On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

Chapter 148 Running Home (End)

"This is... The forest is helping us," I hear Haletha mutter.

Despite being able to see Luxia, like the others, she doesn\'t seem to be aware that Luxia has a hand in the phenomenon. Actually, I, too, am not very sure if this is caused by Luxia after what she had said to me before the tunnel appeared.

She did say she could help me since she had regained her connection with the land, but when I asked her to lead the way, she told me the forest would do that for me.

It is very confusing whether it was the forest\'s initiative or purely her doing, but either way, as long as we can really escape the forest, I don\'t care. The fact that those bastards can still follow us, though, is still unfortunate.

"Luxia, can you block the entrance of the tunnel?"

\'It\'s alright, Layland. I can assure you they won\'t be able to catch up to you.\'

I don\'t know what Luxia or the forest will do to hamper them—I can\'t see anything even if I turn around—but it is a good news. What I now worry about is whether they have people waiting for us by the time we emerge out of the tunnel.

Dark Elves have stayed in this forest for thousands of years. I believe they know every nook and cranny of it, so I am half expecting them to be able to predict where we will emerge.

"Haletha, I don\'t mean to to look down on Dark Elves in general, but may I ask you why our chasers are... Unimpressive?" I have been wanting to ask this.

Though many and skillful with their bow, the Dark Elves chasing after us are lacking power. I am confident in my skill, don\'t get me wrong, but it is just weird for me to able to kill them easily.

They are assigned to kill not just anyone but the Queen their King has dethroned, so I expected them to be powerful enough to overwhelm me. They are not, and it seems weird to me that Iorael sent small fry to do the job.

"... Well, actually, our chasers are mostly Trunk Guardians, which is the second highest rank in the Guardian system. They are quite powerful on their own—I don\'t mean to look down on you, but I don\'t think you would find them weak if the forest was not helping us."

"The forest?"

"It is a long story, but I can tell you if you don\'t mind."

Whatever story Haletha is going to tell me, I am sure I haven\'t heard it from Valeria. I am also extremely curious about the forest is helping us thing, so I immediately say yes to her offer.

"There is a powerful Forest Spirit dwelling in Amizanima Forest called Teanosvera. He is the reason why Amizanima Forest remains enveloped in darkness and the cause of the Magical things that happen inside."

"Our progenitor developed a friendship with Teanosvera, thus earning the right to build Lysimork inside the forest—his territory. It was said Teanosvera used to visit us often, but very few us had reportedly seen him."

"Throughout the years, Teanosvera also developed a friendship with some selected few. When our progenitor died, these people were the only people who could still communicate with Teanosvera, and we call them the Elders."

At that information, I ask, "Are the current Elders the same Elders as of back then?"

Elves have a very long lifespan, so I just want to make sure if the current Elders are the same Elders who saw the establishment of Lysimork. If they are, their old age must have made them forget about gratitude.

"No, they are not." Haletha shakes her head faintly. "The current Elders are the second generation of the original Elders\' descendants."

"Okay, please, continue the story."

"The Elders never dwell in the matter of the Kingdom, but each generation of Lysimork\'s rulers has always sought guidance to them, simply because of the wisdom they have for associating with Teanosvera."

Frowning in dissatisfaction, Haletha mutters, "Well, at least, until today." Turning to me, she continues, "Teanosvera is the protector of Amizanima Forest and also Lysimork. He is the reason why there have been so many fortunate things happening to us."

"Those Guardians became weaker than they should because the forest drains their Energy under Teanosvera\'s influence. Teanosvera takes pity on us and thus he is helping us."

"It is the sign that he doesn\'t agree with the Elders\' decision to side with Iorael, and also a reminder that he doesn\'t want to be involved with us Dark Elves anymore..."

"Why?" I ask.

"Forest Spirits, especially those who are as old as Teanosvera doesn\'t want to associate themselves with deceitful and greedy people. The current Elders have already deviated from their path, and that is not up to Teanosvera\'s liking."

"They no longer have the quality that Teanosvera saw in their predecessors. He is helping us as an attempt to show his disagreement with the Elders, but the Elders ignore it, so this will be the end of our friendship with him."

Humming to myself at the lengthy explanation, I remark, "It\'s too bad that he doesn\'t want to open up his heart to anyone after being disappointed once."

"Forest Spirits are not very sociable in the very first place." Haletha sighs lightly. "Honestly, I am even surprised those slimy Elders can keep in contact with Teanosvera this long."

"I guess Teanosvera just wanted to give them a chance to change." I shrug. "It was useless though."

The moment we cease our conversation, I immediately notice the lacking sound of footsteps that have been filling my ears for the last five minutes. This only indicates one thing: the rebel army is no more behind us.

I am pretty sure I haven\'t heard a single scream of pain or curse, so rather than obstructing or killing them, the forest, or rather, Teanosvera must have somehow misled them.

"Luxia, can you communicate with Teanosvera?" I mutter.

\'No, unfortunately. The only interaction we had was when he allowed me to use my power in his territory. Even then, he didn\'t talk to me; I could just feel a powerful presence and Energy, so I immediately concluded it was him.\'

"So, you knew all along?"

\'Not really. I just knew there was a powerful Spirit controlling this place, but I didn\'t know his name.\'

"That is weird considering how long you have lived," I comment.

\'The thing is, Layland, I spent most of my life in my own territory. Visiting other\'s territory is a hassle, so you get why I didn\'t know him.\'

"You really are not sociable, aren\'t you?"

I can\'t see Luxia\'s reaction, but I know she is shrugging right now. From this conversation, I can conclude that Forest Spirits stay neutral because they just generally don\'t care what others do.

"Ah, it is coming to an end—the tunnel!" Arieda exclaims.

We have been running in silence for five minutes at this point, so that exclamation breaks the silence. Although it returns just a few seconds after, the tunnel still feels loud due to our pounding heart.

All of us are anticipating what is waiting for us at the end of the tunnel. We prepare ourselves for combat, just in case our enemies are there to greet us.


When we emerge out of the tunnel, fortunately, our worry is proven to be unnecessary. Instead of our chasers, we are greeted by the cold wind and the bright moon of the night.

Much to our delight, we are already outside of Amizanima Forest. I heave a sigh of relief; I was worried that the rebel army would greet us upon emerging getting out of the forest. Had that been the case, I am sceptical if we would survive.

By then, after all, the forest would not hold them down anymore, so they would be able to use their real power. I am absolute we would be overwhelmed quite quickly.

"Say, Luxia, was it you or Teanosvera?"

\'Well, I did ask him for help, so it was technically him, but I don\'t think he would\'ve helped you if not for me.\'

"Thank you for your assistance."

\'Fu-fu-fu. I demand another Essence Peach!\'

Ignoring my Forest Spirit partner\'s ridiculous request, I channel Mana to my Rank Necklace. I send out a pulse, and wait for it to resonate with the Rank Necklace of Eliseus, who is tens of thousands of miles apart from me.

Faster than a radio signal, I got a response in just a second. I can now roughly feel the general location of Eliseus, and can\'t help sighing lightly due to the fact that we are heading to the exact opposite direction of where she is.

"Follow me!" I shout as I make a U turn. Everyone, thankfully, follows me without a question.

Looking back warily, I find no Dark Elves chasing after us. I believe they won\'t stop chasing after us however, so they will definitely catch up to us the moment they exit the forest.

Observing the people who decided to follow Haletha properly this time, I find 48 Dark Elves riding on 37 Varadomes behind us. It is ironic to me that a former Queen has only this many loyal subordinates.

Just as I began to think that I can finally trust people, this event reminds me why it was hard for me to. People are unpredictable: they may smile at you, but you can\'t tell whether they are hiding a flower or a knife behind their back.

"Well, it\'s time to go home!" Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I focus on the way to my home in this world—Verniculos Kingdom.

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