On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

Chapter 66 Departure (4)

"You seem a little bit surprised, Velucan," Ilschevar states calmly.

"Ah, yes... This subordinate of yours was just slightly overwhelmed by the magnitude of the mission, my Liege."

You don\'t need to see Velucan\'s face to know that he is frowning; you can feel it from his tone. I, too, can\'t help frowning. Just like what Velucan said, the magnitude of the mission has become bigger due to the territory we are going to conquer.

In the two months I have spent my time being educated by Valeria, although not too detailed, she has taught me about the existing Kingdoms and Empires I need to know. Therefore, I know a little bit about Brontes Dukedom.

Brontes Dukedom is the second biggest territory in Antares Kingdom after the lands of the Royalty, which takes up nearly a fifth of the entire Kingdom\'s territory. It is also heavily guarded by the Kingdom\'s army, so it is a fairly safe territory.

To conquer Brontes Dukedom, no matter how capable all of the personnels are, bringing only 300 people are not enough.

If Velucan decided to bring more personnels however, the mission would no longer be a Conquest Mission. It would become an invasion, and thus would ignite another war, which is something undesirable.

If things come to that, rather than earning experience, I will lose my life earlier than I should. Though for different reasons, both Velucan and I don\'t want that to happen, so we look at Ilschevar weirdly.

"There is no need to look at me that way..." Ilschevar waves his hand nonchalantly with a smile. "I haven\'t finished my explanation yet."

"If it is really in your wish, my Liege... I won\'t question your order, and bring more personnels with me." Velucan bows respectfully.

"Pardon me for causing this easily avoidable misunderstanding." Ilschevar smiles wryly. "The territory you are going to conquer is the other Brontes Dukedom."

"Oh! So that\'s the case..."

Velucan and I have the same reaction upon hearing Ilschevar\'s words. Although I didn\'t say anything out loud, we did say the exact same words.

Brontes Dukedom is the second biggest territory in Antares Kingdom after the lands of the Royalty. In actuality however, Brontes Dukedom is not located in only one place; due to some reasons, it is located in two different places.

While the main territory is still close to the heart of the Kingdom, the second half of the Dukedom is located on the outskirts of the Kingdom. It is only as big as a third of the main territory, and is not heavily guarded.

This is the territory Ilschevar is talking about, which means, this is the territory we are going to conquer. Considering our military power, it shouldn\'t be too hard to take it down, which in other words, it will be a good experience for me.

Still, I can\'t help wondering about the aftermath of the conquest. Even though the Dukedom is on the outskirt of Antares Kingdom, it is still a part of the Kingdom; there is no way the Kingdom will just let it slide.

"Your mission is not only to conquer the territory, but also take the life of Duke Brontes, who happens to be there currently," Ilschevar says seriously. "I will give you a time limit of 2 months to accomplish it."

He pauses to look at Velucan\'s expression before smiling faintly. "Use that time well to not only conquer the territory, but also isolate it. I hope our people will already be able to live there by the time you return."

"I shall not disappoint you, my Liege." Velucan lowers his head respectfully.

In the end, I still can\'t figure out how we will prevent the Kingdom\'s intervention, but judging from how calm Ilschevar about it, I believe we don\'t have to worry about it.

I believe it has something to do with isolating the Dukedom, which I am sure is to prevent the intervention of the Kingdom. I don\'t know how we will do it, but I am inclined to believe this has something to do with a certain Spell.

Velucan stands up then turns around to gaze at us. "We will be departing in two hours. Go pack your stuffs!"

"Understood, General!"

Without even minding their rank anymore, all of the qualified soldiers that are going to the Conquest Mission leave the vicinity to get what they need. I don\'t know what I should get and since there is no one minding me, I am left there standing alone.

Looking around, I find there are no other people than me, Ilschevar, and Valeria. All of them have apparently gone inside the Barracks—even Velucan has disappeared into thin air by the time I know it.

Shrugging lightly at that, I walk toward Valeria and stop just a few inches in front of her. We stare at each other silently from behind our mask for a couple of seconds, until Valeria decides to open her mouth first.

"What is your impression of your first day in the army?"

"Rowdy and chaotic."

"That, unfortunately, is nowhere near chaotic."

"This is weird, but I can already picture how much chaotic those bastards can be."

Valeria smiles lightly. "Velucan is a great, if not overly enthusiastic, General. His Legions are known as the most unruly Legions, but no one will be daring enough to call them weak. You will do well with them."

"Is it because of the fear of getting pounded by the whole Legions?" I quirk my eyebrow.

"No, that is not the case. They are competent warriors ... Though their attitude is something that needs to be worked on." Valeria faintly sighs. "Nonetheless, I do hope you will grow stronger faster with them."

"Shouldn\'t you normally say, \'I hope you will learn many things from them,\' at times like this?"

"You have learned everything you need to learn from Millonia." Valeria pats my shoulder. "It won\'t be so different living with them—you won\'t learn anything different from them."


I don\'t know how I should react. I do think that it is a good thing that my life with them won\'t be so different with how I live my life with Millonia—I am already used to it—but to think that I will have to live with 298 Millonias is a bit overwhelming.

The craziness that I have already got used to aside, I don\'t want to think about how chaotic our everyday life will be if 298 peopke who have Millonia\'s craziness stay together for a quite long time.

Added by the fact that VeIucan is also a little bit "off the norm," I, as the only sane person there, will suffer a great deal to keep my sanity. Still, I won\'t complain since my life is apparently guaranteed.

"One thing that I need to remind you is the possibility of you encountering a Hero," Valeria says seriously. "You shouldn\'t be too far away from Velucan, since he won\'t be able to protect you when you encounter one."

"Will a Hero even come to such a rural place?"

"Considering whose territory you are going to go to, it is highly probable." Valeria nods her head.

The owner of Brontes Dukedom is Duke Niles Brontes, whose daughter was held hostage here two months ago. She was the blonde girl who I strangled to death because of her resemblance to Brianna.

She was originally a mere political hostage that was meant to be used as a bargaining chip for one of the legendary Holy Relics that is in Niles\' possession.

She wasn\'t meant to be killed, but I, who didn\'t know anything about it, killed her due to my anger. In result, now I am paying the price for what I have impulsively done that day.

Niles has been bitching around when he heard the news of his sole daughter\'s death, and it is already time to shut him up. I don\'t need Valeria to tell me about it—I know I have to take Niles\' head myself.

His hatred toward Demons is now several levels above everyone, and he has too much influence to be let alive. He is bound to be a trouble if he is left alone, so killing him when there is a chance is a wise decision.

"You don\'t have to worry too much, Layland." Mistaking my musing with something else, Valeria caresses my shoulder comfortingly. "You maybe weak now, but it won\'t stay that way forever."

Valeria takes her blind mask off, prompting me to do the same. Completely ignoring Ilschevar\'s presence afterwards, we look into each other\'s eyes deeply.

"The Heroes are strong for what they are given, but you... You have come this far solely thanks to your own effort. You are not weak—they are just stronger. You don\'t have to feel low, because you are better than them."

"I know..." I hold Valeria\'s hand that is on my shoulder. "I am not the same whiny brat you met two months ago anymore after all. I have learned how to appreciate myself ... Sometimes, even too much."

Valeria smiles then looks at me hesitantly. I quirk my eyebrow in curiosity at that, meanwhile Ilschevar suddenly has a coughing fit.

Just when I am about to turn my head to Ilschevar to ask what his deal is, Valeria holds my head then kisses me right in the lips—something she never does even once.

I am motionless for a few seconds due to my shock, but I can immediately return the gesture afterwards.

Ilschevar is still having a coughing fit when we let go of our kiss a few seconds after, but then we realize that he is like that because Velucan is not far away behind me.

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