On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

Chapter 166 Before The Storm

Although Valeria doesn\'t actually know the mechanism of my Origin: Pride, she knows what it does to me. Her willingly fighting me must be her way of preparing me for the upcoming battle that is going to be more life-threatening than the situation I have ever been in.

I don\'t know how much she holds back—I have never gauged, nor do I dare to, her real power—but I believe she is giving me enough power-ups to significantly raise my odds of surviving.

Still, though, she is as merciless as usual.

"Well, I lost, it seems."

"That is to be expected."

Looking at the tip of the sword that is being pointed at me while I am lying on the ground, I wonder just what kind of Spell Valeria used to allow such an ordinary Relic to perform so well against Rexorem.

If she only relies on her Mana to make it happen, I will have to commend her immensely. Strengthening your weapon with your Mana to the point of making it unbreakable, after all, requires you to have a lot of it.

I can\'t imagine, for now, just how much Mana she possesses.

"Winning and losing against me in this duel, however, is not the point of it. To be able to stand on the same ground as me, you still have to wait for another year or two; thinking you will be able to win against me even though I am holding back is ridiculous."

"Calm down, Lady. I am self-conscious," I say wryly.

"Anyway, I am satisfied with your performance." Valeria retracts her sword, prompting me to stand up. "Your fighting style has become more refined, and the way you utilize your Mana is simply excellent."

Valeria pauses, then looks at the top of my head, which is where Luxia is. I feel Luxia shrinking in fear the moment she does that, and I am a little bit surprised since it is my first time sensing fear from Luxia.

"You two make a great duo," Valeria remarks. "Just don\'t rely on each other too much, and you will do well in the future."

I bow lightly to show my respect, and say, "Thank you for your guidance, Miss Valeria." I mean it from the depth of my heart. She is the person who made me who I am today—the person who changed my flawed mindset.

Upon standing straight, I notice a very unnoticeable blush on Valeria\'s cheeks; like usual, she is not that good at dealing with a sentimental situation. Fortunately for her, her experience allows her to recover quickly.

Nodding her head once, she graciously turns around. She is about leave the Arena, but she seems to remember something as she turns her head and looks at me seriously.

"Don\'t forget to fix the Arena."


She disappears immediately after saying that, and I also swiftly rush at Kruff, who is about to run away. We end up fixing the Arena together that night, but thanks to his help, it can be finished faster.


In the blink of an eye, morning came. Today is my last day in Verniculos Kingdom, because tomorrow is the day when we depart to Lysimork.

"Are you nervous?"

"I don\'t know. Can you tell?"

"I don\'t think you are."

Valeria and I are still in the bed. Her head is on top of my chest—she has been listening to my heartbeat in fascination ever since we woke up.

My heart beats wildly when I am in a battlefield, but it has ever been because of my nervousness. I have always got excited when I am faced with a strong opponent, and my heart races did to the adrenaline.

Outside of the battlefield, my heart is barely beating. I mean, it is beating, but it is beating so calmly, I sometimes wonder if I still have a heart.

"Are you going to do the same routine today?"

"Yes. I am going to train with Kruff until 8, and fight in the Arena until 10."

"Have you realized what you have become?"

"A strong man."

"The Demon version of Velucan."

Valeria lifts her head off my chest, and gets up as she looks at me neutrally. I chuckle lightly because I find her remark funny; I am too smart to become the brain muscle Velucan.

Valeria gets out of the bed afterwards, and lightly dresses herself. I follow suit, then head to the river in the Lost Cause Forest with her to take a bath.

"Why don\'t you spare some of your training time to relax? It is close to three months, and you have been involved in a lot of fights since day one," Valeria suggests on the way.

"I don\'t really have anything to do, really. Cutting off my training time just to do nothing seems very counterproductive to me," I reply. "Besides, the more I train, the stronger I become—isn\'t that a better choice?"

"I want to spend some time with you."

"Kuhum! I am sorry, what?"

Valeria is a direct person in anything that doesn\'t involve emotion. Because of that, I am slightly in disbelief after hearing her statement.

\'She is asking me for a date. My spring has come!\' I think as I hold back my smirk.

"I say I want to spend some time with you."

"Very well, let\'s meet at 12." I nod my head lightly. "I want to have a full day off, but I am going to have a duel against Kruff with my vision sealed today to better hone my instinct. I can\'t miss it."

"As long as I can spend some time with you today, it\'s fine."

I don\'t actually know what to make of the situation. The last time a girl showed this much of interest in me, I was trolled so hard, I picked up a gun out of rage.

I really hope Valeria is not going to troll me. I don\'t want to relive the memory of that betrayal ever again.

"I won\'t say I am the best, but I can give you my everything." A warm hand envelopes mine, pulling me out of my gloomful thought. "I may be merciless, but I am not so cruel as to break your heart. Trust me."

\'Is... Is it a confession?!\' I am panicking inwardly. \'H-How I should answer her? I am really shit at an emotional situation like this—just like her!\'

Calming myself down as I exhale lightly, I grasp Valeria\'s hand tighter. "You have my heart," I reply in anticipation.

"Your heart is in good hands."

A warm feeling immediately fills my chest.



"Wow! You learn quicker than yesterday."


"Yeah... You have an amazing learning speed before; but today, it has just become more amazing."

Returning Rexorem to the Bond Seal, I let Kruff unseal my vision. I am immediately greeted by his half baffled half amazed look, and I can\'t help smiling at that.

"I am in a good mood," I say simply.

"I wish a good mood will do that to me too." Kruff chuckles in amusement.

"Anyway, thank you for your guidance." I bow lightly in respect. "I am sorry for doubting you in the beginning."

"Nuh-uh, there is no need to thank me. As your senior, it is my duty to guide you." Kruff shakes his head lightly. "Besides, you have always treated me a heavenly meal, so it\'s an equal exchange."

"Ah, right. About [Senbonzakura], I haven\'t—"

"It\'s fine." Kruff waves his hand nonchalantly. "I was lying when I told you I was curious about it. I just wanted to impart you my knowledge, and spend my time hanging out with you."

I am a little bit surprised, so I don\'t know what to say. I stare at him silently as if asking if he is serious, and he merely chuckles at that.

"You know... I once had a junior too." Kruff gazes at the sky, and the mood became gloomy. "She was just as sceptical as you at first, but foul-mouthed. I was intrigued by her immense potential, so I trained her."

"A week—I had only trained her for a week, and she almost managed to defeat me. I was so proud of myself that time, and stopped training her because I didn\'t think she still needed it."

Turning to me with a bitter smile, Kruff continued, "I was wrong. She fell in one of our major battles, and it bothers my mind until today. \'If only I had trained her more, she wouldn\'t have to suffer that fate,\' is what I always think."

Kruff pats my shoulder and smiles faintly. "Seeing someone whose potential is way greater than her, I can\'t bring myself to let him suffer the same fate—it is just painful to see it happen."

"That wasn\'t your fault though," I remark with a light frown. "Your weakness is your responsibility. You can\'t blame someone else for it."

"Thank you for being an amazing junior." Saying nothing about my response, Kruff takes his hand off my shoulder, and walks away.

"Remember, never hesitate to reach out to me when you need guidance. I may not be of help soon, but I will do my best to help you."

It is strange—seeing an Orc showing that much emotion. Cursed Creations—Monsters, especially—have always been described as heartless; but Kruff, just like the Monsters living in Scentillion, has proven the otherwise.

Calling them Cursed Creations really says something about the God of this world, considering how twisted humans can be to their own kin.

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