of what was going on between Commander Gavin and Lady Mona Roseheart in the past. After all, the duke only wanted a quiet life with his wife and daughter. And yet, he was the one who begged His Majesty to protect his family.

Poor Rufus.

"Duke Quinzel, I think you should ask for Princess Neoma\'s help," Glenn advised his friend. "I\'m sure that Her Royal Highness will also do everything to save Lady Hanna."


NEOMA was pissed as soon as she "woke up."

She knew that there was a gap in her memory when she found herself lying on the sofa with her head on Nero\'s lap. Plus, the divine energy that lingered in the room was familiar to her.

"Did Lord Yule visit you, Nero?" Neoma asked her twin brother, then she got up. "I\'m sure that he did."

After all, Nero was the real Crown Prince.

There was no way that Yule wouldn\'t meet her twin brother after the Moon God summoned her and her Papa Boss.

"I had a short conversation with Yule," Nero admitted. "He just asked me if I wanted to become the next emperor or not."


She didn\'t like the fact that Yule questioned if Nero wanted to be the next emperor or not. Because that question implied that Nero\'s position as the future emperor wasn\'t written in the stars yet.

"What did you tell him, Nero?"

"I will become the next emperor," he said firmly. "Neoma, I\'m the one who\'s going to ascend the throne."

"`Kay," she said casually, then she gave him a thumbs up. "I\'ll become a rich duchess who leeches off of her twin brother then."

He smiled but he still looked serious. "Neoma, are you sure that you really don\'t want to be the first empress of the empire? I will change the law for you."

"Oh, please don\'t do that," she whined. "I sincerely want to live a leisure life, Nero. So please be the next emperor and just dote on me forever."

His smile finally looked more relaxed now than a while ago. "I can dote on you forever?"

"Well, in moderation."

He laughed softly, then ruffled her hair gently. "Should we use another room?"


He pointed a finger at the bed. "Yule brought that thing there."

She followed the direction that Nero pointed, and she almost choked on her saliva when she saw Emperor Nikolai sleeping on the bed. "Nero, that\'s our father."

"Yeah," he said nonchalantly. "That thing has been sleeping there for half an hour now."

She gently whacked her twin brother\'s head. He looked surprised, but he didn\'t look like he was hurt. After all, both their bodies were as strong as steel anyway. "Nero, I know that Papa Boss treated us poorly in the past. But he\'s slowly changing, you know? He used to be a scumbag, but now he\'s promoted to being a sub-human. If we give him more time, I think he\'ll become a decent human soon."

"His Majesty tried to kill you in the past, Neoma."

"And I haven\'t forgotten that," she said firmly. "But I won\'t also allow that to cloud my judgment. Papa Boss is really trying to be better, Nero. I haven\'t cursed at him for years, you know? That speaks volume."

"Do you want me to give His Majesty a chance to be a father to us?"

"We\'re not exactly little angels, Nero," she said. "I\'m not defending Papa Boss because he was really a scumbag in the past. We treated him the way he treated us. But now that he\'s trying hard to treat us better, shouldn\'t we also do the same?"

He fell silent for a while, then he nodded. "Alright, I will try to see His Majesty as a father instead of merely the emperor."

"Good boy," she said, then she touched Nero\'s face. She couldn\'t help but see her baby brother as a cute little puppy. But Nero would definitely get upset if she referred to him as her "baby brother" because he was older than her for a few minutes, so she\'d just keep it to herself. "We don\'t have to have a good father-children relationship with Papa Boss, but let\'s at least have respect among the three of us."

He nodded, then he leaned into her touch. "If you say so, Neoma."

She smiled and gently pinched his cheek. "Let\'s sleep."


"On the same bed as Papa Boss, of course."


She laughed at how horrified Nero look. "Come on," she said, then she stood up and pulled him up. "Papa Boss is in pain. If we sleep in another room, who would look after him?"

"His Majesty\'s Soul Beasts are with him."

She just laughed again. "Nero, let\'s be good children for once."

Nero let out a deep sigh while shaking his head. "His Majesty should be grateful that you have a good heart, Neoma."

"I don\'t have a good heart," Neoma denied with a laugh. "Let\'s just say that I know how to use my cards well."


NIKOLAI\'s consciousness came back when the pain inside him subsided.

That was when he began to be aware of his surroundings.

First, he was certain that his Soul Beasts were asleep inside him.

Second, he wasn\'t in his room. The texture of the sheets and the scent of the room were different.

Third, something small and soft was stuck on his side.

And it smelled like his children.

No, it can\'t be…

He immediately opened his eyes and got up.

When he turned to his side, he was shocked to see Neoma sleeping (and snoring) beside him. And on the other side of Neoma, Nero was lying on his side while giving him a dire look.


That damned god sent him to his children\'s room!

"Good evening," Nero greeted him dryly. "You\'re still alive?"

That was a greeting he expected from his son.

"Unfortunately for you, I\'m still alive," Nikolai said. Yule put him in pain by giving him back some of his painful memories with Mona. The next time he met that stupid god, he\'d get his revenge. "I should leave now."

"Just go back to sleep," he said. "Neoma is hell-bent on looking after you. But since my sister is already asleep, I\'ll keep an eye on you in her stead."

"I haven\'t fallen that low yet to be taken care of my own children."

"Say that to Neoma when she wakes up," his son said. "But I won\'t allow you to leave this room."

He scoffed at that. "Who are you to–"

"Don\'t be stubborn, Father."

He froze in shock when he heard what Nero just called him.

"As I thought, this is awkward," Nero said, then he buried his face on Neoma\'s shoulder as if he was embarrassed. "But whether you like it or not, I\'m going to start calling you that way from now on, Father."

Ah, he wasn\'t imagining it.

His son really called him \'Father.\'

He didn\'t know that hearing Nero call him that way instead of \'His Majesty\' would make him feel warm in the chest.

When Mona disappeared from his life, he thought that the only thing left in his heart was hate. Even when he saw his children for the first time, he didn\'t feel anything special towards them.

But when they grew up and began spending time with him, everything had also begun to change.

Especially something within him.

"I don\'t hate it," Nikolai said softly. "I\'m fine being called \'Papa Boss\' by Neoma, and \'Father\' by you, Nero."


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