A Demon's Journey

Chapter 630 Finding Out About JRA And Long Chen’s Motives

Chapter 630 Finding Out About JRA And Long Chen\'s Motives

After a night of passionate escapades that stretched into the early hours, William finally pulled himself away from Ren Yue\'s chambers.

With a grin on his face, he departed from the mansion accompanied by his wives. The lingering satisfaction from the night\'s endeavours energized him for the challenges that awaited.

The trio set out, and William couldn\'t help but ponder about Long Chen\'s intentions.

As they moved northward, William\'s sharp senses, honed by years of experience, were on the lookout for Long Chen\'s distinctive aura signature.

He was confident that if Long Chen was within his range, he\'d find him sooner or later.

Their journey led them to the troubled north of Zhongxing Kingdom, where the presence of the Thunderous Echoing Dominion God\'s clone stirred unrest.

Oddly, the clone wasn\'t wreaking havoc in the typical sense.

No destruction ensued in its wake.

Instead, the clone was orchestrating a more insidious plan – the strengthening of its own religion, \'The Order of the Eternal Rhythm.\'

Rather than wielding destructive force, the clone employed subtle psychological tactics, drawing followers with promises of eternal harmony and rhythm.

The people of Zhongxing Kingdom, unaware of the hidden dangers, were gradually swayed by these tactics.

The strategy, though not overtly destructive, was proving to be more perilous for the kingdom as a whole.

William observed these events with a discerning eye, realizing the threat lay not in the immediate chaos but in the sowing of blind faith.

The citizens were being drawn into a web of allegiance, and it was evident that more followers were being added to the Thunderous Echoing Dominion God\'s cult-like following.

As William moved through the cities, the influence of \'The Order of the Eternal Rhythm\' was palpable.

The people, captivated by the promises of a utopian existence, fell deeper into the grasp of the Thunderous Echoing Dominion God\'s influence.

It was a subtle conquest, one that used belief as its weapon.

With a smirk, William couldn\'t help but appreciate the cunning approach. After all, conquering minds often proved more effective than conquering lands.

In the bustling city of Jinling, William and his wives, strolled through the crowded streets. The air buzzed with tension as news of the Thunderous Echoing Dominion God\'s clone spread like wildfire.

A local fruit vendor, wiping sweat from his forehead, glanced at William and commented, "You folks from the south must\'ve heard about the chaos. Things have gone haywire since that godly clone appeared. The gangs are fightin\' like mad dogs."

William, intrigued, leaned against the fruit stall, "Mad dogs, you say? Any idea why they\'re fighting so fiercely?"

The vendor shrugged, "It\'s more than just gangs now. There\'s this group, the Jorailian Resistance Association, or JRA, stirring the pot. They aim to bring back the Jorailian Kingdom. Crazy, right?"

Anny chimed in, "Jorailian Resistance Association? Sounds like a handful. Anyone know who\'s leading them?"

The vendor scratched his head, "Nah, mate. They\'re like ghosts. No one\'s seen their leaders. But folks say they\'re the remnants of the Jorailian Kingdom loyalists."

As they continued their stroll, the group reached the city square, where a heated discussion was underway.

A local blacksmith, hammering away at a piece of metal, shared his thoughts, "The Royal Family\'s doin\' its best, but the JRA\'s causin\' more trouble. They\'re rebels, trying to resurrect the Jorailian Kingdom."

William, feigning ignorance, asked, "Jorailian Kingdom? I thought it was history."

The blacksmith nodded, "Aye, it was split into Zhongxing and Qishan Kingdoms ages ago. But these Jorailians want it back. They\'re cunning, working from the shadows."

Amused, William remarked, "Sounds like a plot from a bad novel. Reminds me of the intrigue in those old tales."

His wife, Regina, smirked, "Well, we\'re living it now, aren\'t we?"

As they reached the outskirts of the city, William pulled out his Voice Transmission Array Stone. The small, crystalline device gleamed in his hand as he initiated contact with one of the higher-ups from the SIS branch in the Zhongxing Kingdom.

After a moment of connection, a familiar voice echoed through the magical stone, "Sir William, what can we do for you today?"

William leaned against a nearby wall, a faint grin on his face. "I need the latest on the Jorailian Resistance Association, JRA. Anything you\'ve got, spill it."

His SIS contact, Agent Wallace, began sharing the juicy details. "We\'ve been tracking their movements. Recently, there were meetings between the JRA leaders and envoys of \'The Order of the Eternal Rhythm\' Religion. Seems like an alliance of sorts."

Intrigued, William raised an eyebrow. "Religion and rebellion – a classic combo. Who are the brains behind the JRA, Wallace?"

Agent Wallace hesitated for a moment. "The JRA\'s main figurehead is known – the sole survivor of the Jorailian Kingdom\'s Royal Family, Ninth Princess Hong Mei. As for the other leaders, they\'re still elusive."

William nodded thoughtfully. "Hong Mei, huh? Keep digging for more details. Now, any news on Long Chen?"

Agent Wallace took a moment, presumably consulting the latest intelligence reports. "He\'s in a town called Fengshui City, currently residing there."

William\'s eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "Fengshui City, huh? Thanks, Wallace. Keep me posted."

With a flick of his wrist, William ended the transmission and turned to his wives. "We\'ve got our next destination – Fengshui City, where Long Chen is currently holding the fort. Let\'s pay him a visit and see what\'s cooking."

After a brisk journey that lasted only a few days, William, Anny, Vivi, and Regina reached Fengshui City. The city\'s atmosphere was tainted by the subtle unrest caused by the presence of the Thunderous Echoing Dominion God\'s clone. Yet, amidst the chaos, William\'s sharp senses picked up on Long Chen\'s distinctive aura.

Navigating through the bustling streets, William found himself standing before an inn. It didn\'t take a genius to guess that this was the hub of Long Chen\'s activities. His wives exchanged glances with a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

The inn, a modest establishment with a quaint charm, held an air of normalcy that contrasted sharply with the upheaval outside. William pushed open the creaking door, revealing a common area adorned with simple wooden furniture and a hearth flickering with warmth.

Instead of approaching, William and his wives decided to keep a discreet distance. Their intention wasn\'t to initiate a meeting but to observe Long Chen\'s actions and unravel the threads of his current plans.

Days rolled by as William shadowed Long Chen, and gradually, a clearer picture emerged. Long Chen was closely monitoring a woman named Zhan Xinyi, one of the subordinates of the Third Prince. She had become entangled with the followers of \'The Order of the Eternal Rhythm.\'

The narrative woven by the Order of the Eternal Rhythm proclaimed the appearance of their god, promising to fulfil the desires of devoted followers. Zhan Xinyi, swayed by this narrative, had become a fervent devotee.

Intrigued by this development, William turned to Agent Wallace for more information on Zhan Xinyi. The SIS agent took an entire day to delve into her background and unearthed the story.

"Zhan Xinyi is the younger sister of Zhan Kun, the former overlord of the Grey Fang Gang. However, he was discreetly assassinated, leading to the dissolution of the gang by their rivals, the Green Snake Gang. The Green Snake Gang, with a formidable Six Star Rank warrior in its ranks, proved too powerful for Zhan Xinyi to confront directly. Now, she is on a journey, seeking someone capable of exacting vengeance. Most recently, she left the Third Prince of Zhongxing\'s faction in favour of the Order of the Eternal Rhythm."

Armed with this knowledge, William had a sly smirk on his face as a devilish plan formed in his head.

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