Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 126 - Everything Will Be Okay

The door to her office had hardly closed before Lena began to vent all of the anger that she was falling. Knowing that there wasn\'t much that he could do, Leo stood quietly while he let her vent until he knew that he could ask her questions to get her back on to the right track.

"This is precisely why I told father I was against this whole thing in the first place!" She snapped at no one in particular. She hated being in a position where there wasn\'t much that she could about what was going on.

"I know, but you know things aren\'t quite the same as they were before." Leo replied softly causing Lena to turn and look at him with a look that said she didn\'t think that he knew what she was talking about.

"For one you have the means to protect him and two, it\'s not likely he\'s completely defenseless himself. I have seen the way that Clarice has been training him. He may not quite be to your level when it comes to being able to defend himself, but I\'m sure he can do a fairly good job."

"If I had the means to protect him then this type of situation wouldn\'t have happened in the first place. I didn\'t even know he had left before Clive told me he wasn\'t in his room and he saw my phone." Lena refuted. Nothing felt different to her right now. She knew that was probably the same way that her father had felt so many years ago. It was an almost suffocating feeling that she was battling to control and to make matters worse her father wasn\'t even there at the moment to help direct things.

She wanted to be able to go out herself and see what had happened, but she knew that it wouldn\'t be allowed. Clive had sent Romeo to check the situation out first to make sure that it wasn\'t a trap set. They couldn\'t afford to let anything happen to the princess because they didn\'t take the appropriate measures regardless of how she felt and what she wanted to do.

"You can\'t control the fact that there were pieces you didn\'t know about, That isn\'t your fault. Sure I know you and father have been looking into a few things around Sam, but you had no idea it was something as big as this. That is on his mother for not even telling her own family where she came from." Leo reasoned. He didn\'t quite know what to do himself as he felt rather out of the loop having only heard part of what was going.

"Let\'s think about a plan first. Hester and Clive already seemed like they were doing what they could to help out. You know that they are both efficient at what they do. Since we don\'t know what this Jovani\'s intention is for kidnapping Sam, let\'s not think the worse yet. Did his mother give any clues as to why he would want Sam?" Lena had to take a few deep breaths to came herself before she was able to get her mind to function to give a proper answer to the question.

"She mentioned that there was a bet between him and another cousin, a Marcus who I think I know." Lena replied.

"She doesn\'t know what kind of bet it was though or why it involved him."

"Perhaps there\'s something that has been going on within their family that they want him to be involved in?" Leo suggested even though he know that it sounded like a weak excuse at least.

"I don\'t know. His mother isn\'t directly in line to take over if anything happened to the head of the family." She explained as she took a seat on the sofa. She knew that it hadn\'t been that long since everything happened, but each minute that passed by felt like a century which felt like it was far too long to not be able to do anything.

If everything did work out and they managed to get Samuel back safely, she might really follow through on the threat of keeping him under lock and key so nothing like this could happen ever again. Rationally she knew that it wasn\'t the best way to fix the future, but it was the only thing that she could think about in her current state of mind.

"Let me call uncle. He might know a few things since he mostly dealt with the groups on the boarder of our territory and worked on connections. Perhaps he knows something that could help us get some idea." Leo told her as he pulled his phone. Even though they were hours away he was certain that both is father and uncle were trying to wrap things up so that they could come back sooner. This was a family emergency after all.

While Leo was on the phone trying to get a hold of Julian, there was a knock on the door that was followed by Clive entered shortly after. Lena looked at him expectantly.

"Romeo has checked the situation out. The car is missing and Samuel\'s phone was left behind along with Jeff\'s. We can try to track the car but there\'s no guarantee that it would actually lead us to them. It\'s most likely that they ditched it somewhere along the way to wherever they were heading. Without Samuel having his phone, it\'s not possible to track him by that means." Clive explained.

"There was only one bullet shell at the scene which means that it\'s highly likely that the only person who had been shut during the altercation was Jeff. There\'s no evidence that any additional rounds have been fired off. What course of action do you want us to take next?" Lena closed her eyes as she tried to think.

"See if you can track the car. There\'s someone else that I am going to call in and see if they might be useful for this. Hester is very good at what he does, but I think that some additional support would help us to get better answers soon." Lena replied as she grabbed her own phone.

"I will let Hester know and update Romeo."

"Thank you." the princess replied as she dialed a number on her phone that hadn\'t been added to her contacts yet.

"I\'m not sure who this is, but it\'s too early on the weekend to be calling." The voice on the other end of the phone sounded groggy like they had just woken up. Lena could hardly care though.

"Genson, if you want to make some extra money then I suggest that you forget it is the weekend and come to the address I will be texting you as quickly as possible." The princess told him, hanging up the phone before he had a chance to reply. She knew that he would be willing to come if there was a chance for extra money involved.

Perhaps Genson could prove himself useful with this track record. She couldn\'t imagine that there were many mafia families that he hadn\'t been commissioned by or worked with over the years. After all he didn\'t really care who he worked with as long as they were willing to pay him the right price.

"Julian says he knows who Jovani is." Leo told Lena as soon as he was off the phone with their uncle.

"He\'s not sure exactly where he\'s staying or where their territory exactly is, but he\'s apparently one of the guys he just had a dinner meeting with last week." Lena perked up when she heard this.

"What does he want with Samuel then if he\'s working on trying to create connections with the family through other channels?" She asked more rhetorically than to her brother.

"Perhaps because there is really something that they need him for? Without knowing the history of his family and knowing how everything is being run- it\'s hard to tell though." Leo said as he got to texting some of his own contact.

Lena took a deep breath and went over to her desk. She needed to smoke for a minute. It wasn\'t the best option at hand, but it would help to at least even out the adrenaline she was dealing with.

"We\'ll get this taken care of, okay? I know it feels like it\'s really bad right now, but I\'m sure that everything will work out if we approach it from the right direction." Leo tried to assure her as he put his phone back. Her face told him that she didn\'t believe for a second as she inhaled deeply after lighting the pipe.

She didn\'t even know what she was supposed to do about the engagement party that was coming up in a week and a half still. Too much commotion right now would lead to another problem she didn\'t have the mental capacity to deal with. She could let her father handle it when he came back. Right now, she was just focused on trying to figure out where Samuel was located.

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