On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

Chapter 88 Obstacles

Velucan, my supposed 10 feet tall Garou caretaker has just come out of a house while holding two human bodies by their head.

I have many questions—such as why he is there—but I hold myself back from asking. There is still a much more important thing I need to focus on, and that is to get out of my predicament—to survive the Golden Hounds chasing my ass.

"Get rid of these bastards!" I exclaim.

"That\'s easy!" Velucan flicks his fingers, and I immediately feel a wind pass by.


I hear a loud explosion behind me in the next moment, and the shockwave propels me forward, allowing me to reach Velucan faster than I should have.

I blink my eyes at how quick I have got out of my predicament, then turn around to look at what has happened.

"Hmmm..." I hum to myself as I see what Velucan has done.

Instead of seeing the pack of Golden Hounds, I see a 40 feet wide crater on the ground. The ground is completely charred black, and I can\'t find any remain of the Golden Hounds that had been chasing my ass for the past minutes.

"Impressive." I nod my head in amazement.

Velucan has just obliterated, at least, 15 Golden Hounds in one go with a single Spell. I don\'t even know what Spell he has used, but the way he cast it was absolutely amazing—I couldn\'t even tell when he drew his Mana.

With that said, I am really curious to see Velucan\'s full power. I am sure he didn\'t even use 10% of his power earlier, so I really want to know just how much damage he can cause if he uses his full power.

"I think you are the one who is impressive," Velucan remarks, surprising me. "How could you even survive an Earth Eater?"

As I turn to Velucan, I am greeted by his confused look. "It was purely luck. I was lucky enough to be able to charm a Forest Spirit to help me."

"You have a very bad sense of humor, pup." Velucan looks at me weirdly. "The only Spirit Forest like about Earth Eaters are their hearts, and they are not even the same!"

"Well, it is rather complicated to explain." I tilt my head slightly to urge the little Forest Spirit on my head to talk. "All you need to know is that I got lucky."

Sensing no response from her after few seconds, I conclude that she doesn\'t want her presence to be known by anyone but me, so I give up on making her speak.

Velucan also doesn\'t look like he can sense or see Luxia, so I guess it is fine to keep her existence a secret.

"What happened to the Earth Eater?" Velucan looks at me curiously.

"It died—I killed it after destroying its heart."

"How could you even find the heart?"

"Will you believe me if I say I just listened to my heart?"

Velucan\'s eyes instantly turn serious as he put his bloodied hand on my shoulder. "I believe that reason wholeheartedly." He nods in acceptance, much to my astonishment. "I have always listened to my heart too, and look where I am now."

"... In front of me?"

"Correct. Here I am standing in front of you as your General, because I have always listened to my heart." Velucan looks at me deeply. "Listen up, Pup. Learn from your experience. From now on, follow what your heart tells you to."

If I really take Velucan\'s word to my heart, I would have already punched him since three seconds ago—that\'s what my heart has told me to do. He, after all, has been practically dirtying my coat with his bloody hand—it\'s outrageous!

I don\'t do that obviously—I don\'t even move my hand to take Velucan\'s hand off my shoulder—because I slightly pity him for his smaller than average brain.

I just nod my head in understanding to show that I will keep what he said in mind, while in truth, I will never do that. After all, for such a stupidly strong individual like him, following his heart might bring him good, but for me, it will only bring disaster.

I have followed my heart to not leave Vibiane behind when we were running away from the Earth Eater, and it has almost cost my life.

That will be the last time I follow what my heart tells me to, so Velucan\'s word will never last in my mind.

"Seriously though, did you really get out of that creature purely by luck?"

"And tact," I add. "Finding the way to the back exit was not easy after all."

Velucan blinks his eyes once. "Oh! You came out of—"

"That is enough—there is no need to make it clear," I interrupt Velucan even before he manages to finish his sentence.

"It\'s alright, pup. We\'ve all been in a shitty situation like you... Not as literal as your situation, but you got what I mean." Velucan smirks almost too gleefully. "Kuhum! Anyway, what have you done to attract the attention of a pack of Golden Hounds?"

"They just came out of nowhere," I answer with a frown. "I sensed their presence when I was just three miles away from here, so I believe their master is nearby."

"Hmm... It is not a good news, isn\'t it?" Velucan scratches his head.

Golden Hounds, like our Hellhounds, don\'t run around by themselves. They tend to be uncontrollable when they are left alone, so all of them are entrusted to a master that will make them behave.

To say it simply, you can\'t just meet Golden Hounds randomly in nature, because they will only be at wherever you are if someone brings them there.

In other words, the appearance of the Golden Hounds is not a good news for us, because that means, there is someone or some people from the Temple lurking around, preparing to do whatever they want to do to us.

"Have you eliminated everyone in this village?" I ask.

"We have killed everyone but one. He was just a kid, so I told the others to let him go."

Bewildered, I can\'t help snorting. "Do you have tumour in your brain? What kind of Monster pities a human?" Velucan frowns and that makes me realize what I have just said. "Anyway, when did you let go of the boy?"

"Around 2 hours ago, I guess." Velucan hums to himself, before his eyes light up in realization. "Oh, crap. That kid reported us to the Temple!"

"A little bit late to realize what you have done, but at least you have realized it," I comment dryly.

Shrugging lightly, Velucan says, "We can just fight them, so it\'s fine."

I like how nonchalant he is looking at the matter, but I can\'t bring myself to like his way of belittling the possible shitstorm he has got us into.

If he keeps thinking that every problem he has caused will always be manageable, we may lose our lives one day. I, for sure, don\'t want that to happen.

"General, did something happen?!"

"What made you launch a Spell, General?!"

"Enemies?! Do we have enemies?!"

Just as I am about to discuss how we are going to proceed in this situation, the other warriors, who I have honestly forgot about, come running at us loudly. They mostly come out of the same building, and I strongly believe the building is a tavern.

Judging by how problematic the warriors under Velucan\'s lead are, I deduce that all of them have taken a long time to notice the commotion because they have been too busy emptying the booze stock of the tavern.

"Yup, they reek of alcohol."

Velucan and I are currently facing their way, so when they arrive in front of us, I can smell the thick scent of alcohol from them. None of them looks drunk, but my deduction is proven to be true regardless.

"Huh?! This guy is... Layland!"

"What?! That kid is still alive?!"

"Are you kidding me? That masked weirdo is alive?!"

"How? How could he survive the Earth Eater\'s stomach?!"

​ Everyone turns noisy as soon as they notice my presence, which honestly doesn\'t amuse me at all, as it has taken them long enough to realize it. All of them look at me in wonder and astonishment as they can\'t believe I have actually survived.

The little Luxia on my head, who somehow has found a way to hide herself from the people\'s gaze, doesn\'t seem to be comfortable with the crowd.

Her Mana is in a disarray, because she is overwhelmed by the crowd\'s chaotic Mana. Since I feel a little bad for her, I shield the top of my head with Mana to somehow lessen the disturbance she is enduring.

"L-Layland?! Y-You are alive!" At this loud exclamation, everyone turns silent. "Y-You managed to survive... I can\'t believe it. Layland is alive! Bwaah!"

I have only known Vibiane for a day as of now, but I am already so familiar with her, I have even figured out she is going to cry the moment she calls my name.

She does what I expect her to do—with remorse but no consideration, she cries as she runs and jumps at me.

"Huuh... Why is this idiot still alive?"

I let her hug me in the end, because I can\'t bring myself to beat the shit out of her... Yet.

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