On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

Chapter 69 Journey (2)

"So, as I say, you might feel uncomfortable since you were initially a human, but you don\'t have to force yourself to do what we do. When you can\'t handle it, just say it to the others—they will understand."

"... I will keep that in mind."

I look at Vibiane, who has been explaining things to me with her eyes shining brightly, and put my hand up when she is about to speak again.

"That is enough. I don\'t need anymore in-depth explanation about how cruel we can treat humans." I sigh lightly. "I get that you are very excited about it, but I have already got the information I wanted to hear."

"Huh? No, I am not really ecstatic about playing with humans." Vibiane shakes her head faintly. "I was just excited for being able to explain things to someone that has willingly asked me about something!"

"Right... You are this kind of person," I mutter in realization. "What are you and people\'s willingness anyway? Have you been forcing people to ask you something for all this time?"

"No, no, no! It\'s not that." Vibiane waves her hands frantically. "It\'s just that... I have never had someone that comes to me because they find me reliable. All of them have either been redirected to me or forced to come to me."

I scoff unintentionally. "Figures."

"That\'s cold?!"

Shrugging my shoulders lightly, I turn my attention to Velucan who has re-entered the room after going to somewhere nobody knows. He has a completely serious look on his face, and I am sure he is about to announce our departure.

As he stands in the middle of the room, everyone\'s attention is immediately planted on him. He silently gazes over the crowd—specifically the 298 selected warriors—for a few seconds, before opening his mouth.

"Warriors! I am sure you already know what I am about to tell you."

Everyone nods their head.

"I am sure you have heard it so many times, you have already got bored of it."

Everyone nods once again, much to my surprise.

"Even so, I still need to give you this speech before we depart. It\'s our tradition!"

At this point, many people click their tongue, but Velucan doesn\'t even bat an eyelash at that.

"You might hate it now, but I can assure you, when you die, you will miss this speech of mine dearly."

\'Well, if I was given a choice, I would rather hear your speech than die,\' I muse. \'The thing is, why do you have to compare your speech with death? Are you that self-aware?\'

I am a little bit surprised at how open the warriors are showing their indifference toward Velucan\'s speech, which he hasn\'t even started yet, but now I understand why they are so annoyed at the speech or Velucan specifically.

Velucan himself doesn\'t even bother to scold his subordinates for openly refusing to hear his speech, because I think he is aware that his speech is annoying. He has even stated it earlier

Despite so, he really enjoys giving his corny speech; he is so into it, he almost moves my heart. Still, I can totally feel for his subordinates. After all, hearing such a corny speech from Velucan for so many times must have not been easy.

I have just heard it now, but I have already cringed twice for the last 30 seconds. Therefore, I choose to do something else that is more beneficial than hearing Velucan\'s speech: recalling the informations I have got from Vibiane.

In Conquest Missions, the Demon King\'s Army usually just kills every humans occupying the territory that is being conquered, while giving as little damage possible to the territory.

Since the territory will become the home for the citizens of Verniculos Kingdom in the future, that is done to minimize the budget for rebuilding the territory to suit the Monsters that will live there—Demons live in the main territory of Verniculos Kingdom.

Just like human Kingdoms, Demon Kingdoms, too, struggle financially. The only difference is, they can make easy money by raiding some random human territories.

Still, keeping as little damage as possible is preferable. Ilschevar wants to avoid conflict with humans when it is possible.

Demons, after all, are the enemy of every race in this world, so it is better to avoid unnecessary wars that will only tighten the tie in our hands.

Anyway, that is what the other Legions of the Demon King\'s Army do in Conquest Missions. For the Legions that are under Velucan\'s lead, they don\'t care about conquering the territory at all.

They are more interested in fighting the people guarding the territory, so they will wait for the defenders to get out first, before killing all of them outside the territory.

This always ends up attracting the attention of the people whose attention they don\'t want to attract (the Kingdom), but they have alyaws achieved a magnificent triumph and never done any damage to the territory they have conquered.

This is what has caused everyone to deem Velucan\'s Legions as the most unruly but the most effective. All of them have an insurmountable lust for blood, but still have enough mind to keep the mission as their priority.

Moving on, after the territory is conquered, Velucan will then cast a wide-scale Sealing Spell that will separate the territory from the rest of the world. It is done to turn the territory into a part of Verniculos Kingdom easier.

As for the humans that don\'t manage to escape the territory or have decided to remain there, they will end up as playthings for the warriors that have accomplished their duty.

That is the part where Vibiane got so excited to explain, and needless to say, whatever the unfortunate humans experience, they will never forget it even after they die.

After recalling every information that I have got, I turn my attention to Velucan once again. From the looks of it, he is about to finish his speech soon.

"... So now, it is time for us to grab that victory." Velucan stares at us. "I believe in you, my warriors. You are, after all, the chosen individuals that are destined to accompany me in my glorious path."

Clap! Clap!

The speech has finally ended. The crowd clap half-heartedly, meanwhile Velucan bows his head humbly, showing how proud he is with his speech.

I kind of pity him for his obliviousness toward his subordinates\' reaction, so I clap my hands a little bit louder than the others.

Clap! Clap!

"As expected of General Velucan, your speech is as profound as ever!"

... At least, I think that I am the only one who claps my hands loudly.

Vibiane, who is standing beside me, is clapping her hand so loud, the sound basically fills the entire Barrack. She is even shedding genuine tears, and that makes me wonder whether she is extremely kind or just stupid.

I get that Velucan\'s speech is kind of awesome, but for her, someone who has heard it hundreds of times, to react that way... There is no way that she is not dumb; her reaction is too genuine to look fabricated.

"Kuhum! I am glad that you always find my speech inspiring, but you still have to keep it down." Velucan laughs as he glances at Vibiane.

\'Don\'t laugh, narcissistic bastard! Look at your other subordinates—they are trying their best to not spit on the ground!\'

"Anyway, line up, everyone!" Velucan stops laughing and turns serious. "It\'s time to depart."

Feeling glad that things have finally got serious, I immediately join the others who are lining up in front of Velucan. Vibiane is following right behind me, clearly showing her intention to stand in line beside me.

Vibiane does what I have expected her to do, but her bright smile makes it hard for me to shoo her away, so I just let her do what she wants. Paying attention to Velucan once again, I see him turn to the left as he extends his hand.


I briefly hear a static in the air, and feel a slight Mana disturbance, but Velucan\'s next instruction doesn\'t allow me to mind about it too much.

"Warriors, on your left!"

The warriors orderly turn to the left, and thanks to my good reflex, I can easily follow them. Much to my bewilderment however, Vibiane can\'t follow the others despite the time she has spent in the army.

\'I think that\'s why no one wants to willingly line up beside you. Even I, a newbie, am now concerned about my well-being in the battlefield for having someone as clumsy as you beside me!\'

I gaze at the back of Vibiane\'s head coldly. I only move my gaze from Vibiane to the door in front of us, which has appeared out of nowhere, the moment she shivers slightly.

As I plant my gaze on the door, I can see it connecting the Barrack to somewhere I don\'t know.

The place is filled with green and lush grass however, so I believe the place around it is habitable. That means, it is not in a dangerous territory.


With Velucan in lead, all of us step inside the Teleportation Gate in the next moment.

It is not my first time passing a Teleportation Gate, but I am still surprised by the different atmosphere that greets me on the other side ... I mean, it\'s the exact opposite from what I have expected.

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